[7:41 PM] Spoopy Mika: Vivianna hums as she finishes up. Sure she was getting sick every morning now but she wasn't going to let that stop her from cooking. She breaks out into a song as she waits in the kitchen. "~Seven AM, the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15~"
[7:45 PM] Persoon56: As Benkei walks by the cooking area, he hears Vivianna's song and grins. Deciding to walk in, Benkei comments, "What beautiful lyrics, so profound!" Giving a chuckle as he speaks(edited)
[7:47 PM] Spoopy Mika: She jumps and turns, falling over some. "You scared me!"
[7:49 PM] Persoon56: "Sorry, sorry, Ms. Vivianna! I just couldn't help myself." Benkei sheepishly grins and offers his hand. "How are you today?"
[7:50 PM] Spoopy Mika: She giggles and takes it. "I'm doing ok, trying to get over this strange sickness that's taking me. How about you?"
[7:51 PM] Persoon56: Hoisting Vivianna up, Benkei takes a good look at her. "I'm okay, heh heh. What strange sickness?"
[7:53 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Well I'm been so sleepy now adays and throwing up in the mornings, it's all so strange."
[7:55 PM] Persoon56: "Huh, that's weird. I'm sure you'll shake it off" With a quick brush of his hair, Benkei looks at the inside of the tent. "You need any help?"
[7:57 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Can you help taste it? I hope it's good since I made it quickly and made a few shortcuts."
[7:58 PM] Persoon56: "Um...sure." Benkei looks at the food in question with a bit of puzzlement, "What is it?"
[8:01 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Bake eggs and bacon in potato bowls, hearty and no need for utensils! Clever right."
[8:05 PM] Persoon56: "Definitely thrifty!" Benkei goes and gulps down some of the food in the potato bowl. "Pretty good stuff, I can even taste the potato. It's pretty good, could use some spice to it though...if you ask me." Benkei looks around for anything vaguely resembling spices
[8:07 PM] Spoopy Mika: "What spices? There's not much out here you know, rations."
[8:08 PM] Persoon56: "I know, sadly. Honestly, if there was some pepper or salt, just a little bit, it helps the potato go down, in my opinion"
[8:09 PM] Spoopy Mika: "We have a little...but..here." She peppers some over another potato bowl.
[8:12 PM] Persoon56: "That should do the trick! You're amazing Vi!" Benkei gives the bowl a sniff and offers it to Vivianna, smiling. "Give it a try!"
[8:13 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Huh..ah..I'm not that hungry..well I am but I can't seem to keep it down.."
[8:16 PM] Persoon56: "Huh...weird. Maybe try humming until your queasiness goes away, my mom told me that if you hum, then it's harder to puke." Benkei looks Vivianna in the eye. "Plus, you need to eat something, even if it's just bread"
[8:17 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You're right Benke.." She takes a small nibble. "Mm..I think I burned my tongue.." She giggles.
[8:19 PM] Persoon56: Benkei gives a laugh and pulls out a battered, wooden spoon from a pocket, "Here, use this"
[8:19 PM] Spoopy Mika: "What?"
[8:20 PM] Persoon56: "It's a spoon, for the stuff in the bowl"
[8:20 PM] Spoopy Mika: "But...why do you have it in your pocket? Do you just keep random spoons in your pocket?"
[8:22 PM] Persoon56: "Well, before I arrived in this country, I spent a lot of time on the road, traveling town to town, looking for work, so I had to eat a lot of meals on the road. I decided to eventually carve myself a set of utensils to eat with"
[8:23 PM] Persoon56: "Honestly, I lost this recently and just found it"
[8:25 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh thats really cool..are you sure you want me to use it?"
[8:26 PM] Persoon56: Benkei shrugs his shoulders "I can clean it up after"
[8:30 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Wait...you would still use it after me?"
[8:31 PM] Persoon56: "Well, with a bit of boiling hot water and I should be fine, right?"
[8:36 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I guess..wait..what else can you carve?
[8:38 PM] Persoon56: "Depends on how sharp my knife is...and how complex the deign is. It's been a while, but I can do small charms and things" Benkei chuckles a little at this
[8:42 PM] Spoopy Mika: She gets a wide smile. "Well you make me a charm?"
[8:44 PM] Persoon56: Benkei gives an embarrassed smile, "I can certainly try...what kind of charm?" Benkei brings his hand to his face, pondering how to make the charm
[8:49 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Maybe a flower or a heart.." She finally eats the potato. "Oh I think another cheese could be added!"
