Wednesday, August 17, 2016

51.0.1: The Vow is Broken

Featuring: Sula, Elwyn, Vivianna

August 17, 2016
[12:41 PM] Kwakamole: Sula makes his way up a sweeping East Ward staircase, carrying a hefty bag of goods. He'd made three trips up and down the height of the castle already, and was beginning to breathe heavier. It would have been easier to just ride Shimi up to the roof...but after the chaos of the raid, he felt that she needed some rest to prepare for whatever was to come. Relaxing his pace a bit, the Dwabi reaches the rooms of the nobility hotel, where most of his allies had been staying.
[1:05 PM] mango: "...I see you're tired of the...ugh...stairs too..."
[1:07 PM] mango: Elwyn was sitting down on the steps to rest before continuing his way up.
[1:08 PM] Kwakamole: "Ha ha, true..Kwemo, El-wyn." Eager for an excuse to rest, Sula lowers the bag onto a step before sitting down next to him.
[1:10 PM] mango: "So, whats in that bag? It's very..." Elwyn tried carrying it. "...heavy."
[1:13 PM] Kwakamole: "Ha, just everything I brought to Amaterasu. Books, gold, tools..." Sula stretches his legs out below. "Shimi-e does not need to carry so much, now that I have my own room. Ha ha ha."
[1:16 PM] mango: "Ooh..." Elwyn took another look at the bag. "May I...check on what books you have? I've always wanted to read tomes..."
[1:18 PM] Kwakamole: All Elwyn could see was the maroon tuxedo jacket Sula wore to the festival, torn and singed from the battle.(edited)
[1:19 PM] mango: "...Oh, my..."
[1:19 PM] Kwakamole: "Omm...Studies of fliers, ancient legends, magical creatures. I got them to help learn about Shimi-e."
[1:21 PM] mango: "I see..." Elwyn picked up the tuxedo jacket. "...May I take this with me?"
[1:23 PM] Kwakamole: Underneath the jacket was an ancient volume, its cover a burnt blank black. A discerning eye could tell that this damage was done intentionally, the moment the book was bound. "Uu..yes? But why?"
[1:24 PM] mango: "It's a shame that this ended up being ruined from the battle, so I thought about taking it off your hands and fixing it back up."
[1:24 PM] mango: "When you travel by yourself for years sewing comes naturally." Elwyn smiled.
[1:26 PM] Kwakamole: "That would be Kwemo!" Sula's expression lightens, just distracted enough.
[1:27 PM] mango: "I think I'll take this tome as well...I've never seen something like it, maybe I can learn how to fight using it too." Elwyn took the Dark Tome
[1:29 PM] Kwakamole: "Nnna! Be careful with that!" Sula's hand whips out to the side, gripping his wrist. It's deathly cold. "...." Sula releases his hand, smiling stupidly. "It is...very old."
[1:30 PM] mango: "Oh, I see...I'll be very careful with it."
[1:31 PM] Kwakamole: "Truly, I have not read that one yet...There are some frightening rumors about it."
[1:32 PM] mango: "Rumors are only rumors, Sula." Elwyn took the book back. "It's not as if it's cursed or anything."
[1:39 PM] Kwakamole: "...Of course not." Sula eyed the book's pristine pages, knowing full well that it had everything to do with curses. He turned his gaze to the bag, searching around through it. "But what about this one here?" Sula revealed a grey, white-fringed book entitled Tenma no Tsubasa / Tenma no an obscure Nolorian script that Sula had never managed to identify as Izumite.(edited)
[1:51 PM] mango: "Oh, I recognize this one!"
[1:54 PM] mango: "I found this in a library once, it's about pegasi and how they're spiritual creatures and how they choose their...riders..."
[1:55 PM] Kwakamole: Sula nods. "It was..what made me start to understand Shimi-e, a little."
[1:57 PM] mango: "...Sula, why do you think Shimi chose you?"
[2:00 PM] Kwakamole: Sula turned away. "You've read it, El-wyn. The Falicorn is a creature of darkness."
[2:00 PM] mango: "So?"
