Friday, September 23, 2016

78.1: Don't Get Too Close

Featuring: Auriel, Luna

[12:42 PM] Z: =wow ama is actually RPing for once?=
[12:53 PM] Z: Auriel, bored out of her mind was sticking around Luna's hut, like a good stalker retainer. Jungle provided relatively little to do, and hunting wasnt her strong suit. All she existed for at the current moment, was annoying others and.... hanging around Luna's hut. Maaaan.... I should cause a mess.... So she comes out and does something for once....
[12:57 PM] Amasuro: The warm, midday sun beamed on the bed as Luna took her comfortable, midday nap as she usually did. All was dim and silent inside her temporary lodging.
[1:04 PM] Z: Yup... Should definitely do something Auriel entered the hut, seeing Luna napping. She snuck up next to the bed, tapping Luna on the forehead.. "Waaaaakee up...... I want to doooo someethiiing...."
[1:06 PM] Amasuro: "...Z...Zzzz..." Luna turns over to her other side.
[1:10 PM] Z: "Luuuuuumaaaaaaa......" She rocked the bed slightly
[1:12 PM] Amasuro: "...Mmmmm..." Luna stretched her arms out slowly, blinking awake as she slowly turned her body back over to stare at Auriel. Silently.
[1:12 PM] Z: "Gooooood mooooorrniiiiiing!" She grinned back at Luna, maybe as a mocking gesture. Who knows.
[1:14 PM] Amasuro: Not you again. "...You better have a good reason for this, maid." Luna grumbles, not looking at all pleased.
[1:17 PM] Z: "You sleeep all day.... You are no fun... Can't we go outsiiiide and dooo somethiing...."
[1:18 PM] Amasuro: "I am not your retainer. Do you expect me to entertain you?"
[1:19 PM] Z: "Nooo.... But aren't we frieeeeeeeends?" Auriel tilted her head, looking puzzled.
[1:20 PM] Amasuro: Hell no, you psychopath! "Where did you get that idea from?"
[1:30 PM] Z: "I am your retaaainer. We haaave to be friends.."
[1:32 PM] Amasuro: "Hmph, I told you. I don't have retainers." Luna turned over to her other side.
[1:38 PM] Z: "Awwwww.... We caant be frieeends?"
[1:40 PM] Amasuro: "We can be friends if you'd stop being so loud..."
[1:42 PM] Z: "Heheh.... Yayy.... But what can i dooo theen?"
[1:44 PM] Amasuro: "Be less annoying?"
[1:50 PM] Z: "Caan i sleep with you theeen?" Auriel jumped next to Luna on the bed, possibly being extremely annoying
[1:51 PM] Amasuro: "W-w-whaaa-?!" Luna immediately jumped off the bed from the opposite side, turning around in a huff. "No, no you cannot do that!"
[1:53 PM] Z: "But whyyyyyyy?"
[1:54 PM] Amasuro: "This is why we have problems!" Luna crossed her arms, staring angrily at Auriel. "...F-fine, I'm not tired anymore. What do you want to do."
[1:59 PM] Z: "Awwww.... I dont want to be ruuude..... But we can go outsiiide.... You never do that..."
[2:00 PM] Amasuro: "Ridiculous, I go outside all the time!" Luna takes dramatic steps towards the hut entrance, standing far back away from the edge, before turning around and opening her arms wide. "See?"(edited)
[2:02 PM] Z: "Umm... But you are not outside?" Auriel follows suit, standing behind her.
[2:03 PM] Amasuro: "Fine, fine! I'll go farther outside!" She steps out of her treehouse hut, and onto the wooden walkway outside, high above the ground. "There, happy?"
[2:18 PM] Z: "Heheheh.... I maadee Luma go outsiiide..." Auriel grinned again.
[2:19 PM] Amasuro: "..." You. Little. Luna stands staring at Auriel, stewing. Slowly.
[2:20 PM] Z: "Anyway..... Its niiiiice outside... We can go hunt.. or something..." I think i maaay just have made her mad. Its fun.
[2:25 PM] Amasuro: "I didn't want to go hunting today, I was taking a nap! ...Urgh, whatever, what are we hunting?" Knowing her, she's probably gonna answer 'people' or something.
