Thursday, September 15, 2016

Xenologue 1: Artemis

Featuring: Shideyo, Artemis

September 15, 2016
[3:46 AM] ColdToiletSea: A very scraggly looking man's eyes twitch as he lay on the side of a country road in Hoshido. Silently but surely, the man's eyes open more and more until he winces at the sudden brilliance of the mid-morning sun. The man scratched at the stringy-looking beard on his chin before getting up, much like his eyes, he did it slowly. Upon sitting up straight, a sword that was resting upon his filthy jacket clanged against the ground as it became unsheathed. "Tch, kuso..." He cursed under his breath, before closing his eyes and taking in a breath of the fresh morning air, "...At least my money hasn't been made off with." The hobo patted himself of whatever dirt he could find, forsaking all of the dirt that was probably on his back. He placed his crudely-fashioned coinpurse on his belt before standing himself up, resting the man's old beaten-up katana on his shoulder as his back started to arch. The less-than-fortunate man wrapped an extra part of his jacket's rope of hemp around his weapon's handle before letting out a sigh, managing a weak smile and continuing down his path.(edited)
[4:46 AM] ColdToiletSea: He raked a hand through his matted black hair, moistening his lips as his geta pushed into the shifted earth. I do wonder what happened before I lost all of my memories... I wonder what kind of life I lived... I was a swordsman, I know that. But I can't help but feel like I need to serve a purpose... The man thought, staring at the path he would soon tread upon. He shrugged, Eh, my purpose will come soon enough...(edited)
[1:01 PM] REWlego: At a nearby forest, a woman and her kinshi fly overhead. The kinshi occasionally lands, where the woman will hop off her mount and let the kinshi fly around on it's own. She stays in the forest to hunt, while her kinshi searches for her. After a while, the kinshi will land and the pair fly to a new location. This cycle happens over and over again, almost for the whole day. Finally, the two of them end their hunt, and they head towards the street that the stange man is standing at. They land on the road in front of him, and the woman hops off of her mount. "Hey!" she waves to him "You need help or something?"
[1:18 PM] ColdToiletSea: The flapping of wings... The man thought, narrowing his eyes on the seemingly endless horizon as he was completely oblivious to the Kinshi. He squinted as he took a step backwards, feeling a gust of wind blow him back. As the giant bird came to a landing before him, a smile cracked his face. A golden kite, just like in the legends... With a person riding on top? Huh, perhaps they might give me another clue as to who I was... "Kon'nichiwa." The scraggly man waved, resting the same hand on the temporarily shoulder-mounted katana. "I do need help, and I do need something, perhaps you would be willing to assist me?"
[1:22 PM] REWlego: The woman puts a hand on her hip and leans against her Kinshi. "Uh... sure. What do you need?"
[1:27 PM] ColdToiletSea: "I'm... looking for someone." The man answers, scratching at his beard as his eyes wandered. "Specifically speaking, I'm looking for myself, if that makes any sense."
[1:29 PM] REWlego: I didn't take this guy as the philosopher type or anything... Oh well. "You mean like, metaphorically speaking? Not sure if I can help you there."
[1:42 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Nonono, you misunderstand." The man quickly waved, correcting himself not too long afterwards. "I don't actually know who I am, Kenbōshō has struck me... Er, anmesia is the common phrase, I believe." The traveller stared upwards in thought before shaking his head and meeting the woman's stare. "The only clue I have to my name is this katana that I had woken up next to." He added, glancing over to the sword on his shoulder before shrugging it off and holding it horizontally in the air, slowly unsheathing the blade to reveal an engraving near the base of the blade. The Hoshidan letters were a bit hard to see at first glance, but the name "Shideyo Tamami" could be read from them.
[2:01 PM] REWlego: "So uh.. what can I do to help?"
[2:02 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Well, have you heard of the Tamami name before?" The man asked, quickly sheathing the blade and placing it back on it's proper resting place.
[2:03 PM] REWlego: "No, ah... I'm not actually from Hoshido, so I don't know that name."
[2:12 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Ah, I see..." The scraggly swordsman responded, bringing his free hand up to scratch more of his beard. "Well, it may seem a bit rude to assume the name of this sword's owner, but I could probably do better if I had a name to give to people..." The man shrugged, tilting his head before meeting the Kinshi rider's gaze with a toothy grin. "Shideyo, Shideyo Tamami will be my name, I must thank you for the help."
[2:14 PM] REWlego: "I didn't do much, you know..." she shrugs. "Name's Artemis."
[2:20 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Well, it is an honor to meet such a distinguished rider, miss Artemis." Shideyo bowed, letting the sword drop into his other hand so that it could be fashioned by his side in an Iaido style.
[2:22 PM] REWlego: Artemis responds with a less formal bow. "Nice to meet you too, Shideyo. Now, would you like a lift?"
[2:27 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Ah, subarashī." Shideyo responded, grinning as he stood upright. "I don't particularly have a place to go, I wouldn't mind tagging along to wherever you are going."
[2:33 PM] REWlego: "I'm actually on my way to Mokushu, if you'd like to come."
[2:36 PM] ColdToiletSea: "Mo-ku-shu... Huh, that name sounds familiar, I don't see why I wouldn't." Shideyo answered, smiling as he started walking towards the magnificent mount. "It will certainly save me some time."
[2:37 PM] REWlego: "This is Apollo by the way." Artemis hops on and reaches out a hand to help pull Shideyo up.
[2:39 PM] ColdToiletSea: Shideyo eagerly reaches out to meet the rider's hand before climbing on top of Apollo himself. "Well, I must thank the both of you then."
[2:43 PM] REWlego: "Not a problem." Apollo takes off and starts flying them all towards Mokushu.
[2:45 PM] REWlego: = = = RP END = = =

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