[4:34 PM] Kwakado: The crowds were up, the vendors were peddling their wares, and the annual Super Concordian Canal Cruise was soon to start. Specifically, its most notorious variant: The Adult Amateur Bracket, which requires all entrants to have absolutely no prior experience. Last minute entry is the norm here, and people come not to see the height of boating skill but to look down on the foreigners as they scramble past each other.
[4:37 PM] Kwakado: The boat rental dock that would serve as the finish line for this year's race was full of bright posters in red, white and blue, and more and more benches were hauled over as the previous ones started to fill up. No passerby could miss this.
[4:38 PM] Kwakado: @Puptown Funk @Krash @Bemoney @ColdToiletSeat @spikethe3rd @Mikaboo @Kwakado @DiurnalKnight!
[Feel free to RP your characters noticing the race and each other](edited)
[4:41 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "...What in the name of the gods is this?" Kalenzo questioned to himself, folding his arms as he stared at the source of the commotion from a moderate distance.(edited)
[4:43 PM] Krash: Walter, just passing by, certainly did not miss this eye-catching display. Curious enough, he walked over and read one the posters to see what it was all about.
A boat race?..... Hm, I could use something to relax, I suppose. And I might as well try some of the local attractions while I'm here. I've done plenty of work already, a little indulgence should he fine.
[4:45 PM] Mikaboo: Vivianna stops and wanders over and reads a sign. "A race...how fun! Anyone can join too..hmm..that could be fun!"
[4:45 PM] DiurnalKnight!: As a woman of the fire tribe, boats were not Yavae's forte. That said, combat and competition were certainly her forte. So, the large woman grins as she reads about the race. She's noticed that some of her allies, as well as some members of the other army, seem to be here as well. Seems it will be fun competition.
[4:49 PM] spikethe3rd: Seeing the people start to gather, Versailles wandered over as well. He read the signs and frowned. "Letting amatuers race? Sounds dangerous..."
[4:49 PM] Puptown Funk: While going through the crowds, Rowan spots a familiar face. He heads on over to Walter and peers at the poster over his shoulder. "So this is a boat race?"
[4:50 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? What is it Versailles, scared?" Yavae teases with a grin as she notices him and hears his comment "A challenge is a fun thing! Don't be such a stick in the mud about it!"
[4:51 PM] spikethe3rd: "Well... I guess it could be fun." I'm just worried people will crash
[4:55 PM] Krash: "Oh?" He turns to see his ally. "Ah, hello Rowan. Yes, seems to be a local event. Rather popular too. There's even a side event where people with no experience can participate. I was thinking of signing up, as it should be a good way to relax after the last few weeks."
[4:57 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hey! Vivi! You're brave enough to do it, right?"
[4:58 PM] Mikaboo: "Huh..yeah it looks fun!" She turns to the woman.
[4:59 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "See Versailles, Vivi isn't afraid! I bet Claire wouldn't be scared of it either."
[5:00 PM] Puptown Funk: "Huh. I think I'll give it a shot then." What am I fucking doing? This is a bad idea... "After all, it does look like it could be a lot of fun."
[5:00 PM] Krash: "Right then. Let's find out where to sign up, shall we?"
[5:01 PM] spikethe3rd: "Alright, alright! I'll compete!" Versailles caved.
[5:01 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Excellent! May you have good luck!"
[5:02 PM] Mikaboo: She giggles. "Lets sign up then."
[5:03 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: Freyr had been standing amongst the crowd of allies and strangers, watching and listening to understand what was going on , but he stayed silent, not know what to do or where to sign up.
[5:03 PM] ColdToiletSeat: A Concordian man steps out from the shade of a tent, an eager smile on his face as he cast his gaze towards the crowd. Running a final comb through his crop of blonde hair, he grabs a rather unwieldy looking megaphone before clearing his throat.
"Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Children of all ages!"
[5:04 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: Ness blinked, still having his mask in public as he saw a few familiar and unfamiliar faces. "W... what is this?" He said, walkingo.
[5:04 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: Ooop here we go
[5:04 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Wwwwwwelcome to the 26th annual Super Concordian Canal Cruise!"
[5:04 PM] Krash: Walter noticed Ness, giving him a nod, and then turned back to listen to the man.
[5:06 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae is excited to get started, but is largely looking for Kaija. She didn't wish to compete alone, after all. "Hey! Kaaaaai-jaaaa! You around?"
