Monday, July 18, 2016

27.1: Mostly Unworthy Suitors

Featuring: Kazama, Yavae, Elwyn

[1:00 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama has currently got his feet up on a table near the dumpling stand, watching. It's a slow day in the plaza today, only a few groups of people moving through.
[1:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae is walking around, she looks disgruntled, and like she is searching for something
[1:04 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama tilts his head up, noticing her. He waves. "Yavae!"
[1:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...? Oh, it's you." Something is obviously annoying her, judging by her tone
[1:05 PM] AOMRocks20: "What's the matter? You lose Kaija?"(edited)
[1:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "How did you guess?"
[1:06 PM] AOMRocks20: "You two are usually together."
[1:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, she's been running off a lot more recently."
[1:09 PM] AOMRocks20: ""Maybe she's just trying to have some time to herself."
[1:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... I am worried about what she is doing in this time..." She sounds actually slightly worried
[1:11 PM] AOMRocks20: "...Are you afraid she is unable to handle herself?"
[1:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, that is a small part of it, but not much. I have seen her kill a grown man in a single shot, after all."
[1:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's more... Do you mind if I am honest with you? If I am, I will demand that you keep this a secret between us."
[1:14 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama nods. "Not at all. Go right ahead."
[1:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I need you to swear this will remain between us, on your honor as retainer to this land's royalty."
[1:18 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shrugged. "Of course. I swear it."
[1:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good. I have been attempting to help Kaija with her... Substance problems."
[1:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am worried she is sneaking off to indulge herself."
[1:19 PM] AOMRocks20: " are worried because she is damaging herself?"
[1:22 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am not sure if she is, but she might be. I know she can be stronger than this, if she tries."
[1:23 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hrrm. Do you know if she enjoys using these substances?"
[1:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, she most likely does."
[1:25 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Otherwise, why would she use them?"
[1:27 PM] AOMRocks20: "I was only asking... Yavae, if these substances do harm her, then that's a big problem."
[1:28 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I know, which is why I ordered her to work her way off of them."
[1:30 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hrm. Perhaps you could... get me samples of these substances, from her? I could likely figure out if they would cause long-term damage."
[1:32 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I already asked her what they each are and what they do. I trust her to not lie."
[1:35 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see. Could you tell me about them, then?"
[1:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why?"
[1:38 PM] AOMRocks20: "I could give you something of a second opinion."(edited)
[1:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No thank you."
[1:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I trust her."
[1:41 PM] AOMRocks20: "Then she's given no indication that these substances are harmful?"
[1:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No, she told me which were harmful and I told her to stop using them. Are you paying attention to what I say?"
[1:44 PM] AOMRocks20: "I am. You never mentioned you told her to stop using them."
[1:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Didn't I...?"
[1:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am fairly sure I just did."
[1:47 PM] AOMRocks20: "...You did, actually. My apologies, I must be getting old." He scoffs. "So, the problem is you are worried that she is leaving you to indulge herself with these substances, yes?"
[1:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes. I will be very cross if she is."
[1:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "If you are so worried about it, confiscate and destroy the harmful substances."
[1:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You think I haven't? Of course I did. I am worried she has other hidden stashes."
[1:56 PM] AOMRocks20: "I could follow her next time she leaves you and take care of them."
[1:56 PM] AOMRocks20: "...if you would like."
[1:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I would prefer if you didn't stalk my lady in waiting."
[1:59 PM] AOMRocks20: "Not stalk. Simply tail and destroy the harmful substances in any stashes."
[1:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "That sounds like stalking."
[2:01 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "I only have... one other solution if you're worried, then."
[2:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What is that?"
[2:02 PM] AOMRocks20: "Simply trust that she will follow your word and not discreetly continue using the substances. Everything else would involve putting her on a leash of some sort."
[2:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... Why is she running off then?"
[2:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "Perhaps to indulge in substances that won't harm her, or to acquire more of them."
[2:07 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I have allowed her to do that
[2:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "Do you follow her around to do this?"
[2:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No. Should I?"(edited)
[2:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "Maybe she just found a very good deal and was too excited to tell you about it."
[2:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... She doesn't usually keep secrets from me..."
