[5:40 AM] Emisuro: =lets try this again= (Pre chapter 6, Fort Ikkigane)(edited)
[5:41 AM] Emisuro: "Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooo...."
[5:45 AM] Emisuro: She poked her head into another empty room, looking for the masked man. She was wearing the black cloak, concealing a bag beneath it. Her plan was ready, yet.... where is he? She was aware Luna had already jumped at the oppurtunity to cook, so she had something else planned. Yet all the rooms were empty. No Leo in sight.
[5:46 AM] Emisuro: Siiiiiigh....
[5:46 AM] Emisuro: She moved on, going through every last room looking for him
[5:52 AM] bREWlager: Eventually, she came upon a room lined with bunk beds, the room that is used by the rebel troops stationed here. He used to sleep in this room when he was at Fort Ikkigane long ago, although his time at this fort was brief. Leodin was sitting on a bunk, presumably the one he stayed in when he was here. When he heard Auriel calling his name, he knew something was going to happen. He got up and walked up to the door, already there when she looked into the room.
[5:53 AM] Emisuro: "Heeeeeeeeellooooo!"
[5:54 AM] Emisuro: She waved at him, even though they were practically next to each other
[5:54 AM] Emisuro: "Are you reaaaady to go have some fuuun?"
[5:54 AM] bREWlager: "Of course! I'm interested to see what you have in store!"
[5:55 AM] Emisuro: "A lot.... Hang on..."
[5:56 AM] Emisuro: She entered the room, sitting down on a bed, pulling out the pouch she had brought with her. Something decently big was within it, and shaking it made a small ringing noise. Like small coins cliking together.
[5:57 AM] bREWlager: "So, what's in the bag?"
He walked over and sat on the bed across from her.
[6:01 AM] Emisuro: "Thaaats a suprise."
[6:03 AM] Emisuro: She opened the pouch, holding it upside down while the contents fell out on the ground in front of her. The most remarkable objects was a humanoid-textile figure, and associated different colored patches
[6:03 AM] Emisuro: "I did a thiiiiiing..."
[6:04 AM] bREWlager: "Did you... make those?"
He looks at all of the objects that were in the bag, examining each one.
[6:07 AM] Emisuro: "Its noooot dooone yeet..... That's where the fuuun happens..."
[6:07 AM] Emisuro: She opens another purse, containing needles and different colored thread
[6:10 AM] bREWlager: "Sewing? I-I'm afraid I don't know how..."
[6:11 AM] Emisuro: "Hmmm? That does nooooot matteeer.... You knooow how to stab thiings, yeees?"
[6:11 AM] bREWlager: He nods. "Yes."
[6:12 AM] Emisuro: Auriel tilted her head, smiling back to him
[6:12 AM] Emisuro: "Theeeen you know how to do this... Coome on, I'll shoow you."
[6:14 AM] bREWlager: "Okay, that sounds interesting. Where do we start?"
[6:15 AM] Emisuro: "Fiiirst...."
[6:15 AM] Emisuro: Auriel picked up a piece of black thread, and fit it through the needle eye
[6:16 AM] Emisuro: "You staab the pieces on with thiiis...."
[6:16 AM] Emisuro: She grabbed two pieces of black, quickly and elegantly sewing them together and fitting them into a triangular shape
[6:17 AM] Emisuro: "Aaand that makeees Little-Leeeo's cloothes..... Littleo's clothes.... heh, that's funny..."
[6:22 AM] Emisuro: She passed the needle to Leodin, and cut out another piece of black, similar to Leodin's own mask
[6:22 AM] Emisuro: "Tryyyy sewing thiis on"
[6:25 AM] bREWlager: "Huh...okay."
He tries to remember what she had done, and attempts to do the same thing with the mask.
"Like this?"
He shows her his clearly imperfect attempt.
[6:27 AM] Emisuro: "Noo..... Your stabs are toooo faaar apaaart.... Try again, but cloooser..."
[6:27 AM] Emisuro: She took another knife of hers from the bag, cutting the thread off again
[6:29 AM] bREWlager: "Okay..."
He tries again, trying to follow her advice.
[6:30 AM] Emisuro: "Seeee! Its beeeetter..."
[6:31 AM] Emisuro: She prepared another piece, with a fancy little symbol on it. The stormblade crest, to be exact
[6:33 AM] bREWlager: "Huh... how did you get that symbol on there? It's so small."
[6:38 AM] Emisuro: "I uh..... maybe 90 or so yeeeaaars of experieeence gets you that? I dont knoow.... just sewed it on like everything else..."
[6:40 AM] bREWlager: He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't question her.
"Okay, so I just sew it on here..."
