Sunday, July 10, 2016

Paralogue 6.2.1: Saying Busty Like a Bunch of Morons

Featuring: Yavae, Kaija, Vivianna, Kazama, Leodin, Elwyn

Yavae shops the market for dinner ingredients with Kaija, Yavae's small-yet-strong retainer, and they sample a variety of tasty Nohrian treats from Vivianna. A distrustful Kazama has a tense moment with the Fire Tribeswomen, then approaches Vivianna's stand to buy some baked goods, but she shooes him away in a jealous rage. While the three young Nolorians learn about each other, Leodin and Elwyn come down from the rooftops [5.35] to investigate the source of the scream. Infatuated, Vivianna offers Elwyn her baked goods, and then both of them become extremely flustered about their femininity after some comments from Kazama and Yavae.

[1:35 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae and Kaija are wandering the market again, this time getting food so Kaija can cook a meal, Yavae still didn't trust the food cooked by 'outsiders' much
[1:36 PM] Willis Wilstar: "So princess, y'know what you want to get?"
[1:36 PM] Mika: Vivianna smiles as she offers more baked good, who knew they would sell so good. Doesn't help that she used her voice to draw people over.
[1:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, It's been a while since we had some nice bread. Think you could make us sandwiches tonight?"
[1:38 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yeah sure."
[1:38 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija wanders over to Vivi's stall
[1:38 PM] Mika: "Hello miss! Care to try some brownies, first ones on me."
[1:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Brownies..?" Yavae has no idea what those are
[1:39 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Don't act like I know"
[1:39 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Uhh.. I guess I'll try one"
[1:39 PM] Willis Wilstar: She reaches up for one
[1:40 PM] Mika: Vivi watches and offers the other girl one as well.
[1:40 PM] Willis Wilstar: She manages to get one and takes a bite
[1:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She is suspiscious but takes it, waiting to see Kaija's reaction
[1:40 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Oh shit yes."
[1:40 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama makes his way out into the marketplace. Still suspicious, he begins to tail the cloaked woman and her entourage.
[1:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Is it good..?"
[1:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Is it poisoned?"
[1:41 PM] Willis Wilstar: " not at all. It's definitely poison. You don't want any."
[1:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Alright, it's fine then."
[1:41 PM] Willis Wilstar: "In fact it would probably be safer if I ate yours"
[1:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She eats her own one
[1:41 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Damn it"
[1:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Her eyes go wide. This was not only her first time trying the foods of this land, but her first time trying chocolate
[1:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You there, baker, what is your name?" Her tone is very serious
[1:43 PM] Mika: She blinks and points to herself. "Me? I'm Vivianna."
[1:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivianna." Her tone is still serious, she looks her in the eyes and studies her
[1:43 PM] AOMRocks20: Hrm. The same woman who met Elwyn.
[1:43 PM] AOMRocks20: And... inexplicably ran off.
[1:44 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija stares at the brownies
[1:44 PM] Willis Wilstar: "I need to know how to make these."
[1:45 PM] Mika: "Huh, oh sure. I would give you the recipe but I kinda made them from total scratch. I was not quite myself when I made them." She starts to show her the other things on sale. "Would you two care to try something else?"
[1:46 PM] Willis Wilstar: "...what else is there?"
[1:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivianna, I declare that you are the greatest baker I have ever met!" She grins, suddenly reaching out and holding Vivianna's hand up like a ref would do for a boxer who just won a match
[1:47 PM] Mika: "Huh?!" She looks confused. "I-I'm not!"
[1:47 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama rubs his chin. She's not a regular. May as well try some.
[1:47 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Damn it Yavae stop being weird you're drawing attention"
[1:48 PM] Mika: "B-But to answer you, I've got a lot. Do you like cake or pie, cookies or fruit tarts."
[1:49 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Cookies. Whatever that is. It sounds great."
[1:49 PM] Mika: "Eh ok, any flavor or would you just like me to surprise you?"
