Tuesday, October 11, 2016

85.0.2: Our Little Princeling

Featuring: Sula, Vivianna

[11:26 PM] Kwakado: The restaurant was warmly lit, and vaguely Nohrian in style, with small square tables dotting the floor. But when they were seated at one, the odd couple found that nearly everything on the menu was Khlinese.
[11:30 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh..um..this is different.."
[11:36 PM] Kwakado: "I was not expecting it to be so...familiar." Sula looks over the menu idly, running a finger along some of the symbols. "But new to you, yes?"
[11:39 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Very much..I can't read this at all."
[11:42 PM] Kwakado: "Ha..their food can be very, intricate too..." Sula seals his eyes for a moment to hum, wracking his memory. "You like, sweet foods, yes?"
[11:44 PM] Spoopy Mika: She gives him a look as if to say why didn't he remember. "Mmm I do."
October 13, 2016
[12:00 AM] Kwakado: "Ask for, jasmine rice, then..." He looked back to her, then the menu. "Spinach, too...for the baby, hmm." Sula squints harder at the Hoshidan script...wishing he could understand more than a little of it. "..ods.."
[12:03 AM] Spoopy Mika: She looks at the menu and smiles pointing out a dish to the waiter. "I don't know what I got but it sounded cool."
[12:08 AM] Kwakado: Sula points to something else, still squinting as if to wring the truth out of the menu. "Kang-som? With, jasmine." He shrugs as the waiter departs, then stops to turn around to him. "And some milk!"
[12:10 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Why milk?"
[12:12 AM] Kwakado: He relaxes his face into a knowing smile. "It is, not for us."
[12:14 AM] Spoopy Mika: She looks at him confused.
[12:14 AM] Kwakado: "Ah, forgive me.." He waves a hand to the side. "It will keep your child strong."
[12:19 AM] Spoopy Mika: She blinks before a pleased look settled on her face. "Our child Sula."
[12:22 AM] Kwakado: "Oh, did I say..?" Sula shakes his head, finally putting down the menu. "I know that, love."
[12:26 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Do you, this baby is going to be something special...made because of our love...he isn't just mine."
[12:36 AM] Kwakado: "Truly. And that is why I will protect him, ii-o." Sula speaks the vowels reverently, as if binding himself with a spell.
[12:38 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Ii-o? Is that a blessing? "
[12:40 AM] Kwakado: "After, as before. It means, it will keep going on." Sula lowers his head. "My love."
[12:44 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Your language is so wonderful, Sula maybe we could name out son after a word."
[1:10 AM] Kwakado: "Ha ha, truly? I do not want to bring...bad luck to him..."
[1:14 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh..I guess I'll name him then.."
[12:40 PM] Kwakado: "Mm, that would be better." Leaning back, Sula relaxes a bit. "What were you thinking of?"
[12:42 PM] Spoopy Mika: "..Something nobel of course. Nohran..maybe?"
[12:42 PM] Kwakado: "Of course."
[12:44 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Vladislav?"
[12:45 PM] Kwakado: "...what"? He reaches out to her in genuine concern. She couldn't have choked on the food, since it wasn't here, but was she still getting sick?
[12:46 PM] Spoopy Mika: "His name Vladislav, what do you think?"
[12:46 PM] Kwakado: "...That is a name? It sounds like....Nanyo magic..." Sula manages to keep from grimacing in disgust.(edited)
[12:48 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh well..ah Leopold maybe?"
[12:51 PM] Kwakado: "Huu?" This time, the response is unavoidable. "Who are his parents? Leo-a, and a wild Poar-u?"
[12:52 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Hardicanute then?"
[12:54 PM] Kwakado: "Vivi-a!" Sula sighs. "Dwabi do not find names until birth...but maybe, maybe we should use my language."
[12:55 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Wolfram is a wonderful name honey!"
[12:58 PM] Kwakado: "These...are not even names, are they."
[1:02 PM] Spoopy Mika: "They are!"
[1:05 PM] Kwakado: Sula clicks his tongue. "You cannot fool me...I can tell the sounds of parrots."(edited)
[1:07 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Hmmm..then how about..Paris?"
[1:08 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi opens his mouth to retort, but pauses, humming.
