[8:04 PM] REWlego: Leodin was in Freyzenwald's castle, on lookout duty. He didn't do much else, because this way he felt like he was earning his stay at the castle. His shift was just about to end, but he decides to stay on duty for a few extra minutes, just in case.
[8:05 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Walking through the hallways, Versailles notices Leodin at his post and waves.
[8:06 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Hello again!" He walks over to him.
[8:07 PM] REWlego: Leodin sees the monk and waves back.
"Hello Versailles! How are you doing today?"
[8:09 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'm well. A bit tired from working, but a break does wonders."
[8:11 PM] REWlego: "I've noticed that myself."
Leodin gestures to the spot next to him.
"But for now, would you care to join me?"
[8:12 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I'd love to." He sits down with a sigh. "Ah, it is nice to sit."
[8:13 PM] REWlego: "It is... This job may seem relaxing, but it needs to be taken very seriously."
[8:13 PM] REWlego: "Lookout could very well be the most important position here."
[8:15 PM] REWlego: He stops himself from praising the job.
"Uh, not to say that whatever jobs you have taken aren't important."
[8:16 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Oh, I mean't no insult to your duties. I just have been walking for a bit, and this castle seems to be all hallways and no sitting rooms." He smiled.
[8:18 PM] REWlego: "Yeah, it's seems like the lower the floor, the less this place seems like a living space, but I suppose that's part of the design."
[8:19 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well, I suppose its for defense, not comfort." he shrugged. "I'm just glad we're all safe."
[8:20 PM] REWlego: "Safe has been a relative term, these past few days."
He says jokingly.
[8:22 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Oh? Have you had any issues?" Versailles said, unsure of what Leodin meant.
[8:23 PM] REWlego: "Oh, no... I just meant that we're all held up in here, forced together by a random attack during a peaceful festival... Doesn't sound very safe to me."
[8:26 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Ah, I see. Yes, very unfortunate but maybe not too bad. We have each other, and we were strong enough to fight them off."
[8:28 PM] REWlego: "Speaking of the others, I've been quite busy, so I haven't gotten a chance to talk with many of them... How are they all doing?"
[8:31 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well, Claire woke up and was better, so she started helping around the castle. She just recently got better from a fever, but she's okay now. Sula was injured pretty badly, but I think he'll make a full recovery. Otherwise, I haven't seen the others."
[8:32 PM] REWlego: "Ah."
Leodin thinks, wondering if he should take the conversation down this path.
"So, you and Claire... Are you two.... together?"
[8:39 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: Versailles blushes a little. "Uh... Yes, we are."
[8:42 PM] REWlego: Leodin smiles.
"I'm glad you two have both found each other."
He pats Versailles' back.
"I'm happy for you."
[8:45 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Thank you..." He smiles at him. "I'm sorry, it a little embarrassing to talk about."
[8:47 PM] REWlego: "Oh, I apologize. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Leodin looks away from Versailles.
[8:48 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Its fine, its just... I feel selfish talking about how blessed I am to have her."
[8:50 PM] REWlego: "Versailles.. I assume she chose you just as much as you chose her. It works both ways."
[8:51 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Yeah..." He smiles brightly. "But enough about me. How have you been?"
[8:53 PM] REWlego: "Busy... I've been doing a lot of lookout duty... I've only really taken one true break to go and socialize."
[8:53 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Oh, and you are okay with that?"
[8:54 PM] REWlego: "Yeah... If I'm not doing something, I feel like I'm not earning my stay here... The break was nice though."
[8:56 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I see. That is very noble of you. I would think many would gladly hide here only as a refugee, but to take initiative is a great service."
[8:57 PM] REWlego: "Heh... Speaking with the princess only made me want to work harder. I don't want to let her down."
[8:58 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "You talked to the princess?" Versailles leaned in excitedly.
[8:58 PM] REWlego: "Oh, yes... My one break? It was dinner with Lady Ellis."
[8:59 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Wow, that's amazing! But I suppose it makes sense being the great person you are!"
[9:00 PM] REWlego: "Versailles, please, don't flatter me like that."
He smiles.
"It was nothing really. Nothing to get worked up over."
[9:02 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "No, no, this is a princess we are talking about. That's phenomenal!" He crosses his arms and nods.
[9:03 PM] REWlego: "I've talked with her before, it's really nothing special... Well I mean, she is special, but it's pretty normal to find her walking around the castle."
[9:04 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well I think she's too busy for most people. I for example, would have nothing to contribute..."
[9:05 PM] REWlego: "Don't say that, you're one of the smartest people I know! You would contribute plenty!"
[9:06 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "But to the princess? She has more important things than some monk's philosophy!" He shakes his head, not seeing any way he could help.
[9:08 PM] REWlego: Leodin pushes at his arm.
"Stop being so negative, Versailles. If anything, I'm the one with nothing to contribute."(edited)
[9:09 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Well, for one, you can fight! You can drive off the invaders and protect the kingdom."
[9:10 PM] REWlego: "I don't think that's very unique... Heck, I think Claire is better at that than I am!"
[9:12 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: He blushes thinking about Claire. "Hey, that's unfair... I can't compare you to Claire."
[9:13 PM] REWlego: "Of course, I shouldn't have brought her up again... Sorry about that."
[9:14 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "It's ok, I know you didn't mean any harm." He smiled, both trying to be friendly and thinking about Claire.
[9:15 PM] REWlego: "Well, anyway, I digress... Meeting with Princess Ellis is always a pleasure. She's very kind."
[9:18 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I believe it. But do you know if they are sending out raiding parties? I heard that she was organizing them."
[9:19 PM] REWlego: "I have heard about it, yes. I don't know too much about the details though."
[9:21 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Okay, I only ask because Claire and I were going to join them. She wants to help out the best way she know how."
[9:22 PM] REWlego: "Hm. I think I'd be much more useful on a battlefield than here as well."
[9:23 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Then you could join as well! I'd feel a lot safer if you were with us."
[9:24 PM] REWlego: "Really? I'd be glad to help."
[9:25 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "I guess we can talk later when one of us figures out who is organizing the group."
[9:27 PM] REWlego: "I believe it's one of Lady Ellis' retainers, Joshua, but I think I'm still going to go for now... I've been up here for quite a few hours, and I want to go take a rest."
[9:28 PM] Iron Lord spikethe3rd: "Alright, I'll leave you be. See you soon!" He stands up and waves as he walks down the hall.
[9:30 PM] REWlego: "Alright, I'll see you later Versialles!"
Leodin waves and then heads to his room.
[9:31 PM] REWlego: =====END RP=====
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