[1:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She lets her hand go "I think you are, baker."
[1:49 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Anything."
[1:50 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama stands behind the two, arms folded.
[1:51 PM] Mika: How strange these two are. She nods and begins to wrap a few cookies. She notices the man while she does and her smile dims.
[1:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, are you going to keep following us, ninja?"
[1:51 PM] Mika: "So that's going to be Sugar, Chocolate Chip, and Oatmeal Raisin." She hopes her smile hasn't turned into a grimce.
[1:52 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Okay. How much is that?"
[1:52 PM] AOMRocks20: He doesn't respond.
[1:52 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija is ignoring everything in the name of sweet food
[1:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, keep getting food, don't waste all our money, and remember the bread." She sighs and turns around, towards Kazama
[1:53 PM] Mika: "3 gold please and I have bread as well miss."
[1:53 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yeah. Also bread. I need that as well"
[1:54 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shuffles his shoulders.
[1:54 PM] Mika: She nods. "How much do you need? A fist size or bigger?"
[1:56 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, are you going to answer? It's rude not to."
[1:56 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Bigger"
[1:56 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Enough for me and the big one"
[1:57 PM] AOMRocks20: He turns to Yavae, apparently just now noticing her. "Ah, hello, Miss. What were you saying?"(edited)
[1:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Did you think I would forget the last time we met..?"
[1:58 PM] Mika: "A whole loaf then." She smiles and bags the bread. "That will be 9 gold please."
[1:58 PM] AOMRocks20: "Right, right. You're Miss... Yavae, correct?"
[1:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Indeed. And I do not appreciate being followed."
[2:00 PM] Willis Wilstar: She hands her the money and wanders off to find Yavae
[2:00 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles. "I assure you, I was not following you."
[2:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, then you should be sure not to." She turns back to Kaija
[2:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Now, Kaija, what did you get?"
[2:02 PM] Mika: Vivianna sighs. Well she was low for the day, time to clean up and close. She starts to wrap of the extra food. "~You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek~"
[2:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: "I got bread."
[2:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: "I also got cookies"
[2:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Whatever those are"
[2:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, cookie me." She holds out a hand
[2:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: She hands her one
[2:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She eats it happily
[2:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[Who's the weird dude?]"
[2:03 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[I met him a few days ago, he seems to be an authority here. I think he may be following us. Keep an eye out.]"
[2:03 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama rolls his eyes. As if she would know I was following her. He shuffles past them. "Pardon me." He heads over to Vivian's stand.
[2:04 PM] Mika: "~Life beyond the shore just out of reach~" She finishes the basket and closes the tent. "~Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time~"
[2:04 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[That's weird.. well, I'll keep a lookout"
[2:04 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama holds up a hand. "Pardon me, miss."
[2:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Also, that baker is fantastic, we are coming back here later definitely.]"
[2:05 PM] Mika: She stops and turns to him, her smile gone. "Yes?"
[2:06 PM] AOMRocks20: "Did you have any more baked goods I could purchase?"
[2:06 PM] Mika: "No I do not."
[2:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah. There will be more tomorrow, I assume?"
[2:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...?" She looks over and sees him talking to Vivianna "[Kaija, look- This might go bad.]"
[2:07 PM] Mika: "There will but I do not think I will have any for you sir."
[2:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Why is that?"
[2:07 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[Do I need to actually do something? Don't tell me I'll have to do something]"
[2:08 PM] Mika: "I do not feel like selling you any of my cooking."
[2:08 PM] AOMRocks20: "...may I ask why?"
[2:08 PM] Mika: "No."
[2:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Not yet, but if he harrasses her we break him in half. Or just scare him off]"
[2:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "...have I done something to wrong you, miss? If so, I would be happy to help in any way I can."
[2:10 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[That's fine with me]"
[2:10 PM] Mika: She glares at him. "~Cause I can't make you love me if you don't~"
[2:11 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[What the fuck]"
[2:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "...pardon?"