[5:08 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "The event shall be starting shortly, and we are in need of more participants! So if you haven't already, be sure to sign up by the dock!"
[5:09 PM] Mikaboo: "Well it's good that I bought a bathing suit!"
[5:09 PM] Puptown Funk: Rowan nudges Walter. "And now we know where to sign up. Let's go before the spaces fill up."
[5:09 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: Ah sweet
Freyr quickly jogged to the dock and signed up with the man(edited)
[5:09 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: The eyes behind the plastic mask would soon widen as he just realized he was quite out of loop.
Well, group mentality was a thing, and Ness had a backbone as much as Bedi had, so he decided on a whim to sign up without even knowing what was going on.
[5:09 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: It... might be fun????????? He said, scribbling his name.
[5:09 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh? will we need bathing suits?" Yavae asks Vivi curiously
[5:10 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Hey, Ness was it? Nice to see you out here."
[5:10 PM] spikethe3rd: "Only if you plan on falling into the water Yavae."
[5:10 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Bah! I will not simply fall, I am a warrior of the fire tribe!"
[5:11 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "We haven't really talked to each other since we made that amazing dinner together. How have you been?"
[5:13 PM] ColdToiletSeat: Kalenzo let out a sigh before rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers and a thumb.
You know what? I don't think I've had enough trouble in this country already. What's a little more? He thought, shaking his head as he approached the shoving mess of last minute contestants before finally putting his name down with the provided quill.
[5:14 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae signs up, and signs Kaija up too, figuring the girl would probably be back in time
[5:14 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: He waved at Freyr. "Hello Freyr! Long time no see!" He said with a partially-happy grin, walking to him. "Sorry for not talking to you since then!"
"Um, I'd really really like to talk more--but I'm kind of lost on what's going on." He mumbled, poking his two fingers together. "And, um."
"P-please don't call me Ness in public?"
[5:15 PM] Mikaboo: "Well no but I want to show mine off, it's cute!"
[5:16 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "O-oh ok no problem, what would you like me to call you then? Fernando de la Rosa?" he said jokingly(edited)
[5:16 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hmph, I'v never really owned a swimsuit. There aren't many times to go swimming in my homeland, after all."
[5:17 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "Maksed Rogue! That's what three-quarters of the group calls me." He stuttered, before shaking his head. "Iiiiit's complicated, and stupid. I should have explained this earlier."
"So... what's the deal with these boats?"
[5:17 PM] Mikaboo: "Yeah..Nohr doesn't have places to swim."
[5:18 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Well, perhaps I should get a swimsuit too? Do you think it's a good idea for the competition?"
[5:19 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "I have no idea, but it looks to be a race. I think."
[5:20 PM] Mikaboo: "Yeah..you could distract people in it!"
[5:20 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Distractions? What do you mean? I could scream to distract them no matter my clothing." Yavae seems confused
[5:20 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "A... race? " He said, tilting his head as he looked at the others.
[5:21 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: He sees Vi standing with some people and waves, "Hey Vi."
[5:21 PM] Puptown Funk: Rowan goes ahead and signs up, deciding Walter will on his own time.
[5:21 PM] spikethe3rd: "You should probably go change quickly if you plan on wearing a swimsuit. They'll probably start soon."
[5:22 PM] Mikaboo: "Oh Feyr!" She waves back. "I better get changed!"
[5:22 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? Is that man a friend of yours, Vivi?" She looks down at the man, examining him
[5:22 PM] Krash: Walter, having spaced out for a bit, notices Rowan leaving him and hurries along, signing up as well.
"Sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention it seems."
[5:23 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: He'd question how Freyr already knew some people in the crowd, but those were... questions for later.
"Boat racing..." He murmured, walking along. ... Okay, Ness. You're not afraid of water anymore. You can do this.
[5:23 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Hi there, names Freyr as you heard, this is my friend Ne- The Masked Rouge, whats yours?"(edited)
[5:23 PM] Puptown Funk: "It's all good, there's a lot going on here," he assures. Next order of business for him, see who else was signing up.
[5:24 PM] Krash: After signing up, Walter goes off into the crowd as well to get a sense of the competition.
[5:24 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "I am Yavae, of the fire tribe! It is good to meet both of you!" She smiles wide and stands tall "I look forward to the race!"
