[3:36 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira stood outside of the stable of Fort Ikkigane. He was tired from the day's work and desided to lean against the barn, watching the sun set. It was always a beautiful sight to behold.
[3:37 PM] Psychic Loser: Taking it all in he let out a sigh.
[4:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae passed by on her way out of the fort, it was a moderately nice day out so she wanted to get some sun
[5:02 PM] Psychic Loser: "It's almost that time of year again." The rider murmured to himself. Soon he'd set off for that night, he just needed a few more things. So he began to make his walk down to the barracks. In his journey to do so, he stumbled upon a large mountain of a woman. Her sheer height made Akira feel insignificant, not that he was too tall to begin with.(edited)
[5:04 PM] Psychic Loser: "How do you do?" He asked deciding to greet the giant.
[5:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm..?" She looks down at him "Oh, another newcomer. Which army are you with?"
[5:08 PM] Psychic Loser: "I'm with the Rebellion." He answered back. "I take it you're one of our guest?"
[5:16 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, I'm not exactly a local."
[5:22 PM] Psychic Loser: "Well," Akira chuckled at her, at least to him, obvious statement "I can see that." The man took a firm stance, crossing his arms. "So, what are you doing out around here at this time?"
[5:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Exploring, and enjoying the sights. Is there a law against that now?"
[5:24 PM] Psychic Loser: "I certainly hope there isn't. I was just on my way out."
[5:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good. What is your name then, boy?" Her tone seems fairly neutral, it seems despite her size she's thankfully not hostile.
[5:30 PM] Psychic Loser: "I-" he stopped "Just to clarify, I'm a 25 year old man. I'm Akira." he responded.
[5:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am Yavae, and it is nice to meet you. How do you fight, Akira?"
[5:39 PM] Psychic Loser: "You as well, Yavae. I ride a Pegasus."
[5:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I haven't tried a mount in quite some time, I prefer to feel the heat of battle closer than that."
[5:57 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira shrugged "I used to take care of horses. I say 'When you can't count on anybody else, you can count on your horse'." Akira made a mental note not to get on her bad side.
[6:22 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Bah, animals may flee, but your body will never betray you." She smiles and flexes an arm for emphasis
[6:25 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira let out a laugh "I can't argue if it works."(edited)
[6:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, what were you doing out here? Just taking care of your Pegasus?"
[6:30 PM] Psychic Loser: The mans face grew stoic and blank. "You could say that. For the past couple of years I go out and visit a place. It helps serve as a reminder of why joined the rebellion."
[6:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... I can respect that, good luck on your visit."
[6:37 PM] Psychic Loser: "Thank you. I'll need it." Akira tried his best to look the woman in the eyes "Don't tell anyone I left. These trips are usually secret."
[7:03 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I have no reason to spill your secret."
[5:07 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira nodded "That's good to know. It was nice meeting you Yavae. It's good to know we have some people around here who can lighten the mood."
[5:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! Not what I'm usually known for, but interesting to hear."
[5:13 PM] Psychic Loser: He shrugged "Regardless, thank you." He looked up at the still setting sun. "I'll be on my way out. If you don't mind."
[5:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's none of my business, feel free to go."
[5:22 PM] Psychic Loser: "I'll take my leave then." He said beginning to walk back down to barracks. Before walking a few more feet, he stopped "If you ever need any help, just let me know. I owe you for keeping this secret."
[5:29 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Please, don't worry about it. It's hardly worth keeping a debt over."
[5:36 PM] Psychic Loser: "Fair enough. Good night." With that statement, Akira walked back to the barracks, leaving Yavae by herself.
[5:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: ===end rp===
[6:16 PM] Psychic Loser: ====Start Self RP====
[6:30 PM] Psychic Loser: As Akira made his way to the barracks of Fort Ikkigane, he could already feel the oncoming dread. Had another year really have already passed? It seemed like just the other day he'd returned to that grim memento of the past.