[2:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[What in the name of...? Wait, is he planning to force her into lovemaking?]"
[2:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She looks angry now
[2:11 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[No I think it may be the other way around]"
[2:11 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[This is weird]"
[2:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[What...? I don't know what is happening, but I have a bad feeling about this man]"
[2:12 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[I have a bad feeling about this whole situation]"
[2:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Kaija, if he plans to force himself on this girl we must stop it.]"
[2:13 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[I am almost 100% sure that is not happening and I am honestly confused as to how you are coming to that conclusion]"
[2:13 PM] Mika: She picks up the basket. "~He better hold him tight, give him all his love. Look in those beautiful eyes and know he’s lucky.~"
[2:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Now she looks confused
[2:14 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[See? Let's just get the hell out of here]"
[2:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Well, whatever is happening she at least is making it clear she doesn't wish to speak to him and he still isn't leaving]"
[2:15 PM] AOMRocks20: "..."
[2:15 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama folds his arms, thinking.
[2:15 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Ah, I see."
[2:15 PM] Mika: "Now if you please, I have to go."
[2:16 PM] AOMRocks20: " knew he was gay, right?"
[2:16 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Alright, he is refusing to leave this girl alone and I will not stand for it!]"
[2:16 PM] Mika: "Of course, a man as beauitful as him could never love a girl. Still it hurts."
[2:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She suddenly pulls off her and Kaija's cloaks and poses menacingly, expecting Kaija to do he same despite the fact that she likely won't "Hey! How about you leave the girl alone?"
[2:17 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija just looks more surprised
[2:18 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see. I'm sorry you are hurt--hm?" Kazama turns, confused.
[2:18 PM] Mika: Vivianna looks like she wants to run. "I don't want a sorry..I just never want to se..." She stops also confused.
[2:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You heard me, she doesn't seem to want to talk to you, ninja."
[2:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So get out of here, making someone cry like that is disgraceful."
[2:19 PM] Mika: she was crying again...damn it how weak. Vivi wips her tears mad at herself.
[2:20 PM] AOMRocks20: "...I'm sorry, I see no way how this is any of your business."
[2:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She is the greatest baker in the world in my book, and as such is above being harassed."
[2:21 PM] Mika: "Ninji please never talk to me again, I don't want to be reminded of what I'm not." She takes a deep breath, and starts to move behind the girl.
[2:21 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Neither do I"
[2:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Well, she's now standing protectively as well as menacingly
[2:21 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shrugs. "My apologies, Miss baker."
[2:22 PM] Mika: "Don't...just don't. Leave is all I'm asking."
[2:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She waits for the ninja to go
[2:25 PM] AOMRocks20: "Seeing as I'm head of security, that's quite impossible. I only hope you get over this rejection."
[2:25 PM] Mika: "I already am! I am! I'm fine!"
[2:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I'm pretty sure the head of security has better things to do with his time then continue to stick around girls in distress"
[2:27 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course, Miss Yavae. I have things I need to purchase. Goodbye. I hope you can get over your aversion of me, Miss Baker." He begins to head toward another stall.
[2:27 PM] Mika: "I won't ever." She sighs and slumps down.(edited)
[2:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Good riddance, scum]"
[2:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Now, sorry that had to happen, Vivianna the baker." She turns to her
[2:28 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama sighs. I suppose I'll take it...
[2:29 PM] Mika: "It's fine. I..I..need to release steam..y-you don't mind if I let out a scream?"
[2:30 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That's fine, bottling up what you feel is foolish."
[2:30 PM] Willis Wilstar: "[We did it. We're heroes]"
[2:31 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Hey baker lady, you want something to help calm down?"
[2:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, no."
[2:31 PM] Mika: She nods before letting out an awful scream. It's loud.
