Featuring: Tori, Yavae, Vivianna, Claire, Kaija
[7:24 PM] Shiraho: Tori moves back to the pool everyone else is in, dragging, Claire along
[7:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Anyway! back to the talk, spill the beans vivi!"
[7:24 PM] Mika: "E-Ehh nonono! It was nothing!"
[7:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She grins
[7:25 PM] Shiraho: "Oh, what's this about"
[7:25 PM] Mika: "Nothing!"
[7:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Viiiviiiiiii. Come on, we'll keep the secret! On my honor as firstborn princess of the fire tribe."
[7:26 PM] Shiraho: "Wait, you're a princess?"
[7:26 PM] Mika: She thanks for the distraction as she sinks underwater.
[7:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hey! No running off Vivi!"
[7:28 PM] Mika: She resurfaces. "No one ok. I was just..um making a joke."
[7:28 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, I will make you a deal."
[7:29 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You tell us who you were going to say and we keep the secret between us girls, and in return I don't tickle you into unconsciousness and or tell any man I feel like that you said it about them."
[7:30 PM] Shiraho: Tori felt ignored but didn't care much because as far as she is concerned, formality toward royalty is only necessary in formal situations
[7:30 PM] Mika: Her eyes widen before she swiftly moves towards the other side and the other girls.
[7:30 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire listened silently, more concerned about the manakete that just left
[7:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Tori, give me a minute. I will answer once Vivi answers me."
[7:31 PM] Mika: "I said no on!" She hides behind Claire.
[7:32 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Princess of the fire tribes" Claire thinks out loud to herself. "I wonder if the princess of Freyzenwald acts like she does."
[7:32 PM] Shiraho: "You could just say you won't answer" Tori smirked
[7:32 PM] Mika: "Ah that's right I won't answer!"
[7:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, guard the door, we are getting to the bottom of this and she's not leaving until we do."
[7:33 PM] Mika: She makes a distressed noise. "Wait...I think Drew like you Yavae, or at least wants you to like him."
[7:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't really care that he does because he's a thief and he unnerves me."
[7:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Now, answer!" She grins
[7:35 PM] Mika: "Um..oh I'd marry Shimie, yep." She smiles.
[7:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Wow. I didn't know you liked girls like that."
[7:36 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Are these kind of discussions, common in bath houses?" Claire asks Tori
[7:36 PM] Mika: She pouts. "Oh be quiet Yavae."
[7:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, Shimie's a girl. There's no shame in it."
[7:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Wait..." She seems to be thinking
[7:37 PM] Shiraho: "Well I haven't been in a bathhouse with this many people before"
[7:38 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So... You would marry someone... But am too embarrassed to tell me..." Cogs slowly turning
[7:40 PM] Mika: "Of course I would marry someone. I..I..just not right now."
[7:40 PM] Shiraho: "By the way Claire, are you anyone's betrothed?"
[7:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm..." She grins "Well, I have one thing to say, Vivi."
[7:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am flattered."
[7:41 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Eh? Where's that coming from? I-I- no. I'm not."
[7:41 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire is flustered as all hell
[7:42 PM] Mika: She laughs. "Of course." She looks at the other girl. "I was betrothed once."
[7:42 PM] Shiraho: "Hm, that's a surprise. Considering your father is influential enough to have sent you here, I would've expected you to have at least a few suitors."
[7:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Do you not understand what I was implying, or where you admitting to it?" She now looks confused
[7:43 PM] Mika: "I was join in on the joke Yavae."
[7:44 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "No, my father and I would rather spend our time training than dealing with such issues. Besides, my father kinda dashed all hopes of me finding any relationship when he announced at a party that anyone who wishes my hand must best him in combat."
[7:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ooooh. You still will need to tell me. Tell you what, I will give you a nice juicy secret if you do."
[7:46 PM] Shiraho: Tori chuckled
"I see, I'd feel bad for any poor sap who'd fall for you."
[7:46 PM] Mika: "Well alright..you..know..last night..it was so magical. Me and Shimie..and I had a thought..what if I could wed a man who raised pegauses..and..I wouldn't mind if you know....."
