Featuring: Leodin, Claire, The Lods Trio
[4:13 PM] REWlego: Leodin was tired of staying in people's rooms without providing any form of rent. Vivianna had suggested he get a job, so he set out in to try and find some place that would not require him to take his mask off, but a place that could use his skill set. He started searching around the town, but really had no clue where to look.
[4:14 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire was able to find word of a wealthy merchant who was looking for body guards. Perfect for someone like Claire. On her way to meet the merchant, she comes across a familiar face.
[4:15 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Hello Leodin!"
[4:15 PM] REWlego: "Oh, Claire! Hello!"
[4:17 PM] REWlego: "I'm searching for something right now, but if you're going somewhere, I can help so that you don't get lost."
[4:18 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Oh, don't worry about that, I'm following instructions from someone who may be employing me, what are you looking for?"
[4:19 PM] REWlego: "Funny you should say that... I'm also looking for employment."
[4:19 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Oh, maybe you can get the same job, it's a merchant who needs protection."
[4:20 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "And you seem to be experienced with something like that."
[4:20 PM] REWlego: "I suppose I do... But, do you think he will require me to remove my mask?"
[4:21 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I dunno, haven't met him, or her yet"
[4:21 PM] REWlego: "Ah, alright. I guess I'll follow you then!"
[4:25 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Sure."
[4:25 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire continues heading to the meeting spot
[4:27 PM] REWlego: "So, is this the spot?"
[4:28 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Seems like it"
[4:32 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "...Why yes it is!" Replied a short and stocky dwarf of a man.
"Hello hello there! My name is Erick, and I'm presuming that you're this Claire miss that I've heard so much about?" He introduced, smiling warmly as he stroked his amber-colored beard.
[4:34 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "You've heard of me?"
[4:42 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Whoi yes, words find their way around quite quickly in this city. I've been on the lookout for some body-guards for quite a while, and when I heard some fresh faces had arrived on the scene..." He drifted off, procuring a coin from his pocket and spinning it in his fingers, "...Well, a merchant has to know his customers, eh?"
[4:43 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Well, what exactly have you heard?"
[4:48 PM] REWlego: Meanwhile, Leodin is standing next to Claire, wondering why the merchant hadn't noticed the masked man yet.
[5:14 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Well, I can't really tell you that!" He exclaimed, flipping the coin into the air before catching it, "I'd put my info-brokers out of business!"
[5:18 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "But!" He added, "If there's one thing that I'll tell you is that you need money and that I can help you."
[5:25 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Well, your right, and I believe word is that you need protection?"
[5:34 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "You..." Erick mocked, giving the girl a small chuckle, followed by several chuckles from behind him.
"You're implying that there's only one person you need to protect..." He added, raising one of his hands to snap his fingers. At the snap, two more similarly built, yet differently colored gentlemen stepped forth from behind him.
"We are the ones you'll be protecting, miss." Erick finally answered as the stocky men crossed their arms.(edited)
[5:47 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: The three of them looked shockingly similar, each a different color than the next. The red-robed dwarf to the right of Erick suddenly interjected, motioning to Leodin,
"And miss-ter, of course!"(edited)
[5:49 PM] REWlego: Leodin looked at Claire and then back to the men.
[5:49 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire is a bit taken startled
[5:54 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Hehahah! Ey, Erick, the look on that girl's face is fockin' priceless!" The green-robed dwarf to the left of Erick responded, breaking into a fit of laughter before pointing at Claire.
[5:54 PM] [SPICY] bemun: protecting three... What kind of people are they?
[5:55 PM] [SPICY] bemun: She composes herself. "Ahem And what would your friends' names be?"
[6:03 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Derick, shutchor mouth! You can't be makin' fun of our body-guards like that!" The red-robed dwarf exclaimed, delivering a swift punch to the green dwarf's shoulder.
"Ah yes, excuse them, they can be a bit of a handful sometimes." He answered before re-composing himself
"It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the Lods Trio! And like I said before, I'm Erick and the two plonkers behind me are me brothers, Derick and Gerick."