[2:11 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "Maybe she isn't intending to."
[2:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, I'll just keep looking for her. Oh, what is happening with that Dwabi woman's trail, by the way?"
[2:14 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "I haven't been following it."
[2:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. I spoke to Claire, she said something about pressing more minor charges."
[2:17 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama shrugs again.
[2:17 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I eagerly await when I will be able to teach her a lesson or two." She grins menacingly
[2:19 PM] AOMRocks20: "Eh. She gets justice either way."
[2:19 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I will make sure of it. What are you doing out here anyway?
[2:20 PM] AOMRocks20: "Just watching the plaza. But there's not much to watch before you got here."
[2:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What is that supposed to mean?" Her eyes narrow a bit
[2:23 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama chuckles, raising an eyebrow. "It means whatever you want it to mean."
[2:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't like such indirect answers."
[2:24 PM] AOMRocks20: He scoffs. "It simply means that I've been bored."
[2:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And you see me as a source of entertainment?"
[2:26 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "I find conversing with you something interesting."
[2:28 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "How so..?"
[2:28 PM] AOMRocks20: "It's more interesting than sitting around looking at a plaza."
[2:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph. Just making sure what you mean by that. Why not entertain yourself with Elwyn?" She says with a grin
[2:31 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles. "You think you aren't as entertaining?"
[2:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't do as much for you as he does."
[2:33 PM] AOMRocks20: "You sure about that?"
[2:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Very. Unless you have done something while I was asleep which I will have to painfully kill you for."
[2:35 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles. "Oh, don't sell yourself short, Yavae. I can appreciate a womanly figure as much as a man's."
[2:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yes, but Elwyn allows you to do a fair bit more than look. Unless you are saying that merely looking at me is as much of a pleasure as what you do with Elwyn, in which case I thank you for the flattery but advise you to be careful how you act."
[2:38 PM] AOMRocks20: "All joking aside, Yavae, I haven't seen Elwyn... exposed. We're not officially in a relationship, even if it might seem so. And I do mean it when I say you are very, very attractive."
[2:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She looks surprised "Really? What was all that talk a few days ago about what you two do in your bed then?"
[2:41 PM] AOMRocks20: "A lot of joking around."
[2:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph... And thank you for the compliment." She smiles, looking a bit smug "Most men are too intimidated to say such things, even though they are true."
[2:43 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama grins, his mask lying on the table next to him. "If people are too scared to compliment you, that's their problem."
[2:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Agreed, it's pathetic of them."
[2:45 PM] AOMRocks20: "You have that right." He folds his arms. "So, you hungry?"(edited)
[2:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I don't tend to eat food that wasn't cooked by Kaija."
[2:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "Like the Fire Tribe style, or just suspicious of poison?"
[2:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A little of both."
[2:50 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah. You ever eat Hoshidan?"
[2:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Sometimes, Kaija knows how to cook some of their dishes."
[2:51 PM] AOMRocks20: "The dumplings here are great. You can barely even tell the difference from them and the ones in Hoshido."
[2:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... I haven't had dumplings before. What are they like?"
[2:53 PM] AOMRocks20: "They're great. Take a seat, I'll order you some." Kazama hops up out of his chair.
[2:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. Well, I have little to lose. I will warn you, do not attempt to drug the meal, I have been drugged enough times by Kaija that I will be able to tell and likely will be able to kill you before the drug takes effect."
[2:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She takes a seat, laying her cloak on her chair
[2:57 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazma chuckles. "You're funny." He heads inside, ordering a large batch of dumplings before going back outside.
[2:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, it wasn't a joke."
[2:59 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs, taking a seat. "I know, but I'd have almost everything to lose from drugging you. Including my life."
[3:00 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, I trust you will not be stupid enough to attempt it. Anyone seeking to bed me would need to put far more effort into it."
[3:01 PM] AOMRocks20: He huffs. "I assure you, I would never take the easy way out."
[3:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent, I have met far too any cowards recently."
[3:22 PM] AOMRocks20: "Not only is that a cowardly choice, it shows a complete lack of commitment to a relationship."
