Featuring: Elwyn, Kalenzo
[8:54 PM] Mango: Elwyn rode around the city with a spring in his step. Or rather, mood. He IS riding his horse after all. The troubadour felt refreshed after the dinner disaster before, and he was with Kazama that night too! He felt like the day couldn't get any better. With him he carried the baked goods he recieved from Vivianna, he never ate them so he took the chance to do so now.(edited)
[9:07 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Well well! Would you look at who it is!" Kalenzo asked to nobody but himself, shooting the younger man a smile from the outside of a particularly large market stall as he leaned against it. He pushed himself off of where he was leaning to approach the horseman.
"Looks like my friend has made it to the capital in one piece, glad to see you again!"
[9:09 PM] Mango: "Sir Kalenzo? I didn't know you were here..."
[9:10 PM] Mango: "I am in one piece, thanks to your guidance before. I thank you." Elwyn bowed.
[9:15 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "It's not a problem," Kalenzo reassured, giving a small wave from his now crossed arms.
His vision soon drifted to Elwyn's baggage as his nose was enticed by the smell of baked goods,
[9:16 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Ohohoho, what do you have in there? Might I inquire?"
[9:18 PM] Mango: "Oh, this?" Elwyn held out the package that Vivianna gave him. "It's just some food a friend of mine baked for me, lots of chocolate it seems..."
[9:19 PM] Mango: "You can have some if you'd like!"
[9:24 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Faaascinating... and I'd be delighted to have some," Kalenzo responded to the offer, his eyes still locked on the bunch of chocolate stored in the bag. A hand of his raised in order to stroke his stubble as he had approached Elwyn.
"So anyways, where are you headed?" He asked, his stubble-stroking hand drifting into the bag of goodies, nimbly taking out a piece of brownie and wrapping it with a piece of cloth for later.(edited)
[9:26 PM] Mango: "Oh, I'm just looking around. I had a fantastic--or, well...it was a fantastic day aside from a couple of things. So I'm just going around in a good mood, I might get some gifts for Kazama... Oh! You don't know who he is, he's just...um..."
[9:30 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "He's just...?" Kalenzo reiterated, wiping any brownie crumbs on the side of his cloak. Still trying to maintain eye contact with Elwyn, the bowman tilted his head.(edited)
[9:33 PM] Mango: "N-Never mind, pretend I didn't mention anything..." Elwyn blushed and waved his hands,
[9:39 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: Kalenzo raised his eyebrows with an unimpressed look on his face.
"Okay then... if you say so," He answered, shrugging and directing his attention to wherever he might be going.
That's something I'm going to have to remember... who knows when I'll need to blackmail him?
"I hope you still don't mind if I tag along, do you? I've had the horrible misfortune of losing the people I've met to the crowds."(edited)
[9:40 PM] Mango: "That's fine with me, do you want to continue walking or would you like to join me on my horse?"
[9:43 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I'm fine with walking, I've never really been much of a fan of animals." He responded, looking back over to the younger man "The trip isn't that far, is it?"
[9:44 PM] Mango: "As I said, I'm just looking around. I've no destination in mind, but if you have any reccomendations, then feel free to tell me."
[9:50 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I've been trying to get myself a journal for a while now... Would you mind assisting me in that endeavor?" Kalenzo asked, looking around through all the market stalls, "...Gods, I can't tell you how many ideas I've lost because I was unable to write them down..."
[9:56 PM] Mango: "Writing down ideas? Are you a writer by any chance?"
[10:03 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I'm more of an artist, really, but I also enjoy my fair share of puppeteering if I get the chance. Being able to diagram and save my ideas will certainly help, that and I could always use it to keep a log of my travels."
[10:03 PM] Mango: "Oh, I see! I'll help you out then, I'd love to see one of your works of art someday!"
[10:05 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Ohohoho, we will have to see about that..." Kalenzo responded, disguising his devilish grin behind an innocent chuckle.
[10:06 PM] Mango: "So, what type of journal are you looking for? Would you mind any regular old one, or are you looking for one that fits your taste?"
[10:11 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh, I was thinking something along the lines of just a simple old brown leather journal. Nothing too ornate, just something to put down my thoughts."
[10:22 PM] Mango: "Ah, going for something simple I see? Well, why don't we get looking? I think there's a place that sells them over there..."
[10:27 PM] Mango: Elwyn dismounted and walked over to a nearby stall. "Excuse me, sir...but I would like to check out one of your products." He conversed with the owner and managed to procure a journal to show to Kalenzo.
