Featuring: Kazama, Leodin, Elwyn
Kazama, Elwyn, and Leodin enter a completely empty bathouse for some intimate conversations. The masked nobleman finally reveals his face to them, telling them to keep it a secret so that his family doesn't find him. Kazama presents his comrades with the metaphor of tending to a river, asking whether it is better to keep it flowing or clean. Elwyn presses Kazama about the difference between their human and manakete lifespans, but he evades the question and takes his flirting with Elwyn to a whole new level. Leodin feels really uncomfortable and Elwyn apologizes as they leave.
[6:43 PM] AOMRocks20: He gets to the entrance, holding it open for them. "We'll be having a nice private bath, just the three of us."
[6:44 PM] REWlego: "Oh... okay." I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...
[6:45 PM] Mango: Elwyn blushed and just, shut his mouth.
[6:46 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well, come on in, everyone."
[6:46 PM] REWlego: "Thanks." Leodin walks in, but doesn't start changing yet.
[6:48 PM] Mango: "P-Please excuse my intrusion..."
[6:48 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hm?"
[6:48 PM] REWlego: "Intrusion? What do you mean?"
[6:51 PM] Mango: "W-Well...I mean...isn't that something you're supposed to say...?"
[6:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, no. You're fine. Just head inside."
[6:53 PM] Mango: Elwyn tried to say something, but closed his mouth to save himself the embarrassment.
[6:54 PM] Mango: "OK..." He entered.
[6:54 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama entered, changing into that weird Hoshidan loincloth thing.
[6:54 PM] AOMRocks20: Seriously, the hell do you call that?
[6:55 PM] AOMRocks20: Fundoshi, I guess.
[6:56 PM] Mango: Elwyn's face turned as red as a tomato immediately.
[6:57 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama sat on a bench, crossing his legs.
[6:57 PM] REWlego: Leodin sees Elwyn and gives him a weak smile
[7:00 PM] Mango: Elwyn mouthed to Leodin. "Help me."
[7:01 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama leaned back, holding his head in his hands behind his head. "Whenever you two're ready."
[7:02 PM] REWlego: Leodin puts his hand up to his face and mouths back: "I'm sorry."
[7:02 PM] Mango: "Well, um...I'm ready, I suppose."
[7:04 PM] AOMRocks20: "Er... alright. Interesting outfit for bathing." He heads into the bath.
[7:04 PM] REWlego: Leodin walks over to a corner and starts changing
[7:05 PM] Mango: Elwyn sighed and changed into his swim wear.
[7:06 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama laid back into the water, staring up at the ceiling. "This place is always relaxing."
[7:06 PM] REWlego: Leodin stays near a corner and waits for Elwyn to go into the bath
[7:08 PM] Mango: Elwyn stepped in and sat a bit away from Kazama. "It wasn't really relaxing the last time..."
[7:08 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well... there were a lot of guys."
[7:09 PM] REWlego: Leodin plays with the idea of taking his mask off Well, they're my friends. It's not like they're going to broadcast my location to my family, and they already know my last name...
[7:10 PM] Mango: "...You know that's not the point here Kazama."
[7:10 PM] REWlego: He slowly turns to the wall and lowers his mask, and then walks towards the bath, showing them his bright blue eyes for the first time.
[7:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well, the point here is to relax."
[7:12 PM] Mango: "...Kazama."
[7:12 PM] Mango: Elwyn whispered. "Leodin actually took off the mask..."
[7:13 PM] AOMRocks20: "Eh?" He sat up.
[7:13 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Oh."
[7:14 PM] REWlego: Leodin gives a weak smile as he walks over and joins them in the bath, sitting on the opposite side of Elwyn to Kazama
[7:14 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama nods. "You have beautiful eyes."(edited)
[7:15 PM] Mango: "I see you're starting to trust us with your face now?"
[7:16 PM] REWlego: Leodin blushes "Thank you Kazama... I don't take my mask off very often, even when I go to sleep... I thought it was time to let you guys see what I actually look like."
[7:17 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see. Well, thank you for trusting us."
[7:17 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods
[7:18 PM] REWlego: "I'll leave my mask next to me, just in case someone else decides to walk in."
[7:19 PM] REWlego: "The only reason I had the mask was so that my family wouldn't find my location, but I know you guys won't go around telling everyone where I am."
[7:19 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course not."
[7:20 PM] REWlego: "Thank you."
[7:23 PM] Mango: "You have your reasons to stay secretive, you have my trust."
[7:27 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes..." Kazama lays back, shutting his eyes. Secretive...
[7:30 PM] Mango: "Kazama?"