[7:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? Oh, you want to marry Sula?"
[7:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, that links to my secret quite well!"
[7:47 PM] Mika: She's already sinking back into the bath.
[7:47 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Yeah, not like there were many men who wanted to marry a girl who was into combat rather than... Uh... Girly....things."
[7:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Firstly, my secret- Leodin is madly in love with you, Vivi. Secondly-" She turns to Claire "Those men are pathetic short-sighted weaklings"
[7:48 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Eh?"
[7:49 PM] Mika: "Eh! Leodin? No way he's gay Yavae. Don't go telling lies ok."(edited)
[7:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A man who could not love a woman who loves combat is no man at all."
[7:49 PM] Shiraho: "Hey now, courtsmanship is a way of fighting in peacetime."(edited)
[7:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Also, Vivi, I do not lie, he told me himself."
[7:49 PM] Mika: "I really don't believe you. He, like myself totally was crushing on Elwyn."
[7:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well yes, after all Elwyn is a woman"
[7:50 PM] Mika: "Elwyn is a man, a very hot one!.."
[7:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No, he's not a man"
[7:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "If that's a man I might as well be one too."
[7:51 PM] Mika: "But anyway Leodins gay, that's why he was comforting me, to help get through Elwyn rejection together.
[7:51 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Well to be honest, a lot of fellows were all trying for my hand, many of them a decent fighter themselves, but they all had requested that if I marry them, I give up my knightly ways and pursue a more domestic hobby"
[7:51 PM] Mika: "Still he's so nice, I'm sure he'll find a good man."
[7:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Nope, he thinks you are shockingly beautiful and was jealous that you slept in my bed instead of his."
[7:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Also, Claire, those men were pathetic then."
[7:52 PM] Mika: She laughs. "That doesn't sound like him at all."
[7:52 PM] Shiraho: "I've been called shortsighted before but those men were fools."
[7:53 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire chuckles "are all men pathetic to you Yavae?"
[7:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, it's true Vivi. Given his lack of bravery it's no surprise that you think he wants a strong man to protect him though."
[7:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And Claire, not all, just most"
[7:53 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I see, my mistake." Claire laughs
[7:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "My father is not pathetic, for example"
[7:54 PM] Mika: She giggles. "He might have a crush on Sula too, it's kinda funny we have the same taste in men."
[7:54 PM] Mika: "............................"
[7:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, he likes you too, whether you believe it or not."
[7:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... You should find a man like my father. Strong, blunt, honest."
[7:56 PM] Mika: She just smiles. Maybe she could help Leodin with Sula, then when they are wed, she could come see the baby pegauses. Ah they did look cute together.
[7:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You really can be delusional sometimes."
[7:59 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "What about you Tori? Were you ever romantically involved with someone?"
[8:01 PM] Shiraho: "Well, not anyone since coming to Amaterasu, but there was this boy back in..."
[8:01 PM] Shiraho: "Actually, it's part of the past I try not to talk about, sorry"
[8:01 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Oh, no I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
[8:02 PM] Mika: "Can I? I just can't see how Leodin is in love with me. He doesn't act different."
[8:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That's because he's a coward. What do you keep convincing yourself men dislike about you?"
[8:02 PM] Shiraho: "No it's fine. Maybe one day I'll be comfortable talking to people about it. For now though, I prefer to try and forget about it"
[8:03 PM] Mika: "Because Yavae every man I have ever liked has rejected me or left for another person. At 23 it's sadden."
[8:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That's nothing but bad luck, find the right one. There's nothing wrong with you."
[8:06 PM] Mika: "It a curse. The maids use to whisper I was born on a bad moon and growing up..I think maybe they were right." She pulls herself out to cool off some, finally washing her hair.
[8:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! They're idiots. We control our own fates."
[8:06 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Yeah, your life shouldn't be determined by the quality of the moon"
[8:08 PM] Mika: She laughs. "It shouldn't." She blows some bubbles. "But I do believe I'm going to find the one here."
[8:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent! I was worried I was going to have to convince you there was nothing wrong with you more."
[8:09 PM] Mika: "There is nothing wrong with me. I'm just a wallflower Yavae." The bubbles drifts into front of the girls faces.
