[5:47 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija has found a room isolated enough from the rest of the group to finally get a chance to light up in peace. She pulls out her pipe and gets one of her bags out, hoping that no do-gooders interrupt her
[5:56 PM] ZStardust Paladin: Looking for a more isolated place to be half asleep avoiding work, Auriel heads over to one of the more isolated rooms in the castle, one she had claimed for herself way back when, but now was once again used. It was silent now though, and the air smelled of herbs. Maan, smoking here? Am i dealing with an addict on my day off?
[5:57 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija notices her as she comes in
[5:58 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Damn it, I thought I found a good spot."
[5:58 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Go on, i dont care. I hate working anywaaaay......"
[5:59 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija shrugs
[5:59 PM] crab slambopoulis: "This really helps with the whole not-working thing"
[6:02 PM] crab slambopoulis: She takes a deep puff and blows a cloud
[6:03 PM] ZStardust Paladin: Auriel yawns in response
"You doooont look like you come from here....."
[6:04 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I don't. I'm from the fire tribe. What tipped you off?"
[6:04 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Weeellllll.... the way you act...... Are you friends with the meaaaan giant?"
[6:06 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Our relationship is, uh.. complicated. I'm a retainer for her."
[6:07 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Are you a castle maid or something?"
[6:11 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "I work for Luna...... I dont do much.."
[6:11 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Huh.. well, okay then. Any reason you're avoiding everyone?"
[6:12 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Why wouldnt i.... No fun being in the crowd"
[6:12 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yeah, I know that feeling. You wanna smoke anything?"
[6:19 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Nah..... back in my home we dont do that.... it affects me faaaaaaar more than you."
[6:20 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You sure? Could be fun"
[6:20 PM] crab slambopoulis: She blows another cloud
[6:23 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mhm.... it does not affect my kind like that......."
Auriel pulls off her headband, revealing her fox ears
[6:24 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Oh. Huh."
[6:24 PM] crab slambopoulis: She looks her up and down
[6:24 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I like the whole look. Really ties together well."
[6:26 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mhm.... thaanks..."
[6:27 PM] crab slambopoulis: "So what's your name?"
[6:28 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Auriel....."
[6:28 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm Kaija"
[6:44 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mhm...... Do youuu often run away to smoke?"
[6:44 PM] crab slambopoulis: "As often as I can, honestly"
[6:45 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Heh.... we are prettyyyy similar...."
[6:46 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Seems like it. You avoid work a lot I guess?"
[6:47 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Yeah.......... I hide in this room often.."
[6:47 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Guess we're gonna hang out a lot then"
[6:06 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija takes another drag
[6:06 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm pretty bored of this whole thing"
[6:06 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Yeah...... I dont like not fighting.."
[6:06 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Really lets you get it all out, right?"
[6:07 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Nah.... Its fun though...."
[6:07 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yeah, I get that a bit"
[6:08 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Sometimes I feel it more than others though"
[6:09 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mhmm.... Healing is boooooring, but fighting is tiring..."(edited)
[6:11 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You can always just do stuff to be less tired"
[6:11 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I do that before I fight"
[6:11 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Nah... it does not woooork.."
[6:13 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You tried it?"
[6:17 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mhm... I just fall asleep instead..."
[6:17 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija shrugs
[6:17 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I was gonna nap here anyways"
[6:21 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "But some other maid will come here and get you.... You should lock the door then...."
[6:24 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Uhh.. with you here or no?"
[6:25 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Meh.... I dont caaare.."
Auriel Yawns
[6:28 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Well.. alright then"
[6:28 PM] crab slambopoulis: She stretches and wanders over to the door, locking it
[6:31 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Let's just hope Yavae doesn't want to see me"
[6:31 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Then she'd have to break the door down.... I still have the key to this room...."
[6:32 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm sure that won't happen"
[6:33 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Luma is still in the cave..... Someone is probably taking care of her children..... Im fiiiiiiine"
[6:33 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Well, that's good"
[6:33 PM] crab slambopoulis: She walks back over and lies down
[6:44 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Mayyybe......"
Auriel starts thinking about sleeping somewhere else, but brushes the thought away
[6:47 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija yawns
[6:47 PM] crab slambopoulis: "How long y'think until we need to fight again?"
[6:54 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "I dont knooooooow.... A day or twooo?"
[6:55 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Well.. that's enough time to rest up."
[6:55 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm more looking forward to the eating"
[6:56 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Maaaan.... I didnt like the food..... I could cook for us two..."
[6:58 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I can cook pretty well too, but if you're offering"
[7:00 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Meh.... we just need to steal some rations then..."(edited)
[7:03 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yeah.. later, though. I'm lazy now."
[7:09 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija yawns
[7:09 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You gonna nap too?"
[7:13 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Yeaaah....."
Maaan, that smells good, wonder if i should have tried any
[7:14 PM] crab slambopoulis: She takes another puff
[7:14 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm gonna finish this up before I do"
[7:33 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Im tiiiired though.... maybe ill try it later.."
[7:35 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Well, I got more"
[7:35 PM] crab slambopoulis: She puts out her pipe and stores it back on her belt
[7:38 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Im too tiiiiiired..... Night....."
[7:40 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Gnite, Auriel"
[7:41 PM] crab slambopoulis: She curls up next to her and closes her eyes
[7:45 PM] ZStardust Paladin: "Niiiiiight"
[7:45 PM] ZStardust Paladin: =RP EEEEND=
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