[8:50 PM] Persoon56: "Hmm, a heart I think I can do..." Benkei lifts his head up, "What kind of cheese?"
[8:56 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Emmental. Benke can you cook?"
[8:58 PM] Persoon56: "Emmental? What's that? As to being able to cook...I can make it sustain life and not lose all flavor"
[9:00 PM] Spoopy Mika: "A type a cheese silly, melts wonderfully and taste yum." She tsk. "Benke I can't believe you, don't all village people know how to make yummy food, if you were a noble that be another story."
[9:03 PM] Persoon56: "Fair fair." Benkei shrugs Vi's comment off with a shake of his head, "While I used to be decent in the kitchen, my Naginata training took precedence, so I slacked off there, heheh"(edited)
[9:05 PM] Spoopy Mika: She quirks a brow. "Well you better learn before you live out on your own, eating nasty food sucks." She starts to play with the spoon.
[9:06 PM] Persoon56: "You have a good point there, know any good teachers?" Benkei raises his eyebrows in a teasing manner
[9:07 PM] Spoopy Mika: She pokes his cheek with the spoon. "Nope."
[9:08 PM] Persoon56: "Watch it with my spoon!" Benkei starts to giggle uncontrollably
[9:10 PM] Spoopy Mika: She grins and starts to poke him with the spoon and her fingers.
[9:13 PM] Persoon56: "Hahaha! Stop! I'm gonna fall and knock something over!" Benkei playfully pushes Vivianna away
[9:14 PM] Spoopy Mika: She laughs. "Benke you gotta take it like a maaanly man!"
[9:15 PM] Persoon56: "Oh come on! Okay, fine, let's try this!" Benkei holds his breath in and tightens his muscles
[9:16 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Ohhh! Seems you're a man now.." She tries to hold back her laughs but the tumble out.
[9:17 PM] Persoon56: "GO ahead, try it now" Benkei's voice is tensed up from his held in breath
[9:17 PM] Spoopy Mika: She gives him a hard poke to the chest. "Breath Benke!"
[9:18 PM] Persoon56: You get no response, though his face is turning red
[9:19 PM] Spoopy Mika: She hugs him. "Breath silly! Else you'll pass out and I can not drag your body ok!"
[9:20 PM] Persoon56: Benkei breathes out steadily, his muscles relaxing
[9:21 PM] Persoon56: "There, happy?"
[9:21 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Mmmm yep!"
[9:22 PM] Persoon56: "I can hold that position for a few minutes, can help soften blows" Benkei is panting throughout
[9:22 PM] Spoopy Mika: "It seems to make you really tired." She pats his back
[9:23 PM] Persoon56: "Nah, I just run out of breath after...phew" Benkei starts to stretch and looks around, "Seriously though, do you know anyone who can teach me to cook?"
[9:24 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Benke please..I can."
[9:27 PM] Persoon56: "Hmmm...okay, though I need to quickly sharpen my Naginata"
[9:27 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Right now, really?"
[9:28 PM] Persoon56: "That's what I was on my way to do...eh, guess it can wait" Benkei shrugs and awkwardly grabs a knife. "How does this cooking thing work?"(edited)
[9:31 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Well potato soup it is! You know how to cut veggies don't you?"
[9:32 PM] Persoon56: "I should think so! Gve me a vegetable to cut!" Benkei grabs a tomato and begins to cut thin slices
[9:34 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Ah..ok we'll have tomatos in the soup but..ah grab the celery, and onion."
[9:35 PM] Persoon56: Benkei goes and grabs some celery and an onion, trying to figure out a way to cut it without tearing up
[9:37 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Here I'll help." She guilds his hands through the motions of cutting the onion first. "See not so hard."
[9:38 PM] Persoon56: His eyes streaming tears, Benkei says "Yeah, you're right" After the onion is done, Benkei cuts the celery into bite-sized chunks
[9:41 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Good!" She pushes some potatoes cut up to him. "Now onto the broth!"
[9:42 PM] Persoon56: "Out of the frying pan...and into the wok." Benkei looks around for what to make a broth with
[9:43 PM] Spoopy Mika: She takes out a large and deep metal pan. "Perfect for soup and big to feed everyone."
[9:43 PM] Persoon56: "Okay, what do we need to put in it?" Benkei asks as he takes the pan(edited)
[9:47 PM] Krillkado: " Dwa-o kati, byana-hi.." Sula wanders barefoot into the kitchen, after a long flight in preparation for the imminent voyage. His spiralling melody trails off, as he notices one of the castle fighters from before. "Boy-ii! Kwemo!" He gives a friendly wave to the young man, for once not in any kind of mortal danger.