[3:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "They do not even attempt to get into a relationship, though they often attempt to get a good look at me. One tried to shove her hand into my shorts even."
[3:24 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama huffs. "Have you taken her to the guards? Sexual harassment is very serious."
[3:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Pah! No, we sorted it out together."
[3:31 PM] AOMRocks20: "...really?"
[3:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Indeed, it was mostly a lot of misunderstandings. Claire helped."
[3:32 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah, thank goodness. I take it she didn't disturb you too much?"
[3:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She did, but we got even and then made up. She is an odd Manakete girl, by the name of Milth."
[3:36 PM] AOMRocks20: "A Manakete?" Kazama raises an eyebrow.
[3:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Mhm. She thought I was trying to steal her dragon charm, it was a misunderstanding."
[3:38 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah. I usually don't carry mine on me."
[3:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? And odd choice, from what I hear. When will the food get here, by the way?"
[3:41 PM] AOMRocks20: "Soon, soon. I prefer to rely on my ninja skills."
[3:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I see, like how I prefer to use my strength in battle rather than my magic."
[3:44 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course. I feel like becoming a dragon would be too much of a crutch over time." The server comes with a large platter of dumplings, setting it between the two.
[3:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. Let's see how good these are-" She picks one up and sniffs at it
[3:46 PM] AOMRocks20: "Smells good, doesn't it?" Kazama leans back.
[3:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She shrugs, then takes a surprisingly small bite "Hm... Not bad."
[3:47 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama smiles.
[3:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She continues eating "It could use some more spiciness though."
[3:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "You'd be used to hot things, wouldn't you?"
[3:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It's common in our tribe, many of the local plants are spicy, so we build up a resistance at a young age."
[3:50 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course. You'd have to eat something very spicy then, wouldn't you?"
[4:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I can live without spice, it's just not as tasty."
[4:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, of course."
[4:07 PM] AOMRocks20: "So, the dumplings are good?"
[4:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... Passable. You may live." The second part is said with a joking tone
[4:09 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama chuckles. "Oh, thank goodness, Mistress."
[4:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm... Mistress... I like that, feel free to call me it more often."
[4:11 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles. "I'll try."
[4:12 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Good. You are a retainer to the princess, yes? Which one?"
[4:14 PM] AOMRocks20: "Princess Ellis."
[4:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "She is the younger of the two, yes..?"
[4:17 PM] AOMRocks20: "That is correct."
[4:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, how do you like serving her? It must not be too taxing if you are free to take time off to chat up gorgeous women and men."
[4:20 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "The gorgeous women are a big plus, I will say. But, since it's such a slow day, I can relax..."
[4:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What do you usually do? Just stare at the plaza?"
[4:21 PM] AOMRocks20: "Sometimes I move around, get on rooftops, check alleys."
[4:22 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Sounds boring."
[4:22 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What about your off time?"
[4:23 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, I train, take baths, eat around the plaza.."
[4:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Spend time with Elwyn?"
[4:25 PM] AOMRocks20: "Or anyone else."
[4:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh my, does he know how much you like to "spend time" with others?"
[4:35 PM] AOMRocks20: He laughs. "Oh, please, Mistress~. I bet he knows how much time I like to spend with you."
[4:37 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. Well, I will tell you right now, you will need to do a fair bit more to impress me if you want to do any more than look and spend time."
[4:39 PM] AOMRocks20: He giggles, rolling his eyes.
[4:39 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I'm serious, as princess of the fire tribe I have many suitors, none of whome have lived up to my expectations."
[4:40 PM] AOMRocks20: "And none of whom, I'm guessing, were manaketes."
[4:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, one or two."
[4:42 PM] AOMRocks20: "Really? Those were in the Fire Tribe? I thought you don't allow foreigners in your lands."
[4:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I have had suitors after I left. Several."
[4:46 PM] AOMRocks20: "I see."
[4:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am rather flattered by the attention, even if it is coming from mostly unworthy suitors."
[4:47 PM] AOMRocks20: "Ah. You must have very high standards."
[4:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "None of them have really tried to prove themselves, and with all the competition it is only getting more difficult. Then again, I may be willing to take several if they can all prove themselves."