[6:04 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Erick, Derick, and Gerick, okay, shouldn't be too hard to remember, and where are you all from? I've never heard your accent before."
[6:11 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Ahem, I got the answer that question," Derick piped up, rubbing his 'injured' shoulder "The place we called home was Reever, up in the North'a Gallaran."
[6:15 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Also, you mind answering if that bloke right there is joinin' us?" Derick further inquired, keeping eye contact with Claire while pointing at Leodin.
[6:15 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Oh, Leodin, will you be taking the job?"
[6:16 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: The three dwarfish men focused their attention to the gentleman, waiting for an answer.
[6:18 PM] REWlego: "Uh... I mean, sure! Just... as long as you don't require me taking my mask off."
[6:28 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "There may be a bit of a problem with that, being quite frank with ya." Gerick spoke up, deciding that it was his turn to speak at long last.
"You see, if you're wearin' a mask like that, it means you got somethin' to hide. We run a fairly transparent business, and masks don't really work well with that type of practice... Actually, you mind givin' us a tiny peek so we can decide on keepin' ya?"
[6:29 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "C'mon Gerick, we need all the help we can get! There isn't any sense in turning him down just 'cause of a silly little mask..." Erick whispered to his red-robed brother
[6:30 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Uh, Leodin, I'm not sure, but if you really need a job, then the mask has to go. In sure these are good people, maybe it'll be fine?" she leans over to talk to leodin
[6:32 PM] REWlego: "I, uh... I'll take you up on your offer of one quick look..."
[6:33 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Erick, we are trying to run a business 'ere!" Gerick retorted before turning around and shooting a smile at Leodin alongside his brothers in anticipation of the man's mask coming off.
[6:34 PM] REWlego: Leodin removed his mask, showing his eyes to the men as well as Claire for a few seconds.
[6:39 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh come on. I thought he'd have some wicked lookin' scar or somethin'!" Derick exclaimed, breaking the silence as they all stared at Leodin's exposed face.
[6:40 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "I don't know why he's gotta wear that ma-" He added before being swiftly punched once more by Gerick.
[6:40 PM] REWlego: Leodin started putting the mask back on
[6:43 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Ahem, please excuse our brother for being so disrespectful, mister Leodin" Gerick quickly apologized, folding his arms once more as his green-clad brother reeled back in pain.
"But, his words have some semblance of merit to them. Might I ask why you wear the mask? Is it a religious reason or something like that?"(edited)
[6:49 PM] REWlego: "I started wearing it to protect my identity from those searching for me, but now it's more of just a habit."
[6:55 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Woah woah woah," Erick butted in, looking at the masked man with a more serious expression "Are you telling us you're a wanted man?"
[6:57 PM] REWlego: "No, no! I... That came out wrong... I was with a group that I wasn't fond of, so I escaped. They are currently too busy with other things to start a manhunt for me though."
[7:09 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "So, what you're saying is that you're a wanted man, but you're not wanted yet, per se?" Erick further inquired, narrowing his eyes with folded arms as he looked at Leodin.
[7:09 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Wanted by some, who don't really have the time to get him, is how I took it."
[7:11 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods towards Claire. "The people I left don't really care, so they aren't actively searching for me."
[7:14 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "You mind if I ask where these people are? If we're going to hire ya, we gotta know where the problems are at so we can avoid them." He continued pressing, furrowing a brow.
[7:16 PM] REWlego: Leodin frowned. "They are my birth family."
[7:18 PM] REWlego: "They live in Khlin."
[7:23 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: Erick finally took a step back, raising his eyebrows as he finally received an answer he could work with.
"Well ok then... sorry to hear about that, but I've got good news for you..." Erick remarked, waving off his two brothers.
"Ya hired, welcome to ya new job as our body guards."
[7:26 PM] REWlego: Leodin looks at Claire and smiles, but then remembers something. "Sounds good... Although, I don't believe we've settled on our pay..."
[7:27 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I was about to ask about the pay as well. How much and when?"
[7:34 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh! That's roight, as our bodyguards, as we earn our dosh, you'll both earn a share of that. Now to start off your payment schedule... hmm, how does 10% each sound?"