[10:32 PM] Mango: "Sir Kalenzo, would this work? It's leather, however it's a different color than brown, would this work?"
[10:32 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh my... that's certainly a nice one," Kalenzo remarked, accepting the book to give it a closer examination.
The pages are just thick enough, the leather is comfortable enough in my hands...
"I'll take it, how much does it cost?"
[10:33 PM] Mango: "Oh, a few gold, I've already paid for it for you."
[10:36 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh, come on, you didn't have to do that." Ohohoho, for free? I'll take it! "But if you insist, I won't stop you..." He responded ever so insincerely, placing his newly acquired journal in his travelling bag.(edited)
[10:41 PM] Mango: "Oh, consider it as a thank you for helping me out." He smiled.
[10:45 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Well then, thank you very much!" Kalenzo responded, giving the man a genuine smile.
[10:47 PM] Mango: "Is there any other place you'd like to go? I'm interested in seeing more of what Amaterasu has to offer."
[10:53 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I have no idea... I mean, I'd be delighted to go to any theaters they have here. I've always had a passion for acting."
[10:57 PM] Mango: "Oh, I'd have to ask Kazama next time I see him, he's the head of security and has been here for quite a while, perhaps then we'd be able to find some theaters."
[11:04 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Sounds like a plan," Kalenzo remarked, giving another smile.
Head of security eh? I haven't seen him around, is he even here?
"This Kazama fellow... does he show himself often?" He suddenly inquired
[11:06 PM] Mango: "He's usually at the plaza or anywhere around the castle, he's watching over the area for anything that could disrupt the oncoming party."
[11:06 PM] Mango: "He should be around, but I haven't seen him ever since we seperated this morning..."
[11:10 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Ah, I see..." Kalenzo spoke, his words drifting off as he stroked his stubble once more(edited)
[11:23 PM] Mango: "Unfortunately, we might have to plan the theater watching at a later date..."
[11:27 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I'm content with that, take as much time as you need to. I'll be staying around after the celebration ends."
[11:31 PM] Mango: "Celebration? So you DID know there a was a party. Why didn't you say so before and came with me?"
[11:37 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Well, the thought didn't really pass my mind at that time... That and visiting the capital wasn't a priority of mine."
[11:37 PM] Mango: "I see, what is it you're here to do then?"
[11:45 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I'm but a simple man, exploring the world as I know it. That and I'm hoping to expand my artistic knowledge however I can."(edited)
[2:08 PM] Mango: "I see, that's a wonderful reason to travel. I'm sure you'll have many ideas to show to the world soon enouhg."
[2:15 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "We will have to see about that... The thing is, most people aren't very fond of my works. I'm a controversial artist, in the words of some."
[2:21 PM] Mango: "Ah, that's too bad...I'm sure that the people will see the beauty in your works soon. I don't see how it could be controversial..."
[2:31 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Maybe they will, however I have my doubts..." Kalenzo responded, avoiding the last part of Elwyn's question before shrugging "Ah well, what truly matters is that the work is beautiful in my eyes, and if anyone else understands my genius, the more power to them."
[2:42 PM] Mango: "Who knows, perhaps one day you'll create a masterpiece that will be above all works of art!"
[2:42 PM] Mango: "A postive way of thinking is always good, Sir Kalenzo. You shouldn't stop what you love to do just cause some think that your work is controversial."
[2:49 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh, absolutely. I am highly anticipating the day a work of mine becomes famous, but until then I guess I'll stick to the shadows of the higher ups." Ah, how wonderful it is to be reminded of how gauche the people of the world are.
[3:10 PM] Mango: "Surely the chance will come to you soon, postitive thinking goes a long way." He smiled.
[3:15 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I do hope you are right," Kalenzo responded, returning the gesture of a smile.
[3:15 PM] Mango: "So, now that you recieved your new journal, where to next?"
[3:27 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Where to next?" I, have some ideas, but I can't get him involved...
"Oh! Thats right! I had almost forgot something I needed to do when I came to this city!" Kalenzo exclaimed, suddenly turning off and into another alleyway "Until we meet again, good sir!"
[3:32 PM] Mango: "Oh, uh...good bye! May your journey be blessed!"
[3:33 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: It didn't take very long before Kalenzo had rounded a corner and was gone, giving Elwyn a wave before he made his disappearance.
[3:34 PM] Mango: "What an odd man...I suppose that's his thing. I do hope we meet again."
[3:34 PM] Mango: "Well, let us go on our way, Michel." Elwyn moved along with his horse.
[3:35 PM] Mango: ==============End RP=============
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