[7:39 PM] Kwakado: Sula wakes up in the bed, alone. His injuries have been healing quickly...but his soul is strained as ever. Looking around for familiar faces, he only sees the mysterious Lieutenant from the battle in the plaza. The Nanshatu shudders, longing to be free of this life and into another.
He rolls over, feeling the shifting weight on his bandadged gashes. Letting the pain center him, Sula drones out a weary Ommm.(edited)
[7:41 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles walks inside quietly. He walks over to Claire's bed. "What?!" he puts his hand to his head in thought and worry.
[7:42 PM] Kwakado: "Uu..?" Sula leans up, noticing the pretentious monk that had somehow ended up with Claire. "Versa-i...ha. Kwemo."(edited)
[7:43 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles looks at Sula. "Sula!" he walks over to his side. "How are you feeling." He looks over him for any bandages.
[7:46 PM] Kwakado: "The spirits forgot me, you see." Sula has serious burns, scratches, and a deep bruise on his side from a long fall. Versailles had seen the kitsune tackle him off of his falcon in the last moments of their battle. It had looked fatal.
[7:47 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'm so sorry I couldn't have helped you during the fight..."
[7:49 PM] Kwakado: "No, Versa-i, you did...ha." Sula pulls the blanket up over his bandages. "I gave my life to Lunare-o...and you saved her."
[7:50 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "But, if I could fight, maybe..." He looks at the floor.
[7:53 PM] Kwakado: "Not every Dwabi is Woushatu, good sir. I wonder if your duty..." Sula pointed up into the monk's chest. "...is to love, to learn."
[7:54 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "How do you mean?"
[7:56 PM] Kwakado: Sula's face looks cold, distant, despite his words. "You would not put ice cream over the fire, uu? But it still has its place on the table."
[7:59 PM] Kwakado: His pointed finger curls back into his hand, which falls limp. "Just don't let yourself become rotten, ha ha."
[8:00 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I suppose you are right..." He sighs, "But how about I do what I can now! What hurts for you?"
[8:02 PM] Kwakado: Sula just lets out a rhythmic, dejected laugh. "That depends on what you can heal, Versa-i.....What do you know of curses?"
[8:05 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Very little I'm afraid. Many philosophers did not believe in them though. But I think superstition is not to be trifled with."
[8:09 PM] Kwakado: "Yes, yes, all of us have now learned to respect...superstition." Sula sighed, wondering where she'd gone off to, hoping the castle was truly safe. "...Something happened down there. I have a curse...or, made a curse, or...became a curse..Just before I fell."(edited)
[8:10 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles grabbed a chair and sat down next to his bed. "Yes, that was strange indeed. But to dispel such a thing would be beyond me..."(edited)
[8:14 PM] Kwakado: Sula clutches his jaw. "...I cannot let it hurt Vivi-e. But...I do not understand any of this either." Closing his eyes, Sula slides the blanket down, revealing the bandages once more as he points. "...Right here. Even when I don't move, this one...nngh."
[8:17 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Don't strain yourself. It does no good to hurt yourself further." He stands up and grabs some medical supplies. "Do you want any medicine?" He holds up the jar of ointment and a powder.
[8:26 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "The ointment can relieve pain on an area, the powder reduces infection."
[8:28 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "The powder...would be Kwemo."
[8:30 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles takes a small handful and starts spreading it near Sula's cuts and burns.
[8:32 PM] Kwakado: "....Thank you, Versa-i. You are truly a holy man."
[8:32 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi hums, keeping his body still for the healer.
[8:33 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Ha! I am but a simple monk, Holiness is but a kindness shown often."
[8:35 PM] Kwakado: "That is a good one...Kindness shown often." Sula manages a smile, for a moment. "But then... What is love?"
[8:38 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Uh... that's a harder one..." Versailles brushes the excess powder off his hands.
[8:39 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'm afraid there's no easy answer. I would say there are many types of Love though."
[8:39 PM] Kwakado: Sula blinks. "... Ah, Clair-i... Where did she go?" Sula gestures to the empty bed.(edited)
[8:41 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'm not sure, I came to visit but then I wanted to see how you were."
[8:42 PM] Kwakado: "She was fighting quite hard back there... Enough for the both of you?" The soothsayer lifted his eyebrows earnestly.
[8:44 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yes, she was fighting so hard. It was not easy to watch her being attacked..."
[8:46 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods gravely. "Yes, I...had some trouble stopping one in the plaza. He hurt Vivi-e, badly....It is a much greater pain than these wounds, you know."
[8:47 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles nods. "That is why it is important to heal. We cannot let past battles scar us for life."
[8:49 PM] Kwakado: A contemplative hum flows from his mouth. "...That sounds nice, yes. Find some fresh air... forget about the fighting, ha ha."
[8:51 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yes," He smiles. "Now is there anything else you need? Water perhaps?"
[8:53 PM] Kwakado: "What about Versa-i?"
[8:54 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "What about me?"
[8:57 PM] Kwakado: "I wonder if men like us need to ask that more...What do I want?"
[8:59 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I suppose we may be very selfless, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't mind lacking personal comfort if it means comfort for another."
[9:04 PM] Kwakado: "Wane-le ba Nanyo, Wane-Dwabi bo Nanyo.... Better to poison yourself... Than to poison your people." Sula pondered the old proverb. "But truly. What is it you wish for today? Sula-o keeps secrets better than anyone, ha ha."
[9:06 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Uh... I guess it would be to spend time with Claire. I'm worried that she's off somewhere extending her injuries."
[9:08 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "Then I have one more request, sir. If you see Vivi-e...Heal her, for me."
[9:08 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Of course." He smiled slightly.
[9:09 PM] Kwakado: "....That is all, ha ha."
[9:10 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Alright, I'll let you rest." Versailles stood up and walked to the door. "I'll be around, don't be afraid to ask for anything."
[9:13 PM] Kwakado: "Kwemo-Kwemi, Versa." Sula gave a little flicking wave, returning to rest.
[9:14 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles exited in search of Claire.
[9:14 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: =========RP END========
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