[7:31 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes?"
[7:33 PM] Mango: "Is something wrong?"
[7:33 PM] Mango: "Leodin told me about how you had a problem yesterday...so..."
[7:34 PM] REWlego: What the heck, Elwyn?! He elbows him softly in the side
[7:34 PM] AOMRocks20: "Tch... yes..." Kazama rolled onto his stomach.
[7:35 PM] REWlego: "I'm sorry, Kazama. I don't know why Elwyn said that... I didn't mean to disobey your trust, but I know how you two feel about eachother."
[7:38 PM] Mango: "...Kazama." Elwyn put a hand on Kazama's shoulder. "...We all have things that are hard for us to tell anyone..."
[7:38 PM] Mango: "We are here for you, I...don't want to see yourself be like this, aren't we comrades?"
[7:39 PM] REWlego: Leodin moves away from the edge of the bath to a spot where both of them are in view
[7:40 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Comrades?"
[7:40 PM] REWlego: I was going to use the word friend, but....
[7:41 PM] REWlego: "I-I think what Elwyn's trying to say is that we will stick with eachother no matter what. Neither of us want to see you feeling like this."
[7:43 PM] Mango: "Yeah."
[7:43 PM] AOMRocks20: "I... see."
[7:43 PM] Mango: "I guess I could've used another word rather than comrades...a stronger one, but...yeah." He smiled at Kazama.
[7:43 PM] AOMRocks20: "Elwyn..."
[7:44 PM] REWlego: Leodin keeps shifting his gaze between the two, not sure what thay're trying to say
[7:45 PM] AOMRocks20: "I've just been... pondering something."
[7:45 PM] Mango: "What is it? We won't judge, promise."
[7:45 PM] AOMRocks20: "You know of erosion, yes?"
[7:46 PM] Mango: "Yeah, why?"
[7:48 PM] AOMRocks20: "I've had a question relating it posed to me, and it's frustrating me. Perhaps I'm overreacting."
[7:48 PM] AOMRocks20: "Would you like to hear it?"
[7:48 PM] REWlego: "Of course. I don't see why not."
[7:49 PM] Mango: "Yeah, I agree with Leodin."
[7:50 PM] AOMRocks20: "Right..."
[7:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "Suppose there is a river. Your duty is to tend to it, ensure it is strong."
[7:51 PM] REWlego: Leodin becomes curious and leans in closer
[7:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "You can tend to it however you please to achieve that goal."
[7:52 PM] AOMRocks20: "The question was... as the river erodes away, do you make choices to ensure it always flows, or do you make projects to make sure it is clean and lively?"
[7:53 PM] Mango: "...And?"
[7:53 PM] Mango: "Hm..."
[7:54 PM] Mango: "Just because it flows, doesn't mean a river is strong..."
[7:55 PM] Mango: "I think the right thing to do is to make sure it is clean and lively."
[7:55 PM] Mango: "If a river is polluted, it would only hurt the enviroment and the animals and people that use it to bathe or drink, so..."
[7:56 PM] Mango: "Making sure it's clean and lively benefits everyone, only making sure it flows and not checking it doesn't do much..."
[7:56 PM] Mango: "But, that's only my opinion."
[7:56 PM] REWlego: "Well... I think that I would agree with Elwyn... If the river can't sustain life, then what is it's purpose?"
[7:57 PM] Mango: "Exactly."
[7:57 PM] AOMRocks20: "...I see."
[7:57 PM] Mango: "I think the same would go for people too."
[7:57 PM] Mango: "...Like you, Kazama."
[7:58 PM] REWlego: Wait... was this just a metaphor? I've been tricked again....
[7:58 PM] Mango: "I suppose our lifetime is like a river, always flowing."
[7:58 PM] AOMRocks20: "...That's right."
[7:58 PM] Mango: "But like real rivers, they can get polluted too. Plagued with problems and the like..."
[7:59 PM] Mango: "That's why...you shouldn't keep things to yourself, Kazama. You can trust us to make sure we can keep your river clean and lively."
[7:59 PM] REWlego: "You can surround yourself in people and things that you love and enjoy, or you can decide to be succesful and possibly lose out on those things."
[8:00 PM] Mango: "I suppose that's one way to say it."
[8:01 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hrm..." Not the way I interpreted it.
[8:01 PM] REWlego: I stink at metaphors...(edited)
[8:03 PM] REWlego: "Did you have a different opinion?"
[8:04 PM] AOMRocks20: "...No."
[8:04 PM] Mango: "...Do you feel like you found an answer to that question now?"
[8:05 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes. I have."
[8:06 PM] Mango: "So? What is it?"
