Featuring: Versailles, Leodin
[6:52 PM] spikethe3rd: A lone Monk walks the streets looking briefly at each stall he passes, smiling at the occupants and brushing up to the crowds, looking over their shoulders. He has an unnatural cheer for someone who is not buying anything and is being pushed by the crowds. He steps into a back alley for a moment and disappears from the view of the street.
[6:54 PM] REWlego: Leodin watches from the rooftops as the stranger heads into an alley after looking through the marketplace. He jumps down to the entrance of the alley and follows the man.
[6:56 PM] spikethe3rd: The robed 'monk' digs through his pockets and laughs to himself. He pulls out some coin and counts it slowly.
[6:57 PM] spikethe3rd: "Amazing this town is!" he whispers to himself.
[6:59 PM] REWlego: Leodin walks up to the strange person.
"Everything alright sir?"
[7:01 PM] spikethe3rd: "What?" The man turns around, coin still in hand. "I suppose so?" A quizzical look crosses the man's face. The coin in his hand turns out to be not alot of money, but rather many small coins.
[7:02 PM] REWlego: "You seemed a bit suspicious when entering this alley is all.... I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."
[7:04 PM] spikethe3rd: "Oh! Thank you for your concern. I was just trying to get away from the crowds for a little breathing room. Also I wanted to see how much spending money I have left." He motioned with his coin hand.
[7:05 PM] REWlego: "Oh, I apologize for interrupting then... Here, why don't you take this."
Leodin held out a few coins.
[7:08 PM] spikethe3rd: "Oh I couldn't! Don't worry about me." He laughed. "No man earns not his own!" he quoted.
[7:10 PM] REWlego: "I really don't mind, I make enough to get by."
[7:12 PM] spikethe3rd: "Well, how about instead of you giving me money, you give me your story." Versailles sits down on a crate and motions to an empty one across from him
[7:14 PM] REWlego: "Hm.... I normally don't give my history out to strangers, if you couldn't tell by the mask."
Leodin sits down.
"But you seem genuine, so I will share what I'm comfortable with."
[7:15 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles nods. "I'll take what I can get."
[7:18 PM] REWlego: "Well, I come from a family of nobles, but because of our position, I thought it was best to leave our manor and help protect those who needed it. I apologize for the vagueness, but perhaps you could learn more in the future."
[7:18 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles nods again. "I can respect someone who wants to protect others, especially those they do not know."
[7:19 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles shakes his head. "I'm afraid my story is much less exciting. I'm am but a simple philosopher from the south."
[7:20 PM] REWlego: "How far south exactly, if you don't mind sharing?"
[7:22 PM] spikethe3rd: "Just a little north of Yuki Jyorou"
[7:24 PM] REWlego: "Oh, I can't say I'm familiar with that area... I suppose it was an invitation that brought you to Amaterasu?"
[7:26 PM] spikethe3rd: "No actually. My mother owns a shop here, so I came to visit. I do intend to stay for the festivities though."
[7:27 PM] REWlego: "Oh, I also have not received an invitation. I suppose the Freyzenese are not too worried about Khl-.... About the struggles where I'm from."
[7:30 PM] spikethe3rd: "I assumed only people of great political import got invitations but I suppose some important soldiers did too." Versailles shrugged. "I am not too wary about the election though. I have faith in our leaders."
[7:31 PM] REWlego: "Hm... The leader could possibly have a great impact on my home country, which is part of the reason why I came."
[7:34 PM] spikethe3rd: "Freyzenwald is a large part of our continent." Versailles nodded. "It makes sense to be worried but I feel it much easier to trust our leaders. For if we cannot trust our leaders, how can they help us?"
[7:36 PM] REWlego: "Hm... I don't know if it's a matter of distrust... I'm just concerned."
[7:39 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles nods. "I didn't mean to imply you did but I suppose I may mix up trust and hope." Versailles scratches his chin thinking.
[7:40 PM] REWlego: "Oh... I apologize... I never introduced myself..."