[2:31 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Kaija YES"
[2:31 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Oh dear fuck what"
[2:31 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama quickly dashes back, looking concerned. He's also holding a shuriken. "Is somebody hurt?!"
[2:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ninja what did I say?" She scolds
[2:32 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Shoo shoo"
[2:32 PM] Mika: She pants before laughing. "I feel better!" She laughs. "Oh..that was loud."
[2:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's alright Vivianna, that was quite the war cry!" She laughs
[2:32 PM] AOMRocks20: "...I just heard an awful screech, Yavae. It's my duty to ensure everyone is unhurt."
[2:33 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Shhhhooooo!"
[2:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "As Kaija says, shoo!"
[2:33 PM] Mika: "Well I am a soprano." She smiles.
[2:33 PM] Willis Wilstar: "I have great wisdom"
[2:33 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama ignores them. "Miss? Are you okay?"(edited)
[2:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Soprano...? You are a singer?"
[2:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She, likewise, is ignoring Kazama now
[2:34 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yav, I need a match"
[2:34 PM] Mika: "I am, I quite love it." She ignore the man.
[2:35 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Miss."
[2:35 PM] AOMRocks20: i swear to GODS i am going to arrest this woman
[2:36 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Weird ninja guy. She's okay."
[2:36 PM] AOMRocks20: shut up yavae you can't read minds
[2:36 PM] Mika: "I just had to scream, you made me really mad. Please leave before I do so again."
[2:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, that's a nice skill, Vivianna! can you fight too?"
[2:37 PM] AOMRocks20: "...But... are you unhurt? That's all I ask."
[2:37 PM] Mika: "I'm fiiine, please go away!" She blushes. "I..I can fight."
[2:38 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent! Even if you're an outsider I can sense a fire in your heart!"
[2:38 PM] AOMRocks20: "Alright." He returns to the other stalls.
[2:38 PM] Mika: She laughs. "Fire?"
[2:38 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Hey speaking of fire match'
[2:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yep. It's kind of our thing. You can probably guess from our clothes and voices, but we aren't from here. Also, Kaija, hand me whatever you need to have lit."
[2:39 PM] Willis Wilstar: She hands her pipe to Yavae
[2:40 PM] Mika: "I've been meeting a lot of forigen people these days. I'm not from here as well."
[2:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She pokes her little finger into the pipe, with a small puff of light it's suddenly lit. She hands it back
[2:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, where are you from then?"
[2:41 PM] Mika: "Nohr."
[2:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She looks rather surprised
[2:42 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija takes a long and happy drag
[2:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I didn't realize we would meet Nohrians here! nor that they were so skilled sometimes!"
[2:42 PM] REWlego: Leodin puts Elwyn down on a nearby rooftop and watches what's going on
[2:42 PM] Mango: "Do you see if anyone is hurt?"
[2:43 PM] Mika: "Haha well yes back home, I was part of the army."
[2:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, then you probably have realized where we are from then."
[2:44 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama raises an eyebrow, looking up. Did I just hear...?
[2:45 PM] Mango: "Oh, no matter..." Elwyn grabbed his staff and whistled for his horse.
[2:45 PM] Mika: "Fire Tribe?" She stops and looks around.(edited)
[2:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, you can be proud to know you have earned a bit of respect from the fire tribe today."(edited)
[2:45 PM] Mika: "Did you hear that?"
[2:45 PM] REWlego: Leodin climbs down the building and sees everyone gathered around
[2:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I did..." She looks for the noise
[2:45 PM] Mango: Elwyn ran and leaped off the building. "Michel!"
[2:46 PM] AOMRocks20: "Elwyn?" Kazama backs up. "What're you--!!"
[2:46 PM] Mika: "Elwyn?"
[2:46 PM] REWlego: "Oh, hi everyone.... ELWYN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
[2:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Girl man?"
[2:46 PM] Mango: His horse arrived and he fell on Michel. "I heard a scream, is someone hurt?!"
[2:46 PM] Mika: She blushes, looking down. "N-No."