[2:26 PM] Z: "Umm.... I dont knooow.... Any ideeaaas?"
[2:28 PM] Amasuro: "Why are you asking me? This was your idea!"
[2:31 PM] Z: "I just want to dooo something together.... so we can be frieeeends"
[2:33 PM] Amasuro: ...Ugh, I can't read anything from this girl. She's just a flat line. "Then lets just...oh I don't know, what do you do for fun?"
[2:38 PM] Z: "What, do you dooo? I just... do things.." She probably knows...(edited)
[2:48 PM] Amasuro: "I asked you first dammit. What kind of an answer is 'things'?!"(edited)
[2:50 PM] Z: "Umm..... Like going outsiiide?"
[2:50 PM] Amasuro: "Don't tell me you just stare into space in your free time."
[2:51 PM] Z: "But i cant doo any of my hobbies heere........"
[2:52 PM] Amasuro: Luna laughed at her, picturing various, un-Auriel like hobbies in her head. "What, is your hobby knitting or something?"
[2:54 PM] Z: "I caaan... if you want me to.... I can also sew.... That's how i got my outfit..." Auriel smiles at Luna, expecting a reaction
[2:55 PM] Amasuro: Luna blinks at her statement. "W-wait, seriously? You knitted that? Actually?"
[2:56 PM] Z: "Parts of it..... Then i sewed the rest.... It isnt hard... Do youuuu think it is?"(edited)
[2:57 PM] Amasuro: She crosses her arms. "Of course not. I bet I could sew anything better than you could."
[2:59 PM] Z: Auriel laughs, lazily mimicing the gesture. "Iis that a challenge?"
[3:01 PM] Amasuro: "Heh, if you want to think of it that way."
[3:03 PM] Z: "Awww.... Do i need to teach you fiiiirst?"
[3:06 PM] Amasuro: "W-w-what?! Do you take me for a fool, maid? I'll have you know I can knit just fine."
[3:09 PM] Z: "Caaaaan you though?" Auriel replied in a taunting tone, slightly provoking her. "Or did your other seeervants make your things?"
[3:12 PM] Amasuro: "Bitch, I'll have you know I survived on my own for nine years without any servants or anything of the like! Don't believe me? Fine, how about we have a knitting contest, right here. Right now."
September 24, 2016
[12:51 AM] Z: "Oh? But..... youuuu would just lose.... where is the fuuuuun in thaat?"
[1:58 PM] Amasuro: "We haven't even started yet! How would you know that."
[2:06 PM] Z: "I am juuuust better than you Luuuma..."
[2:06 PM] Amasuro: "No you're not you little twit-" Luna seems to be putting great effort into not strangling the maid in front of her.
[2:08 PM] Z: "Whaaat have you knit befooore?" Auriel was obvious to her anger... Or at least, showed no signs of not being
[2:09 PM] Amasuro: Luna looked down, taking a deep breath as she regained her composure. "Heh, what do you think? Obviously, I have, otherwise I would not challenge you to such a competition."
[2:10 PM] Z: "You dont seeeemm like you would be any good....."
[2:13 PM] Amasuro: "You can't say that when we haven't even started! How do I know you're any good?"
[2:17 PM] Z: "Because...... Umm..... I dont know..."
[2:18 PM] Amasuro: "Hah! All talk and no skill is obviously your game. Hmph, so the winner of this contest would be me, then."
[2:19 PM] Z: "Nooo.... I am better..." Auriel pouted
[2:22 PM] Amasuro: Internal screaming. "Oh, shut it you. We're going to have this contest, and we're going to prove who is better! ...How do you have a knitting contest?"
[2:26 PM] Z: "Umm... I dont knoow..." Internal laughing
[2:32 PM] Amasuro: "Useless maid!"
[2:37 PM] Z: "Useless.... Queeeeen?"
[2:38 PM] Amasuro: "Don't talk to me like that!"
[2:39 PM] Z: "But youuu talk to me like that aaall the tiiime..."
[2:39 PM] Amasuro: "Because I am your superior, and you are my reta- maid."