Leodin stands up and reaches out an arm.
"My name is Leodin."
[7:41 PM] spikethe3rd: "No worries, for neither did I!" Versailles stands up and shakes his hand. "Versailles."
[7:41 PM] REWlego: "Versailles... It's a pleasure to meet you."
[7:42 PM] spikethe3rd: "Likewise."
[7:45 PM] REWlego: "Say, why don't we walk around the marketplace? I'm intrigued by the fact that you enjoy philosophy... It's not something I've learned much about."
[7:46 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles beams. "I'd love to. Do you have any specific questions?"
[7:49 PM] REWlego: Leodin starts walking out of the alley.
"What got you interested in philosophy? It's always something I've thought about, but I guess I never considered it a priority."
[7:51 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles follows closely behind. "Well at a young age I started attending a monastery that taught philosophy and I attended daily to learn. When my mother was capable of working her shop without me I left to join full time. This was before my mother moved her shop to Amaterasu."
[7:53 PM] REWlego: "Hm... What kinds of things were you taught?"
[7:55 PM] spikethe3rd: "Well basic philosophy is about morality and respect. We are taught to be kind to others in spite of any outward appearance. We are asked general moral questions to determine where we stand and then we build off of that."
[7:57 PM] REWlego: "Huh... I suppose that's about what I was expecting... I would love to learn more about philosophy some time... I'm genuinely intrigued."
[7:59 PM] spikethe3rd: "It is a very personally determined ideology. That is why we meditate a lot. We try and determine our own ideas and share them with each other."
[8:01 PM] REWlego: "I don't know if meditation is for me, but a friend and I have had differing views on an issue regarding the nation I come from."
[8:03 PM] spikethe3rd: "Meditation is not for everyone. But thinking about your morals should always be difficult."
[8:04 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods, taking a moment to think.
[8:07 PM] spikethe3rd: "But it is always important to trust your own decisions, especially if they took a long time to make. One does not need to be swayed easily, but should be open minded as well."
[8:08 PM] REWlego: Leodin smiles.
"You are a very wise man, Versailles..."
[8:10 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles shakes his head. "I am not wise, only well-read. Wisdom comes from experience, I only have what greater men have written down."
[8:10 PM] REWlego: Leodin chuckles.
"If you say so..."
[8:10 PM] REWlego: "You know more about it that I do."
[8:12 PM] spikethe3rd: "Ah but what is more impressive? A man knowing right from wrong, or a man doing right of his own accord?"
[8:13 PM] spikethe3rd: "I would say you, who has chosen the path in which you help others is more important than I who ponders why you are right."
[8:15 PM] REWlego: "I would have to disagree with you... I think both can be equally important. Someone who knows right from wrong can stop those who always believe they are doing good, even when they're not."
[8:17 PM] spikethe3rd: "Well now you have an opinion on the matter, and that is philosophy." Versailles smiles.
[8:18 PM] REWlego: "Yes, I suppose it is..."
[8:21 PM] spikethe3rd: "Haha! isn't it so simple! Many overestimate philosophy when they hear about men who have meditated for hundreds of years, but it can be a simple as a decision in some cases."
[8:22 PM] REWlego: "Huh..."
Leodin continues to walk through the marketplace.
[8:23 PM] spikethe3rd: "So tell me, is it as interesting as you originally thought? Or do you want me to break out the hard questions?"
[8:24 PM] REWlego: "Oh, now you have me intrigued... I don't know if I'll have any answers, but I'm ready."
[8:26 PM] spikethe3rd: "We'll start with a fun one. Do we have free will, or are we born to a fate that cannot be changed?"
[8:28 PM] REWlego: "Hm..."
Leodin thinks for a moment.
"I think it might be somewhere in the middle, leaning on the side of free will... We are all made to do things, it's just the way we are, but how we do those things, and what we do because of those things makes us more unique."
[8:30 PM] spikethe3rd: "Ah, but does that count? How can you say you were not destined to make these decisions?"
