[9:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: (Pre 6)
Yavae had been working hard on her training, and currently wanted to reward herself for it. To this end, she found a cafe in Yuki Jyorou and had ordered herself a veritable feast
[9:19 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean lazily walked around the town with Angard in tow as he looked around for a potential date for the evening. Peering into a cafe for any suitable maidens he instead found Yavae, the so-called Warrior Princess with a massive feast in front of her.
"Hmmm. Now this could be an interesting conversation in the making. Angard I'll be right back." Petting his wyvern's snout as she curled up beside the restaurant, Jean let himself in as he pulled up a seat across from Yavae.
"Hello there dear Yavae it's been sometime since I've last been able to speak with you? How has life been treating you?"
[9:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmm..? Ah! Jean, the flirt!" She says with a wide smile as she recognizes him
[9:24 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiles back.
That's quite the nickname she's labeled me with. At least she didn't turn the other way as fast as Tori does.
"Yes it is me, Jean the Flirt. But enough about boring old me let's talk about you Yavae. Is this mountain of food all for you or are you expecting company soon?"
[9:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "For me, though I wouldn't mind sharing."
[9:29 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shook his head.
"I'm fine I'm fine. I just ate anyway and I'm guessing you're eating all of this to bolster your strength for our next battle."
[9:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Pah! This is simply for celebration!"
[9:33 PM] Abyssal John John: "Hmm celebration of what?"
[9:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good work in my training. I did not let up, now I reward myself for it."
[9:37 PM] Abyssal John John: "Ah I see. I must say I don't really understand the ritual. Training is a part of what most fighters do and it's usually not viewed as anything special. I'm guessing this must be a Fire Tribe tradition."
[9:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's not a major celebration, just a minor one."
[9:42 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean just looked at all the food.
This is a minor celebration to her? I can only imagine what a major one looks like! Jean shook his head as he focused back on Yavae.
"So I guess that means you do this after every training session huh? Have this minor celebration of yours and then go on about your day?"
[9:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Not every training session, that would take up far too much time. Also, how have you and your wyvern been?"
[9:50 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiled.
"Me and Angard have been doing well. Just more of the same for us really. Fighting and slaying enemies, training all the fun stuff that comes with this kind of territory."
[9:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't believe I've been properly introduced to her, actually."(edited)
[9:58 PM] Abyssal John John: "Oh you haven't? She's right over there, after you're done with your feast would you like to go meet her?"(edited)
[9:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why not have her join us?"
[10:06 PM] Abyssal John John: "Alright, hopefully she hasn't fallen asleep yet." Jean called out to his wyvern.
" Angard! Would you like to come over here and meet a friend?" The wyvern slowly rose up from her curled position as she came over to the table.
"Yavae meet Angard. Angard meet Yavae." Angard bowed her head to Yavae while making a soft shriek as a hello to the woman.
[10:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She smiles at the wyvern and stands to greet it "Angard! It is a pleasure to meet you my friend!" she holds out her hand for the wyvern to sniff
[10:15 PM] Abyssal John John: Angard just gave Jean an annoyed look as the Wyvern caved in to what she had to do. She had done it a few times and this time was no different. She stuck her snout in front of Yavae's hand and sniffed it catching the aroma of the food that Yavae was eating, Jean just smiled.
"Well well! I think I can safely say that Angard likes you Yavae!"
[10:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good to hear. Would you like to eat with us, then?" Strangely, she seems to regard three wyvern as no different from her human allies apparently
[10:24 PM] Abyssal John John: "Hmmm. Well I did need to get something for Angard to eat sooner or later. I guess there's no harm in having her eat some of this food. Is that fine with you Angard?" The wyvern nodded.
"It's fine with her. Though I have no idea what she should start with..."
[10:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I suggest the pork roast!"
[10:30 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She grabs a large hunk of pork roast by the bone and holds it out to the wyvern
[10:33 PM] Abyssal John John: "Alright then the Pork Roast it is!" Jean takes a large slice as he hands it to Angard.
"Here you go girl." Angard happily ate the Pork Roast from her master's hand as Jean chuckled.
"Ha. I think she loves it!"
[10:35 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent! To new friendships!" she toasts with a large leg of meat, then begins to dig in.
[10:39 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded in agreement.
"Of course to new friendships!" Jean watched Yavae dig in as he gave Angard more pieces of the Pork Roast.
"I'll say one thing Yavae you can certainly feast."
[10:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I need a lot of food for the energy to fight."
[10:41 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded.
"Ah I see. I'm quite the opposite I could never eat really large portions. My stomach can't handle it all."