[5:24 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "Huhwha--" He turned to whoever Freyr was speaking to. That is, the hulk of a woman near them. Ohgodpleasedon'tkillme.
"Ah, yes! Hello there." He slowly switched to his Masked Rogue persona. "Yes, I am the Masked Rogue."
... Atleast she seems nice.
[5:25 PM] Krash: From behind, he hears this loud introduction from the woman, and turns to see her towering near Ness and Freyr.
Fire Tribe? Never thought I'd see someone from there all the way out here.
[5:26 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Wow!The Fire tribe! Man they must of been sad when you left. You truly look worthy to carry their name."(edited)
[5:26 PM] Mikaboo: Vivi makes her way back and smiles at the three of them. "It hasn't started yet right?"
[5:27 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha, indeed I better be, otherwise I would be shaming my family. Now, I shall go find a swimsuit, I'm not sure why it's needed but Vivi seems to think it's a good idea."
[5:28 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Good luck!" He looks over to Vi. "W-wow very nice out fit. Do you just have these laying around at the ready?"
[5:30 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: Fire tribe...? He repeated in his head, before turning to Vi. "No, I don't think it's s-s-staaaaohumwell"
Ness could feel the voice so Rowan telling him to stop being distracted, as he shook his head. "There are swimsuits availible...? I didn't know that--Unless you bought them." He said, trying to seem civilized.
And he thought Sonia was the end of it.
[5:31 PM] DiurnalKnight!: Yavae bounds off, and very quickly returns. Seems, in light of the event, someone was selling them nearby. She comes back in a simple somewhat tight-fitting blue one-piece, with most of her long wild blue hair tied back into a ponytail "Hmph, a bit small on me, but does it at least look good?"
[5:32 PM] Krash: Walter approaches his two allies, though he is more interested in the Fire Tribe woman. Unfortunately, when he got to them through the crowd, she had left. He nods to his allies. "Hello Freyr, Rogue. That woman was from the Fire Tribe, no?"
[5:32 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: He gives a thumbs up, "Ill say hell yes!"
[5:32 PM] Mikaboo: "Huh..Oh yeah! Yav you look good! And..um I actually bought this today. What do you two think?"
[5:33 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: He turns to Walkter. "Yo Walt I thought you might hear that. Yes yes she is. Ask her about it. Also her name is Yavae."
[5:33 PM] Kwakado: Suddenly, the boat rental owner, a dark-haired fellow with a tall hat, steps out and turns the hat off of his head.
"We shall now announce the teams forr this yearr's rrrrace!"
[5:33 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "I-I think you all look, um, distinguished!" He bowed his head to the two.
... Hold up. The Masked Rogue looked down to his own body. Capes, heels and some light armor. "... Oh... geez..."
"Hey, um, guys?" He asked. "Since we're boat racing, we're all probably gonna get... wet... and..." No, it's okay. It's probably fine--
"Do we have any swimwear to borrow...?"
[5:33 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ha! Even in a brand new outfit I look good!" Yavae flexes to show off
[5:33 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: ohgoDSIT'SSTARTING
[5:34 PM] Mikaboo: "Teams..we don't get to pick then...dang. I wanted to race with Yav."
[5:34 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: He whipsers to him. "Its ok, just take your shirt off, we're men."
[5:34 PM] ColdToiletSeat: Oh, well would you look at that. The bowman commented, directing his stare towards the tall-hatted gentleman with folded arms and raised eyebrows.
[5:34 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Ditto to you, Vivi, but rules are rules."
[5:35 PM] Kwakado: "Contestants, please locate yourr parrtnerrr as soon as I drrraw yourr name. The two of you must agrree whetherr to have a Big Boat..."
He points to the larger set of boats, which look sturdy but less maneuverable.
"...orr a Small Boat."
He points to the other row of boats, which look nimbler yet less stable.(edited)
[5:35 PM] Mikaboo: "..Hopefully I'll get paired with someone I'll like."
[5:36 PM] Krash: With Yavae there, Walter goes to speak with her, but is interrupted by the announcements.
[5:36 PM] Kwakado: "Grroup One!" He pulls a pair of names from the hat.
"Kalenso and....Rrrrrrrowan!"
[5:36 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "You can met someone new,Vi thats always fun." He said to her
[5:37 PM] Puptown Funk: Kalenso? Who would that be? Rowan looks around, not exactly sure who he should be finding.