[9:48 PM] Persoon56: Benkei, thoroughly puzzled by the strange barefoot man talking a strange language tilts his head. "Hi there...what's your name?"
[9:50 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Benke! I go..." She stops and looks at who just came in. "Sula?"
[9:52 PM] Krillkado: Sula's head moves before it can even finish recognizing that voice, and a sly smile slips up. "Vivi-e...found someone to help you cook? Good choice...this boy is, very lucky."
[9:53 PM] Persoon56: "Well, I wou...yeah, guess you're right, Sula was it? I'm Benkei." Benkei bows to Sula slightly, palms pressed together
[9:53 PM] Spoopy Mika: She giggles.
[9:55 PM] Krillkado: Sula returns the bow, with surprisingly proper form given his flamboyant garb. "You remember! Kwemo, Benke-i...Yes, I was the one with the, uu..."
He pats a dark-skinned palm onto a row of pitch-black feathers across his shoulder. "..the pegasus."(edited)
[9:57 PM] Persoon56: "Oh yeah, he guy who saved my life! Thanks for that." Benkei walks over to Vivianna, "We were about to make some soup, what were you saying, Vi?"(edited)
[9:59 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh I got chicken to add to the soup as we need protein Benke."(edited)
[10:01 PM] Persoon56: "Alrighty then! You want to help Sula?"
[10:02 PM] Krillkado: "N-nna, ha ha ha..." He gives a sheepish, hesitant smile. "I do not cook. But you can trust Vivi-e's cooking with your life, sir!"
[10:02 PM] Persoon56: "I know!" Benkei points to a collection of cheese and bacon inside potato bowls, "Those are amazing!"(edited)
[10:04 PM] Spoopy Mika: She blushes. "They're ok..I guess.."
[10:05 PM] Persoon56: "Oh, how modest you are! Go on, Sula!"
[10:06 PM] Krillkado: "Ha ha ha...She knows not to believe a word I say." He walks closer to the potato bowls, trying not to snatch one from the counter right away. "Right, love?"
[10:08 PM] Spoopy Mika: She smiles and watches him. "Of course honey. You can take one you know."
[10:10 PM] Krillkado: He promptly stuffs a whole bowl into his mouth.
[10:11 PM] Spoopy Mika: She stares before laughing. "Sula-e! You better not choke! Benke get me some water please."
[10:11 PM] Persoon56: Benkei goes and quickly grabs a pitcher and fills it with water. "Here you are"
[10:12 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Thank." She passes it to Sula.
[10:15 PM] Krillkado: Sula swallows the rest of it, letting out a droning "Ommm..." to fully taste the meal. He downs the glass of water next, with the same curious speed. "Kwemo...You two did very well."
[10:16 PM] Persoon56: "I didn't do anything..."
[10:18 PM] Krillkado: "You do not need to be so, humble, Benke-i! Ha ha!" Sula grins delightedly. "I am sure you were a great help."
[10:18 PM] Persoon56: "No, I literally walked in after they were finished"
[10:19 PM] Krillkado: "...Oh."
[10:19 PM] Spoopy Mika: She laughs. "But we did have fun teasing each other."
[10:19 PM] Persoon56: "Yeah, and jabbing at me with my own spoon!" Benkei grins
[10:20 PM] Spoopy Mika: She giggles. "Only because It's so funny to see you react. It's cute."
[10:21 PM] Persoon56: "Cute?"
[10:21 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Mmm yep or do you want me to say mannnly."
[10:22 PM] Krillkado: "Careful, Benke-i...." Sula leans in towards the boy, and his eyebrows sink dramatically downward. "You are teasing my, fiance...."
[10:22 PM] Persoon56: "..."
[10:22 PM] Persoon56: "I didn't know"
[10:22 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Sula please!"
[10:23 PM] Spoopy Mika: "He's just joking Benke well not about us being together but you know teasing you cause he's an old man."(edited)
[10:23 PM] Krillkado: "No...." Sula stares deep into Benkei's soul, his brow crinkling even harder, as he takes slow steps towards him. He brings his wide-sleeved arms up like a stage ghost. "...this is serious..."
[10:24 PM] Spoopy Mika: She rolls her eyes.
[10:24 PM] Persoon56: Benkei turns a shade paler and stands up taller, "That all, Mr. Sula? You're not scary, I've almost died before"
[10:24 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Woo go Benke!"
