While Bedivere trains with his Thunder Spear, the Bluefang noble Haruo Kuzunoha approaches him and compliments his efforts. Noticing the stranger's own swords ("Just in case"), Bedivere brings up the recent attacks, his weapon, and the men introduce themselves. Bedivere learns that Haruo is from Khlin, and not much more than that despite his efforts. They talk about their younger sisters, and Bedivere lets slip that he's with the Royal Guard - finally catching Haruo's interest. He asks which of Bedivere's comrades killed the Khlinese minister Paleclaw, but Bedivere doesn't know anything, which prompts a quick "Farewell" from Haruo, and some more training for Bedi.
[12:55 PM] jddaepicboss: Alright...let's try this again. Up, point, focus, aaaaaand...
In a grassy area in the suburbs of Concordia, lit well by daylight, a harsh crackling noise follows a thick thread of yellow permeating the air in front of the cavalier. The farthest left of three targets laid before Bedivere is scorched, leaving a black mark and a hint of smoke. Focusing intently, without any breath taken or released, he moves his arm right, and sends another jolt at the middle target. It lands, just about.
Two in a row on target, I'm definitely making progress!
[10:14 AM] Psychic Loser: A stranger with pale-blue hair and wooden jewelry stepped forward and gave Bedivere a nod. "Not bad."
[10:19 AM] jddaepicboss: While the cavalier has built a tolerance to surprise interruptions over the years, the unfamiliar voice still manages to distract him enough to send the third and final jjolt wildly off target. Sighing, he turns to meet the stranger's eyes, his own displaying slight curiosity.
"ahem Well, thank you! Not every day that random people come along to give you compliments."
[10:31 AM] Psychic Loser: The stranger, once again, nodded. "That is true, but magic is one of my expertise." Upon further inspection, one could see that the stranger carried a pair of swords.
[10:38 AM] jddaepicboss: "Well, I suppose one could say the same about me...even if I am a bit rusty. I presume that swordplay would be your other...area of 'expertise,' then? Or are those two just to...bring the outfit together?"
He chuckles cheerily, wearing his trademark grin.
[10:43 AM] Psychic Loser: "I had to give up swordplay ages ago, but I still carry them around. Just in case..."
[10:47 AM] jddaepicboss: "You know, usually I'd say 'doesn't that seem unnecessary considering you're in a city based around peace and neutrality, and all that," but...well, considering how recently it was attacked, I'm not exactly certain that point stands."
He laughs again, now putting the thunder spear down at his feet.
[12:18 PM] Psychic Loser: "That is true. What about your spear there?"
[12:25 PM] jddaepicboss: He looks briefly confused.
"What about i--oh, right. It's--as you saw--a spear capable of lashing bouts of electricity at enemies, in the right hands. Dubbed as a thunder spear. I don't quite understand the name, considering thunder is just sound, but...I guess it sounds cooler?"
[12:50 PM] Psychic Loser: "Interesting."
[1:31 PM] jddaepicboss: "...oh, the name's Bedivere, in case you're wondering. But...just call me Bedi!"
He smirks, noticing that phrase has almost become a catchphrase of his.
[1:57 PM] Psychic Loser: "My name's Haruo," the mage said taking a bow.(edited)
[3:19 PM] jddaepicboss: "Is that Hoshidan?"
Bedivere asks the question rather mindlessly, simply making small talk.
[4:38 PM] Psychic Loser: "Somewhat."
[6:06 PM] jddaepicboss: Not a man of many words, is he?
Bedivere furrows his brow at this one word. Is he...half Hoshidan? Does his family descend from Hoshidans? He decides to simply ask all his questions in one fell swoop with a query for clarification.
[6:55 PM] Psychic Loser: "Well, I am from Khlin, but Hoshidan names do tend to circulate now and again."
[9:30 AM] jddaepicboss: "Oh, of course. I'm not from Amia or Nolore, you see, so you'll forgive me if my knowledge of cultures here is a tad flawed. I do my best to learn, but it's not exactly something you memorise overnight! So, what're you doing out here, Haruo? Just on a stroll, or...?"