[1:09 PM] Spoopy Mika: She smiles. "You like it?"
[1:11 PM] Kwakado: One eyelid slides open. "It sounds nice...for something you made up, ha."
[1:16 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I did not Sula! It's a real name, one very princely!
[1:20 PM] Kwakado: "Like a, a prince." His head gives slow, contemplative nods. "Not too long, either."
[1:21 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You don't like long names?"
[1:23 PM] Kwakado: "Well." Sula folds his hands over the table. "For Dwabi, a long name is, Sula, ha."(edited)
[1:25 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Wow..then we agree he will be Paris..our little princeling."
[1:30 PM] Kwakado: "Agree? I do not remember saying that..." But his warm smile shows otherwise. "...if, if that is what you want, sweetheart. I do not mind."(edited)
[1:32 PM] Spoopy Mika: She gives him a grin back. "I'm glad..you've come to accept this..us..our child."
[1:37 PM] Kwakado: "Well-" And the food comes, with a bittersweet soup and a bowl of rice for Sula, and on Vivianna's side....(edited)
[1:57 PM] Spoopy Mika: Roasted duck with a side of mixed vegetables and tea the smells very good. "Oh wow..this is a lot."
[2:15 PM] Kwakado: "But it looks good..." Sula starts eating right away.
[2:20 PM] Spoopy Mika: She pokes it before digging in as well.
[2:24 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Yummy!"
[2:25 PM] Kwakado: "Hmm...not too bad, ha ha." He eats a little less vigorously now, but still enjoys it.
[2:26 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You know this is our second date and yet I'm already pregnant..you work fast." She giggles
[2:35 PM] Kwakado: "I, ah..." A little color tinges his face, and he gulps down more soup. "...Yes I do."
[2:37 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I don't mind...I knew from the first date that,what we had was special."
[2:51 PM] Kwakado: "Anyone can see it, love." He winks proudly to her.
[2:54 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh really huh, you couldn't at first."
[2:56 PM] Kwakado: "That you had fallen for me? Maybe you are too good of a performer.."
[2:59 PM] Spoopy Mika: "No you are just blind, evrryone else could see it."
[3:00 PM] Kwakado: "Well! Maybe Sula-e should work as an entertainer, then."
[3:01 PM] Spoopy Mika: She rolls her eyes.
[3:02 PM] Kwakado: "...we will be a wonderful family." Sula looks into her eyes, like windows into a far-off dream.(edited)
[3:06 PM] Spoopy Mika: She blushes. "You really think so?"
[3:07 PM] Kwakado: "Do you not?"
[3:07 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I..I don't know."
[3:08 PM] Kwakado: Sula blinks rapidly. "Vivi-e?"
[3:12 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I believe so."
[3:13 PM] Kwakado: "Then we agree, yes."
[3:14 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Are you really ok with being a father?"
[3:26 PM] Kwakado: "Of course." Immediate, and curt. "It was just a surprise. But truly, I am."
[3:29 PM] Spoopy Mika: She looks at him worried..was he truly happy.
[3:41 PM] Kwakado: "Paris-i...." Sula gives a wistful smile over the table. "I could teach him to climb, and fish, and cook..tell him tales....watch him grow to be a lovely man. Ho Kwemo."
[5:55 PM] Spoopy Mika: She let's out a blissful sigh. "That sounds wonderful."
[6:00 PM] Kwakado: Sula takes in an uneasy breath. "Yes...I would like to have that future. So it is good that you told me."
[6:01 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I wonder where we will live though..."
[6:10 PM] Kwakado: He takes in their surroundings. A Nohrian aesthetic, with Khlinese food in Freyzenese territory...all of it paled in comparison to the one answer he could not give. "We have, many months to find it, yes? I am sure Queen Lunare-a will be taking us to many new places."
[6:37 PM] Spoopy Mika: "That's true...maybe we could settle in your homeland. I heard it's beautiful."
[6:55 PM] Kwakado: "It was." Beset on all sides by empty possibilities, Sula leaned back wistfully. "Peaceful, and hot. It keeps life easy, most times. And music in every tree.."
[7:08 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Do you think I would like it there?"
