Featuring: Leodin, Vivianna, Yavae, Sula, Drew
[10:23 PM] REWlego: Leodin undoes his sheathed blade, getting ready to mount Shimi
[10:23 PM] Mika: "Oh it's much better then being on the ground. I ever braided her mane a little, mine too, we match." She shows off the braid.(edited)
[10:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I haven't really braided my hair before, I prefer to leave it as it is." She flips some of her luxurious mane of hair for emphasis
[10:25 PM] Kwakado: Sula looks over in the middle of his unbraiding, a little sheepish. "Now-u, Leo-din. Time to see how much you two have grown."
[10:26 PM] REWlego: I don't think Sula understands that I don't want people to know much about my past...
[10:26 PM] Mika: "It would take a while braid wouldn't it." She studies Yavae hair. "But it's very nice hair, thick and healthy looking."
[10:27 PM] Kwakado: "Can't just dress up like a demon. You gotta be one."
[10:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Really? Thank you for saying so. Yours looks good too." She grabs a small handful of it to look at it closer
[10:27 PM] REWlego: "Uh, yeah... Thank you for this opportunity, Sula."
[10:28 PM] Mika: She blinks, her hair is very pink and soft.
[10:29 PM] Kwakado: "Now, if you want to tell her to fly, you say... "Ba-!!!"
[10:29 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Huh, it is softer than I remember. Probably has something to do with the meal Kaija gave us that night..." She lets go after a bit
[10:29 PM] Kwakado: The vowel cut short like a cracking whip.
[10:29 PM] Mika: "What?!"
[10:30 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...?"
[10:30 PM] Mika: "When did you touch my hair?"
[10:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Don't you remember when you slept over after the meal?"
[10:31 PM] Mika: "Oh I do..ohh I thought you were asleep by then."
[10:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "By when..?"
[10:32 PM] ChaoticAce: "Kwemo, Sula!..haha did I say it right?" Drew had gotten off the tree ..they didnt even notice I got off
[10:32 PM] Mika: "Drew are you alright?"
[10:32 PM] Kwakado: "Very close, drew. Less Kwayee. More Kweh."
[10:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She puffs out a cheek, a bit upset that Vivi didn't answer her
[10:34 PM] ChaoticAce: "Oh im..fine Vivi! Dont worry about me though, I assume your still thinking about your flight!"(edited)
[10:34 PM] Mika: "Yes, it was truly amazing. I saw you watching, did it look as fun as it felt?"
[10:35 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, what did you mean by 'asleep by then'?"
[10:35 PM] Kwakado: "Leo-din, when you are ready, sing to Shimi-e. Tell her how you feel. Nanyo, man!"(edited)
[10:35 PM] ChaoticAce: "Hah, I definitely remember my first flight, it was exhilarating seeing someone else's as well"(edited)
[10:36 PM] Mika: "Oh! I meant I don't remember you touching my hair before we shared that small bed but I thought you were asleep."
[10:36 PM] REWlego: Leodin walks up to Shimi and says quietly "Hello, old friend... It's been a while." He takes a deep breath "Shimi-eeeeee ~ Leo-ba-ba-e ~ Shimi-eeeeeeeee ~ "
[10:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ah, I see. Well, I certainly remember, it was a surprisingly comfy night."
[10:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Sorry if you didn't enjoy the company as much. Hopefully I at least helped keep you warm though."
[10:38 PM] Kwakado: Shimi looks to Leodin, then straightens out in preparation. Her hoof scrapes at the tile beneath her.
[10:38 PM] Mika: "Yes it was, I don't have sibling so I think it was nice to experience sharing a bed with another girl. It was like i had a siste..well two sisters."
[10:38 PM] REWlego: Leodin slowly mounts Shimi, well enough that it seems like he's done it before, but obviously not for a long time
[10:38 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! Well, we can do it again some time if you like!"
[10:39 PM] Kwakado: Shimi rears up on its hind legs a bit, then slams back down and begins galloping furiously. Her hooves ring out violently against the plaza(edited)
[10:39 PM] ChaoticAce: Drew heard sharing beds and just awkwardly walked away before he heard anymore
[10:40 PM] Mika: "A sleep over..maybe one da-! Shimie!"
[10:40 PM] REWlego: "Woo! Here we go!"
[10:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh!" She looks at the Pegasus, surprised(edited)
[10:40 PM] Kwakado: Sula watches this one intently. This will be the real test.
[10:40 PM] Kwakado: "Ba-bi..."
[10:40 PM] Mika: "Why is she acting like that?!"
[10:41 PM] Kwakado: Shimi charges even faster, either out of enthusiasm or spite.
[10:41 PM] REWlego: After getting a bit of a distance away: "Okay, Shimi.... Ba-!!!"