[10:25 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Stand up to the old man." She grins
[10:25 PM] Krillkado: Sula straightens backwards, as if repelled by Benkei's might, but stares him down. "Hmm....not bad, boy-i..ha ha ha. The taste of death is the highest honor."(edited)
[10:26 PM] Persoon56: Benkei laughs a little, "Ummm..."
[10:27 PM] Spoopy Mika: She stands in front of Benke now. "Sula-e please not everyone is use to you dear."(edited)
[10:27 PM] Persoon56: "I thought the greatest honor was to serve your lord"
[10:27 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh don't you start too."
[10:29 PM] Krillkado: "I wonder....if we were both wrong?" Sula gives Vivianna a sudden peck on the cheek. Then he moves to the side, letting Benkei be.
[10:30 PM] Spoopy Mika: She blushes now, looking a little shocked.
[10:30 PM] Persoon56: How bizarre... Benkei thinks to himself
[10:30 PM] Persoon56: "Well then..."
[10:31 PM] Krillkado: "Ah, y-yes..Your cooking. Ha ha, forgive me." Sula gets out of the way.
[10:32 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You two are fine, the soup is just going to simmer now."
[10:33 PM] Persoon56: "I can't wait to get this thing eaten."
[10:34 PM] Krillkado: "It has a good smell, truly."
[10:35 PM] Spoopy Mika: "You two just ate, you can't be hungry already."
[10:35 PM] Persoon56: "I will be once I'm done training!" Benkei jumps up, ready for action
[10:36 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Oh Benke, I think I would like you to carve me a heart ok, something I could carry on me, so not too big or small."
[10:37 PM] Persoon56: "Hmm..."
[10:38 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Maybe I shall make it a necklace..."
[10:39 PM] Persoon56: "Uh-huh"
[10:40 PM] Krillkado: "A necklace?" Sula casually lifts a curious eyebrow.
[10:40 PM] Persoon56: "Though maybe a dragon would make a better charm..." Benkei says, oblivious to the situation
[10:41 PM] Spoopy Mika: "A pink dragon with blue eyes, oh that would be lovely!"
[10:41 PM] Persoon56: "Ummm...I can't do colors, I carve it with a knife"
[10:42 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Well a dragon even without colors would be nice, I wear it close to me my heart to give me strength."
[10:43 PM] Persoon56: "Ummm..."
[10:43 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Like a dragon...is that weird?"
[10:43 PM] Krillkado: "It sounds beautiful." Sula gives them both an encouraging nod.
[10:44 PM] Persoon56: "Well then, I'll carve an effigy of the Dawn Dragon!"
[10:45 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Dawn Dragon?"
[10:46 PM] Krillkado: "One of the greatest of O Ayida....Guardian of the Kingdom of Light." Sula's eyes close reverently.
[10:46 PM] Persoon56: "It's the guardian deity from my home country, they say that the royalty are his descendants"
[10:49 PM] Spoopy Mika: She lets out a dream sigh. "A prince as golden as the dawn..."
[10:49 PM] Persoon56: "Hm?"
[10:50 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Just thinking...it's silly don't mind me."
[10:50 PM] Persoon56: "What are ya thinking of?"
[10:51 PM] Spoopy Mika: "It's silly..don't laugh ok...ah well I was thinking of a beautiful prince who ah was part dragon and looking for his lost bride..silly ok."
[10:52 PM] Persoon56: "Sounds like an interesting tale"
[10:52 PM] Krillkado: "Royalty...the children of dragons...." Sula holds a hand to his chin. "Now that is interesting."
[10:53 PM] Persoon56: "Yeah, I wonder if it's true..." Benkei gets all misty eyed at the thought
[10:54 PM] Spoopy Mika: She twirls. "My hair marks me as the lost bride you know, it's pink like the first rays of dawn."
[10:55 PM] Persoon56: "Oh really now?" Benkei is...skeptical
[10:56 PM] Krillkado: Sula's eyelids blink deeply. "He would be a fool not to search for her."
[10:57 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Benke how could you not believe me, do I not look like a princess?"
[10:58 PM] Persoon56: "While I won't deny it, I find it weird to think that a princess would be slumming it here in an army"
[10:59 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Well I am lost silly." She stirrs the soup a little.
[11:00 PM] Persoon56: "Lost? Where should you be?"
[11:01 PM] Spoopy Mika: "In a kingdom far in the clouds but I can't get back because my wings are gone."
[11:01 PM] Persoon56: "How stupid do you think I am?" Benkei is not buying it
[11:01 PM] Krillkado: "We are all a long way from home, Benke-i...you say you come from Hoshido, yes?"
