[2:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae had decided to check the castle for Kaija, since she had somehow gone missing again. As the large cloaked figure wanders around, she accidentally knocks over a large expensive-looking vase, which shatters on the floor "Oh..."
[2:39 PM] Nepgear: The shattering sound rang through the mostly empty halls, leaving Auriel to go discover the source. Rounding a corner, she saw the giantess having knocked down a vase. "Awww... thats gonna be aaa mess......"
[2:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? You're a maid right?"
[2:41 PM] Nepgear: "Yeaahhhh.... why did you knock it doooown..."
[2:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's not my fault that it was placed so precariously!"
[2:42 PM] Nepgear: "Ehhh..... but you knocked it doooown right?"
[2:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why are you talking like that?"
[2:43 PM] Nepgear: "Whyy am i talkiiing like whaaat?"
[2:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You are stretching your words, it is annoying."
[2:44 PM] Nepgear: "Ehhh.... Nooo...."
[2:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes, you are."
[2:46 PM] Nepgear: "I dont think sooo..."
[2:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Her eyes narrow in annoyance "Are you going to clean the mess up, at least?"
[2:48 PM] Nepgear: "Oh, this will be a good one." "Ehh..... I dont want toooo."
[2:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Too bad, maid."
[2:51 PM] Nepgear: "Naaahh... I do what i want...."
[2:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You're a maid, you do your duty."
[2:52 PM] Nepgear: "Ehh.... i gueeeess. Can't youuuu do it?"(edited)
[2:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why should I?"
[2:54 PM] Nepgear: "Because you want meeee to."
[2:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes, because it's your job." Hm... Her actions seem familiar... Wait...
[2:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She walks up to her and leans down to eye level, looking closely into the girl's eyes to see if she looks like she is high
[2:57 PM] Nepgear: "Must.... resist... urge to hit monster woman in the face." "Anywayy..... i dont like taking orders...."
[2:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I like giving them, this will be a problem." She doesn't back off, she looks her in the eyes. She has an oddly commanding presence, almost like an air of confidence
[3:02 PM] Nepgear: "Aww..... i only take orders from Luma.... you dont look like heeer.."(edited)
[3:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "The princess?"
[3:05 PM] Nepgear: "Yeeea.... she is nice.."
[3:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, did she not order you to keep the castle clean?"
[3:08 PM] Nepgear: "Nahh..... she just asks me to do things...."
[3:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What kind of 'things'...?"
[3:12 PM] Nepgear: "Nah... i dont wanna tell youuu.... you are no fun..."
[3:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What's that supposed to mean? I'm plenty fun, I just also want you to do your job or at least get another maid to do it, I'm certainly not going to clean it up."
[3:15 PM] Nepgear: "I only taake orders from lumaaa. Last time i checked... Luma wasnt a smelly giant..."
[3:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Smelly?" She looks rather angry now "Small maid, what is your name?"
[3:17 PM] Nepgear: "What is youuuur name?"
[3:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am Yavae, first daughter of the chieftain of the great fire tribe, now show a bit of decency and respect and tell me your name." She does not look amuse. As she introduces herself she stands up straight and throws her cloak open as she strikes a powerful pose
[3:23 PM] Nepgear: "That explains.... is that why you are so straaange Yaya?" "Damn, she is kinda just as strange as me. I mean, who dresses like that?"
[3:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yavae. And I am not strange, I am normal. The ways of you outsiders are strange."
[3:31 PM] Nepgear: "Aww.... i dont think im strangee.... that was mean...."
[3:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Was it? You are a maid who doesn't clean, that's strange."
[3:34 PM] Nepgear: "Nah... i clean when i want toooo. "
[3:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You are trully a pathetic excuse for a maid. Kaija a least as the excuse of narcotics."
[3:41 PM] Nepgear: "Aww... i dont like you being mean......" "Suprise stab? Nah, just maybe some suprise acrobatics"
[3:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She sighs "Well, let's both leave here before someone comes by and sees the mess then."
[3:46 PM] Nepgear: "Nah.... then it'd be a mess...... i dont think Luma would be happy then..."
[3:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Then clean it."
[3:53 PM] Nepgear: "Mhm... you are in the wayyyy.... nice mask though..."
[3:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? You like it?" She slides her dragon mask down "Anyway, there, get to cleaning." She steps to the side
[3:54 PM] Nepgear: "Can i have it if i cleaan?"
