Thursday, January 19, 2017

[AG] How to Ride Every Mount

Featuring: Jean, Drew

January 19, 2017
[10:44 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean walked around Fort Ikkigane after his nice little chat with Queen Luna looking for a bucket with Angard in tow. Eventually this search led him to the stables as he found a nice big bucket. "Alright I think this is a nicely sized bucket for you Angard. Anyway let's get going." As Jean started to leave until he saw a cute baby horse. "Hmmm. That's interesting I wonder who this cute little foal belongs too." Angard scoffed clearly uninterested in spending anytime looking at the thing as Jean offered his hand to it wondering if it would do anything.
[10:49 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Este backed up a litte, then went forward and nudged his hand
[10:55 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiled as he started to pet the horse's head. "Hehe. You seem to be pretty trusting at least. I would love to have a treat for you or something but I have no clue what horses eat. I do wonder who your owner is. Probably Tori. If she is I'm personally sorry that you will just become one of her many war mounts." Jean continued to pet the horse.
[10:56 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew started to approach the stables to check on Este as the foal decided he was hungry enough to bite Jeans hand (not that hard but y know ow)
[10:59 PM] Abyssal John John: "Ouch!" Jean quickly pulled his hand away as Angard started to angrily roar at the foal. Jean scratched under his wyvern's neck trying to calm her down. "It's fine it's fine Angard. He's still young so it's no surprise that he did that..."
[11:03 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew was finally within view "Woah, I havent seen a Wyvern in a while"
[11:06 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shook his hand as Angard finally calmed down and just made a quiet snort. Jean looked to the man who came in. "Ah really. They are uncommon creatures...." Jean looked back to the foal. "Oh. Is this foal yours? He's a feisty one to be sure!"
[11:11 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Yeah I have to put out some more food for him right about now" Drew put some hay and oats out (idk I just googled horse food) and Este started to eat while Drew brushes off his hands
[11:11 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "So whats your name?"
[11:15 PM] Abyssal John John: "Ah how rude of me!" Jean courteously bowed to the boy. "My name is Jean L. Asmodeus a soldier in Queen Luna's army and this beautiful wyvern here is Angard my trusted companion. Glad to make your acquaintance."
[11:19 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Oh, guess I probably have seen you before then, teammate, Im part of Lunas army too"
[11:19 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Just uh, call me Drew"
[11:24 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiled. "Ah! Then hello to you Drew! I'm glad I found the owner of this foal. How did you manage to obtain it? It's quite hard to see one raising a foal during times like these...." Jean looked at the foal as he slightly reminisced about Angard's own youth.
[11:28 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew smiles as well, glad to talk to a friendly face in what he thought would be a boring day
[11:33 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Theres 2 other people in the army, Sula and Vivianna, who were taking care of him, and I just started visiting him a lot" Drew pulls out a pastry that looks kind of smashed and starts gobbling it down
[11:35 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: He stops and breaks off the bottom part
[11:35 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Want a piece?" He said with a mouth full of food(edited)
[11:42 PM] Abyssal John John: "No no I'm fine." Jean says with a smile on his face. "But you said Sula and Vivianna were taking care of him? I do believe Sula said something about that during the vine contest. Hmmm." Jean looked more closely at the foal. "Are you thinking about using it as a mount when it gets older? You use a bow right? A bow user on a fast horse could be quite the terrifying combo."
[11:58 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew finished up the pastry "Mmm the food here is just SO much better then Ashelande....." Drew looked at Este "I've had....some training with every mount so I could probably learn to ride him in battle"
[11:59 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew pulls his bow out to show it off
January 20, 2017
[12:00 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean looked at Drew in surprise. "Really? You've trained with every single type of mount? From wyverns to Pegasi? That's quite impressive for one as young as yourself."
[12:02 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "All thanks to my ol teacher, she knew how to ride every mount too, I was just trying to find one to stick to though. I remember some of the horse training I did and working with that"
[12:05 AM] Abyssal John John: "Interesting. What kind of mount are you using now then? I could have sworn I knew every mounted soldier in the army..."