[8:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That's not wrong."
[8:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Besides, I don't think you are a wallflower. Wallflowers do not sing to entertain everyone."
[8:11 PM] Shiraho: "If fate was so easily decided, I wouldn't be here now."
[8:12 PM] Mika: She rolls on her back, letting her hair in the water. "What do you mean?"
[8:12 PM] Shiraho: "Just something about my past. I wasn't born in the life I live now."
[8:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, you can come back now by the way."
[8:13 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Are you sure you want to share? We won't force you if it's too painful."
[8:15 PM] Shiraho: "That's all I wanted to say about it. Again, it's something I still prefer to forget, but I won't have a friend suffer from the idea of fate deciding their life when mine turned for the better despite the possibility of such a thing"
[8:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, don't be so down on yourself, Vivi."
[8:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You fail every battle you do not fight, after all."
[8:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Understood, Vivi?"
[8:20 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I'm sure there's a man, or woman out there that will be the one you marry."
[8:22 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yeah. Totally"
[8:23 PM] Mika: "Maybe.." She sits up, spraying hot water on the all as she whips her hair back.
[8:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She doesn't mind, but grins and then splashes water at Vivi
[8:24 PM] Mika: She gasp before laughing and splashing her back.
[8:25 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire backs away from the splashing
[8:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, back me up!" She grins and continues splashing
[8:26 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija splashes haphazardly
[8:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent!"
[8:26 PM] Shiraho: "Hey now" Tori joins in the splashing helping vivi out where able
[8:26 PM] Mika: She laughs. "Now it's even!"
[8:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Kaija, go around and surprise Vivi from behind, I'll take her down!]"
[8:32 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Uhh.. sure thing"
[8:32 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Uhh.. sure thing"
[8:32 PM] Willis Wilstar: She sinks into the water
[8:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She keeps Vivi's attention with splashes
[8:33 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "TORI! Under the water!" Claire points at Kaija
[8:34 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija bursts out of the water and splashes Vivi dramatically
[8:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She splashes at Tori and Claire to get their attention
[8:34 PM] Mika: "Ah! I've been hit!"
[8:34 PM] Shiraho: "Right!" Tori finds Kaija and tries to intercept her, splashing Yavae when able(edited)
[8:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: [too late tori]
[8:35 PM] DiurnalKnight!: While Vivi is distracted by the splash, Yavae suddenly grabs her and picks her up while tickling her "It's all over! I have a hostage!"
[8:35 PM] Willis Wilstar: "SKRRREEEEEOOOONK"
[8:35 PM] Mika: "Hahah! S-Stop!"
[8:35 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Nope! Surrender!"
[8:36 PM] Shiraho: Tori put both hands in the air
[8:36 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire does the same
[8:37 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Victory"
[8:37 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Victory"
[8:38 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excelent! Now, as the hostage is a Nohrian, she shall face the traditional Nohrian practice of executing the hostage!" She suddenly falls back into the water, taking Vivi with her
[8:38 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Be careful!"
[8:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She is busy laughing evilly and ticking Vivi
[8:39 PM] Shiraho: Tori dives in and starts to try to rescue vivi
[8:40 PM] Mika: She reaches out as takes Tori's hand.
[8:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She tries to pull Tori down with them
[8:41 PM] Shiraho: Tori slips and falls onto Yavae
[8:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! Two for one victory!" She begins trying to hold down both and tickle them "[Kaija! Get the last one!]"
[8:43 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija tries to get out of the way
[8:43 PM] Shiraho: "RUN"
[8:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "[Get her, quickly Kaija!]"
[8:43 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire puts her hand under the water and confirms that it. Is crazy hot"
[8:44 PM] Willis Wilstar: Kaija tries to tackle grab the one remaining person
[8:44 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "The last one? OHWAI-
[8:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hah! Complete Fire Tribe victory!" She sits up cross-legged, holding Vivi and Tori on her lap with an arm each
[8:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That was fun."
[8:46 PM] Shiraho: "Yeah, though I have to say I never thought I'd get held like this in my life"(edited)
[8:46 PM] Mika: She spits out water. "It is a little weird."