[3:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No way. This is an important artifact."
[3:56 PM] Nepgear: Pouting, Auriel makes a defiant movement with her arms. "I dont want to then......"
[3:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Too bad, you can handle Luma yelling at you for not doing your job later then."
[4:00 PM] Nepgear: "But luma doesn't yell at me... she isnt mean."
[4:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She hasn't yelled yet"
[4:01 PM] Mika™: Vivivanna coughs as she makes her way through the castle..where even was the gardens again..
[4:02 PM] Nepgear: "She wont....."
[4:03 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Are you sure?"
[4:03 PM] Mika™: Her coughs get louder as she falls. Where was that garden.
[4:04 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae hasn't noticed the coughing, or if she has she figures it's not her problem because she doesn't know who it is
[4:04 PM] Mika™: Vivianna sits, trying to calm down and breath.
[4:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Now, are you going to clean it?"
[4:07 PM] Mika™: She stuggles to stand and follows to where she hears voices.
[4:07 PM] Nepgear: "Ehh.... later.... i wanna do something else..."
[4:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, then you can handle when Luma gets upset about it."
[4:09 PM] Mika™: "S-Somebody?"
[4:09 PM] Nepgear: "Mmm? Did you get a neeew voice Yaya?"
[4:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...? Was that... Vivi?" She looks around
[4:10 PM] Mika™: "Yavae?"
[4:10 PM] Mika™: She finally comes to see them
[4:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh, hello Vivi. Were you the one coughing?"
[4:12 PM] Mika™: "I was, I've got a little cold."
[4:12 PM] Nepgear: "Hmmmm? Are youuu Yaya's new voiceee?"
[4:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No imbecile, this is my friend Vivianna."
[4:13 PM] Mika™: "Oh..hello!"
[4:14 PM] Nepgear: "Mmm....so you are Via"
[4:14 PM] Mika™: "Ah..sure."
[4:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ignore her Vivi, she is not very bright or respectful"
[4:16 PM] Nepgear: "That was meeaan Yaya......"
[4:16 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It was honest."
[4:17 PM] Nepgear: "Noooo..... you are so mean to me all the time...."
[4:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "We only met recently and you have been extremely rude and lazy."(edited)
[4:22 PM] Mika™: She giggles. "What's your name?"
[4:24 PM] Nepgear: "Mhmm.... you are nice Via.... i am... Auriel i guess."
[4:24 PM] Mika™: "Auriel, that's a pretty name."
[4:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She is an odd woman, Vivi. So far harmless but odd."
[4:26 PM] Nepgear: "Haha.... you are nice Via... Yaya is mean all the time..."
[4:27 PM] Mika™: "She can be a little rough at times."
[4:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What are you going to do about my 'meanness', cry about it?"
[4:28 PM] Nepgear: "Nah... ill just not be niceeee....."
[4:30 PM] Mika™: "Oh do either of you now where the gardens are?"
[4:30 PM] Nepgear: "I guess..... want to come?"
[4:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No clue, Vivi. Also, you haven't been nice yet. Auri." She ruffles the small girl's hair
[4:31 PM] Nepgear: "Auri.... who is thaaat?"
[4:32 PM] Mika™: "I do, I'd love to see them."
[4:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You are."
[4:34 PM] Nepgear: "Mhmmmm, but i am Auriel..."
[4:34 PM] Nepgear: "Anywayyy... come with me Via"
[4:35 PM] Mika™: "Ok lead the way! Yavae, wanna come to?"
[4:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She shrugs "Why not?"
[4:36 PM] Nepgear: "She cant come if she is meeaan...."
[4:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "On the contrary, I can."
[4:37 PM] Nepgear: "Nooo..." Auriel shook her head, causing her already messy hair to fall down in her eyes
[4:38 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Auri, you won't be able to see if you do that." She, surprisingly gently, brush's the girl's hair out of the way of her face
[4:39 PM] Nepgear: "Meanie..... aww..... okay then...."
[4:39 PM] Nepgear: TIME AND PLACE SKIP
[4:41 PM] Mika™: "Ah! It's lovier then I had imagined!" Her coughing comes back as she falls trying to control them
[4:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, be careful." She looks around at the flowers
[4:43 PM] Nepgear: "Is she sick or something? Might be a good way to end if it comes to that." "Aree you sick Via?"
