[8:19 PM] Wyvern Lord: == New SUPER non-canon RP game "Chinese bootleg RE" ==
==Rules: You must run a RP post into google translate in this order
English into -> [pick a language] -> Chinese -> English.
Post your selected language before you first prompt like this: [Italian]
No repeating languages
[8:25 PM] Wyvern Lord: [French -> chinese]
It was a good day in the training camp. Ariane dragged the outside of the camp, tired of loneliness
Suddenly, she thought: "I will go and talk to others, it will have hope"(edited)
[8:31 PM] Daddy John John: [German -> chinese]
Angard landed as she flew to let Jean scratch her neck.
"I do not know what will happen? If we find someone who speaks Angard"
[8:32 PM] Kwakadoooooo: [Hatian Creole]
Sura flew into the camp in the dark Pegasus and Shimei. Although his eyes were burned by strange fires of her fiance, she always had a good sense of direction.
Falcon foot falling down next to Ariana she called her.
"Nanyang ** retribution of my wine * Ariano! * What is their evil deeds.
He smirked the old girl with a mouthful of girls, because of the irony of friendship.(edited)
[8:33 PM] Daddy John John: Jean and Angard come in as they are welcomed by Sura and Ariana.
"Ariana, Sura, glad to see you again!"
[8:34 PM] Lawls: [Spanish > Chinese]
The man looks anxious because he shouted in the training yard
"Where Nero is yoooooooooooooooooou!"
[8:35 PM] Wyvern Lord: It seems to be my enemy's mother Sura. When I talk to him I must be careful
"Hello Sula, when the weather is good, we have today."
She said, waving her hand(edited)
[8:36 PM] Kwakadoooooo: [Somali]
"It should be good weather * flying *, at least ... look at us, ha ha ha!"
Sura brought the date on each side, trembling up with the feet of the dragon. "Kwemo II is for you."(edited)
[8:37 PM] Daddy John John: Jean noticed that Valentine had no Nero.
"Ah, this is my beloved comrade and wyverned knight, which is rarely, you are not Nero.
[8:38 PM] Lawls: [Japanese hoo boy]
"I think there is it! I can not find him anywhere ... I do not know if he knows the magic spell"
Ryder said the man laughed
"Can you help me find a gene?"
[8:39 PM] Wyvern Lord: This type of Sura is a really weird
Suddenly between the jeans, she signaled him
"Hey yar-jern, i mean John"
Content i found someone rational(edited)
[8:41 PM] Daddy John John: Jean nodded.
"I think I can help you find your valentine Valentine, you can count on me and Angard right?" Black Dragon noted Jean heard him "Ariana" phone.
"Oh, hello Ariana, how about you in this fine and beautiful day?"
[8:43 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "* * Jean-Nine! You say the dragon down to do it! Take care of what, my son ... I saw a very large mountain waste, ha!"
Sura smiled to himself, trying to make the situation.
[8:43 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Probably better, Sura is strange as usual"
"It looks like you need help, what do you need for my help?"
[8:44 PM] Lawls: "I am very grateful to thank you -"
Men will be interrupted by the dragon
"Oh, who is this ... ... let you know this person ... ... and so on, are the ears of the dragon, you are the dragon?
[8:45 PM] Daddy John John: Jean nodded, and he knocked Valentine back.
Pterosaur's name is Nero, a hairy old pterosaur, who found it difficult to confuse him ... ... you can help me find him? "
[8:49 PM] Wyvern Lord: "I'll help you find that strange kid, it's fair because you helped me yesterday"
She went to the guy and greeted another man
"Who are you? I'm Ce-Ariana. i'm a manakete"
[8:51 PM] Lawls: "Oh, I read you in the book AWES, it's a pleasure to see Arina ..."
The male said his cheek stabbed the red and had a huge smile on top of it.
[8:52 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "Brother City Advertising, what do you say? It seems very large, so it is not difficult for him?"
Sura provides an encouraging alternative to cheering, hoping to increase teamwork.
[8:52 PM] Daddy John John: "This man is Valentin Sura a dwabi, he tells a long and interesting story, but he is always on who can rely on.
[8:53 PM] Kwakadoooooo: * If I can only say you are the same, noble fool ... *
Sura is still angry, full of angry let him fall back to Kranhai but do not say out loud. Instead, he just kept encouraging.