[7:30 PM] Kwakado: "I think so..." Sula takes a few more bites of the rice. "There is a lot to do in the south, I hear. The resorts are very famous."(edited)
[7:30 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You've never been?"
[7:32 PM] Kwakado: "Only when I was a boy. Those towns are more for the kingdoms, than the Dwabi, ha ha ha. But it was fun."
[7:35 PM] Spoopy Mika: "For kingdome..then where did the dwabi live?"
[7:47 PM] Kwakado: "All over..some in the resorts, some in the City...and I came from the city in the north." He seems to have lightened up a little more. "But there is a reason they call the land Dwabi...you can find them anywhere!"
[7:59 PM] Spoopy Mika: She laughs. "But I bet you are special, no other Dwabi is like you. I just know it love."
[8:03 PM] Kwakado: "And no one in Nohr, is like you." Sula raises his milk glass. "We are special."
[8:08 PM] Spoopy Mika: She toast with him. "Don't get too big of a head dear."(edited)
[8:13 PM] Kwakado: "Too late." Sula gulps down the drink. "I work fast."
[8:17 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Sula it's milk not wine." She sips on hers.
[8:17 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Don't drink it so fast."
[8:50 PM] Kwakado: "Ah, gods..." Sula sets it down. "Now I have to start setting a good example, ha."
[8:54 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Of course, our son is going to look up to you."
[8:57 PM] Kwakado: "Can we not just tell him, 'Sula-o is strange, never listen to that fool?'" He carries a mocking tone, but eats his soup much more reservedly now.
[9:05 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Mm I'll tell him is father is a wonderful man and that even if he seems silly, you should listen to him."
[9:09 PM] Kwakado: "Then he will be a very successful prince. Have you seen how the Queen eats?"
[9:11 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Hm no, have I even meet the queen..I meet the princess.."
[9:12 PM] Kwakado: "It was an accident, to be true. But she seemed very, honest." Sula purses his lips. "If Freyzenwald survives, I wonder if we could find a home here..."(edited)
[9:16 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Here? I do like it here but..oh I don't know..I'd like to see Nohr once more..before the child is born."
[9:22 PM] Kwakado: "Then I'll take you back...I want to see your home, too."
[9:26 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Even if you think it's..um..nayno?"
[9:27 PM] Kwakado: "Sweetheart, I am nanyo...Maybe I'll like it." The exiled Dwabi reaches across to give her hand a light touch.
[9:32 PM] Spoopy Mika: She smiles and plays with his fingers, letting her hand rest in his. "You are not nanyo, you are kemo remember." She gives him a loving look.
[9:33 PM] Kwakado: "Whatever you say, love." Sula looks down at the table...then back to his fiancee. "Are we finished here?"(edited)
[9:35 PM] Spoopy Mika: She nods taking her hand back. "I suppose."
[9:37 PM] Kwakado: "Well." Standing, Sula offers with his arm to help her up. "Dessert can come later."
[9:39 PM] Spoopy Mika: She takes it and stands. "Yes..I wouldn't mind having dessert back in your room."
[9:43 PM] Kwakado: "Right now?" He pays for the meal with some leftover prize money from the arena, then they exit. "Or should we walk more and, build up an appetite?"(edited)
[9:45 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Lets see the sunset first ok."
[9:46 PM] Kwakado: "The sunse--?" Sula looks up to see that it was much later than he'd thought. "I must have kept you waiting a long time earlier.."
[9:49 PM] Spoopy Mika: "We spent a lot of time eating..I didn't notice." She tugs him after her as she finds a small privent spot to relax.
[9:51 PM] Kwakado: He sits down beside her, looking across the plains at the setting sun. Despite everything, it hadn't changed a bit in its endless flight.
[9:54 PM] Spoopy Mika: She waits for him to say something.
[10:00 PM] Kwakado: "...I love you." Sula lays a hand across her stomach. "Both of you."
[10:02 PM] Spoopy Mika: She moves closer, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "I'm glad. I...I'm so happy we meet."
[10:04 PM] Kwakado: "It has been, a lot of trouble, and a lot of fun. And there is no one I would rather share this time with, than you."
[10:07 PM] Spoopy Mika: She starts to cry but she doesn't sound sad. "Old men shouldn't be so cute." She tries to wipe her tears away quickly.