[2:45 PM] Z: "Retaaa-maid?"
[2:46 PM] Amasuro: "Maid, just maid."
[2:48 PM] Z: "Wooow.... Im speeecial? I am a retaaa-maaaid?"
[2:49 PM] Amasuro: "I said maid! Maid! Besides, what the hell is a reta-maid?!"
[2:55 PM] Z: "I dooont know... you said it..."
[2:57 PM] Amasuro: "I was saying something else, then I changed it, idiot."
[2:58 PM] Z: "Ruuuuuudee....... So hoooow do you do a knitting contest?"
[2:59 PM] Amasuro: Luna shrugged. "Do we just see who knits the nicest sweater, or something?"
[3:00 PM] Z: Auriel tilted her head, giving Luna a puzzled stare. "But whooo judges?"
[3:00 PM] Amasuro: "We could just ask around camp."
[3:01 PM] Z: "But you would just oooorder them to vote you...."
[3:02 PM] Amasuro: "...Fine, you can show both sweaters around without me!"
[3:03 PM] Z: "You'd stil order them.... Cheater...."
[3:03 PM] Amasuro: "No I wouldn't! Look, you can even choose who judges the sweaters yourself!"
[3:04 PM] Z: "Umm..... Who in camp knows hoooow to knit and isnt us?"
[3:06 PM] Amasuro: Luna gives Auriel a blank stare.
[3:09 PM] Z: "Well.... I dont knoooow..."
[3:10 PM] Amasuro: "Suddenly I feel exhausted."
[3:11 PM] Z: "Go sleep with me then insteeeaad...."
[3:13 PM] Amasuro: "...Eeeeeeeeeeew!"
[3:17 PM] Z: "What.... isnt that what friiiiends do?"
[3:18 PM] Amasuro: "No!"
[3:29 PM] Z: "What do friends dooo then....."
[3:30 PM] Amasuro: "Not..." Luna sighed, "what, do you want to be my friend or something?"
[3:30 PM] Z: "Yeees....."
[3:46 PM] Amasuro: "I can never tell what you're really thinking."
[3:49 PM] Z: "Uh.... Okaaay? But do youu neeed to know?"
[3:53 PM] Amasuro: "Ideally, yes. I would like to know the intentions of those close to me."
[3:54 PM] Z: "Um.... Id like to be frieeends?"
[3:59 PM] Amasuro: "Well then we can be friends."
[4:06 PM] Z: "Heheheh...... Yay.." Auriel smiled at Luna, her fangs showing in the grin. "What do we dooo theen?"
[4:07 PM] Amasuro: "...I feel like we're making no progress here."
[4:07 PM] Z: "But.... we just became frieeeends...."
[4:12 PM] Amasuro: "...I suppose you're right."
[4:12 PM] Amasuro: "Now then, can I have my nap yet?"
[4:12 PM] Z: "Umm... Can i naaap with you theeen?"
[4:13 PM] Amasuro: "You can nap on the floor beside me."
[4:13 PM] Z: "Nooo.... That isnt comfy...."
[4:15 PM] Amasuro: "Well you're not sleeping in my bed!"
[4:16 PM] Z: "Umm..... But i have my taaail.... Its pretty comfy..... If i let youuuu hug that can I?"
[4:20 PM] Amasuro: "Auriel, it is not normal for two friends to sleep in the same bed with each other."
[4:21 PM] Z: "But we did that back hooooomee........" It isnt a lie. I just did that way back when......
[4:21 PM] Amasuro: "..."
[4:21 PM] Amasuro: Luna's eyes narrow as she stares at Auriel.
[4:23 PM] Z: "Whaaat.....?"
[4:25 PM] Amasuro: Finally, Luna just sighed. "...Fine, I'm too tired to argue with you. Whatever. Just don't get too close to me."
[4:32 PM] Z: "Heheheh...." Auriel giggles unsettlingly
[4:36 PM] Z: =rp end(?)=
September 25, 2016
[5:06 AM] Amasuro: ==END RP==
Z pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.09/25/2016
[5:10 AM] Z: ==JD has been retconned, meaning that he is no longer canon==
Z pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.09/25/2016

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