[11:02 PM] Persoon56: "I never said that explicitly"
[11:04 PM] Krillkado: Sula's head dips. "And Sula-o...comes from the land of the Dwabi, across the sea. Where the days are long, the people are all fed, and there are no kings to control our life." His fingers dance along the water glass in his grasp. "Does that sound stupid to you?"
[11:05 PM] Persoon56: "That sounds like an impossibility to me..."
[11:06 PM] Persoon56: A land not ruled by a monarch? What is that?
[11:07 PM] Krillkado: "I would say the same, of your blessed kingdom of dragon-people." His eyes dart playfully to Vivianna. "So we should trust our princess here."
[11:08 PM] Persoon56: "But everyone knows you can't have a kingdom in the sky, there's no where to build...well...anything"
[11:09 PM] Spoopy Mika: She smiles. "My castle float like the clouds."
[11:10 PM] Persoon56: "I just don't believe it, it makes no sense. I'm sorry, Miss Vivianna, but your joke is starting to wear thin"
[11:11 PM] Spoopy Mika: She pouts. "I told you it was a silly little thought.."
[11:11 PM] Krillkado: Sula stuffs a hand into a pouch in his robe. "Air can be, just as strong as earth." He flicks a finger at Benkei from across the kitchen, who feels a little puff of air tickle his face somehow.(edited)
[11:11 PM] Spoopy Mika: "At least my love believes me."
[11:11 PM] Persoon56: "Oh, right, forgot that, sorry, Vi"
[11:12 PM] Persoon56: "Look, not that his isn't fun, but I need to get to my drills, I can't become stronger without diligence. Maybe we can have that cooking lesson later?"
[11:12 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Sure Benke."
[11:13 PM] Krillkado: "It was good to see you again sir!" Sula's face takes on a more sober smile. "Please...stay safe.'
[11:14 PM] Persoon56: Benkei heads towards the exit, "Thanks, Sula, I will. I'll see you all later!" Benkei heads off to train his battle, and make sense of what happened
[11:15 PM] Spoopy Mika: She sighs. "I...I went to far with my little fairy tale..how dumb of me."
[11:16 PM] Spoopy Mika: She stirs the soup trying not to frown.
[11:18 PM] Krillkado: "Ah, Vivi-e...he was just nervous, of the strange old man.." He starts cleaning the water glass, along with some nearby dishes.
[11:19 PM] Spoopy Mika: "It just..I..I thought it was would fun.." She sinks down covering her face. "It was like I had a little one with me in here.."
[11:21 PM] Krillkado: "I--o-oh..." Sula's face flushes a little.(edited)
[11:22 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I'm so dumb at times.."
[11:24 PM] Krillkado: "..Do not worry, sweetheart." Sula gives her a hug from behind, placing a hand on hers and joining in the stirring. "We will have plenty of chances to apologize."
[11:26 PM] Spoopy Mika: "Mmm." She leans back onto him to calm down. "I will tell my story again..to our children..I think they will like it."
[11:27 PM] Krillkado: "If they are anything like their father..then you have nothing to worry about."
[11:30 PM] Spoopy Mika: "And who is their father?"
[11:32 PM] Krillkado: Sula gives her a little wink. "A prince as golden as the dawn..."
[11:34 PM] Spoopy Mika: She giggles. "My golden prince Sula-e."
[11:37 PM] Krillkado: "You...are telling me a fairy tale..!" Even more color seeps into his face. "...I will be sure to pass it on, then."
[11:38 PM] Spoopy Mika: "What are you talking about? The only thing that will pass is us riding away towards our happily ever after."
[11:42 PM] Krillkado: His arms give her a little squeeze. "I love you."(edited)
[11:44 PM] Spoopy Mika: "I love you too." She removes the soup from the fire. It had to cool now. She finally turns to face him niw.
[11:49 PM] Krillkado: Sula helps her pass the time with a long, warm kiss, feeling a little like a prince.
[11:54 PM] Spoopy Mika: She responds with a lovingly hug. "You're kisses are dangous.."She looks like she wants to stay more but shakes her head. "Love let me get everything together in peace before I ask you to...do things.." She flushes.
[11:58 PM] Krillkado: "...of course. Not much time before we leave here..." He manages to pry himself off. "I will see you back at the room, then?"
[12:01 AM] Spoopy Mika: "Mm of course love." She gives him another short but sizzling kiss before turning away to work on dinner
[12:03 AM] Krillkado: Sula departs to take care of Este, and gather some provisions for the journey.
[12:03 AM] Spoopy Mika: ==RP END==
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