He made a haste as to find all the necessary gear and not get caught. Cloak. Muzzle. Naginata. Dried sage. Horse blanket. All of his necessities.
Once he found all he needed he went down to the fort stables. They were certainly nicer than where he'd be tonight. Finding Kaguya ready to go, he put the horse blanket over her as to hide her wings. "Come on girl. Let's get going."
[6:35 PM] Psychic Loser: Being careful not to be spotted by the guards, he exited through the back. It was a good thing he brought the muzzle. Kaguya didn't seem to care for having her wings restricted. A few miles east and he'd be there.
[6:47 PM] Psychic Loser: Soon enough he made it to an abandoned check point. It seemed that it was attacked and fearing death, the guards fled.
"Same as always." the lone rider mumbled speaking to nobody in particular. Making his way through the partly destroyed gate, something caught his eye. A board on the inside of the gatehouse. It displayed various bounties and other pointless task but, among the thousands of fetch-quest, one stood out. A wanted scroll, written on it were the words:
For murder, tax evasion, and resisting arrest
Akira Mikado
[6:55 PM] Psychic Loser: Underneath the writing was, a rather accurate, drawing of the rider. He let out a sigh, crumbled up the paper and continued onward. It wasn't all false. He did, inadvertently, kill a man. However, to say that it was outright murder was definitely a stretch. After all, could you call setting off an explosive alarm murder?
[6:56 PM] Psychic Loser: =====
[7:07 PM] Psychic Loser: With a few hours time, Akira arrived on the outskirts of a small village, Hokori, his hometown.
It was a small village surrounded by mountains and bamboo forest. It was well placed, protected from any wild beast. Homes were either small or dug into the mountainside.
Just a few miles inward into the small village and Akira found his destination, a burned building. A stable and home to be exact. His stable and his home.(edited)
[7:11 PM] Psychic Loser: The walls of the building were collapsed, reviling it's thin, chard frame. Rooms which had previously held what little furnishings he could, were barren with ash.(edited)
[7:16 PM] Psychic Loser: A round stone pinned wilted flowers to the floor, the only structure that seemed to be intact.
"Hello, Miki. I'm back." Akira said softly. "I see the place hasn't changed."
[7:17 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira led Kaguya behind some overgrown bamboo before entering, making sure the mount was hidden.
[7:24 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira took a seat in the middle of the floor, cross-legged and took out the sage he had packed. "I'm sorry we couldn't get married before all of this." he spoke as he began burning said sage. "I know you're going to say I couldn't help it but, I had really high hopes. I was hoping everybody in the town could help us stay afloat."
[7:31 PM] Psychic Loser: "They caught onto us though-" Akira continued to speak.
Meanwhile, a northern breeze came in alerting several dogs attention, the beasts' keepers followed likewise.
"I've found one of them."
[7:37 PM] Psychic Loser: "Then the fire-" Akira's usual speech was interrupted by the howling of....dogs? Wolves? No. This was something much worse. The howling was distorted, unnatural. Something wasn't quite right here and it put Akira on edge.
[7:41 PM] Psychic Loser: Soon enough, he heard footsteps. Not human running. It was the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. It was coming from both directions.(edited)
[7:48 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira tried his best to run back to Kaguya to escape. If there was even the slightest chance they were bounty hunters, he was doomed. However, as he made his way back to his mount, he couldn't feel his left side. His body felt numb and his arm felt like it was on fire. He desperately needed a way out.(edited)
[7:54 PM] Psychic Loser: The approaching figures were getting even louder.
"Hell." He let out a small curse as he dived behind a small outcropping of rock and fell into a pit full of stagnate, leftover rainwater.
[8:05 PM] Psychic Loser: Several..things...appeared. Calling them wolves would be a disgrace to wolves everywhere. They were heavyset, four-legged creatures. Their musculature bulged through their fur. Odd runes decorated their body and they were the height of a small child. Their faces distorted and warped beyond recognition. They were followed by what appeared to be a woman on Falicorn.