[10:41 PM] Kwakado: "Well, aaaahhh, it is simple." Sula smiles but keeps his focus on the pegasus.
[10:42 PM] Kwakado: "The Pegasus will only accept one who is Kwemo."
[10:42 PM] ChaoticAce: "Maybe Pegasi get aggressive when they fly too many times?"
[10:42 PM] Kwakado: Shimi vaults into the air, nearly flinging the armored rider off of her, and barrels up toward the heavens.
[10:42 PM] Mika: "Full? But what does that really mean? Is Leodin hungry?"
[10:43 PM] REWlego: Leodin holds on tight, keeping a firm grip
[10:43 PM] ChaoticAce: "We just had a Picnic though.."
[10:43 PM] Kwakado: "It means...that he does not have the same blessing. The same power. Pegasus is a creature and a spirit, you know."
[10:43 PM] Kwakado: Sula gulps a bit of soup left in his mouth.
[10:43 PM] Mika: "I did not...but she was so calm and sweet with me."
[10:44 PM] Kwakado: Shimi flaps quickly and unevenly, then once she's reached enough of a height she suddenly flips over upside-down
[10:44 PM] ChaoticAce: "Okay woah..."
[10:44 PM] Kwakado: "Maybe...maybe Leo-din is not quite as holy as you! Ha ha ha!"
[10:45 PM] Mika: "Holy? Look my family did not follow any teachings, I'm less holy then a stone."(edited)
[10:46 PM] REWlego: Leodin keeps a firm grip and pulls on left rein, bringing Shimi facing upright
[10:46 PM] ChaoticAce: "Holy sometimes means good I think...So it could just mean your not really mean"
[10:47 PM] Mika: "Leodin is mean..."
[10:47 PM] Mika: "How horrible."
[10:47 PM] Kwakado: Shimi complies, but turns too quickly, sending Leodin under her a second time before finally straightening out
[10:47 PM] Kwakado: "I would not say that."
[10:47 PM] Kwakado: "It is more like...the gods are mean to Leodin. Yes, something like that."
[10:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, personally I like you better out of the two of you, Vivi"
[10:47 PM] Kwakado: "Or a bad family."
[10:48 PM] Kwakado: "Or a bad breakfast."
[10:48 PM] REWlego: Leodin then pulls on the right rein, a little more gently this time, to turn Shimi back towards the group
[10:48 PM] ChaoticAce: " I bet he didnt have enough from the picnic, quick toss some food up!"
[10:48 PM] Kwakado: "But Leo-din is a good man. A better man than I am, at least."
[10:48 PM] ChaoticAce: Drew giggles
[10:48 PM] Mika: "My mother always did tell me to stay away from people with bad fates."
[10:49 PM] Mika: "And those who are bad with animals as well.."
[10:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good advice."
[10:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Animals can often sense things about people."
[10:49 PM] Kwakado: Shimi swoops towards the group, straight as an arrow.
[10:49 PM] Mika: She looks back as the two..if Shimi didn't like him..
[10:50 PM] Kwakado: Her back tenses up, sending a pulse through the saddle as if to send a message to the rider.
[10:50 PM] Kwakado: "Ooh..." Sula looks up at the impending collision." Maybe she does trust him"(edited)
[10:51 PM] ChaoticAce: "Uhh..guys should we move?"
[10:51 PM] REWlego: Leodin leans down closer to the pegasus, keeping them streamlined and aerodynamic, the wind whipping through his hair "Let's go fast, Shimi..." He firmly kicks the sides of Shimi to indicate this(edited)
[10:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She stands protectively in front of Vivi in case the peg crashes into them
[10:52 PM] ChaoticAce: ".....thanks."
[10:52 PM] Mika: Vivi doesn't look too convinced. "Is..is he always so rough with animals?"
[10:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "How shameful."
[10:53 PM] Kwakado: Shimi feels the kick, and barrels to the side. Her wings extend fully, and she glides into a near-freefall....then up, sharply, into a graceful somersault
[10:53 PM] ChaoticAce: "Kicking the side of a mount isnt mean...Punching on the other hand"
[10:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "To control others requires force, to control yourself requires strength. He seems to have purely force."
[10:54 PM] REWlego: "Woohoo!!! Yeah!" He says loud enough for Shimi to understand the exhilaration, but not for everyone to hear.
[10:54 PM] Mika: "You don't need to kick them!"
[10:54 PM] Kwakado: The Pegasus and its rider dance through the air, spiralling around the picnickers. It's much like the demonstration from Vivi's song, just faster.(edited)
[10:55 PM] Kwakado: Her wings outstreached. Shimi glides past a building, letting her hooves run along its wall for a moment as they pass
[10:56 PM] Mika: She watches. "She seems calmer, I'm glad." Vivianna turns away to start cleaning her small picnic.