[2:01 PM] mango: "Whether or not it's a creature of darkness doesn't really matter..."
[2:03 PM] Kwakamole: Sula recited a passage from memory, despite his lack of fluency with the words: "Their wings long for a matching heart, be it black or white. Only a complimentary hue can master such a beast."(edited)
[2:05 PM] Kwakamole: He lowered the book, still tightly shut. "You know who I am, Elwyn-na. I do not need to spell it out."
[2:05 PM] mango: "Well, it doesn't bother me if that is what you think."
[2:07 PM] Kwakamole: "Ba-ba..." Sula nodded with a dismissive wave. "What bothers me is Vivian-ne. I wonder..why Shimi-e would choose her."
[2:07 PM] mango: Elwyn blinked. "You're worried why Shimi chose Vivianna?"
[2:08 PM] mango: Elwyn smiled. "You've nothing to worry about if her purity of heart is concerning you."
[2:09 PM] mango: "I wouldn't be surprised if despite what I do, Shimi would let me close."
[2:10 PM] Kwakamole: "Ha ha...only after a long time, and lots of training."
[2:10 PM] mango: "Oh, you misunderstand."
[2:10 PM] mango: "Unlike Hoshido, Nohr typically have people who are more used to dark magic."
[2:11 PM] mango: "It wouldn't be surprising if the surrounding population was affected by them."
[2:12 PM] mango: "Despite what you consider your heart as, you're not a bad person because of it. Nor is Vivianna going to be affected by something so trifling."
[2:15 PM] Kwakamole: Sula gave a few moments to consider the monk's words. "The Dwabi know that..darkness, can spread through an entire land from a single heart. One man's choice can corrupt ten other men, and a single spell, changes the nation's fate." He looked out the window at the barrier sheltering them all. "..Vivian-na is cursed. She can never love someone who will love her back."(edited)
[2:15 PM] mango: "You think she's cursed."
[2:16 PM] mango: "'She can never love someone who will love her back.' But have you thought that is entirely incorrect?"
[2:16 PM] mango: "She has you."
[2:17 PM] Kwakamole: Sula turned back towards him, placing a hand on the stairs. "And that is how I know the curse is truth. That is why it is me."(edited)
[2:17 PM] mango: "The mishaps in her past was only due to circumstance."
[2:17 PM] mango: "Why do you believe that every 'curse' leads to you?"
[2:20 PM] Kwakamole: Sula sighed deeply, and his face tightened. "Because I can never love her that way. Or anyone. It the kingdom you would call it, a Vow of Celibacy."
[2:21 PM] mango: "It's not as if you're forced to follow it."
[2:24 PM] Kwakamole: Sula retorted rapidly. "It is the rock of my people. Without it, Dwabi are no different from kingdom." His eyes widened, anger pushing at their edges. "If you had to betray your gods for Kaza-ma...would you do it?!"
[2:24 PM] mango: "Yes."
[2:25 PM] mango: "Nobody is expecting you to follow every instance of a vow like it's some sort of law."
[2:26 PM] Kwakamole: A guilty smile slithers over Sula's face. "I would, too...Gladly."(edited)
[2:26 PM] mango: "You say that a vow of celibacy is needed, but how did you think you're here now?"
[2:26 PM] mango: "It's not as if your parents followed through either, and nobody is considering them not a Dwabi."
[2:27 PM] Kwakamole: "They were not Shatu. Their path was different."
[2:29 PM] mango: "That doesn't mean you follow a different path either."
[2:29 PM] mango: "I see no reason why a vow of celibacy is needed."
[2:30 PM] Kwakamole: "...Sula-o is a sacrifice. To the gods, and the Dwabi. I would betray both of them."
[2:32 PM] Kwakamole: He tilts his head to Elwyn. "Do you think the gods will sit by and let me? That nothing will happen to us?"
[2:35 PM] Kwakamole: Sula hums, feeling a stinging warmth crawling over him, and he shakes his head. "...No. You know even less of the future than I."(edited)
[2:35 PM] mango: "You always see the worst in things, I swear..."
[2:36 PM] mango: "Nobody is expecting you to follow some stupid order and sacrifice yourself..."