[8:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why not, Tori? Never thought you would lose?"
[8:46 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Ah.. well."
[8:47 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Gotcha. I guess."
[8:48 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire rises out of the water rubbing the water off of her face
[8:48 PM] Mika: "Well I'm very clean now."
[8:48 PM] Shiraho: "Well that's one part, the other being I don't see people taller than me very often"
[8:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Really? But you're tiny to me, like a cute little girl."
[8:49 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I don't I've ever seen anyone as tall as you, how tall are you anyways? You're too tall to be 6ft, 7ft?"
[8:49 PM] [SPICY] bemun: She wades over
[8:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "7' last I checked."
[8:50 PM] Mika: Vivianna is trying to cool down as she lays spread on the stone.
[8:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You're all tiny cute little girls compared to me."
[8:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Well, she lets Vivi go so she can go do that then
[8:50 PM] Shiraho: "I don't know how tall your people usually are, but most people I've met are shorter than me"
[8:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She shrugs "I'm not most people. Say, Kaija, want to sit on my lap so you don't fall below the surface and almost drown again, or are you alright?"
[8:51 PM] Willis Wilstar: "Yes. Lap please."
[8:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Get over here then." She pats the leg not currently being sat on by Tori
[8:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Or Claire can if you don't want to get off her back"
[8:52 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire moves closer so Kaija can climb ober
[8:53 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I'm fine, thank you"
[8:53 PM] Willis Wilstar: She lets go and sits on Yavae's lap
[8:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, how long are we going to stay here?"
[8:54 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I dunno, is there anything else girls can talk about in a bath?"
[8:55 PM] Mika: "I need to leave very soon because I'm over heating."
[8:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I see. Kaija and I are used to the heat. Is it uncomfortable to the rest of you?"
[8:55 PM] Shiraho: "Ooh yeah, I should leave before I start feeling too dizzy"
[8:56 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I'm ... Fine, weird, huh. But I should head out soon, I don't know if staying too long is healthy for me."
[8:56 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Alright then you two, it was nice to meet- and beat- you." She grins and gives another triumphant laugh before letting Tori go finally
[8:57 PM] Shiraho: Tori stood up and shook her head to try and cool down even a little bit.
[8:57 PM] Mika: She sits up. "At least I'll have some cold pudding waiting for me."
[8:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So Kaija, shall we head home?"
[8:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Wait, pudding?" She snaps to attention like a dog
[8:58 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire raises her hand out of the water. " can anyone give me a hand?"
[8:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She pulls claire up
[8:58 PM] Mika: "Yes, I made some vinella pudding."
[8:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Can we have some..?"
[8:59 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire dangles off the ground before landing safely
[9:00 PM] Mika: "Sure."
[9:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent!"
[9:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija, we are headed home and we will eat pudding!" She stands up, picking the tiny girl up
[9:01 PM] Shiraho: "Any you can spare for me? Your cooking was great last time I tried it"
[9:02 PM] Willis Wilstar: "That sounds good to me"
[9:02 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "If You don't mind, I would also like to try some..."
[9:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... Are we having another sleepover?"
[9:02 PM] Shiraho: "If we are, I'd invite you to my place"
[9:04 PM] Mika: "Another sleep over..well sure, I mean it's nice having friends over."
[9:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Great! Let's get dried off and dressed Kaija"
[9:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She steps out of the water and puts her down before begining to dry herself
[9:05 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "A sleepover? I should go tell Versailles I'm gonna be away."
[9:06 PM] Shiraho: Tori steps out and begins drying herself off
[9:07 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire dries herself off
[9:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Once she is mostly dry other than her hair, she does a large amount of wagging her hair around to result in a messy somewhat-more-dry mane of hair, then begins putting her armor on
[9:08 PM] Mika: Vivianna wraps her hair up in a long towel as well as pull on a very towel like dress.
[9:08 PM] Shiraho: Tori put her clothes on but decided to carry the armor she brought with her to help cool off faster
[9:09 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire puts on her clothes, wincing a bit as it covers the bruise, but does it normally for the most part
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