[7:35 PM] REWlego: Leodin looks at Claire, wondering if she's okay with that amount.
[7:36 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire has little understanding of how much that actually is, but it sounds good. "Sounds good."
[7:37 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods. "Okay, I'll agree to that."
[7:43 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Alllroighty then, sounds like a plan." Erick remarked, sticking out his hand to seal the deal with the two of them.
[7:44 PM] REWlego: Leodin replies with a firm handshake.
[7:44 PM] [SPICY] bemun: After leodin shakes Erick's hand, Claire follows suit
[7:46 PM] REWlego: "So, where and when do we start?"
[7:48 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Well, we don't have any business plans for today, so you two can have your personal time to get yerselves ready. We start tomorrow, you'll meet my brothers and I by the statue, y'know, the one in the middle of the plaza at around noon-time."(edited)
[7:49 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Sure, town square statue by noon?"
[7:55 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods and looks at the three for confirmation.
[8:00 PM] [SPICY] ColdToiletSeat: "Mhmm" He nodded, "We'll see you then."
He then scampered off in the direction his other bretheren retreated to, leaving the two to themselves
[8:01 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Well, this will certainly be interesting."
[8:01 PM] REWlego: "Yes... They are quite a strange group."
[8:02 PM] REWlego: "So, where are you heading next?"
[8:05 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Well, normally I would be having supper..."
[8:05 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "But I guess an evening stroll wouldn't be a bad idea"(edited)
[8:05 PM] REWlego: "Mind if I join you?"
[8:06 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Sure. Company is always welcome."
[8:06 PM] REWlego: "As coworkers, it might be good to get to know each other a bit more."
[8:07 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "That's sound logic."
[8:08 PM] REWlego: "Alright... Anywhere in particular you want to walk to? I'll follow you."
[8:08 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "No where. Just a walk through the city." Claire slowly begins to walk
[8:11 PM] REWlego: Leodin walks along next to Claire. "So, I'll just get this out of the way, I don't normally like to show my face... W-were you watching?"(edited)
[8:14 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Sorry, but yeah, I saw your face."
[8:14 PM] REWlego: "Hm... Alright...."
[8:16 PM] REWlego: "That's okay though... If we're going to work together, I guess it's only fair that you know what I look like."
[8:18 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I didn't really care all too much about your face. But hey, why miss the opportunity to see it, Yknow?"
[8:19 PM] REWlego: "I see what you mean..."
[8:24 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "What about you? I mean, if you dislike showing your face that much, you must've had some problem with showing them."
[8:26 PM] REWlego: "I didn't want to show them, but I didn't really see many options."
[8:29 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Maybe, I dunno, it looked like they didn't care that much. In fact, they seem like a rather... Not carefree, but, relaxed I guess would be a better word."
[8:32 PM] REWlego: "Yeah, I used to see removing my mask as a more meaningful occasion, but now there's almost no reason for it... Anyway, enough about me. How did you find those guys in the first place?"
[8:33 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I've seen triplets and twins before. And they're pretty regular in that regard. But I don't think I've seen a man as short as them. And their accents were kinda hard to follow, but I was able to understand in the end."
[8:36 PM] REWlego: "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anyone like those guys..."
[8:39 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "But they seem like good people."
[8:39 PM] REWlego: "Yeah, they seem genuine. I'm interested in how tomorrow will go."
[8:40 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Me too"
[8:43 PM] REWlego: "Although there's not much fighting in Amaterasu, I haven't been in any real combat for quite a while."
[8:43 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Maybe we should do some practise then?"
[8:48 PM] REWlego: "Actually, that sounds great! I've only practiced about 3 times since arriving in Amaterasu, so I don't think I'll be as much of a challenge as I could be if I hadn't stopped training."
[8:50 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Only 3 times? And you decided to be a bodyguard? Leodin that will not do! To the training grounds, now."
[8:52 PM] REWlego: "Well, I used to train every night for about 3 years... And that was actual combat training, so I still have some skill left."