[2:36 PM] mango: "The Gods are merciful beings. They won't punish you for something as small as wanting to be with someone."
[2:38 PM] mango: "Nothing is going to happen JUST because you want to be with Vivianna."
[2:38 PM] mango: "Love isn't worthy of punishment, it's worthy of celebration."
[2:40 PM] Kwakamole: Sula spoke coldly, flatly: "I wonder if you are right." His face melted, a little, into an amaranth smile. "..It doesn't feel like Nanyo, at least, ha ha. I will be sure to ask the spirits."
[2:42 PM] mango: "You believe in this Nanyo thing way too much, Sula. Just let your heart do the talking."
[2:42 PM] mango: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone, or spend it with Vivianna? What truly matters more to you? The vow, or her?"
[2:46 PM] Kwakamole: "Vivian-na. More than the world." Sula leans back onto the stairs, chuckling lightly. "..Then, the vow is broken already. I have already left."(edited)
[2:48 PM] mango: "Then there's no point in worrying."
[2:48 PM] mango: "If you need a ring or a marriage officiant or, well, both. Then you can call me." Elwyn smiled as he stood up with the Dark Tome
[2:50 PM] Kwakamole: "Take that, then...but." Sula slid the other book back into the bag. "You must tell me what you learn, about curses and treason. Do you accept?"(edited)
[2:51 PM] mango: "Well...OK? Curses and treason is awfully specific, but whatever."
[2:54 PM] Kwakamole: "...Truly, it is a book of...Dark magic. Just be careful." Sula pulls out a Mend staff from his bag. "And take this, too. It suits you better, ha."(edited)
[2:58 PM] mango: "A mend staff? Thanks! I needed to get a new one, but I never had the chance..."
[3:00 PM] Kwakamole: "It was from one of those monsters...a healer." Sula sits up, extending the beautiful implement to him. "Maybe even demons can be good people, ha ha."
[3:03 PM] mango: "Nobody is good or evil, initially. It's their actions that make the difference. Even a supposed epitome of goodness, can do something evil."
[3:06 PM] Kwakamole: "Yes..." Sula looks back at the Dark Tome once more, and lifts an eyebrow. "...I pray that will never be you, Elwyn-no...ha ha ha."
[3:12 PM] Spooky Mika: Vivianna makes her way in, stopping in surprise to see two of her friends here. "Elwyn! I haven't seen you in awhile!"
[3:15 PM] mango: "Vivianna." Elwyn smiled and bowed.
[3:16 PM] mango: "I do believe you two have some business together, yes?"
[3:17 PM] Kwakamole: "A-ah! Yes!" Startled, Sula reaches into the bag and reveals another tome, entitled Disrobing Gale. "I found this!"(edited)
[3:17 PM] mango: "Sula!"
[3:18 PM] Spooky Mika: She stares before a deep blush form. "F-Found that! Sula why were you even looking for that!?"
[3:19 PM] Kwakamole: Sula looks from one to the other, confused. "So that..." He blinks, recalling the name of the book. "...oh. Haa...They had no other wind tomes for sale, so..."
[3:21 PM] Spooky Mika: "Ohh..o-ok."
[3:22 PM] mango: "That aside..."
[3:22 PM] mango: "Sula has something he'd like to say, right?"
[3:23 PM] Kwakamole: "Of course!" Sula glances furtively at Elwyn, trying to discern what exactly that could be.
[3:24 PM] Spooky Mika: "Oh what it is then?"
[3:24 PM] mango: "I offered to be the one to make your rings and also be the marriage officiant."
[3:25 PM] Spooky Mika: "!!!!" She looks at him shocked
[3:26 PM] mango: "No questions asked? Good! I'll be on my way, then~"
[3:26 PM] Kwakamole: Sula looks at her, his face flushing as bad as hers now. "I--ah...k-Kwemo, Elwyn-no!"
[3:27 PM] Spooky Mika: "M-Marriage..."
[3:27 PM] mango: "Be sure to tell me all the details, I need to know the precise aesthetic that you two would like the rings would be."
[3:27 PM] mango: He Goes

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