Featuring: Drew, Sula, Vivianna, Kazama
Drew comes to the stables to meet Este. He and Sula are scolded by Vivianna as they enter for being too noisy and waking the foal up. Then
[6:45 PM] Kwakado: Sula, having retrieved his gold but finding nothing small or shiny, takes Shimi back to the stables as well. Spending some time with the other horses would help to make up for how many crowds he sent her into today.
[6:47 PM] Kwakado: As the pegasus came overhead, bits of straw came off of it as if the dark pegasus was some sort of fell effigy. She landed, and Sula finished clipping at the head of a broom he was holding.
[6:47 PM] Mika™: Vivianna is there softly singing to Este as he drinks more milk. He was growing bigger so fast to and his fur was looking so good now. Her soft song is putting the foal to sleep as it suckles less on the milk. She pats him.
[6:49 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew sees Sula first as he just came from the sky, he notices the broom and gets closer
[6:50 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi dismounts, using the former broom as a sort of cane as he comes around to the back of Shimi. He started detaching large sacks from her saddle, hoisting one over his shoulder as he entered the stable.
[6:52 PM] Kwakado: "Kwemo, Vivi-i! Delight springs from Sula's face but he moves slowly and deliberately to keep his balance.
[6:52 PM] Mika™: "Shhh! Este is trying to sleep. Hello Sula."
[6:55 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "HEY SULA!"
[6:55 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew decided to get his attention
[6:56 PM] Kwakado: "nanyo.." Sula winces in pain at Drew's disturbance, dropping the sack and nearly falling on top of it.
[6:56 PM] Mika™: Este makes a noise and starts to get up as Vivianna tries to calm him. She doesn't look happy.
[6:59 PM] Kwakado: "forgive me, este-i," he whispers. Sula makes his way to the restless foal, admiring his hair with his hand.
[6:59 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew dashes inside and finally see's Vivi(edited)
[7:00 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh hey Vivi!"
[7:03 PM] Mika™: She glares at him. "You did not need to be so loud Drew."
[7:05 PM] Kwakado: Shimi invites herself in, strutting through the hay. Sula sits down next to the mother and child.
[7:05 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Woops...I didn't want to just walk in unannounced"
[7:06 PM] Mika™: "It's fine but Este needs his sleep. Sleep is good for a growing foal."
[7:08 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew looks down and almost squealed from the cuteness
[7:08 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Aw, can I pet...her?"
[7:09 PM] Kwakado: "That is up to him." Sula beams.
[7:10 PM] Mika™: "He is sleepy so be gentle." The colt raises his head up a little to look at Drew.
[7:11 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Alright it's a boy" He gently pets Este's head
[7:14 PM] Kwakado: Sula's eyes meet Vivianna's. "He's getting so big..."
[7:16 PM] Mika™: She smiles. "He has, he loves to gallop with the other colts. He's a little slow compared to them but as he grows I'm sure he'll be fine." Este lays his head back down.
[7:19 PM] Kwakado: Sula rests a hand on the foal. "You have been giving him Kwemo every day...he cannot help but grow with such good care."
[7:19 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew stops petting to let him rest
[7:19 PM] Mika™: "So how have you been Drew? We haven't talked in awhile."
[7:20 PM] Kwakado: While they talk, Sula lifts himself back up and starts moving the other two bags in, careful not to disturb Este as he does so.(edited)
[7:23 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh uh, im fine, a lots happened"
[7:23 PM] Mika™: "Like what?"
[7:25 PM] Kwakado: Sula comes back into the stable, holding the carrying the second sack.
[7:26 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Hmm, I met another manakete, I..."Drew looks at Sula and back at Vivi(edited)
[7:27 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "I hung out with Sula for a while"
[7:28 PM] Mika™: "Oh I'm glad you two are becoming closer friends and..was that manakete named Milth ?"
[7:28 PM] Kwakado: Sula stops for a moment as he passes by them. Had he revealed her secret without thinking?!
[7:29 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Huh, you know her?"
[7:29 PM] Mika™: "I do! I meet her before..I meet many people. I cooked her fish and we had a lovely time together."
[7:32 PM] Kwakado: Sula sets down the second stack, keeping it from making too much noise. He wasn't really sure what he could safely say.
[7:32 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew remembers the food she's made before "mmm, I really miss your food, it always tasted so good!"(edited)
[7:33 PM] Mika™: She laughs. "Drew..do I seem like a manakete? Milth thought I was one..well apparently Sula told her I was one...weird right."
[7:34 PM] Kwakado: At a complete loss for words, the Dwabi just goes back for the final sack.
[7:37 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "W..what? Well most manaketes I've met are nice but any observant eye can see your not a manakete"(edited)
[7:38 PM] Mika™: "I know..I wonder why Sula told her that." She looks around.."Where is he anyway?"