[8:53 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Might, but what if you don't, or its not enough?"
[8:54 PM] REWlego: "I'm sure that I'll be fine... Trust me, but I would still like to get some practice in."
[8:58 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Alright, either way let's go to the training grounds."
[6:23 PM] REWlego: "Great! I'll follow you."
[6:23 PM] [SPICY] bemun: The two head over to the training grounds
[6:27 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire picks up two training swords.
[6:28 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Here"
[6:28 PM] REWlego: "Thanks." Leodin takes one of the swords and tosses it around in his hand.
[6:29 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Oh, we should warm up first, lest we want to strain our muscles."
[6:35 PM] REWlego: "Yeah, that sounds good... I don't train much with the practice swords."
[6:37 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire does her warm up
[6:38 PM] REWlego: Leodin practices, getting a feel for the sword.
[6:41 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Ready?"
[6:44 PM] REWlego: "Yep. Ready when you are."
[6:44 PM] [SPICY] bemun: (1-3 me, 4-6 you? Too lazy for ties.)
[6:47 PM] [SPICY] bemun: The two take their stance, standing opposite from each other.
[6:48 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire makes little work of closing the distance, coming in with two swift slashes
[6:49 PM] REWlego: Leodin raises his sword to block, but is too late as each strike lands perfectly.
[6:51 PM] REWlego: After regaining his balance, Leodin jumps to the side as he swings at Claire.(edited)
[6:52 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire misreads leodin's movements, allowing his swing to land solidly.
[6:53 PM] [SPICY] bemun: As soon as she could, she turned and thrusted her sword at him
[6:55 PM] REWlego: Leodin tries to move out of the way, but the sword hits him during his dodge.
[6:58 PM] REWlego: Leodin rolls towards the side of Claire as he slashes his sword at her legs, trying to knock her off balance.
[7:07 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire jumps back, before lunging back in with a wide slash
[7:10 PM] REWlego: Leodin rolls backwards, underneath the slash. He then jumps up, going past Claire, slashing to the side as he goes.
[7:11 PM] [SPICY] bemun: The wide slash left her too open to block his counterattack
[7:12 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Pivoting her foot to keep balance, Claire follows Leodin's movement with a long thrust
[7:13 PM] REWlego: Leodin rolls after his lunge, going right underneath the sword.
[7:15 PM] REWlego: He puts a foot back as he pivots to face Claire and thrusts the sword right at her.
[7:20 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Too swift for her, his sword lands it's mark on Claire's chest, sending her back a bit
[7:21 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Ah, nice one."
[7:24 PM] REWlego: "Thanks. Although my strikes don't carry as much force, I try to be as precise as I can."
[7:25 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Hmm, they did feel a bit lackluster. Try doing practice swings to get stronger with the sword."
[7:27 PM] REWlego: Leodin swings a few times, putting more and more force into each try, still trying to maintain precision.
[7:30 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Hmm. If you're going for precision, how about shorter swings?"
[7:31 PM] REWlego: "Hm... that could work..." Leodin follows Claire's advice and tries a few more swings.
[7:34 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "Have you thought of using a rapier? Those are savored for swordsman who prefer precision."
[7:35 PM] REWlego: "I... I wouldn't want to use anything other than this sword." Leodin gestures to his sheath.
[7:35 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I see. That's fair."
[7:37 PM] REWlego: "I am much better with it than these practice swords as well, so if we ever get into real combat, I'm almost certain that you'd see an increase in my abilities."
[7:38 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "I never doubted them for a moment. Anyways, I'm gonna go. I have some exercising to do before heading to bed."
[7:38 PM] REWlego: "Alright. Thank you for practicing with me."
[7:39 PM] [SPICY] bemun: "We're co-workers and comrades. We have to keep each other in check. Good night."
[7:39 PM] REWlego: "Good night!"(edited)
[7:39 PM] [SPICY] bemun: Claire puts away the practice sword and heads out for a jog.
[7:39 PM] REWlego: Leodin puts his practice sword away and heads out.
[7:40 PM] REWlego: ==================RP END==================
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