[10:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! You should work on that, never know when you'll need to stock up."
[10:45 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shrugged.
"Perhaps, I believe I fight just fine without it though. I'm much more of a defensive fighter anyway so I'm not expending most of my energy chasing after my enemy."
[10:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Not quite what I mean. You might go a long while without access to food."
[10:49 PM] Abyssal John John: "Oh of course. I guess you're right. Though I do have emergency food in case of something like that. Though hopefully I'm never put in a situation like that..."
[10:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Just be careful that anything may happen. Wouldn't want you to die of something pathetic like starvation, would we, Angy?" She asks the wyvern
[10:54 PM] Abyssal John John: Angard nods in agreement as she chows down on more of the Pork Roast.
[10:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Indeed, flirt or not be deserves an honorable death, like any honest warrior."
[10:56 PM] Abyssal John John: "If I could help it I would rather none of us die. I would very much like to keep on living."
[10:57 PM] Abyssal John John: "And I can't see myself as a honest warrior. I'm just a simple mercenary that happened to get wrapped up into this little ragtag army of Luna's."(edited)
[10:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Pah, you've stayed with us with meager pay through terrible struggles, I do not believe you are here for coin."
[11:02 PM] Abyssal John John: "I'm not. I'm here to help protect those I consider friends from harm. Though our time together has been short I've formed close bonds with many people here and I would feel horrible if I left them to die."
[11:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And that makes you an honest and honorable warrior."
[11:05 PM] Abyssal John John: "I presume so. I don't see it that way myself though."
[11:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And why is that? I see no reason to think less of you thusfar."
[11:11 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shrugged.
"I guess I don't think of myself so highly is all mostly because of the cost of ending another's life in order to attain that goal of mine."
[11:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Warriors fight, and warriors die. Such is the nature of being a warrior."
[11:16 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded.
"Of course and that's why I can't view myself as one of these honest and honorable warriors. There is no honor in slaying a stranger you do not know. Someone who can have a caring family you have taken them away from or a someone forced to fight for a cause they don't believe in. I have no problem killing a dozen monsters but killing another living being weighs heavy on my conscious no matter how black-hearted they may be."
[11:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I see... Honestly, the fact that you even feel guilt for that makes you better than many other warriors."
[11:25 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiled.
"Thank you for the compliment and you're a pretty stellar warrior if I do say so myself. Back when we fought Levia and her rogues I heard you protected Queen Luna all by your lonsesome from a large group of enemies. That's quite the impressive feat if I do say so myself."
[11:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Strength is not the only mark of a good warrior." she says seriously "-although, yes, I'm a great warrior." She says proudly with a small smile
[11:37 PM] Abyssal John John: "Well I think that fighting for her while everyone else was so focused on taking down Levia is quite admirable. It takes a lot of courage to face down so many enemies at the same time while the rest of your allies are so far away."
[11:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I have fought most of my battles alone. Being part of an army was new to me before this."
[11:47 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded.
"Fighting is still a new experience to me in a way. I only learned how 3 years ago. Before then I couldn't fight my way of out a wool sack!"
[11:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Really? You have made rapid progress then."
[11:52 PM] Abyssal John John: "Ah thank you. Though its mostly because of my cousin Praline. Without her I would virtually lost on the realm of combat."
[12:01 AM] DiurnalKnight!: "I would love to meet her then!"
[12:12 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded.
"I think you two would hit it off quite nicely. She's the most powerful warrior I know well-versed in almost any weapon. Her mother comes from a great clan of swordmasters called the Shesha from a far-off continent called Nestoria."
[12:14 AM] DiurnalKnight!: "I look forward to our meeting. Hm... I haven't heard of that land before, at least not that I can recall."
[12:21 AM] Abyssal John John: "It's pretty far away so I doubt most people would know about it. Not even Praline has been there but she does wish to go one day." Jean got up as he let out a heavy yawn. He looked to his wyvern.
"You ready to go Angard?" The wyvern ate one more slice of Pork Roast before nodding.
"Well then it was nice being able to speak with you again Yavae but for now I must bid you ado. I have some other business I must attend to. Thank you for letting Angard have some food by the way."
[12:23 AM] DiurnalKnight!: "No problem, flirt. Try not to die."
[12:27 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean smirked as he wiped Angard's mouth with a tissue.
"And I can say the same for you my dear Warrior Princess. But for now we must part! Until we meet again!" With that and his wyvern in tow Jean was off as he disappeared into the busy streets of Yuki Jyorou.
[12:29 AM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. He didn't seem as interested this time." She muses to herself before continuing her meal
==end rp==
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