[5:37 PM] ColdToiletSeat: Kalenzo perks up at his name being called and immediately looks around for whoever this Rowan person might be. Noticing another man in the crowd as equally bewildered as him, he approached.
"Greetings, would you happen to be Rowan?"
[5:39 PM] Mikaboo: "Hmm yeah it is." She looks around.
[5:39 PM] Puptown Funk: "Ah, yes. And I assume you're Kalenso then?" He replies, offering the stranger a handshake.
[5:39 PM] Kwakado: "Grrrroup Two! Walterr and....Vivyanna!"
[5:40 PM] Krash: "Vivyanna?" Walter looks around, unsure of who that might be.
[5:40 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh! Have fun and good luck to you, Vivi!"
[5:41 PM] Kwakado: "The fourrr of you, please choose yourr boat size. Then, decide who will take the Frront forr morrre Rrrrrowing....and who will take the Back, forrrr....Gimmicks."
[5:41 PM] Mikaboo: "Eh..oh yeah! Walter!" She waves her hands in the air. "Walter!"
[5:41 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Err... My name is Kalenzo, yes." The man corrected, throwing a quick glare over his shoulder towards the announcer before plastering a smile back onto his face and accepting the man's handshake.
"This should go well, would you prefer one of those big boats or the smaller one?"(edited)
[5:41 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: Ness shrugged his arms, deciding he had enough money. I don't want to do this, but I don't want to be soaked...
He quickly ran off--Having a high speed growth did that for you, finding a convenient shop around selling swimwear. `Hello sir! I'd like to buy these... swimshorts." He said, and before the person could even rspond, he slammed a bag of coins as he ran off to change, coming back to where the others are just minutes later...half naked in swim wear Also his clothes were neatly folded on an arm.
I hate my life
[5:42 PM] Krash: Hearing the Fire Tribe woman address somebody as Vivi, he looks in her direction and sees the woman she was talking to, now waving at him, and walks over to her.
"Greetings, Vivyanna. We should do well together. Though if you don't mind... I need to go change first into suitable clothing."
[5:43 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? Ah, you decided to change as well, small masked man? Clever tactic, I am sure the sun glinting off your pale skin will blind competition." Sadly, she sounds sincere about this actually, not mocking.
[5:43 PM] Mikaboo: "Ok but it's Vivianna..but you can just call me Vivi." She smiles at him. Red hair..how pretty.
[5:43 PM] Kwakado: "Grrroup Thrrrrrrrree!" Either it's a speech impediment or a theatrical quirk, but this man loves to roll his R's. "Yayvee and.......Frrrrrreyrrrrrrrr!"
[5:43 PM] Krash: Quickly, Walter runs off to the store nearby and grabs a change of clothes (some swim trunks and a rash guard), then returns once he has changed.
"There we are, ready for water."
[5:44 PM] Puptown Funk: Noting the minor change in pronunciation, he decides to keep the conversation going. "Personally, I would say picking a smaller bot would be best, since we will have a lot more maneuverability. Did you have a preference though?"
[5:44 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Oh? That was the man I met earlier. Hello there! Let's beat the competition!"
[5:44 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Hey would you look at that! looks like we are partners! Let's win this! How about the big boat?"
[5:45 PM] Krash: "So, Vivyan--I mean, Vivi. Do you have a preference on boat size? Since it appears we have to pick that for ourselves."
[5:45 PM] Mikaboo: "Well..um..hmm can you swim well?"
[5:45 PM] Krash: Walter tilts his head. "Erm... why do you ask?"
[5:46 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Yep! Big as we can get, to crush out the competition!" Yavae laughs at the prospect "This will be fun!"
[5:46 PM] Mikaboo: "Well the smaller boat would be faster but it will be more pron to getting knocked over."
[5:46 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Oh, how delightful. I had the same idea!" Kalenzo smiled, dropping the shake after a sufficient amount of time. Looks like we're on the same track, this can only bode well.
"Well, let's get to it shall we?" He asked, gesturing towards one of the small boats.
[5:46 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "Oh yes!" he starts to take off his shirt. "Hey you don't mind do you?"
[5:47 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? Mind what?" She says, confused
[5:47 PM] Krash: "Hm... I can swim well enough. And if anything goes seriously wrong, I can use some of my magic to get us out of a tough situation. Even without a tome, my magic would be strong enough in an emergency. What about you?"