[4:49 PM] AOMRocks20: "Really? Not that I mean to pursue it, but what is the criteria for proving one's self?"
[4:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why are you interested in knowing? Do you intend to prove your worth to me, Kazama?" She grins
[4:53 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama chuckles. "Of course not. I'm simply curious what trials a man would have to go through to seem worthy."
[4:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oooooh I am sure you have no intent of trying." She says sarcastically, leaning back and stretching
[4:55 PM] AOMRocks20: He grins. "Not at all. I have Elwyn, most likely."
[4:56 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, that didn't stop you from expressing interest before."
[4:56 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Either way, it's difficult to describe, but I can try."
[4:59 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "Go right ahead."
[5:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "To put it far too simply, a person who is true, loyal, brave, and strong. There are many intricacies to it, but that is the most basic gist."
[5:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "They cannot lie to me, they cannot betray me, they cannot cower, they cannot be completely unable of defeating me."
[5:09 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama nods. "Very admirable qualities."
[5:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Not many people have managed this, not to he level I want."
[5:12 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well, I am sure you will find someone like that."
[5:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I wish my suitors were brave enough to better themselves to my levels."
[5:16 PM] AOMRocks20: "Oh, surely. You seem to want a man who'd rather die sword in hand, yes?"
[5:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Of course."
[5:24 PM] AOMRocks20: "Interesting. Most men I've met who're like that aren't entirely loyal."
[5:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Then they aren't worthy of my time. What about you, do you think you fit in these requirements?"
[5:30 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs. "Perhaps. Why do you ask?"
[5:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I want to know what you think of yourself."
[5:33 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hmp. Well, I do feel like I meet those criteria."
[5:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Which do you think you don't meet?"
[5:33 PM] AOMRocks20: "None."
[5:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You think you would never tell me a lie?"
[5:47 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course not."
[5:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And you would never betray me?"
[5:48 PM] AOMRocks20: "Never!"
[5:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You would not cower?"
[5:52 PM] AOMRocks20: "No."
[5:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "And you think you could beat me?"
[5:53 PM] AOMRocks20: "I have a... chance, yes."
[5:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm. You don't sound so sure."
[5:56 PM] AOMRocks20: "Well, you're a strong woman. But I think I could definitely beat you."
[5:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, work up your bravery and you just might manage to be the first successful suitor." She grins, how serious she is is hard to determine
[5:58 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hah! I'm not afraid of being beaten by you." He snatches a dumpling.
[6:00 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, consider it at some point if you decide you are more interested in what I offer than in Elwyn." She goes back to eating
[6:01 PM] AOMRocks20: He nods, popping the dumpling in his mouth. "I'll consider it."
[6:02 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Don't be so sure you'll manage anything, though."
[6:02 PM] AOMRocks20: "Hrmph." He scoffs.
[6:03 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "The only way to know how much you'll succeed or fail is to try, ninja."
[6:04 PM] AOMRocks20: He chuckles. "Is that an invitation?"
[6:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A challenge more like."
[6:06 PM] AOMRocks20: "You sound like you want me to right now."
[6:08 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Then you're too sure of yourself. I invite anyone to try, I don't expect most of them to succeed."
[6:08 PM] AOMRocks20: He shrugs, grabbing a couple dumplings and popping them into his mouth.
[6:09 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Thank you for the meal, by the way."
[6:09 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course.
[6:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It almost makes up for all the times you have annoyed me." She says jokingly
[6:11 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama grins. "Oh, I'm sure. Following the law's an annoying thing."
[6:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Only when your laws are stupid."
[6:11 PM] AOMRocks20: He snickers.
[6:12 PM] AOMRocks20: "It was nice talking to you, Yavae."
[6:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I will go back to looking for Kaija."
[6:13 PM] AOMRocks20: "Of course. I should go bathe."
[6:14 PM] AOMRocks20: Kazama sets his mask back on, then vanishes.
[6:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm...? In the middle of the day?"
[6:15 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Wait... Is he implying he needs to bathe because he was around me? He better not be implying that..."
[6:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Wait would that mean he thinks I am filthy or that being around me made him sweaty...? Either option is... Questionable."