[7:38 PM] Kwakado: Sula enters, carrying one last big sack, and comes up close to them. He sets it down with the others.(edited)
[7:39 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew turns around "Is that the last one Sula?"
[7:40 PM] Kwakado: He nods. "Yes....."
"...I do not know very much about Mil-tho. But she knew about...what did you call them?"
[7:41 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "You mean Manaketes?"
[7:41 PM] Mika™: She looks confused. "Um what's going on?"
[7:41 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh man I looove studying these shapeshifters"
[7:41 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew pulls out a book....its the wrong topic
[7:41 PM] Kwakado: "Mana-kete, yes! I have never heard of them before." He looks to Vivi, a little embarrassed that Drew is here for this.
[7:42 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh.....huh guess I left it in the room"
[7:42 PM] Mika™: "Is someone going to tell me what's going on? What about Manaketes?"
[7:44 PM] Kwakado: Sula rested both hands on the broom handle. "When Mil-tho and I went to the stables, she...thought you were a manakete. Someone who was both human and dragon."
[7:45 PM] Mika™: "Yes I know she told me, but what does that have to do with anything..also she told me you told her that."
[7:46 PM] Kwakado: "The necklace. When I told her about it, she got confused...I do not understand it myself, why she would think that."
[7:47 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Dont manaketes usually have scale-y ears anyway?"
[7:48 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "That and the slow aging thing"
[7:48 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew laughs "hey Vivi your not a thousand years old are you?"
[7:48 PM] Mika™: She touches her ears before smiling at him. "No I'm only 500."
[7:49 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew looks suprised for a second before laughing even more
[7:50 PM] Kwakado: "Ha ha ha.. you do look younger after all." Sula smiles.
[7:52 PM] Kwakado: "Perhaps Mil-tho just thought you looked very...divine. Like a dragon would."
[7:53 PM] Mika™: "Aww Sula you're too nice. I think she was just confused. She seems young doesn't she. Even for a Mankete."
[7:55 PM] Kwakado: "Uu?" They kept mentioning that about her. "Why do you think she is a manakete?"
[7:56 PM] Mika™: "She told me."
[7:56 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Uh, the dragoncharm on her neck gave it away for me"
[7:57 PM] Kwakado: Sula hums again. "...Oh. She made me...promise not to tell anyone. Forgive me, I did not want to hide the truth from you, but I could not disrespect O Ayida."(edited)
[7:59 PM] Mika™: "It's ok, I do understand why you did it."
[7:59 PM] Kwakado: He leans further into the walking stick. "She...took me to the stables, on her back, that day. Mil-tho ran as fast as she could...to save you."
[8:00 PM] Mika™: "..Now I feel really bad...I thought you two were..well..nevermind."
[8:00 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Huh? What happened to Vivi?"
[8:00 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama makes a pass by the royal stables, and does a double-take. "Sula?"
[8:01 PM] Kwakado: [NPC] One of the guards came up to Kazama. "He's been sort of...living here, sir, for a few days. We were going to say something, of course, but he's actually been taking care of the horses, and he said it was official business, so..."(edited)
[8:02 PM] Mika™: "Nothing it's nothing, Sula was a little worried after a misunderstanding."
[8:03 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama sighs, passing by the guard to approach the diviner. "Sula."
[8:03 PM] Kwakado: Sula nodded. "Even so, I must repay her. I thought I would make her something to hold the, uu...--" He turns to the ninja. "Kalen-za! Kwemo!"
[8:04 PM] Kwakado: "...Kaza-mo. Forgive me." The Dwabi lifts himself up a bit, putting his bad foot down but with no weight on it.(edited)
[8:04 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew sits down
[8:05 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Sula, are you alright?"
[8:06 PM] Kwakado: "Yes, yes, Sula-o Kwemo. Lots of Dwabi food is good for the body!"
[8:06 PM] AOMRocks20: "And bad for your leg, it seems. What happened?"
[8:08 PM] Kwakado: "..Shimi-e and I had an accident while training..." Sula looks down at the still-discolored foot, losing his balance for a moment. "But it will heal soon. A holy man came to help."
[8:09 PM] Mika™: She tries to hid her laughter.
[8:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Hrmph." He glances. "And who is this woman...?"(edited)
[8:10 PM] Kwakado: "Vivi-u?" Sula smirks proudly. "She is at your service, the finest stablehand in all of Amaterasu, ha ha ha!"
[8:11 PM] Mika™: "We know each other already. Hello Kazama."
[8:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh! Oh, my goodness, Vivianna, my apologies! I didn't recognize you for a moment, my friend!" Kazama chuckles, slightly embarrassed.
