[4:35 PM] Kwakado: Sitting on a small brick wall, across from the Sea of Baun, a food cart offering a fusion of Freyzenese/Dwabi cuisine, Sula had his first meal in over a day. Finishing off another bite of oxtail, the Dwabi was no less shocked at the sudden sourness it had taken on since his last visit. How could his tolerance have been so easily shattered? He handed a piece to Shimi, who snapped at his wrist instead. Perhaps his tastes had started to align with hers.(edited)
[4:39 PM] Kwakado: As his fingers loosened, the Dwabi diviner let the food drop into his mouth, humming piously as he forced it down. Milth had demanded he get more rest, and even a bad meal was crucial to that end. And obedience to Ayida was all he could count on...
[4:49 PM] [nootamod] benoot: Claire received the jerky chicken she ordered from a food cart she had been curious for some time. She carried her plate around as she searched for an open spot. During her search, her curiousity couldn't help but focus on on the black pegasus, which she walked towards, paying no mind to Sula, until she nearly bumped into him. "Oh, dear, excuse me."
[4:51 PM] Kwakado: Shimi let out a fell scream, and Sula clutched at a leather scroll at his side, nearly knocking over his plate.
He looked up to find a familiar Nohrian face in front of him. Slowly, his face drifted into a cordial smile. "Kwemo, Claire! Forgive me, ha ha ha!"
[4:54 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Oh Sula! Of course, I should have recognized the pegasus. Anyways, I apologize, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. May I" she said as she gestured to an empty spot on the wall beside Sula
[4:56 PM] Kwakado: Shimi lowers her head over Sula's, leering at her, but he simply gives her a scratch and leans to the side. "Yes, yes, of course! Do not worry about Shimi-e - She has been feeling very hurt this day."
[4:56 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Ah, if Shimi disagrees, I best not disturb er... Him? Her?"
[5:00 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods at the second one. "She hasn't attacked anyone...(While I've been watching...) in two years. It is no trouble at all." Sula moved his hand around to the other side of her head, guiding it away from him.
[5:02 PM] Kwakado: He looked up at the Pegasus warmly. "Besides, you ladies share a homeland, ha ha ha.."(edited)
[5:03 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Oh? You mean to say this Pegasus is from Nohr?"
[5:04 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "They cannot grow up anywhere but Nanya. The far north, of course - where humans do not go."
[5:08 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Er, Sula? Pegasus don't grow up in Nohr..."
[5:10 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi sighs empathetically. "Not many have seen them. I have heard...stories, in the songs of the Ice Tribe. They tell of Nanya hunters who wanted to take their wings."(edited)
[5:12 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Ah, I heard of such history... I'm sorry."
[5:13 PM] Kwakado: He gives a weak smile. "I wonder if that is why...Shimi-e hates humans, so much. She could have been there when they wrote the songs."(edited)
[5:14 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "These songs... Would you happen to know one?"
[5:16 PM] Kwakado: Sula shakes his head. "Oh, no, ha ha ha! I should be asking..."
Sula blinks, biting his tongue.
"...you, about the songs of your land. Sula-o is just a caretaker."
[5:19 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Hm? Oh! But, I never really learnt too many songs, I mostly spent my days training....I only know a few songs, and none are of the subject on, well, hunting..."
[5:25 PM] Kwakado: Sula leans back onto the wall. "Do you think you could sing one, then? There are so many interesting people from Nanya here...I wish to learn more, while I can."
[5:32 PM] [nootamod] benoot: Claire puts her plate on the wall and takes her seat. "Alright, but I warn you, I don't really sing, so.... Uh, yeah."
[5:34 PM] Kwakado: Sula shakes his head, feeling the edges of the wall. "Ba-ba, Claire-i. It will be Kwemo."
[5:37 PM] [nootamod] benoot: She relaxes her shoulders, nodding in achnoledgment of Sula's encouragement. She takes a deep breath. "Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika."
[5:40 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein
wird umschwärmt Erika
denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,"
[5:43 PM] Kwakado: Sula closes his eyes, humming idly to the melody as his body relaxes. Shimi takes a few steps back, snorting at the singer.
[5:44 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid."
[5:44 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika."
[5:45 PM] Kwakado: Tears bubble from the Dwabi's pale eyes.
[5:46 PM] [nootamod] benoot: After she finished, she opened her eyes. "Did I sound, bad?"
[5:47 PM] Kwakado: Sula's eyes widen, and he raises himself back upright. "No, no! It was beautiful. You have a voice for this, truly."(edited)
[5:49 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "This?"
[5:49 PM] [nootamod] benoot: She picks up her plate and begins to eat
[5:52 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi reaches over to retrieve his plate, somehow still safe, and picks it up. "Singing, yes. With practice you could be great, Clair-i." He dries his eyes with a wide golden sleeve.(edited)
[6:00 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "You think so too? Oddly, someone told me that I did have a voice for singing..."
[6:02 PM] Kwakado: "Just one? I wonder if he was a holy man, ha ha." Sula hums, regaining his composure.
[6:02 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Heh, a sailor actually."
[6:06 PM] Kwakado: "A sailor with a well-trained heart." Sula takes another large bite of his food, then... "Ich mag dich sehr."
[6:07 PM] Kwakado: His expression is absolutely deadpan. In fact, he has no idea what he just said.
[6:10 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "E-excuse me?" she says, a bit very flustered
[6:14 PM] Kwakado: Sula's brow furrows, wishing he could have had this revelation a few days sooner. "It is the language of Nohr, yes? Something about a strong heart?"(edited)
[6:17 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "No, not exactly.... You just said, "I like you a lot.""