[8:54 PM] Wyvern Lord: "When are you seeing your VAL pterosyls?"
"I dare to swear I saw a flight to the south about an hour before the training camp"
[8:55 PM] Lawls: "A funny man ... it is a pleasure to see you too Sura. You soon so that we can reach Nero!"
The men went to the nearby forest while calling the name of Nero. Want to know yes
[8:59 PM] Daddy John John: Jean stroked his chin.
"Maybe I got Angard from top to bottom and I can call him from above, which sounds like a good plan to right Valentine?"
[8:59 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [English > Vietnamese > Chinese > English]
When suddenly, suddenly came out, the notorious thieves masked the entire continent of Africa to find the run of his Sister Luna(edited)
[9:01 PM] Kwakadoooooo: * Ommm .... *
Sura that the future did not notice a large number of mainland masks washed into the fire.
"Yes, yes." She tours as they enter the forest. "* Hey Sul-A * Today brings good fortune. This is a good plan."
[9:02 PM] Wyvern Lord: Ariana painted her spear under the sight of the invaders
"Hold it there thief! Take another step forward and you'll be more quiet than ever"
[9:04 PM] Lawls: "Angard may still hear it if we all ride a dragon so it can be fine"
Valentine said, do not listen to cheated
[9:10 PM] Daddy John John: "Of course, even though Suraashmi would drive, would you like to go to Angard Ariane?"
[9:12 PM] Lawls: So Nero from the sky and out of the scene. Do not want to hold this RP
[9:20 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [Spanish > English]
But all these masked thieves really were, with the real Nice who was the only one in the fight.
Go, see the hostility of others and shout: "Wait a minute, I'm here for my moon sister!
[9:21 PM] Kwakadoooooo: * Ah * Naroa! * What is !? This "
Sura was surprised to see Nero from the sky and grab the mysterious new driver from the scene because it was his quest to start. But his future has come true after all, Sura offers a satisfying smile.
"Finally, all is right with the world - ?! Page **"
Dwabi noticed the young man (who certainly Leodin's ally, because of his costume) accosted Ariana and hastened.
"What are you doing? Let the young man go!"
[9:26 PM] Wyvern Lord: "He is obviously here to steal our gold coins or spy on our army, we must stop him here and then he comes back"
Aria satisfied that the charge is covered by the tattoo ready to do a person's kebab
[9:33 PM] Daddy John John: Joan sighed.
"What are you doing?" She asked Leodin, looking at him. Jean to mask the thieves.
"Hello, do you have a good name?"
[9:35 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [Norwegian boiz]
Nes powerful inhalation, he was held from the point of Ariane knife, giving a glance at a worry.
"Y ... ... Yes, my name Lake. Uh, I'm not here to hurt anyone, to promise!
[9:38 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "Delete the knife, Ayida * .."
Sura moves both of them. "It will not hurt anyone, or make it do not intend to make any promises.
[9:42 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Are you sure this Sula, who knows what he can do, or who works for him?"
It lowered his spear
"I will believe that your judgment is only this time"
[9:44 PM] Daddy John John: Jean made a sigh.
"Well, now we are not to kill each other, you are here in the lake to do?
[9:47 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [Irish?????]
"Uh, nice name, not the lake, I do not know why, I said." He raised his hand.
"Heard," "his army is here, so I ran all the way to my friend Ossolkef and abandoned my onee member." He hoped Queen Crescent Moon was not enough to save him from killing Francis.
When he looked up and asked. "Well ... I'm in the right place?"
[9:54 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "There are a lot of army ** here, haha, but are you looking?"
Sura crossed his hands together, approached the boy with the beautiful name.
"But this is koliti *, which is the fate of the arrangements that bring you. But your journey does not end there and you will get what"(edited)
[10:00 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Luna is not here, now, let you come here do not need reason to cover the guy"
She hugged the back of her head
"Oh, sorry, and just trying to kill you, but i need to protect these guys"
[10:01 PM] Daddy John John: Jean nodded.
"Luna is currently in Concorde, hoping to get help against Gallaran." She knew she was probably in for a lovely little vacation and did not care what was happening in our Khlin. "
[10:06 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [French baby]
Although his head was caught Ness blushed Ariana suddenly embrace.
"I mean - I'm really scared ... but now you're ... uh, sorry, I thought it was good," he whispered.