[10:15 PM] Kwakado: "They shouldn't make their ladies cry, either." He dries her tears with his hand, losing sight of the sun.
[10:17 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I'm happy these are happy tears."
[10:21 PM] Kwakado: "And this cute old man is happy, too." Sula brings his lips to her joy-stained cheek for a teasing kiss.
[10:22 PM] Spoopy Mika: She giggles,letting her hands play in his hair.
[10:27 PM] Kwakado: "Vivi-e..." He chuckles back. "Now you are too cute."
[10:28 PM] Spoopy Mika: "..I-I'm always cute."
[10:30 PM] Kwakado: "And now it's too much, sweetheart. You will drive me mad..."
[10:33 PM] Spoopy Mika: She shutters. "W-What do you mean by that?"
[10:34 PM] Kwakado: He blinks, ignorant to the weight of his own words. "Oh, ha, nothing. I am joking, of course. You could never truly make me, mad....but you are cute."(edited)
[10:41 PM] Spoopy Mika: She pouts. "You meant..s-something..I know you did.."
[10:46 PM] Kwakado: "...Only that if you keep being so sweet..." The Dwabi's voice darkens, alongside his cloudy eyes and the sky above. "I won't be able to resist."(edited)
[10:51 PM] Spoopy Mika: She gasp as her voice shakes a little. "Those eyes of yours make my legs weak."
[10:54 PM] Kwakado: "Oh?" Blinking, his eyes roll to the side, as if to inspect themselves. "Sounds like it is too late." Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sula lifts her as he stands.
[10:55 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I wish I could say things like you do to me.." She clings a little to him
[10:56 PM] Kwakado: "What would you say to me?" They start walking back to the inn.(edited)
[10:57 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I don't know..I'm..not..seductive."
[10:58 PM] Kwakado: "...Perhaps not with your words. But that is only one way, to show me how you feel."(edited)
[11:01 PM] Spoopy Mika: "So..how do I drive you wild Sula-e~?"
[11:10 PM] Kwakado: "When you sing for me...and cook for me...and cry for me." He walks her down a lonely street. "The way you ride Shimi-e, and care for Este-i...and everyone you see, whoever they are." Sula's voice sinks to a near whisper. "Your hair...your skin...and that look in your eyes.."
[11:13 PM] Spoopy Mika: The other things she could understand and it made her feel warm and loved and gooey inside when he said this..but.."look?" It slips out without her knowing.
[11:16 PM] Kwakado: "When I came back with these clothes.....and the day I said I would marry you." He smiles to her. "You're...so beautiful, when you're happy. Even a sunset is dull, next to that look."(edited)
[11:21 PM] Spoopy Mika: If her face wasn't fully red it was now as she stares up at the man. "i've never wanted anyone as much as i want you Sula." For a moment she just looks at him till she realized what she just said and covers her mouth. "I-I mean..!!"
[11:25 PM] Kwakado: "Yes, yes...you see?" Sula walks a little faster, with the tavern in sight. "You can speak...seductive."
[11:25 PM] Spoopy Mika: "B-But I didn't mean to say that to you!"
[11:26 PM] Kwakado: He stops abruptly. "Then say it again."
[11:28 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Sula I c-couldn't..i-it was improper!"
[11:31 PM] Kwakado: "But you can mean it this time."
[11:32 PM] Spoopy Mika: She looks away. "Do..you really wish to hear it again?"
[11:33 PM] Kwakado: Sula leans to the side. "Here...whisper it to me."
[11:37 PM] Spoopy Mika: She looks at him before whispering. "Oh gods Sula, I've never wanted a man as much as I want you. You storm eyes make me so...wanting. Your words leave me breathless and happier than I've ever been, you make me feel beautiful."
[11:40 PM] Kwakado: She may as well have breathed fire into his ear, from how much Sula's face brightens. "...Vi-vi-vi-e..."
[11:41 PM] Spoopy Mika: She backs away red as a rose. "S-See..I-I shouldn't have s-said it."
[11:43 PM] Kwakado: Sula grabs at her hand, pulling her into an embrace. "...Keibele." And he all but drags her to the door.(edited)
[11:48 PM] Spoopy Mika: She is very confused as the head into his room. "Sula?"