[4:44 PM] Mika™: "I-I'm fine." She slowly walks in, touching a rosebush. "Orange, how different."
[4:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae sniffs at the flowers, not too interested.
[4:45 PM] Nepgear: "Yaya does not liiiiike them......"
[4:46 PM] Mika™: She smiles as she makes her way to the middle of the garden. "Well I like them."
[4:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I never said that, Auri." She ruffles her hair more harshly
[4:47 PM] Nepgear: "Meanie......."
[4:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What? You lied about me. And probably would refuse to apologize."
[4:48 PM] Nepgear: "I dont lieee..... thats meeeaaan"
[4:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, you said I don't like the flowers with no proof. That's lying"
[4:49 PM] Mika™: "Oh these are the pink one are the ones Sula put on the necklace!"
[4:50 PM] Nepgear: "Who is thaaaat?"
[4:50 PM] Mika™: "...N-No one!"
[4:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A strange Dwabi man."
[4:52 PM] Nepgear: "Ahh.... do you liiiiike him Via?"(edited)
[4:52 PM] Mika™: "No way! I..I barley know him."
[4:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am fairly sure Vivi likes most attractive men who are kind to her."
[4:53 PM] Nepgear: "Mhm.... so she does not like Yaya then....."
[4:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Auri, you are quickly testing my patience."
[4:54 PM] Mika™: She giggles.
[4:55 PM] Nepgear: "But Via gets angryy at you if you are mean.."
[4:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes, but I will not suffer such a lack of respect."
[4:58 PM] Mika™: She's picking the flowers now. "They match my hair as well."
[5:00 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Do you understand me, Auri?" She grabs the girl's cheek and turns Auri's head to her, looking her in the eyes
[5:01 PM] Mika™: Vivianna starts to cough again, holding the flowers close.
[5:02 PM] Nepgear: "MEANIE..." Auriel slips out and runs over and hides behind Via
[5:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, are you alright?"
[5:03 PM] Nepgear: "Via is sick......"
[5:04 PM] Mika™: "I'm not feeling so hot right now. I'll be fine though."
[5:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, let's get Kaija to look at you, she knows about medicine."
[5:06 PM] Mika™: "I just need to sleep it off...but maybe that wouldn't be so bad."
[5:11 PM] Nepgear: "Great... more people. This will be a "mess to clean up" without someone noticing me. I suppose framing works" "Via... do youuu want this?" Auriel pulls out a side project of hers from her pocket, a small patchwork bear.
[5:12 PM] Mika™: "Oh what that?"(edited)
[5:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm?"
[5:16 PM] Nepgear: "Yeah! Its for youuu Via!" She sounds slightly more enthusiastic about it in order to cheer up Via.
[5:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "When did you get that...?"
[5:18 PM] Nepgear: "I madeee it... you were meeean so you cant get one Yaya"
[5:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She grumbles in annoyance "You are truly annoying me."
[5:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I would like an apology for that."
[5:20 PM] Nepgear: "You were beiing meeeean....."
[5:21 PM] Mika™: "It's lovely Auriel, I didn't think you could sew."
[5:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I was telling you to do your job, that's not mean."
[5:24 PM] Nepgear: "Hmm? My job.....?"
[5:24 PM] Mika™: "I'll name him patches!"
[5:26 PM] Nepgear: "Yeaahhhh! I can make one that looks like Via!"
[5:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Your job, being a maid."
[5:27 PM] Mika™: "Oh that looks like me, like a pink bear with blue button eyes! Oh how cute!"
[5:29 PM] Nepgear: "I dont liiike jobs........"
[5:29 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Then why do you have one?"
[5:30 PM] Nepgear: "Hm? I dont have oneee....."
[5:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why are you dressed like a maid then?"
[5:31 PM] Nepgear: "Because.... its comfy and easy to wear?"
[5:32 PM] Mika™: "They do look like nice too."
[5:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh. You aren't a maid?"
[5:33 PM] Nepgear: "Hmmm? Whats a maid?"
[5:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oooooh." She suddenly begins laughing loudly
[5:37 PM] Mika™: She giggles hugging the patchwork bear to her.
[5:38 PM] Nepgear: Having no idea why everyone is laughing, she giggles as well
[5:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You fool, you should have just told me that in the first place! If you're not a maid, cleaning the mess wasn't your job!" She continues laughing with a friendly smile as she walks over and gently ruffles the girl's hair
[5:40 PM] Nepgear: "But i liiike it when its cleaan."