[6:51 PM] Mango: As soon as Kazama vanishes, Elwyn already entered the scene on Michel.
[6:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? Well, that's good timing."
[6:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She continues eating
[6:54 PM] Mango: "Oh, fancy meeting you here, Yavae."
[6:54 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Elwyn, are you looking for Kazama? He just left."
[7:02 PM] Mango: "Not really, but he was here? Wish I came here earlier, perhaps I could've stayed with him..."
[7:05 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She snickers a bit
[7:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I think he was quite happy with just the two of us here."
[7:10 PM] Mango: "Oh, really?"
[7:11 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Mhm. He told me how beautiful I was and bought me a meal, we discussed what he would need to do to win my hear. He also told me that you two haven't actually done the things I thought you two had."
[7:12 PM] Mango: "Well, we aren't that far into the relationship. We had our first kiss only sometime ago."
[7:13 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh? Good for you." She is surprised at how unphased he is by what she just said
[7:13 PM] Mango: "Oh, and about what you said earlier. I don't think you'll find it easy to get me with those types of things." He smiled.
[7:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "What do you mean?"
[7:19 PM] Mango: "About the whole 'heart' thing."
[7:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I'm not sure what you mean. Do you think I was just teasing you?"
[7:21 PM] Mango: "Maybe, maybe not."
[7:21 PM] Mango: "Kazama has his tastes, but I trust him."
[7:21 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am not teasing you, I am telling you what happened." She seems annoyed at his accusation
[7:22 PM] Mango: "My answer reminds the same."
[7:23 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, beware your accusations at least, Elwyn."
[7:23 PM] Mango: "I'll keep that in mind."
[7:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm, and I was having a nice day" She seems more grumpy now
[7:24 PM] Mango: "My apologies for spoiling it."
[7:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I somehow feel you are not sincere."
[7:32 PM] Mango: "I would never lie."
[7:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Her expression shows obvious disbelief
[7:39 PM] Mango: "What?"
[7:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "You have accused me of attempting to upset you based on no evidence, I was unaware you held such a lowly opinion of me."
[7:40 PM] Mango: "Well, after all those time of you treating me in such a way, I can't really help but ask."
[7:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph." She still looks slightly upset at him
[7:45 PM] Mango: "I'll treat you to some food as an apology~"
[7:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I just ate. Didn't you listen?"
[7:45 PM] Mango: "Oh, right..."
[7:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Mhm. Kazama and I had lunch together."
[7:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It was nice"
[7:48 PM] Mango: "Well, I guess I could help you with something else as a way to apologize. What about a charm?"
[7:49 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "A what..?"
[7:49 PM] Mango: Elwyn pulled out a charm he made. "You know, items made for protection and good fortune and all that."
[7:52 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "No thank you."
[7:52 PM] Mango: "I see..."
[7:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph, you are more rude than you look."
[7:53 PM] Mango: "I'm only trying to apologize..."
[7:54 PM] Mango: "I really, sincerely do apologize if I'm offending you. All I ask is for you to believe my words." Elwyn bowed.
[7:55 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, that is better at least."
[8:03 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Be careful of offending me in such a way later."
[8:05 PM] Mango: "I shall."
[9:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "So, did you need something?"
July 19, 2016
[1:55 PM] Mango: "Oh, nothing really. I'm only out to pass the time."
[1:58 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, have you seen Kaija recently?"
[1:58 PM] Mango: "Oh, not really. I've always thought she was with you."
[1:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, do you see her here..?"
[2:18 PM] Mango: Elwyn looked around. "Well, not really..."
[2:36 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "It was rhetorical, Elwyn." She says, a bit annoyed
[2:39 PM] Mango: "Hm..."
[2:39 PM] Mango: "Have you asked Vivianna or Leodin?"
[2:41 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Not yet. If you see her, tell me if she seems to have been... Intoxicated."
[2:41 PM] Mango: "...I'll be sure to do that."
[2:42 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Anyway, I have things to go do, tell Kazama I enjoyed the meal and the compliments next time you see him."
[2:44 PM] Mango: "I'll try my best."
[2:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: She begins to walk off, putting her cloak back on
[3:26 PM] DiurnalKnight!: ===end rp===

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