[5:48 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: "If I undress a little. Im only going to be taking my shirt and pants off. I have shorts under my pants as well."
[5:48 PM] Kwakado: Meanwhile, Sula hangs back by the signup board, sribbling unintelligably on one of the lines
[5:48 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Why would I care? I will never understand why outsiders are so sensitive about that."
[5:49 PM] Kwakado: "Grrrroup Fourrrr! Verrrrrrr-saiyuls and...........Masked! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrogue!!!!"(edited)
[5:49 PM] Mikaboo: "I'm not that good at magic but I can do some..my skills are singing very well..a useful distraction right." She looks at the two boats. "Smaller one."
[5:49 PM] Krash: Walter clasps his hands together. "Small boat it is then."
[5:49 PM] spikethe3rd: "I suppose thats me? Masked rogue!" Versailles looked around confused by the odd name.(edited)
[5:50 PM] Mikaboo: She grins. "Your red hair is so pretty you know. It's like a fire."
[5:50 PM] Samson, Hero of the Sun: He continues to undress. "Well its because our hidden parts are only to be seen by people who are close to you,and others dont want to see some people just, randomly undressing you know." Once he was done, he stood bare chested and was wearing black short shorts.
[5:51 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: Walking around feeling the air against his bare skin felt incredibly unnatural, as he walked around. "Okay... calm down..." He said, now starting to wish he had more "bulk" to him. Alas, body images were a problem even in medieval ages....
"Wait, wha?" He turned around, trying to find a "Versailles."
Wait a minute.
He still had his mask, even in his swimtrunks.
[5:51 PM] Puptown Funk: "Of course! Let's see what they got." He heads to the boats to look them over. "So you don't have any problem swimming if we get capsided, right?"
[5:51 PM] Krash: "Huh?" Walter runs his fingers through his hair, catching some of the beads in it as well. "Uh... Thank you."
[5:51 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Bah, I prefer to show off the fruits of my training whenever possible."
[5:51 PM] Mikaboo: She blushes and heads towards the boat. "What's the beads though?"
[5:52 PM] Krash: "Oh, those are from the Fire Tribe, actually. I received them on my travels there, as a memento."
[5:52 PM] spikethe3rd: "Masked rogue?" Versailles looked through the crowd, spotting the masked boy in his swimwear. He walked over
[5:52 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "The Masked Rogue is here!" He cried out, strutting around. Anyone who was already familiar with him would realize he's... shorter. As he walked without his heels.
[5:53 PM] Mikaboo: "Oh I must ask Yav to put some in my hair then. They're so cute!"
[5:53 PM] spikethe3rd: "Hello! I am Versailles. Shall we pick a boat?"
[5:53 PM] DiurnalKnight!: "Hm? What a strange small man..." She comments to herself as she hears "The Masked Rogue"'s exclamation
[5:54 PM] Krash: "Ah, Yavae is your ally? I was hoping I could speak with her sometime, seeing as she is from the Fire Tribe. It's been too long since I'd been there, seen the people."
[5:54 PM] Krash: "But I suppose I can talk to her after this little event."
[5:54 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: He nodded his head. "Greetings, Versailles!" He said, needing the sefl-confidence his fake-personality gave more than over. "Yes, I think choosing a boat would be suitable."
"I'll make sre I won't dissapoint!
[5:55 PM] Mikaboo: "Yeah she's my friend, I'm sure she'd love to talk about her home with you." Vivi slowly gets on the boat, sporting a little blush at thoughts of the last time she was on a small boat. "L-Lets win this!"
[5:55 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Well, I've almost drowned a couple of times, does that count for experience?" Kalenzo asked jokingly, letting out a laugh before clearing his throat. "But yes, I'm fairly acquainted with the water, but it'd be best if we try to avoid tipping over in the first place."
[5:56 PM] Krash: Walter hops into the back of the boat behind her. "Right, let's give it our best shot."
[5:57 PM] spikethe3rd: "Great! I have a small amount of experience with these so hopefully I can recall how to do this." Versailles walked over to a slim boat and put a hand on the steering."
[5:58 PM] Puptown Funk: "Obviously," Rowan agrees with a faint smile. "I just wanted to know in case I would need to haul you out."
[5:59 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "Ah yes, I believe a smaller boat will be a great choice!" He said, looking around. "I don't have much experience with water, but perhaps my fighting reflexes can translate to riding...!"