[10:17 AM] Psychic Loser: "Me and my sister needed to leave from Khlin. It's not in the best of positions at the moment."
[10:49 AM] jddaepicboss: Well, I meant...right now, but...you know what Bed, let's just go with it.
Bedivere nods grimly. Having been part of the group that stormed the Shishinden, he's seen that himself, at least to some extent.
"Mm hmm. I was in Intetsu not too long ago, and it's certainly been through a lot, by the looks of things...and that damned woman's interference there likely hasn't helped the situation."
The last few words are mumbled, speaking less to Haruo than himself.
[11:40 AM] Psychic Loser: Haruo nodded. "It really hasn't."
[12:18 PM] jddaepicboss: "Ah, so you know who I'm referring to, then? I wasn't certain how widespread knowledge of her...actions would be by now, so I didn't know if you would..."
[6:46 PM] Psychic Loser: "There are those of us who are somewhat familiar with her crimes."
[8:07 PM] jddaepicboss: "Well, that's good! At least the Concordian populace have a culprit to blame, rather than being stuck in confusion..."
[9:37 PM] Psychic Loser: Haruo nodded.
[1:12 PM] jddaepicboss: Bedivere looks at the grass below him for a few seconds, before looking back up and shaking his head, hair billowing along with it.
"Ack, I've thought about that princess several dozen too many times lately, enough about her. So, swordplay and magic...any other 'areas of expertise?'"
[7:36 AM] Psychic Loser: "Why'd you ask?"
[9:10 AM] jddaepicboss: Bit touchy.
"Well, talking about Ellis isn't exactly a delightful conversation topic, so I just moved to the first alternative I thought of. What, would you rather we talk about the weather...?"
An ever so slightly sassy smirk shows on the cavalier's face.
[5:34 PM] Psychic Loser: "Oh, he says with a relieved sigh. "Well, I take care of my sister."
[10:34 AM] jddaepicboss: "Oh, that's nice. I have a sister of my own, but...well, I haven't done the best job with being a big brother to her, frankly. But she puts up with me, for...some reason, ahaha."
[1:38 PM] Psychic Loser: Haruo laughed awkwardly. "Misato can be a bit of a handful at times."
[2:15 PM] jddaepicboss: Bedivere presumes by his phrasing that she's likely younger than Haruo, but decides to check regardless.
"Hehe, how old is she?"
[2:18 PM] Psychic Loser: "She's thirteen."
[2:21 PM] jddaepicboss: "Oh boy, I don't envy you dealing with that, ahah."
[7:37 PM] Psychic Loser: "Like I said, she can be much, but she's my sister."
[2:27 PM] jddaepicboss: "Fair enough. So...well, to be frank, I kind of need to get back to training. I'm a member of a Royal Guard and all that, I need to be in top condition!"
He chuckles yet again at the ridiculousness of that title. Not that he minds it, of course, but still.
[8:41 PM] Psychic Loser: Hauo seemed interested in this topic. "Oh, you're part of The Royal Guard?"
[7:07 AM] jddaepicboss: "Serving under Queen Lunarea of Freyzenwald, yes."
[10:25 AM] Psychic Loser: "Would you happen to know who it was who killed Paleclaw?"
[11:56 AM] jddaepicboss: The cavalier looks bemused.
"Paleclaw...? Uhmm...hell, it could have been me for all I know. Who's Paleclaw?"
[1:23 PM] Psychic Loser: Haruo shook his head. "I see. Well, he was one of Khlin's former leaders."
[1:25 PM] jddaepicboss: "Ah. Well...chances are someone in our army may have dealt with him, but you'd have to ask someone with a better knowledge of Khlin. D'you need anything else, or...?"
[1:26 PM] Psychic Loser: "No. That will do. Farewell." Haruo bowed and walked off.
[1:29 PM] jddaepicboss: "Byye...(oh, he's...already...alrighty than.) Yaaaawn."
Shrugging to himself, the cavalier picks his lance back up, and aims at the leftmost target once again.