[8:12 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "I...think I've seen him too"
[8:12 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh right! The bath house!"
[8:12 PM] Kwakado: Sula looks the Prince of Thieves directly in the eyes. "Yes, Drew-i. Kaza-mo is the chief of security here in Amaterasu. So we can trust him to keep us safe."(edited)
[8:12 PM] Mika™: She just smiles. "I didn;t think I was so forgettable. How have you been?"
[8:13 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, never. I've just been a bit lost in thought. I've been doing delightfully!"
[8:14 PM] Mika™: She grins. "Elwyn treating you good, I see."
[8:16 PM] Kwakado: Sula blinks. Then speaks mostly to himself. "El-wyn?"(edited)
[8:16 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah, yes. He's a delightful little dumpling, he is. So, what's with the meetup at the stables? Surely it's not the smell?"
[8:16 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh I came here to see Este"
[8:17 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew pats the colt
[8:18 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "He is getting Kwemo, but he needs sleep. I wonder if we should meet outside here?"
[8:18 PM] Mika™: "That would be for the best."
[8:18 PM] AOMRocks20: "...What are you all discussing, if I may ask?"
[8:19 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Well we were talking about manaketes"
[8:20 PM] Kwakado: "Yes, yes, they were teaching Sula-o about them! We do not have Mana-kete in the land of the Dwabi, you see." Sula starts walking out of the stables, using the stripped broom to get along.
[8:21 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shrugs. "There's not much to tell, but if you really need any manakete-related questions, you can ask me. I have centuries of experience, after all."
[8:21 PM] Mika™: Vivianna makes sure Este is asleep and comfortable before following them out.
[8:21 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew walks along aswell "I mostly learned from books but I would love talking to more actual shapeshifters"
[8:22 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well, you have one right here, Drew." He follows them out.
[8:22 PM] Kwakado: Sula stops, and can't help but lean on his other foot for a moment. "Ba-bi! Kaza-mo...You are Ayida?!"
[8:23 PM] AOMRocks20: "Why, yes. I am."
[8:24 PM] Kwakado: Sula's whole body felt sour, and he collapsed into the hay.
[8:25 PM] Mika™: "Sula!"
[8:25 PM] AOMRocks20: "Sula?!" Kazama quickly ran to help the man to his feet. "Are you okay?!"
[8:25 PM] Kwakado: As if in a trance, the bowing Dwabi says, without looking up from the ground...
[8:26 PM] Kwakado: "Le Kwemo Kwemi, O Ayida"....He repeats these sounds once more.
[8:26 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Oh not again"
[8:26 PM] Mika™: She looks very confused. "Um Kazama...w-whats he doing?"
[8:27 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama nods, trying not to smile under his mask. "The Dwabi are... very fond of dragons."
[8:28 PM] Kwakado: Sula found it hard to get up, due to the overwhelming feeling of awe....and dread, knowing that now his quest may pit him against such a divine being. ...And also sake.
[8:29 PM] Kwakado: Finally managing to lift his head, Sula spoke: "Forgive me, Kaza-mo. I did not know about the mana-kete until, very recently."(edited)
[8:29 PM] Mika™: "I see...wow."
[8:29 PM] AOMRocks20: He nods. "It is alright, Sula."
[8:30 PM] Kwakado: He gets up using the broom. "Kaza-mo must be used to it by now, ha ha."(edited)
[8:31 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, I am."
[8:32 PM] Kwakado: Sula coughs a bit. "...Ba-bi. Three Ayida in one city...What is happening here?"
[8:33 PM] AOMRocks20: Yes... only three... I hope we don't go to Gallaran.
[8:33 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "I guess word of the party spread....really far"
[8:35 PM] Kwakado: Sula makes it the rest of the way out of the stables. He turns to Vivianna rather sheepishly, hoping she understands what happened with Milth now.
8:36 PM] Mika™: She looks surprised but she nods at him and gives him a small smile.
[8:39 PM] Kwakado: "I must ask, Kaza-mo...Do you have a special, Dragon-charm, you carry?"
[8:40 PM] AOMRocks20: "Not on me, no. I prefer to keep that in my room."
[8:41 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Aww, I wanted to hold one"
[8:41 PM] Kwakado: Sula straightened up, wobbling a bit. "I met an Ayida who carried it in their hand. Sula-i cannot say who it is. But I am worried that they might lose it like that..."
[8:42 PM] AOMRocks20: "I'm sure they're fine, Sula. Do not worry."
[8:42 PM] Kwakado: The diviner sighed. City life was too fast for him. "O Ayida has asked me to make...something to hold it. Something small, simple, and shiny."
[8:43 PM] AOMRocks20: "...is purchasing a jewelry case for it not good enough?"