[2:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "We are all fine girl man, now shoo!"
[2:46 PM] REWlego: Leodin runs over underneath to catch him, but then gets trampled by the horse
[2:46 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama chuckles, jogging over to Elwyn and Michel. "Don't you ever try something like that!"
[2:47 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Screaming causes nothing good."
[2:47 PM] Mika: He was worried..
[2:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well except the man your horse trampled"
[2:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "He's not fine"
[2:47 PM] Willis Wilstar: "All these people. This is terrible"
[2:47 PM] REWlego: "ow."
[2:47 PM] Mango: "Oh..." Elwyn looked embarrassed.
[2:47 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama grabs Leodin, hoisting him up.
[2:47 PM] AOMRocks20: "Leodin, you alright?"
[2:47 PM] Mango: "Well, I see that nobody is hurt...other than Leodin. I apologize for bothering you girls." He bowed.
[2:47 PM] Mika: Ah he looks so cute today..She shakes her head. "I-It's fine!"
[2:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivianna, Kaija, let's go from here. This place is getting crazy."
[2:48 PM] Mango: "It is my duty to help those in need, so I only thought that someone was hurt, and came right away."
[2:48 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yes please. Anywhere but here"
[2:48 PM] REWlego: "Thanks.... Oh, Vivianna, Yavae, good to see you."
[2:48 PM] Mika: "W-Wait..I..I have some baked good for you Elwyn."
[2:48 PM] Mango: "Oh, really?"
[2:48 PM] REWlego: Not for me?
[2:48 PM] Mika: "Y-Yes.."
[2:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "That's very kind of you, Miss... Kaija?"
[2:49 PM] Mango: "'m terribly, terribly sorry for what happened to you."
[2:49 PM] Mango: "I didn't mean to upset you."
[2:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija is the small one"
[2:49 PM] Willis Wilstar: What? What do you want, weird ninja dude? "
[2:49 PM] Mika: She opesn her basket and pulls out some, already walking closer to him.
[2:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Not the busty one"
[2:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah, my apologies."
[2:49 PM] Mika: She stops. "B-Busty?!"
[2:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes. Busty."
[2:50 PM] Mango: "Busty?"
[2:50 PM] Mango: "...What does that mean?"
[2:50 PM] Mika: "Ah! Here Elwyn!" She offers the food to him
[2:50 PM] AOMRocks20: "It's when a woman has an exceptionally large chest."
[2:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She's far more feminine than you, girl man"
[2:50 PM] REWlego: "Isn't it a bit taboo to talk about things like that?"
[2:50 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Are we all just saying busty like a bunch of morons?"
[2:50 PM] Mango: "I...don't appriciate being called girl man..."
[2:51 PM] Mika: She looks ready to faint right now. "P-Pease t-take t-them!"
[2:51 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Try not having it be the most accurate description of you"
[2:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't appreciate your ninja friend harassing my newest friend."
[2:51 PM] Mango: "But anyways..." He took the baked food that Vivianna gave him. "Thank you. I would like to apologize again..."
[2:51 PM] Mika: "N-No! It's fine.."
[2:51 PM] Mango: He bowed again. "May the Gods bless the rest of your journey."
[2:51 PM] REWlego: What is going on here?
[2:52 PM] Mika: "Ah.." She finally falls. "I-I'm ok!" She wasn't the chest heavy was she...(edited)
[2:52 PM] Mango: "Oh, let me help you..." Elwyn helped Vivianna up.
[2:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh!" She tries to help pick her up as well
[2:52 PM] REWlego: "Vivianna!" Leodin runs and helps Elwyn.
[2:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Only so many people can do this at once, masked man!"
[2:53 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama stands near Michel.
[2:53 PM] Mango: "I agree with Yavae."
[2:53 PM] Mika: "T-Thanks!" This is terrible! Elwyn probly thinks me a school girl.
[2:53 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija watches with amusement

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