"And so on, the lunar is not here?" His eyes wide open impact. "But ... ... I ran all the way here ... ..."
* Big Sister ... where are you ...? *
"... She does not care about Khlin?" * If you change Klhin with me, it will be normal.
[10:10 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "How would you -"
Sura paused, a warm greeting between what he thought was an enemy until now suddenly showing surprise. Worse still, Jean claimed that Moonshine had given up herself to the two Khlin disciples. Even for him, the evil seemed excessive.
"... This is * * kwemo one day it is, ha ha ha."
[10:14 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Haha, you have to have a traditional South Hello! Please, as an excuse to try to kill you as soon as possible"
Her back
"So you want to see the camp, Mr. cover it?"
[10:18 PM] Daddy John John: Jean nodded.
"Yes, we could have led if necessary. Maybe you could have talked about more information with her sister Ellie."
[10:30 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "Is Elisee here?"
Sura lifts toward Warriors eyebrows.
"Maybe we should go and see him ... except I can not see any longer, ha ha ha."
[10:32 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [Japanese is fun]
Nice is a very confused message. On the other hand, she said, threatening death. On the other hand, he has been fascinated by her, and it is hugging the fine.
"Oh ... wait, her sister! Yes, I can ask her." Nice nodded.
[10:37 PM] Wyvern Lord: "In the end where Ellis? I need to talk to him about things, and"
"See as we now do a little self-confidence, you can follow us"
[10:40 PM] Daddy John John: Let the shrug.
"I do not know where Princess Ellis actually may be able to Leodin know where she is."'
[10:44 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "Ha ha ha!" Sula shook her head smoothly. "Leo * I * do not know anything. We can get it on its own, and enough ... confident, haha."
Sura starting camp, if you really want the opposite direction towards the lake.
[10:50 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [German is a gogo]
He also holds him Manakete Nice poked together with his fingers, "Who is Leodin ~ ~, why does he sound like a torn me ~ ~"
[10:56 PM] Wyvern Lord: She laughs
"Well, you can let go now ... OK seriously deviate from me, otherwise i will kick in the tibia"
[11:05 PM] Daddy John John: Joan shook his head.
I think it's time to say goodbye to me and find a great girl to spend the night until we meet again with Ariana and Sura and good luck meeting you and the lake! "With one bow sitting down one to let Angard fly in the sky.
[11:07 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "* Kwemo, Jean-NI! *:
The fortune teller gave them a wavelet, then turned to a few strange and uncomfortable smiles.
[11:09 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [I got Portuguese on speed dial]
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to ..." he said, when he released Ariana, bowed reflexively as he quickly became shy and nervous deeply sorry. "Oh, well, good-bye, Jean!" He waved his knights.
[11:13 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Later John, I hope to see you later"
She recalls his companion
Oh yeah i insisted on my mother's enemies, a potential assassin. It was a strange day(edited)
[11:23 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "... * OM"
Sura looked at the other two, clapping hands grand.
"First a Ayioti **, now the princess ... ... so many things to get today, ha ha!"
[11:27 PM] NOTICE ME SENPAI: [The fuck is Hebrew]
After apologizing to Ariane, Hans was perplexed by Dwabj's words. He asked him to approach. "Well ... ... you, uh, the heart to explain everything to me? Almost killed, Luna is not here, he believes that if HR needs something." Oh, Oh, the name?
[11:43 PM] Wyvern Lord: "Ah, I can not deal with this problem today"
Ariana ran the masked ana into the nearby ditch
"See you later Dwabi dingus!"
[11:49 PM] Kwakadoooooo: "God, I just pretend I did not see you do that."
Nausea, Dwabi starts to leave the lake, but the rhythm of his own destiny and stops it. Masked legends should not be forgotten. God will not forgive injustice .... Until the dark gray glass eyes, the bow saw covered the naughty life, as a vagrant beggar sleeping on the terrace. Perhaps all this is the robbers go with him ... ... the newly crowned Queen.
"The more I feel this, the more I seem to understand, ha ha, I can handle today, because that is the problem."
Then, the sisters of junior high school students descend from the sky from the scene(edited)
[11:53 PM] Wyvern Lord: == Played the role of play ==
[10:38 AM] The Man of a Thousand Names: Can I join if this RP's gonna get retconned?