[5:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ya, but it's not your job, we get to order an actual maid to clean it for us! Guess I shouldn't have told you to do it after all, little Auriel."
[5:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent!" She suddenly picks her up from under the armpits and spins around
[5:44 PM] Nepgear: "Hehe. Youuu are funny when youu are not meeaan Yaya" Auriel giggles once she is safely on the ground again.(edited)
[5:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Well, she doesn't put her down "Now, are you going to apologize for how you acted?"
[5:46 PM] Nepgear: "Viiaaaa.... Yaya is meeeeeeaaaaannn again"
[5:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I take that as a no."
[5:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Are you sure?"
[5:48 PM] Nepgear: "Mhm?"
[5:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, then this is what you chose." She suddenly swaps to carrying her under one arm, and spanks the girl "Children who do not know respect will be punished."
[5:49 PM] Mika™: "Thank you for the bear." She looks up at them before looking down veru uncomfortable.
[5:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She slaps her rather hard several times, then puts her down "There, I hope you have learned from this. Want to get food now?"
[5:53 PM] Mika™: The strain of the illness is starting to get to her. "I..I need to be going now."
[5:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, we can get you medical attention. Also Auriel, because that might bruise." She says the second part with a smirk
[5:55 PM] Nepgear: "Meanieee...... i wanna go....."
[5:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh calm down, we can go get food or something, you learned your lesson I assume."
[5:56 PM] Mika™: "I..I need to sleep."
[5:56 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Vivi, I'm serious."
[5:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Now, let's head to Kaija, get you some medicine, and get the small one some sweets."
[5:59 PM] Mika™: "I know but I need to sleep." She struggles to stand. "I'm kinda woozy."
[6:00 PM] Nepgear: "Viaa.... go to beeeed then...."
[6:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ya, you need medicine." She walks over to her and picks her up, slinging Vivi over her should like a sack of grain "Auriel, come along."
[6:01 PM] Mika™: "Yeah that seems like the best choice, Yavae!"
[6:06 PM] Mika™: "Medicine then bed ok, at least for me."
[6:06 PM] Nepgear: "Okayyyyy"...... "A spinal tap wouldnt be lethal..... i will wait... see if this friends thing actually works out...."
[6:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She carried Vivi off, leading them to the inn room she shares with Kaija "Kaija! We need medicine!'
[6:08 PM] Mika™: "It better not be bitter!"
[6:09 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She puts Vivi in a chair for the time being, then gets brownies for Auriel "Here, little one. Have some food."
[6:10 PM] Nepgear: "Yayy..... but will Via be fiiiine?"
[6:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Probably. Now eat up."
[6:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: It's rather delicious, yum!
[6:12 PM] Mika™: "Are those the ones Kaija made?"
[6:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yep. They're great."
[6:13 PM] Mika™: "I-I'm glad."
[6:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What do you think of them, Auriel?"
[6:16 PM] Nepgear: "Mhmm..... goood! Do you like it Via?"
[6:16 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good. You can stick around once you are done, there are beds if you get tired."
[6:18 PM] Mika™: Vivianna is already curled up on the chair sleep with the bear tucked tight in her arms.
[6:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Great..."
[6:19 PM] Nepgear: "Mhm.. i can wait for Via.. can i have her bed Yaya?"
[6:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...? Via doesn't live here, and given that she's sick you should share a bed with her." Still, she carries Vivi to one of the two beds and lays her in it
[6:23 PM] Mika™: "Mm..i-iI'd r-rather sleep al-l..one.."
[6:23 PM] Nepgear: "Yayyyyy..... I get to sleep with Via...."
[6:24 PM] Nepgear: Auriel falls alseep next to Vivianna
[6:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No, you do not, Auriel." She picks her up and puts her in the other bed
[6:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Are you going to sleep in your clothes...? Weird..."
[6:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She tucks her in, then checks the spanking "Oof... That's definitely bruised. Oh well."
[6:26 PM] Mika™: She just sighs and squeezes the bear.
[6:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph, Kaija isn't here... Well, I'll just take a nap then." She removes her armor, crawls into the same bed as Auriel, holds her like a teddybear, and dozes off(edited)
[6:43 PM] Mika™: ==END RP==
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