[8:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "The same as yours."
[8:08 PM] Mango: "That's good!" Elwyn smiled. "I suppose that means the question isn't going to bother you anymore?"
[8:08 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes."
[8:09 PM] REWlego: "Is that question the reason why you left yesterday?"
[8:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "...It may have been, yes."
[8:11 PM] REWlego: It may...?
[8:11 PM] REWlego: "What do you mean by that?"
[8:14 PM] AOMRocks20: "There are many things which I must keep secret."
[8:17 PM] REWlego: "I-I understand...."
[8:19 PM] AOMRocks20: "...my apologies for that."
[8:19 PM] REWlego: "No, it's quite alright... I suppose I had secrets I was keeping from you as well."
[8:21 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see."
[8:22 PM] REWlego: "I hope that as we get to know eachother better, and our bonds strengthen, then we will eventually be able to be completely open with eachother."
[8:25 PM] Mango: "I hope so too."
[8:25 PM] Mango: Elwyn was slightly disappointed, but he knew this was for the best.
[8:25 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes..." He glances at Elwyn, blushing lightly.(edited)
[8:26 PM] Mango: He held Kazama's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
[8:26 PM] REWlego: I think they sometimes forget that I'm right here... Am I invisible or something?
[8:26 PM] Mango: "Remember that Leodin and I are here for you, Kazama."
[8:27 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods
[8:31 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama nods. He murmurs into the water. "For now..."
[8:32 PM] REWlego: "What was that? Sorry... I didn't hear what you said..."
[8:34 PM] AOMRocks20: "Nothing. Just murmuring."
[8:35 PM] REWlego: Leodin frowns and looks at Elwyn
[8:45 PM] Mango: "...Kazama..."
[8:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes? Is my outfit askew?"
[8:53 PM] Mango: Elwyn tried not to smile. "That's not what I want to ask."
[8:53 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Is it?"
[8:55 PM] Mango: "No. I just...I can't help but worry."
[8:58 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah. Ask away, then."
[8:59 PM] Mango: "...I...I think I know the reason why you're so worried."
[9:02 PM] AOMRocks20: "Why's that?"
[9:02 PM] Mango: "You know how I told you how I researched about the Manaketes?"
[9:02 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes..."
[9:06 PM] Mango: Well, I know that they have a long lifespan...so I was wondering...are you...worried about that?"
[9:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course not."
[9:08 PM] Mango: "Oh..."
[9:08 PM] Mango: "I suppose that's fine...?"
[9:08 PM] REWlego: What are you two talking about? This makes no sense.
[9:10 PM] Mango: "Since you're one I kind of assumed so..."
[9:10 PM] Mango: "But that was wrong of me, assuming only makes an ass out of you and me. That's what I told Leodin once, when he thought you were one."
[9:11 PM] REWlego: Does Elwyn just like to share our conversations with Kazama? I find this very disturbing...
[9:12 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see. I'm not worried about my lifespan at all. It's not a problem for me."
[9:12 PM] AOMRocks20: Liar.
[9:12 PM] AOMRocks20: Fucking liar.
[9:13 PM] REWlego: "Uhh if I may ask... how long is a manakete's expected lifespan?"
[9:13 PM] Mango: "...A long time, over a thousand years."
[9:13 PM] AOMRocks20: "Many thousands, to be exact. Some tens of thousands."
[9:13 PM] REWlego: So Kazama wasn't lying to me about him living for centuries? Which makes him a liar...?
[9:17 PM] REWlego: "That's... quite a long time to live... I don't know how you aren't worried about it."
[9:17 PM] AOMRocks20: "I'll just... let it happen, I guess."
[9:19 PM] REWlego: I can't even think about the fact that he will most likely outlive Elwyn... No, why am I thinking about this, I'm terrible...
[9:22 PM] Mango: "Then...I guess if the time does come, I'll just try and stay beside you in spirit."
[9:24 PM] AOMRocks20: Like everyone else... "Thank you. That means a lot."
[9:28 PM] Mango: "I guess one thing we could do is just...live and bask in the now, if we focus too much on the darkness of the future, can we really see the light of the present?"
[9:28 PM] AOMRocks20: "Mmn. True..."
[9:29 PM] REWlego: Woah... Elwyn should be a philosopher
[9:29 PM] Mango: "We're relaxing and having fun now, right? That's what matters. That we're doing what we can rather than lamenting on what we can't do."
[9:34 PM] AOMRocks20: "Yes... true..."
[9:36 PM] Mango: "If we aren't together, we still have the memories we made."
[9:37 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course... Memories..." Kazama sighs into the water.