[6:02 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Well, feel no need to worry. I can swim just fine." Kalenzo reassured with a dismissive wave, starting to walk towards the boats. "I appreciate the offer though."
[6:03 PM] Kwakado: "And in Grrrrrrrrrrrroup Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrr...." The announcer pulls the last two names. "Maheel-annie and......"
He looks disappointed at the lack of R's in this pair.
[6:05 PM] spikethe3rd: "Lets grab some of the Tomes, we can use those to get ahead. Hmm... and maybe a trap for the ones who catch up?" Versailles looked to Masked Rogue for his opinion.
[6:06 PM] Kwakado: "Ah! Mahe-li!" Sula waves to the familiar face. "Kwemo to have one as strong as you!"
[6:07 PM] ChaCha: "Sula... o?" Mahe smirks back, adding a quizzing tone to the end in hopes that she got it right, "This should be fun, hope you can swim."
[6:10 PM] Kwakado: "Dyo-ba!" He claps encouragingly to her. "I am sure we will succeed, ha."
[6:11 PM] ChaCha: "Being Water Tribe, born and raised, I like to think I know my way around a boat. I'm sure we'll do well at least," Mahe nodded.
[6:11 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "Traps are one of my specialties!" He said, checking the items. "Alongside throwing items!"
[6:11 PM] ChaCha: Who the fuck is that masked asshole
[6:12 PM] spikethe3rd: "Ok, lets grab those then. Do you want to take the back of the boat so you can use them first?"
[6:13 PM] Kwakado: "Then perhaps a small boat would be best. Perhaps you should take the front?"
[6:14 PM] ChaCha: "Sounds good, Dwabi man. Just watch my back, and we'll get there sooner than later," Mahe nodded.
[6:15 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "Maybe back would do well!" He said, trying to force himself to not instinctively cover his body.
[6:15 PM] Kwakado: At the nearby item shop, Sula picks up a fishing net, a Wind tome, and a very angry caged bird.
[6:17 PM] spikethe3rd: "Alright, lets load these onto the boat then." Versailles put his UGLY goggles over his eyes in preparation for the water.
"How do they look? The man at the store gave me a discount on them."
[6:19 PM] ChaCha: "A bird?" Mahe snickers, "My, what are we going to do with the poor thing?" Mahe grabs a net as well, and some sheets to hopefully act as makeshift and temporary sails.
[6:19 PM] Kwakado: "Free it...at the perfect time." Sula flashes a sinister smile. "Let us begin." He gets into the back of the boat.(edited)
[6:20 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: "W... um..." He stared at the goggles. "I'm sure they'll protect you even from the deepest depths of the seven seas!"
... I want goggles too
[6:21 PM] ChaCha: Mahe chuckles, nodded. She takes her place at the front.
A bit small, but fast.
[6:26 PM] spikethe3rd: Versailles carried his load of items and placed them in the back of their boat.
[6:27 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: Ness, having thought in advance because Narration Said So™, took a few... interesting items from his clothes, before having changed. Oh yeah, he settled his clothes. Somewhere.
A few leftover smokebombs and flashbangs as a gift from Sonia in hand would do well. "Hey, I think these may be useful!"
[6:29 PM] spikethe3rd: "Oh... alright." Versailles eyed the ordnance nervously. We're those at the stand? I don't remember...
[6:30 PM] Kwakado: The race is about to start!
[6:31 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: He gave a nervous smile, subtly sensing his partner's judgement. "T-they're harmless! No worries, dear friend!--Oh, I believe it's about to start!"
This is going to be fun... right?(edited)
[6:31 PM] spikethe3rd: "Alright, lets get in! Remember to keep three points of contact with the boat. That makes sure you don't fall off."
[6:32 PM] ChaCha: "Ready and set, Dwab-i?" Mahe calls over her shoulder.
[6:33 PM] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Dom: He gulped, before giving him a sly grin. " 'Course I won't! After all, who am I to fall off..."
"As the Masked Rogue!" Okay, shut up with that act.
He preppared his smoke bombs and flash bangs, before jumping to the back.
[6:36 PM] Amasuro: Luna steps forward, to a position that can be seen by all the current boats lined up ready to go.
Y'know, I know this was supposed to be some important thing to do, but I wasn't expecting this.
"On your marks-!"
"GO!" She shouted, waving the flag in her hands down.
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