Wednesday, September 14, 2016

72.2: Angry Boar Thing

Featuring: Yavae, Milth

[5:03 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: Yavae found herself in the woods near camp, testing out her axe on some trees and taking time to think alone
[5:07 PM] Revoblam: funnily, Milth is walking through the same woods! thinking about humanity in general, this time fighting left her a bitter Taste in her mouth, as she walks the Axe's chops can be heard, this Intrigued her, and so she began Walking towards the sound
[5:08 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: Yavae doesn't hear her approach as she practices her swings, slicing some thinner trees down in one swing
[5:12 PM] Revoblam: she looked around before spotting the axe cutting trough the wood, she could not see the User of said axe, so she decided to hide in a bush until she could get a clear look at the Person
[5:13 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: Yavae's axe makes one suddenly fall towards her bush hiding place!
[5:15 PM] Revoblam: An audible gasp is heard as she rolls out of the Bush, her cape covering her, and she runs the opposite direction, as fast as her heart would let her(edited)
[5:17 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Huh?" Thinking it may be an enemy spy, Yavae gives chase "Hey! Who goes there?"
[5:22 PM] Revoblam: Milth would have recognized her voice if she wasn't running away, she does scream, thinking that someone would hear her and come to aid
[5:24 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "STOP! YOU HAVE VIOLATED MY TRAINING!"
[5:29 PM] Revoblam: "EEK! GET LOST!" Milth responded, trying to mimick Yavae's voice
[5:59 PM] Revoblam: "YEAH, DO YOU HA- eh....Fire Tribe..?...OH GODS!!" Milth tries to speed up, knowing she might have screwed up big time
[6:00 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "GET BACK HERE SPY!"
[6:04 PM] Revoblam: "EEEKKK!!" Milth Kept running and did a tight turn to the left, Almost losing balance, and slowing her down for a second, but she stops cold, looking at something
[6:11 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: Yavae charges up, finally seeing her "GET BACK HERE- Cute dragon?"
[6:16 PM] Revoblam: apparently there is an angry......Boar thing, IT clearly looks like a boar, but its eyes anre injected in Blood "W-what the hell is THAT?!" pointing at the Boar, which inherently Charging at Yavae as she appears
[6:18 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Out of the way cute dragon!" She swings her massive axe at its skull as it charges her
[6:20 PM] Revoblam: A full hit on the Boar's skull, but it doesn't stop it from Ramming onto Yavae before its time in the world of the living ends
[6:25 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: The tusks tab her in the gut a few inches in, but she seems to not notice much as she kicks it off her axe and walks over to Milth "Cute dragon, are you alright?"
[6:27 PM] Revoblam: "Yes, i am...." she looks at Yavae's Wound "what about you? that thing stabbed you pretty deep..."
[6:28 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Hm? It can wait." She seems pretty nonchalant. She walks over to the dragon and sheaths her axe "Now- Why did you run off?"
[6:30 PM] Revoblam: "I, uh, didn't recognize you, and the Axe scared me off, im sorry for that, uhh......Mocking you" This was an awkward situation, or Missunderstanding, to be correct
[6:30 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: She seems to pout a bit, and suddenly tries to pick the small dragon up
[6:32 PM] Revoblam: "Eh...?!"
[6:33 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Cute dragon, do not go romping through the woods randomly. You are small."
[6:36 PM] Revoblam: "What are you saying? im not Delicate! least, not THAT delicate"
[6:36 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "And if I hadn't been here, and the boar had charged you instead?"
[6:41 PM] Revoblam: "Im a dragon for a reason!" she takes her DragonSoul from one of the Kimono's pockets and waves it in front of Yavae's face
[6:42 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Yes, you have a dragonball, but what if it attacked before you had time to transform?"
[6:56 PM] Revoblam: "Then.....Well, i transform anyways, I should have enough time to Reach the camp before The pain Overtakes me, and its not like I can't take a hit"
[6:56 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Are you sure cute dragon?"
[6:58 PM] Revoblam: "uh huh, pretty sure"
[6:58 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Well, I will have to train you to make sure."
[7:02 PM] Revoblam: "why? im pretty sure i can Handle myself in combat.....Kinda"
[7:04 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Training still would not hurt. Now excuse me while I handle this." She suddenly swaps to holding her under one arm as she focuses on her other hand, causing a bit of fire to appear in it which she uses to cauterize her wounds
[7:12 PM] Revoblam: "H-Huh?! where did that come from?!?!"
[7:14 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "What..? The fire, or putting you under my arm?" She goes back to holding her up with both
[7:18 PM] Revoblam: "The Fire of course! i never knew you had Fire breath!"
[7:19 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "I did not breath it. My tribe are masters of flame, it comes naturally to most of us."
[7:21 PM] Revoblam: "That.Is.COOL!! I have never seen Humans capable of using Flames!"
[7:22 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Seriously?" She focuses and makes a small amount of flame in her hand again, swapping to holding Milth up with one arm by her kimono(edited)
[7:26 PM] Revoblam: "Incredible!" she shows her interest, looking carefully at the flame, as if it wasv a rare Treasure
[7:27 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: She grins wide "Indeed! We manage some impressive things in my tribe."
[7:31 PM] Revoblam: "Oh, what is your tribe like, now that i remember?"
[7:32 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Have I not told you...? I am from the Fire Tribe. It's from a far off continent. I am first daughter of the chieftain."
[7:34 PM] Revoblam: "No, as in, How does the place look like?"
[7:42 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Oh! It's a rather arid place compared to this, we hunt for most of our food. Our most sacred place is the flaming mountain, we can never allow our sacred flame to go out."
[7:49 PM] Revoblam: "Sounds like a Boring place to live in...."
[7:49 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "What? I mean... Sometimes?"
[7:50 PM] Revoblam: "Well, my home is Boring too, so i guess neither of us miss too much, heh!"
[7:51 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "It's fun when I get to fight."
[7:54 PM] Revoblam: "oh? can you tell me more about that?" She seems to be interested in the fights
[7:54 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Ha! We battle quite often in my tribe!"
[7:58 PM] Revoblam: "Quite often? Why would you fight people of your tribe?"
[7:59 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Training, honor, fun, all sorts of reasons!"
[8:05 PM] Revoblam: "Oh, then your Home might be funnier than mine...."
[8:06 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "What is your own like? I don't actually even know where you are from."
[8:08 PM] Revoblam: "Oh, i come from the Northern Regions, its really cold up there!"
[8:10 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "What do you do there?"
[8:18 PM] Revoblam: "Well, the cities have lots of trees, and we normally play around them, sometimes we climb the talles ones to look around!"
[8:32 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Is that all..? Where did you learn to fight?"
[8:35 PM] Revoblam: "oh, Mom and.....Dad.....taught me how to fight, mom is a dragon, so it was easy to learn!"(edited)
[8:35 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Excellent! Wait, was your father not?"
[8:38 PM] Revoblam: ".....he used to swing axes and swords around, but i fear he.......i would rather like not to talk about it"
[8:39 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "I understand, I will not force you to."
[8:41 PM] Revoblam: ".....Wait, you won't?......Thank You!" that cheered her up! "we should go back to the camp, gotta treat that injury of yours!"
[8:46 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: "Alright." She puts the small girl on her shoulders and begins walking back to camp
[9:39 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnightmare!: ===end rp===

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