[8:31 PM] REWlego: "Well... I don't know..... I don't there's any way to find out."
[8:34 PM] spikethe3rd: "That is precisely why the argument remains." Versailles shrugs. "I personally think we are fully accountable for our own actions, and so we should respect others. I also think that we can change and therefore we should forgive those who falter."
[8:36 PM] REWlego: "That sounds like a valid point... I find respect and forgiveness very important as well..."
[8:37 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles smiles. "I am very glad to have met you Leodin."
[8:38 PM] REWlego: "I'd say the same about you, Versailles."
[8:41 PM] spikethe3rd: "I do not believe in fate, but whatever force brought us together, I am glad." Versailles laughed.
[8:42 PM] REWlego: "Yes, so am I... I'm fascinated with your background in philosophy, and I'm excited to learn more."
[8:46 PM] spikethe3rd: "Then let us continue. How about a sort of story? There is a man riding a horse carrying medicine. Unfortunately he only has 5 stock of medicine. In the village he comes to, there are six sick people. 5 of them need only one medicine each. One needs 5 all for himself. Who should get the medicine?"
[8:49 PM] REWlego: "I would choose the option that saves the most people... Although.... I suppose I could change the question a bit if you'd like to hear a different scenario."
[8:50 PM] spikethe3rd: "Ah ah! I am not finished."
[8:50 PM] REWlego: "Oh, I apologize."
[8:52 PM] spikethe3rd: "Now suppose a rock is rolling down a hill with five injured in its path. You cannot make it to the injured to help but you can place a branch in the way of the rock that will redirect the rock onto a different path. Unfortunately the rock will be diverted towards another single injured person who is also unreachable." Versailles pauses for a moment. "Do you divert the rock?"
[8:58 PM] REWlego: "You know, If I had the option to sacrifice myself instead, I think I'd choose that option, but your question is fairly straightforward.... I honestly can't chose between the two."
[8:59 PM] spikethe3rd: "That is a good choice. There is no dishonor in not choosing. I could barely pass the first question when I first heard it."
[8:59 PM] spikethe3rd: "How about we forget that one. We need not push it further."
[9:00 PM] REWlego: "Well, perhaps there's another version to those questions... I'd be interested in your answer."
[9:00 PM] spikethe3rd: "Please, go on!"
[9:01 PM] REWlego: "First I'd like to ask a more simple question... Do you have a best friend, or anyone that you would do almost anything for?"(edited)
[9:03 PM] spikethe3rd: "I suppose my mother comes to mind. But many of my friends.... Well almost anyone..." Versailles says looking upward in thought.
[9:06 PM] REWlego: "Well, let's say that you had the choice to either give your medicine to 100 people and save the lives of all of them, or you could give it all to your best friend, who needs all of it to survive. Would you choose to save 100 strangers, or your closest friend?"
[9:07 PM] spikethe3rd: "Hmm-The hundred people." He answers quickly. "My mother raised me to help others and I think she'd understand."
[9:10 PM] REWlego: "Hm... Well, Now, suppose we went back to the rock on a hill.... Your only options are to let the rock roll down and kill those 100 people, or you can sacrifice your mother. The catch is, you have to personally push her in front of the rock to stop it. Would you still sacrifice her to save the 100 people?"
[9:11 PM] spikethe3rd: "Hmm... do I get any words? I assume not..." He pauses.
[9:12 PM] REWlego: "I think you would be able to speak to your mother... Would your answer change depending on whether or not you can?"
[9:12 PM] spikethe3rd: "Maybe..." He thinks for a moment.
[9:13 PM] spikethe3rd: "I definitely would tell her how much I loved her and thank her for what she did before pushing her. But with no words..."
[9:13 PM] spikethe3rd: "I think she would know in her heart I would not have malice. So I think I could."
[9:14 PM] REWlego: Leodin nods.
[9:15 PM] spikethe3rd: "How about you? Could you sacrifice a loved one?"
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