[9:26 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: Claire returns to the lower levels, in search of Versailles to tell him about her better condition, obviously trying to hide her recent bruises to not cause any more worry. As she looks around, a cleric holding way more than she should bumps into Claire, who apologized and offered to help.
[9:26 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: Claire follows behind the cleric with a basket of old bandages and rags used to clean wounds
[9:28 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles passes by, not noticing Claire behind the basket, but waves to the cleric.
[9:28 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Ah! Versailles, there you were." She continued to follow
[9:29 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Ah Claire?" Versailles turned around and caught up to them. "What are you doing out of bed?" He glances her to check for bandages.
[9:30 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I was feeling much better, so I went out, fought a bit, and went to get my gear repaired."
[9:31 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "You fought?! That could put stress on your wounds! You should be resting so you don't scar your muscles!"
[9:32 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I'm fine, see? Besides, if I rest too much, getting back into the swing of things will be much harder."
[9:33 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well... I just don't want you to be hurt again. I had to wait a whole day for you to recover last time."
[9:36 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: They arrive at the well, where the cleric bows and begins to change out that water. Claire offers to help but the cleric said no help was needed.
[9:37 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I know, but... Its been a while, and I still haven't heard from Alisa... I want to be able to get out there as soon as possible."
[9:39 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well... I know you want to find her, but we need to be careful. We need a plan, not just our strength."
[9:41 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "It, it just doesn't feel right when I'm resting, and she's out there."
[9:43 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I know, but you know she's strong. She needs us to be prepared to help her."
[9:45 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "But...you're right." she seems downcast
[9:47 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Its okay, she can handle herself until we arrive. I believe in her."
[9:49 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Mhm, I have to have faith that she can handle herself." She perked back up. "But, I don't really want to go back to thst bed..."
[9:51 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles sighs. "That's fine I suppose. As long as you feel better, I won't argue it further. But maybe instead of resting we could... spend some time together?"
[9:52 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Yeah, I would love to help out around here, it seems while we take the frontlines, you guys are having your own battle down here."
[9:54 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Oh yeah... helping out..." He sounds disappointed.
[9:55 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "And when things get smoother, which should be soon, seeing as I've recovered, I'm sure other patients are starting to finish their recovery, we could go out sometime too."
[9:59 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Ok. Well I just visited Sula, and applied some powder to his wounds, but there are plenty who need assistance."
[10:00 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Right, my knowledge on first aid is limited to bandaging and nursing, so would you mind walking me through?"
[10:01 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yes of course. Luckily they have a lot of medicines here, so we can use specific medicine to address the wounds."
[10:02 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Mhm, lead the way!"
[10:05 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: They walk off into one of the rooms full of patience.
=============RP END===========
[6:36 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "So that should stop any internal bleeding and this should help you recover faster." Versailles finished explaining to the patient, handing him a tonic. He and Claire had helped many people over the past hours but there always seemed to be more.
[6:48 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: Claire was walking around with a basin of water and a ladle, giving water to those who were thirsty. Due to her limited knowledge on first aid, that was the extent to the help she could give.
[6:49 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles walked over to her. "How are you feeling?"
[6:54 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Not bad, still kinda shocked that this many were injured..."
[6:55 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: She says as she walks up to the next patient, gently bringing the ladle of water to their mouth
[6:57 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yes, it is surprising, but I suppose I'd rather tend to wounded than bury dead. I'm glad they are pulling through."
[7:06 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Right, slowly...there we go, rest easy now." she says as she gets back up, wiping the ladle on her pants before putting it back in the water. "Right, at least our situation isn't that bad, but it's worrying, not knowing how things are going to end up."
[7:09 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yes... But I won't worry to much." He smiled, "Because I have you."
[7:12 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "And I have you." she said as she moved onto the next and last patient.
[7:13 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Is he the last one?" he asked double-checking they didn't miss anyone.
[7:14 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I'm pretty sure, I went down the rows to everyone."
[7:15 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Alright. I guess we get a break."
[7:17 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Do we? But there's still rooms upon rooms of injured."
[7:18 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I think they had someone up there tending to them, but I suppose we can check..." he sighed grabbing his supplies. "Shall we?"
[7:20 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Yes." she said after quickly going around and seeing if anyone needed another drink.
[7:22 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: He exited and glanced down the empty hallway. He turned back to the room and waited for Claire to finish.
[7:24 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: She finished tending to those who needed the extra water and ran to catch up
[7:26 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: He smiled and started walking towards the next room.
[7:27 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "It's worrying, seeing so many injured, and knowing that there are more out there..."
[7:30 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yeah... But I know there are many like us helping out. Like Elwyn." He smiled reassuringly.
[7:32 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Mhm, but with the able bodied going out on rescue raids, things will only get busier"
[7:33 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I suppose its inevitable. I just hope we can keep up."
[7:35 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Right, speaking of which, I plan on going with them, to find people soon. Probably when I get my new armour."
[7:36 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yeah, we'll need to be careful when we go."
[7:37 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "We?"
[7:37 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'm coming with you."
[7:39 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "What?" she said, processing each word slowly. "Wait, no, you must not! Who knows how dangerous it is out there."
[7:43 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I, I don't want to risk you getting hurt our there."
[7:45 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "No, I don't want you getting hurt either, so if I'm with you I can heal you."
[7:46 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "You can treat the soldiers when we get back, but in battle...you can also get hurt! And what if we can't protect you?"
[7:48 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger, We'll have a group anyway, so I can keep everyone healthy."
[7:49 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I can't help but worry when I think of you coming with me on rescue missions!"
[7:52 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles stops in the hallway and turns to her. "I need you to trust me to take care of myself, I know there'll be danger but we can take anything as a team."(edited)
[7:53 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "I know I should trust you...but, I'm just so scared that something will happen."
[7:54 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I am too, but 'there is nothing to fear but fear itself." He quoted. "We can't let fear hold us back"(edited)
[8:02 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Right, then, you have to promise to stick close, and I'll promise to protect you."
[8:03 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Agreed." He smiled. "Oh dear, the patients!" He turned and started walking quickly to the next room.
[8:04 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: "Oh!" she follows behind
[8:06 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: They enter to see only one person working. "We're here to help." The medic waves back in appreciation.
[8:07 PM] [BSpicy]Bemoney: Claire begins providing water
[8:10 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles begins unloading his bag and begins at the nearest patient. "What hurts..."
============RP END=============
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