[8:44 PM] Kwakado: Sula shook his head. "I could never give an Ayida...good enough, ha.There is no greater Kwemo than a Dwabi's own craft. And a Dwabi cannot break their word in the sight of the gods."(edited)
[8:45 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah, I see. So, you''ll be purchasing the materials, then? I'd love to see how you would work at it."
[8:46 PM] Kwakado: Sula remains silent. Kingdom drinks made it so hard to think straight...
[8:47 PM] Mika™: She looks at him strangely, he was acting weirder then normal.
[8:49 PM] Kwakado: Sula smiles. "Shimi-e does not like crowds. Most days, Sula-i just finds pieces in the land, in the sky."(edited)
[8:50 PM] Kwakado: He hums. "But never ore. So I will have to find a good price at the caravans...or a jewelry case."
[8:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "...so, you will be buying one?"
[8:52 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Why don't we build it? It sounds fun anyway"
[8:54 PM] Kwakado: Sula tilts his head to the other side with another hum. "Scath-ach is too far east. I would never make it there in time for the banquet, even with Shimi-e. Then if I cannot find anything in Ama-terasu..."(edited)
[8:54 PM] AOMRocks20: "Sula."
[8:55 PM] Kwakado: "O Ayida?"
[8:55 PM] AOMRocks20: "What are you planning?"
[8:57 PM] Kwakado: Perhaps dragons could read the hearts of men. "The only other mountains are south, in Khlin, and east of here." He glanced up at Kazama. "All I can do is ask the gods, and accept their truth. That is all Sula-i ever plans."(edited)
[8:58 PM] AOMRocks20: "Why are you looking for a mountain?"
[8:59 PM] Kwakado: "The woods here did not have many shiny things."
[9:00 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Are you intending to travel to a mountain and look for shiny things?"
[9:01 PM] Kwakado: "That is where Frey-zen ore comes from, uu?"
[9:02 PM] AOMRocks20: "Sula."
[9:02 PM] Kwakado: Sula simply nodded.
[9:03 PM] AOMRocks20: "You are thinking of travelling to a Freyzenese mine."
[9:04 PM] Kwakado: Another nod.
[9:04 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "I haven't seen one before"
[9:06 PM] AOMRocks20: "And... looking for ore."
[9:07 PM] Kwakado: "If it goes against Frey-zen law, I can find another way, Kaza-mo"--(edited)
[9:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "I would... not say that, but..."
[9:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "Is there really anything stopping you from just... purchasing the materials for this case, and making it yourself?"
[9:10 PM] Kwakado: Sula...nods.
[9:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "And what might that be?"
[9:15 PM] Kwakado: "Kaza-mo, you know the prices of the trading caravans as well as I do. Even a single string of freshwater pearls would be beyond what I have, with almost a month left here in Amaterasu."
[9:16 PM] Kwakado: "I do not need to explain it to you here" - Sula looked back at his young friends - "But that money was given to me for other duties, which I will follow through on."(edited)
[9:19 PM] AOMRocks20: "...did you try asking for someone to lend you money?"
[9:20 PM] Mika™: "Um..as much as I like listening to you to, is this going to go anywhere?"
[9:21 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "This is between Sula-i and O Ayida. I do not need the help of others." He looked up at the ninja. "Or Kaza-mo."
[9:22 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama sighs. "So you are set in your ways?"
[9:27 PM] Mika™: Vivianna yawns. "So what you are saying is that you want to go mine to make a necklace and Kazama, I don't see what you're trying to say. It's not like he's asking you to mine with him. This whole talk is going nowhere, and I don't really mind but I wish you didn't intrude on my time with Este for things that...don't go anywhere."
[9:37 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "I mean I'm not busy so I don't mind but I guess I do want to sit down soon"
[9:42 PM] Mika™: "Seriously if you and Kazama want to keep fighting me and Drew can go eat. I found this nice stand selling food that is a combination of dwabi and freyzenwald."
[6:14 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: "Mmm, sound's great! Sooo...I guess we'll meet up with you two later"
[6:16 PM] Kwakado: "...Perhaps a meal would be Kwemo for all of us, milord?" Sula looks to the manakete.(edited)
[6:17 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shrugs. "I would like more details on this journey, but I suppose I can set the topic aside."
[6:19 PM] Mika™: Vivi is already walking away. She was hungry ok(edited)
[6:20 PM] Kwakado: "Truly, it would not be too hard to just find something in this city, ha ha ha." Sula starts to head towards the stand as well. "But for now, let us eat."
[6:21 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama follows Sula. "Of course."
[6:21 PM] ChaoticAceTrainer: Drew hurries to catch up with them
[6:26 PM] Kwakado: =====END RP=====