[11:53 PM] Kwakado: ===And Then Everything That Followed Was Timeskipped===(edited)
[11:59 PM] Kwakado: The next morning, Sula wakes up in a Freyzenese bed. He rolls over sluggishly to find the other side empty. He'd always gotten up before Vivianna lately...Panic grips what little of him is awake as he rises up to look around the room.
October 14, 2016
[12:01 AM] Spoopy Mika: Vivianna is humming some, dressed in only his robe which looked huge on her. She twirls some, making sure not the spill the eggs.
[12:03 AM] Kwakado: "Vivi-e? What are you...?" Sula rubs his sleepy eyes, finding the same adorable sight as the moment before.(edited)
[12:05 AM] Spoopy Mika: She looks up at him in surprise. "Sula-e...I'm just making breakfast..I'm sure you're still pretty tired from..last night."
[12:20 AM] Kwakado: "Oh...mm..." He sinks back into the bed, still watching her. "Kwemo, sweetheart."
Kwakado pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Last Friday at 3:43 AM
[11:01 AM] Spoopy Mika: She blushes. "When you're ready I'll have a plate waiting for you..." She turns to him showing off sighs of lastnight on her."
[11:12 AM] Kwakado: His eyes widen a little. "I am, surprised you are up so soon.." Lifting the covers sluggishly, Sula walks across to her. He stretches his arms out, making something of a show out of it.
[11:14 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Well it was hard..my legs were so wobbly..still I had morning sickness and I didn't want to mess up the bed, so I got up and stayed up."
[11:21 AM] Kwakado: "Vivi-e..." Sula gives her a vigorous hug. "Please...just, do not hurt yourself."
[11:22 AM] Spoopy Mika: She looks confused. "I-I won't Sula-e."
[11:23 AM] Kwakado: "And you have my son now, so--" Sula blinks, putting some overdue thought into this. "Uu.....how did you learn that he is a boy?"
[11:26 AM] Spoopy Mika: "I didn't, I just have a feeling this child will be a male. Your son huh.." She smiles.
[11:31 AM] Kwakado: "Truly..." Sula returns the smile, looking her over. Did that robe look just as silly on him? "Alright, love...I am ready for your breakfast."
[11:37 AM] Spoopy Mika: She nods and sits down, putting his plate on the table. "Whenever I heard you say your son, I get happy."
[11:38 AM] Kwakado: "My son?" He sits across from her, taking a bite of the eggs.(edited)
[11:46 AM] Spoopy Mika: She lets out a soft squeal.
[11:50 AM] Kwakado: Sula chuckles at her, eating more of the meal. "What is so wonderful about hearing Sula-e say...my son?"
[11:51 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Because it means you acknowledged that you are a father."
[12:00 PM] Kwakado: "Of course!" Sula looks across at her, tasting how hard she'd already worked today, and shuts his eyes for a moment. Had she been trying to make him more comfortable with the thought of a life like this with her? "And you, are a mother, too."
[12:06 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh I know, I've never been so giddy." She rubs her belly. "I love my Sula and I love my Paris."
[12:10 PM] Kwakado: "You've, wanted this for a long time, yes?" The Dwabi beams at her with soft, light eyes.
[12:13 PM] Spoopy Mika: "A very long time. I-I thought I would never get to experience this."
[12:21 PM] Kwakado: "Your curse..." Sula brings his feet across to hers. "Now you know it cannot be true."
[12:29 PM] Spoopy Mika: She nods, trying not to giggles as she plays footies with him. "I..I let some rumors..take over my life."
[12:33 PM] Kwakado: "And I spent my life....thinking that I would never have this, either."
[12:35 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Seems like we were fated to be.." She shakes her head. "Now I'm just being silly."
[12:39 PM] Kwakado: "No, no!" He raises a finger. "You have heard it from two fortune-tellers...and that is not silly at all."
[12:42 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Maybe..maybe..Well I'm going to go bathe, you can join me whenever you're ready." She grabs a fluffy towel and drops his robe before heading into the other room to bathe.
[12:44 PM] Kwakado: "Kwemo ~" And as soon as she is out of sight, Sula frantically wolfs down the rest of his food.(edited)
[12:47 PM] Kwakado: ===END RP===