[10:56 PM] ChaoticAce: "Uh, people use their feet to indicate- Oh you know what I'll get a book about it later"
[10:56 PM] Kwakado: ("Forgive me, Leo-din...I am being selfish.")
[10:57 PM] Kwakado: Sula looks away from Leo and Shimi for the first time. "Shimi-e was...playing with him. I think she wanted to see if he could be as rough as her."(edited)
[10:58 PM] Mika: She stops. "....Was she really?"
[10:58 PM] REWlego: Once they reached another group of buildings, Leodin pulled on the left rein to bring them back around
[10:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Need help picking up your picknic?"
[10:59 PM] Kwakado: "For many people, riding a Dark Pegasus is only a dream. Only years and years of dark magic can give them the strength to master one."
[10:59 PM] Mika: She listens. "I do. I've got some left over berries in the basket if you want them.:
[10:59 PM] Kwakado: Shimi whirls around, going right instead of left, and flaps through the alley.
[11:00 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh! Thank you!" She helps pick up and eats some berries
[11:00 PM] Kwakado: "They are beautiful, yes...but very very strong. And they want someone...full of strength. Kwemo, yes?"
[11:01 PM] REWlego: Leodin carefully brings them through the alleyway, and once they're on the other side, he pulls to the right, more firmly this time, to bring them towards the group again
[11:01 PM] REWlego: "Not cool, Shimi... Not cool."
[11:01 PM] Mika: She nods but she doesn't really understand.
[11:01 PM] Kwakado: Shimi goes the way Leodin wants this time. Her flapping slows down, then speeds up as they approach the meadow
[11:02 PM] ChaoticAce: "I was wondering Sula have you rode any other type of mount?"
[11:02 PM] Kwakado: "Only Shimi-e. And even I do not truly understand her heart. Why she does what she does."
[11:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She stands protectively in front of Vivi again, just in case
[11:03 PM] Kwakado: Sula looks up at the pegasus and frowns to himself. ("Or what she saw in you...")(edited)
[11:03 PM] Mika: "You can't ever understand a girls heart." She smiles. "I'm fine, Yavae, I want to see Shimie."
[11:03 PM] REWlego: Leodin leans in again, building speed as they went
[11:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Men have trouble understanding women I have found."
[11:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's strange, we manage it just fine usually."
[11:04 PM] Kwakado: Shimi extends her wings and dives, high over the meadow, showing off her feathers to the spectators below
[11:04 PM] ChaoticAce: "It really is pretty...."
[11:04 PM] Mika: She laughs. "It is why we stick with men..maybe to confuse them." She claps. "Shimie! So beautiful!"
[11:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph, sounds silly to me."
[11:05 PM] Kwakado: "Ha ha ha! Now they are just showing off!"
[11:05 PM] Mika: "It is but I suppose love is kinda silly." She watches with joy.
[11:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I haven't put much thought into it..."
[11:08 PM] REWlego: After flying over the group again, Leodin turns around one last time overtop of the meadow
[11:09 PM] ChaoticAce: "Have ya put any thought into being pals?" Drew looking at Yavae with a smile, hoping to get this over with
[11:09 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...? What do you want, thief?"
[11:09 PM] Kwakado: Shimi follows along, still at a steady glide through the air.
[11:09 PM] Kwakado: She's looking much more gentle and comfortable now as she slides through the air toward them(edited)
[11:11 PM] ChaoticAce: She didnt even hear the question!? Ahhh I have to ask again "ahem I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be....pals! Haha yeah !" Drew is so intimidates he looks like he's gona faint
[11:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No, not really."
[11:11 PM] REWlego: "Okay, Shimi... Let's get back to the group." Leodin pulls the reins downwards
[11:11 PM] ChaoticAce: Drew falls on his back
[11:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She looks back over to Vivi "So, you put a lot of thought into love?"
[11:12 PM] Mika: Vivi watches Shimie. "I very much do."
[11:12 PM] Kwakado: Shimi descends more sharply, her glide turning into a gallop as her hooves touch down onto the plaza
[11:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What do you know about it...? I admittedly know little."
[11:13 PM] REWlego: As they land, Leodin pulls on the reins, slowly increasing in tension, until they come to a stop near the group
[11:14 PM] Mika: "Know about it...nothing much. I suppose it makes people act different...some you can tell are in love and others you wouldn't know. Love changes people...well real love does. Love is like falling into the swamp on Shimie but at the last mintue she pulls up and you're flying."
[11:14 PM] Kwakado: Sula gazes at the mount, lost in thoughts. His mind is far from the mainland.