[12:08 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "I don't use a mount at the moment, I was with my first mount for so long when I lost him...well..." he paused for a little bit "I wasn't even planning of using another mount but Este really likes me"
[12:14 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean's face instantly saddened thinking about how the loss of one's mount could affect one so. Jean thought about what would happen if he ever lost Angard. "I'm..I'm sorry for your loss Drew. I didn't know..."
[12:18 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "It's ok, in a way he's the reason im here, I met with my teacher again and she bought the boat ticket here"
[12:18 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew reminisced about his boat ride....he made a sour face
[12:24 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Gods how do you forgot to tell someone there boat ride is 2 months, 2 months on that horrid boat with those lousy lazy good for nothi-" Este makes a neighing sound from his stable, stopping Drew mid rant. "Uh...anyway"
[12:26 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean smiled. At least Drew had seemed to have recovered nicely from the traumatic experience. "Oh yes what's the foal's name? I'm guessing that Sula gave it some kind of native Dwabi name or did Vivi name it something nice and sweet?"
[12:27 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Its name is Este...pretty sure Sula named it"
[12:39 AM] Abyssal John John: "Yeah that sounds like a Dwabi name alright. I do know that horses grow much faster then wyverns do so I bet he'll be fighting fit in no time!" Jean smiled at the younger man. "But still being trained to ride any type of mount. Almost sounds like some kind of folk heroes. Your master must have been quite the amazing warrior..."
[12:42 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Haha, it kinda does, I forgot what she does for work but she told me before she taught me she did used to fight a lot"(edited)
[12:45 AM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "One time she got two mounts to fight with her at once, they would take turns swooping down from the sky to attack or pick her up"
[2:21 PM] Abyssal John John: "Wow that sounds quite impressive! I don't even know how that would be safe or viable but impressive nonetheless!"
[3:10 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Hmmm, Whats your mounts name by the way?"
[3:15 PM] Abyssal John John: Angard made an annoyed snort due to her name having been stated before. Jean just shrugged. "My wyvern's name is Angard."
[3:22 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Right......So what should we do know?"
[3:23 PM] Abyssal John John: "Well I came in here to get a bucket so I could make some tea for Angard here and then I got distracted by Este here."
[3:24 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Tea?....for a Wyvern? Angard sounds like a very refined one Haha"
[3:39 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded. "Well of course she is. Angard is quite the example of a proper lady. It's no surprise that she loves tea." Angard nodded in pride.
[3:44 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "How long have you had her?"
[3:52 PM] Abyssal John John: "I've had Angard since I was five years of age. My mother bought her for me when she and my father took a trip to Nohr, so me and her have been together for 15 years now."(edited)
[4:11 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "And when did you start uh, fighting"
[4:18 PM] Abyssal John John: "About 3 years ago. My cousin Praline helped me train. She's quite the powerful warrior herself, well-versed in all kind of weapons. It was through her training that I became something of a decent fighter."
[4:21 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Maybe we should spar one day?"
[4:21 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Hm...orrr..."
[4:22 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: Drew tries to remember....
[4:23 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "AHA!" Drews face lit up "once Este is more grown, we should race!"
[4:26 PM] Abyssal John John: "Huh? You want to have a race?" Jean stroked his chin. I'm not sure if Angard can outspeed a horse.... "Hm. It would truly be a race for the ages! How long will it be until Este is considered grown?"
[4:32 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Well, time will tell, cause I can't"
[4:46 PM] Abyssal John John: He's been trained in all kinds of mounts and yet he doesn't know the different stages of a horses age. I would have thought that'd be something his teacher would teach him. "Well there's no rush. Angard's going to be here for a long time! Anyway I should probably take my leave. Between talking with you and Queen Luna Angard has had to wait waaaaay too long for teatime. But it'll be nice to talk with you again Drew!"
[4:51 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "Alright then, cya soon Jean!"
[4:52 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: "I'll probably continue looking around the fort"
[4:54 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded as he and Angard left the stables with a bucket in hand.
[4:56 PM] [Lucky] ChaoticAce: ====RP END====

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