[6:18 PM] Kwakado: "Oh! Forgive me!" Sula raises his hands to his face, eyes widening dramatically. "I just heard Leo-din saying it over and over, like he was practicing it...I thought it was just a Nanya compliment, of course, ha ha."
[6:20 PM] [nootamod] benoot: ahem "Of course, in a way, it is a compliment. But I wouldn't say it to just anybody"
[6:21 PM] Kwakado: "I see." Sula grimaces. "...Then...what could he have wanted to say that for?"
[6:21 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Certainly doesn't sound like our business..."
[6:23 PM] Kwakado: "No, no. He must have meant..." Sula holds his head in his hand, deep in thought..."A coworker, or something. Truly, not our business, then."
[6:41 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Eh, co-worker? We do work together as body guards, so I'm pretty sure those words are meant for someone else"
[6:45 PM] Kwakado: "Mmmm...perhaps. But there are few things Leo-din treasures more than a strong companion, an honest ally. A mask hides many things, ha ha."
[6:49 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "I see, well I do hold high respect for him as well. I have yet to best him in a round of sparring, so I guess I'm a sense, I treasure him in my own way."
[6:52 PM] Kwakado: Sula laughs. "He is a powerful opponent, yes...So you are bodyguards, then?"
[6:53 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Right, we are paid to protect three merchants, they're triplets, and they're quite the rambunctious group."
[6:54 PM] Kwakado: "Merchants? Ha ha ha! They must be very rich, to have such Kwemo bodyguards!"(edited)
[7:00 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Hah, we're not that good. I couldn't even fend off a rude ruffian that one time."
[7:02 PM] Kwakado: "...Were either of you hurt?"
[7:03 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "I took a hit from her club, but aside from that no harm was done."
[7:04 PM] Kwakado: "Ommm....." The eyes shut, then open. "But a bodyguard's duty is to stop harm. it sounds to me like you did fend her off."
[7:05 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "In a way, I guess I did."
[7:09 PM] Kwakado: Sula smiles. "The Dwabi say: "Bringing pain to yourself is...bad, but bringing pain to others is the greater bad. "
[7:10 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "That quote sounds oddly... Forced?"
[7:13 PM] Kwakado: "...then I will try again." Sula gulps down a persistent bit of maple sauce, and his pitch seems to lighten. "Wane-le ba Nanyo, Wane-Dwabi bo Nanyo."
[7:14 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Now that sounds more natural."
[7:16 PM] Kwakado: He smiles, nodding. "It is a better better taste, too." He glances down at the empty plate for a moment, then back to her. "Not all mixed up with kingdom, ha."(edited)
[7:19 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "I'm, uh, not sure I understand what you mean by that."
[7:20 PM] Kwakado: "It is like your song...Eri-ka. The beauty lives in the words. " Sula extends a palm. "It is not easy to take them away, and put in new ones. Like a recipe, with none of the right ingredients."(edited)
[7:26 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Ohhh I see what you mean now."
[7:29 PM] Kwakado: Sula frowns. "But in a faraway land, sometimes that is the only choice, uu?"
[7:30 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "I guess, in some lands, compromises are made."
[7:31 PM] Kwakado: Sula gives a heavy, wordless nod. He had had enough of compromises in this city for a lifetime. But the festival was coming soon, and from there...Sula hummed. He needed a lot more rest.(edited)
[7:34 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Uh, are you alright? You seem a bit, down..."
[7:36 PM] Kwakado: "Ha ha, it is nothing." Sula hurriedly bounced a finger off of the plate, donning a little smirk. "Just a little too much of a recipe with the wrong ingredients. But what does Clair-i think of the food?"(edited)
[7:38 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Oh, I think the food from that cart is great! I never had Dwabi food before, but the taste is something else!"
[7:43 PM] Kwakado: Sula's smirk smoothed out. "Truly? Not everyone says that the first time, ha ha ha! Would you be interested in something...finer?"
[7:45 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "What do you mean by that?" her curiousity has been piqued
[7:48 PM] Kwakado: Sula leans in closer. "There is a restaurant, not far here, with Dwabi food so fine, even Princess Ellis-o approves. It is the perfect place to take someone special for a feast."(edited)
[8:01 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Oh...Oh...Oh"
[8:02 PM] Kwakado: Sula smiles with a spark of pride. "...Thinking of someone?"(edited)
[8:03 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "No!" she said, before a blush started to form. "Yes..."
[8:04 PM] Kwakado: Sula clasps his hands. "Do not worry. Sula-o keeps secrets better than anyone."
[8:07 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "So, you promise not to tell?"
[8:09 PM] Kwakado: Sula shakes his head. "Now, in the western block...southwest from the plaza, there is a big building. Nice, flat roof, quite comfortable..."
[8:12 PM] Kwakado: "The name is Black Pearl. Four star restaurant, but that was before the new menu. Just tell them...to put it on Sula's tab." The Dwabi handed her an ebon feather, sparkling spitefully in the sunlight. "I am good friends with the chef here."
[8:13 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Oh, no, I wouldn't dare to impose the bill be out on someone else's name other than mine. But thanks for the directions though."
[8:16 PM] Kwakado: Sula nods. "Of course, of course. Make sure to try one of their cakes...they are the most Kwemo, even for kingdom."(edited)
[8:24 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "I'll be sure to. Thank you again "
[8:25 PM] Kwakado: "Of course, Clair-i!" Sula promptly springs up onto the saddle as his smile slips. "Anything to help my good friend Leo-din, ha ha ha, ba!"(edited)
[8:26 PM] Kwakado: And the pegasus takes off over the food stands, carrying the despondent Dwabi through the air. At least he could bring some happiness to this woman of Nohr.(edited)
[8:27 PM] [nootamod] benoot: "Wait, what?"
[8:27 PM] [nootamod] benoot: ===rp end===
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