[11:14 PM] REWlego: "Oh wow! That was exhilarating!"
[11:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "How strange... I will have to be on the lookout for who I love then, I suppose."
[11:15 PM] ChaoticAce: "Welcome back to the ground Leodin!"
[11:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "How can you tell..?"
[11:15 PM] Kwakado: Shimi gives the rider one last test, bringing her front hooves up dramatically(edited)
[11:15 PM] Mika: She giggles. "You just know Yavae."
[11:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph... Well, I don't know what it feels like!"
[11:17 PM] REWlego: Leodin holds on tight with his hands and holds his legs tight against the Pegasus
[11:17 PM] Mika: "It feels...well to me it feels like the whole world is brighter when the person I like is around. It's like suddenly my day just got better by seeing them."
[11:17 PM] Kwakado: Shimi comes down slowly, then stops
[11:17 PM] Mika: "I want to sing and dance, and just smile."
[11:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ah. I know many people like that."
[11:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, not many."
[11:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A few though."
[11:18 PM] Mika: "Lucky."
[11:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Am I...? I don't know if I 'love' them."
[11:18 PM] REWlego: Leodin slowly dismounts on the left and pats Shimi a few times before wrapping his arms around her in a hug
[11:18 PM] ChaoticAce: "Ok me next!...haha kidding!"
[11:19 PM] ChaoticAce: Drew backs away from the mount
[11:19 PM] Kwakado: "Yes, that would be...a bad taste."
[11:19 PM] REWlego: Leodin backs up and pets Shimi's mane "Well... That was exciting."
[11:19 PM] Kwakado: Sula gives a stern look to Drew
[11:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I would ask to ride her, but I have a good feeling that she couldn't carry me."
[11:20 PM] Kwakado: "I do not doubt your skills with a Gryphon but Shimi-e will not take you. Trust me."
[11:20 PM] ChaoticAce: "Yeah just watching there very different"
[11:20 PM] Mika: Vivianna checks her things. "Everything is packed up."
[11:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Okay Vivi! Need help carrying it?"
[11:20 PM] REWlego: Leodin turns to Sula "Thank you Sula," He turns back to the pegasus "And thank you, Shimi."
[11:21 PM] Kwakado: Shimi gives his face an obnoxious lick, nearly taking off his mask
[11:21 PM] REWlego: Leodin grabs it just in time
[11:22 PM] REWlego: "Oh, you're all packing up?"
[11:22 PM] ChaoticAce: "All my stuff is in an inn sooo..."
[11:22 PM] ChaoticAce: "There packing up though"
[11:23 PM] Mika: "Yeah. I was just heading back to my inn as it's getting a little cool."
[11:23 PM] REWlego: "I think I got that, thanks Drew."
[11:23 PM] Kwakado: "No more food, no more feeling. But friendship lasts every day"
[11:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Which inn are you staying at anyway..?"
[11:23 PM] Mika: "Near the castle, the one with the white door."
[11:23 PM] Kwakado: Sula gives Shimi a good pat, and sleepily clambers onto her
[11:24 PM] Mika: "Ah!" She turns to Shimie and hugs her. "Thank you for letting me ride you. You were wonderful."
[11:25 PM] Kwakado: Shimi gives her a good lick as well
[11:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Is it comfy? Kaija and I might be kicked out of ours after the incident with the party."
[11:26 PM] Kwakado: "Kwemo to you all, and a good feast for sure."
[11:26 PM] REWlego: "Goodnight, Sula, thank you again."
[11:26 PM] ChaoticAce: "Goodbye Sula!"
[11:26 PM] Mika: "Goodnight Sula" She waves to him
[11:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She awaits an answer patiently this time
[11:27 PM] Kwakado: "May the spirits be kind to you all...this one has earned a good rest."
[11:28 PM] Kwakado: He leans in and whispers in her ear. "You were very brave today, Shimi-e...Ba."
[11:28 PM] Mika: "It is, and pretty big too."
[11:29 PM] Kwakado: And they took to the sky, floating directly upwards..
[11:29 PM] ChaoticAce: Drew listens in about the inn
[11:29 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, you might be getting some new neighbors soon then! That would certainly make our sleepovers more simple."
[11:29 PM] REWlego: "Hey, Vivianna, mind if I follow you back? I will probably be resting somewhere nearby."
[11:29 PM] ChaoticAce: ughhh I got kicked out because I didnt show up to renew for the day
[11:30 PM] Kwakado: **Still leaning in, the Dwabi kept whispering. "What do you hear in her voice, Shimi-e...You're making me worry for her, my dear..."
[11:30 PM] Kwakado: And they returned to the stables for the night.
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