[5:22 PM] Mango: Elwyn stood up on his toes as he tried to get a better look at the street performer he had decided to listen on to. He hasn't watched or listened to any performers other than once with Kazama before, the troubadour thought that he should expand his horizons with new experiences for the day.
[5:23 PM] Mango: He got a better view now, but was shortly interrupted by a child pulling on his clothing. "Hm?" He looked to see the child's mother chatise them and that they shouldn't just take away other people's jewelry. "..." He looked through his belongings and pulled out a necklace charm he recently made and handed it to them. "For the little admirer." He smiled to the mother.
The child began to have a wide smile and thanked Elwyn profusely before pulling their mother away to show their other family members. "Oh, children..." Elwyn chuckled. He hadn't noticed that the performance ended as his mind was elsewhere, he didn't mind, though.
[7:03 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles walked through the square watching the crowd disperse slowly. He noticed Elwyn deep in thought and waved.
[7:03 PM] spikethe3rd: He walked over and tried not to disturb Elwyn.
[7:32 PM] spikethe3rd: After a moment. "Good day Elwyn."
[7:35 PM] Mango: "Oh, Versailles! I see you're doing well...
[7:40 PM] spikethe3rd: "Yes, how have you been?"
[7:57 PM] Mango: "Fine myself. I've been trying to engross myself into the scenery of this place, I suppose. I was listening to a pleasant performer but I got a bit distracted with a child." He smiled.
[7:58 PM] spikethe3rd: "Ah, sounds like an interesting way to spend the day. I've just been wandering as usual."
[8:57 PM] Mango: "Is that so...well, it's been nice seeing you if only for a bit. I've got something to do, so I must leave..." pull the trigger spike
[8:58 PM] spikethe3rd: "Of course, I'm sure you're busy! See you again I hope!" Versailles walks off into the crowd.
[8:59 PM] Mango: =
the rp died (end)=
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