[9:37 PM] Mango: "And...I'm really having fun, just being with you two." Elwyn lays his head on Kazama's shoulder.
[9:38 PM] Mango: "And if I did have the choice, I wouldn't change a thing." He smiled.
[9:39 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama snickers. "...Elwyn?"
[9:40 PM] REWlego: Uhhh what???
[9:40 PM] Mango: "What?"
[9:42 PM] AOMRocks20: "I'm getting the feeling you might want to fill this bath with more than water."
[9:42 PM] REWlego: WHAT THE CRAP?
[9:43 PM] Mango: "...Oh."
[9:43 PM] REWlego: What it this supposed to mean?
[9:44 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles.
[9:44 PM] Mango: "Oh, Gods..."
[9:45 PM] AOMRocks20: "I'm sorry, am I making you blush?"
[9:48 PM] AOMRocks20: "Never mind. I think we've been in here long enough." Kazama rises.
[9:49 PM] REWlego: But what was he talking about...?
[9:49 PM] Mango: "Where are we going now?"
[9:49 PM] REWlego: Leodin moves to the edge and grabs his mask, putting it back on
[9:50 PM] REWlego: "Well, the night we met, we actually parted ways after the bath."
[9:50 PM] AOMRocks20: "I believe that is... to our beds, yes?"
[9:50 PM] REWlego: "beds"
[9:51 PM] Mango: "...I guess we left..."
[9:51 PM] REWlego: "We don't have to part ways if you don't want to...."
[9:52 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama vanishes.
[9:52 PM] Mango: "...There he goes..."
[9:52 PM] REWlego: "Umm okay then."
[9:52 PM] AOMRocks20: He then bursts through the bathroom door. "OH MY GODS I FORGOT MY CLOTHES."
[9:53 PM] Mango: "Now I feel like you're making fun of me."
[9:53 PM] Mango: Elwyn crossed his arms.
[9:53 PM] AOMRocks20: "I heard something about not leaving before I left."
[9:55 PM] REWlego: "Well, I'm enjoying spending time together, and we don't have to play this out exactly the same as we did before."
[9:56 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah, okay."
[10:01 PM] REWlego: "But, it's up to you two."
[10:03 PM] AOMRocks20: "What do you think, Elwyn, my friend?"
[10:04 PM] Mango: "I'd rather we not do it the same way, besides, I'd have to run out and cry and you two have to be concerned about me again."
[10:04 PM] Mango: "I'd like that we can do something fun, I don't know..."
[10:05 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hrm." Kazama sits in the water again, spreading his legs out.
[10:06 PM] Mango: Elwyn turned his head away immediately.
[10:06 PM] Mango: "Now I'm sure you're trying to make fun of me..."
[10:06 PM] REWlego: Kazama, why do you do this to us?
[10:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "What? I'm just stretching."
[10:08 PM] AOMRocks20: "Not everything I do has to be in reference to something lewd."
[10:08 PM] REWlego: Leodin looks at Kazama with a face that gets one point across: "You know better."
[10:09 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama frowns. "What? I'm not lying."
[10:09 PM] Mango: "I'm the one with the gigantic crush here..."
[10:09 PM] REWlego: "I think we would both appreciate it if you turned around though."(edited)
[10:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, okay." He does so.
[10:10 PM] REWlego: Leodin pats Elwyn on the back and says quietly so that Kazama doesn't hear: "Is that better?"
[10:11 PM] Mango: "Yeah."
[10:12 PM] AOMRocks20: He continues stretching.
[10:13 PM] REWlego: "I still can't tell if he does this on purpose or not..."
[10:18 PM] Mango: "Me neither..."
[10:18 PM] Mango: "I suppose it must be some sort of Manakete thing."
[10:19 PM] REWlego: Leodin chuckles "Maybe, but you know more about them than I do."
[10:19 PM] Mango: "Some books don't really compare to the real thing, I suppose."
[10:21 PM] Mango: "Well, I suppose I can't complain with the view I'm seeing now I guess."
[10:22 PM] REWlego: Leodin lightly punches Elwyn in the arm. "I really think that you two forget that I'm here sometimes..."
[10:22 PM] Mango: "Love does this to you, I guess..."
[10:22 PM] Mango: "It can be frusterating sometimes, though..."
[10:23 PM] REWlego: Believe me, it is
[10:23 PM] REWlego: "Oh well.... I guess I'll have to deal with it." Leodin smiles
[10:35 PM] Mango: "I don't really mean to treat you like this...crushes are so frusterating..."
[10:37 PM] AOMRocks20: =======================wow how gay of him we're gonna pause the rp===================
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