He attached it to the back of the figure, before showing it to her again for approval.
[6:44 AM] Emisuro: "Yeeeeaaah! Like thaaaat....."
[6:44 AM] Emisuro: She clapped her hands a bit childishly, before continuing
[6:45 AM] Emisuro: "Isnt it cuuuuuute?"
[6:46 AM] bREWlager: "Yeah... I suppose so!"
He looks at it for a moment, somewhat amazed.
[6:49 AM] Emisuro: "Its liikeee..... a smaaaaall Leo..."
[6:50 AM] bREWlager: "It is, isn't it? I like it."
[6:53 AM] Emisuro: "Hey..... Actually......"
[6:54 AM] Emisuro: As she fashioned a pair of pants for the doll, she came up with something
[6:54 AM] Emisuro: "Maaaybe..... i caaaan use this kniife as the swooooord?"
[6:55 AM] bREWlager: "Sure! I suppose it wouldn't be Leodin without Morderrand."
[6:57 AM] Emisuro: "Yaaaaay! I beeet it will loooook reaaaally coool..."
[6:58 AM] bREWlager: "I bet it will! Thank you for teaching me, Auriel."
[6:59 AM] Emisuro: "Oh... Dooooon't worry. I bet you will be number oooooone someday!..... if you try reaaaaally haaard that iiis...."
[7:01 AM] Emisuro: She finished covering the scabbard of the knife in black cloth, then she put it in. It didnt look half bad, as the knife itself was essentially just a "small sword"
[7:04 AM] bREWlager: "Wow... you're really good at this."
[7:06 AM] Emisuro: "90 yeeeaars...."
[7:06 AM] Emisuro: As if it was an answer, Auriel threw him the finished clothes
[7:08 AM] Emisuro: "Actuallyyyy..... Heh, I think this will be cuuuute with the Elleeee doll..."
[7:10 AM] bREWlager: "Oh, uh.."
He looks away for a moment, unaware that so many people knew about the two.
"I think so too."
[7:17 AM] Emisuro: "Hehehehehhehe..."
[7:18 AM] Emisuro: Her slow giggling was the o ly answer she had, before she finished the overcoat-like armor he wore
[7:18 AM] Emisuro: "Heyyy..... Do you thiiiink Luuuma is coooler than Elleee?"
[7:20 AM] bREWlager: He laughs nervously.
"I could never choose between the queen and the princess..."
[7:21 AM] Emisuro: "Buuuuut thaaaat is eeeaaasy.... Luuuma is a lot more funny...."
[7:22 AM] bREWlager: "Please, you're already making me decide between you and the queen, I can't do it for her sister as well."
[7:27 AM] Emisuro: "Weeeeeeell, Im the best, buut I wanna knooow who you think is coool...."
[7:28 AM] bREWlager: "If you need me to choose, then I'll say Princess Ellis."
[7:33 AM] Emisuro: "Oooooh..... Okaaaay!"
[7:34 AM] Emisuro: Auriel twirled some thread around her finger, admiring the newly finished doll
[7:34 AM] Emisuro: "Seeeee.... Its reeeeeeaaally niiiice!"
[7:38 AM] bREWlager: "I agree. Not bad for a first attempt I'd say."
[7:46 AM] Emisuro: "Yoooouuu can have it tooo, since youuu made it...."
[7:48 AM] bREWlager: "Really? You'd let me keep it?"
[7:48 AM] Emisuro: "Yeeeaaah!"
[7:51 AM] bREWlager: "Oh, thank you Auriel!"
[7:54 AM] Emisuro: She laughed again, smiling to Leodin.
[7:54 AM] Emisuro: "Im niiiiice to my frieeeends."
[7:56 AM] bREWlager: He lets out a small chuckle.
"Right, of course. Was there anything else you wanted to do?"
[7:57 AM] Emisuro: "Weeeell........ I haaave wooork..... im sooorry..... But It was fun playing with you Leo-Leo!"
[7:59 AM] bREWlager: He smiles.
"Yeah... it was. But no worries, you'll find out soon enough who my vote's going to."
[8:01 AM] Emisuro: "Meeee, riiight?"
[8:02 AM] bREWlager: "Perhaps. Perhaps not. You and Queen Lunarea can come find me when you're both ready to hear the results."
[8:04 AM] Emisuro: "Awwwww...."
[8:05 AM] Emisuro: Auriel stood up again and stretched, before getting ready to leave with her things again
[8:05 AM] Emisuro: "Byeee Leeeo!"
[8:05 AM] bREWlager: "Goodbye Auriel!" he said with a wave.
[8:09 AM] Emisuro: =rpenderino=
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