[8:12 PM] Psychic Loser: The woman dismounted her Falicorn and spoke. "I know you're here. Give yourself up. I am Kotori Kuzunoha, a descendant from one of the many branch families of the Bluefang clan. You'll be going back to your cage now."
[8:17 PM] Psychic Loser: That name...why did it.... No. This couldn't be. Akira let his impulses get the better of him.
"Go to hell."
[8:21 PM] Psychic Loser: Both the beast and the woman whirled around.
"Oh, there you are, Mikado. How are my enhancements?"
[8:23 PM] Psychic Loser: "Torture."
[8:24 PM] Psychic Loser: "But, that means you haven't used them yet." She let out a sigh "Another imperfection. Shame to see all my work go to waste."
[8:26 PM] Psychic Loser: "Work?"
[8:28 PM] Psychic Loser: "Those tattoos on your arm aren't just tattoos, you simpleton. To put such elegant work on a defector would be a waste of my time."
[8:31 PM] Psychic Loser: As she said that Akira felt a surge within his left arm. He doubled over in pain.
[8:35 PM] Psychic Loser: The woman frowned "You really are a waste aren't you. To think I'd spend my time on a parasite who couldn't change."
[8:40 PM] Psychic Loser: Kotori motioned for her...dogs...to go down into the pit with Akira. Automatically they obeyed.
Akira gasp for breath "You bitch. Where is your honor? At least pull me out of here before you let your dogs do your dirty work."
"How about no."
[8:44 PM] Psychic Loser: Despite the immeasurable pain Akira was in, he fumbled for his naginata. He was lucky enough to slash at one of the thing's throats before the other pounced on him.(edited)
[8:51 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira was down but the creature stopped. Kotori came closer to the edge to observe.
"Before you die, Mikado you are to address me correctly as Kuzunoha of the Bluefang clan."
"And why should I, your royal pain?"
"So you can have a body left to cremate."
[9:01 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira struggled against the wolf's binding grip. Kotori let out another sigh "Well, what is your choice, Mikado?"
Akira didn't answer back, instead he continued to struggle against the overwhelming strength of Kotori's Dog. The pain seemed to restore the feeling in his left side as a light began emanating from his arm and through his sleeve. Kotori shook her head and began to make a gesture. A pillar of flame resounded in response.
[9:07 PM] Psychic Loser: Steam rose from the pit, the stench of the stagnate water filling the area. Beside a chard, disfigured carcass, stood a wounded, bleeding Akira, a mixture of runes and flames dancing around his left arm. Kotori took a step back in response to the recent turn of events.(edited)
[9:11 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira gasp for air "Kotori. Get out."
[9:13 PM] Psychic Loser: The woman laughed at Akira's threat "Or what? You'll steal my Falicorn and escape."
[9:16 PM] Psychic Loser: The woman continued "From your little display, I can tell you hardly know how to control that arm of yours."
[9:20 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira brought his fingers to his hands forming a whistle. Kaguya flew into the pit with Akira, her snapped lead dragging behind her.
[9:22 PM] Psychic Loser: Kotori glared unimpressed "Wow. Amazing."(edited)
[9:25 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira mounted atop Kaguya, grabbing what little remained of his Naginata. Floating into the air he threw it at Kotori, who sidestepped out of harms way.(edited)
[9:32 PM] Psychic Loser: Mid-flight, Akira attempted to throw another spell at Kotori's Falicorn. He was lucky enough to shook a bout of electricity at the creature. "I'm sorry you magnificent creature, you."
Down below, Kotori seemed to be throwing some sort of temper tantrum.(edited)
[9:37 PM] Psychic Loser: And so what had started as Akira yearly night of mourning became a desperate escape from danger. The Sky Knight let out a sigh of relief as he rode back to Fort Ikkigane.
====End Self RP====
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