[8:42 PM] Psychic Loser:
January 27th
Once again Akira tugged slightly on the unfamiliar garments he now wore. A sleeveless tunic of Nohrian origin. Originally he had planned to save the clothes till his escape to Frazenwald. However seeing as how he never left Khlin and never wore it before, he might as well wear them now. Now inside the comfort of the noble city, he also felt no need to hide his markings. It was a nice change of pace. Absorbing the almost haunting quite of the surrounding park in which he sat, Akira unrolled a scroll and began reading.
[9:28 PM] IYamAHobo: A rather angry looking individual was storming up and down the exterior of the park, looking for answers. Dressed in full lamellar armor, shined and polished to perfection, this one had the ground quake with every step.
Meet Francine Savatier; the meanest woman in the West. She'd easily take on anyone bigger or smaller than her and is worth twenty of the finest praetorian guards all in and out of herself. Well, that was her rationale for why she charged well in excess of ten thousand gold per hire.
"Those paper-shuffling jackasses, how do they expect me to fight a war without any funding?!" she nearly shouted in the vicinity of Akira, not seeming to care that he was trying to concentrate on his readings.(edited)
[9:33 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira looked up from his scroll and glared. "Would you mind shutting your mouth. You're louder than a panicked horse."
[9:36 PM] IYamAHobo: No shit she would take from some skin-and-bones kid on a flying horse. With one swift strike, Akira found his scroll now laying halfway across the grounds, landing almost perfectly as it sailed in an arch overhead.
"When you start waging a war of your own, you can give me all the orders you want, maggot! Until then, keep a lid on it, punk." she demands.(edited)
[9:41 PM] Psychic Loser: "There's nothing great about waging war. Only the aftermath is ever worth it." He replied coldly.
[9:43 PM] IYamAHobo: "Great." she replies harshly, "I'm all outta awards to give you for your speechcraft. Got any other words of wisdom, Mephistophiles?"
[9:48 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira's own temper was clearly starting to build. "Only that I'd suggests you learn who you're picking a fight with."
[9:51 PM] IYamAHobo: A step forward, followed by a lean and two hands prompted on the person's waists. This one was sizing Akira up and down, with her bottom lip posed upwards and outwards that showcased equal parts smugness and disappointment.
"Only some wannabe who thinks he's a hotshot 'cause he and his moron friends kicked over a few bandits with some axes they dug outta' a field in Gallaran."
[10:06 PM] Psychic Loser: "First off," he swept around her like a flash, he now stood forward brandishing a polearm "if you're aware of the little hell-hole known as Khlin, there's your starting point. He held out his Naginata with his oddly decorated left arm. "Second, does this look like axe to you?"
[10:07 PM] IYamAHobo: "Moron!" She shouts out, simply keeping her eyes locked on Akira, "The axes belonged to the damned brigands, not you, you imbecile!"
[10:17 PM] Psychic Loser: "Should have been clearer about that." He sighed. "Look, I don't know what it is that's got you screeching like you've lost a limb but, I have more important things to do than arguing over a nothing."
[10:19 PM] IYamAHobo: "Fan-tastic." she sighs, ready to get out of his face about this. Francine put some distance between herself and Akira, but always kept a bit of a close eye on him as she made advances backwards.
[3:05 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira just watched her walk backwards and picked up his scroll.
[3:07 PM] Psychic Loser: "I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Others won't be so forgiving."
[3:08 PM] IYamAHobo: "I'm sure." she scoffed, "Thank you for the sage advice."
[3:16 PM] Psychic Loser: "It's not advice. It's a warning." Akira responded. "Trust me. I'd know."
[3:18 PM] IYamAHobo: "Uh huh." she shrugged off the comment, looking far away from Akira as she made her rebuttal.
[3:22 PM] IYamAHobo: She seemed to look downwards at herself, pulling out a small number of papers from her knapsack. They had various smudges, marks, and smears of ink all across the yellowed parchment, but still remained legible thanks to the very strong - and also very pungeant - inkwork of her orders. Her orders were to take a band of mercenaries on a new patrol assignment.
And she needed a flier to do so.
[3:28 PM] Psychic Loser: Akria re-wrapped the scroll, placing it in his pocket. "I'll leave you to your wares then."
[3:29 PM] IYamAHobo: Francine kept herself buried in her papers, refusing to give a verbal answer to him.
[3:33 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira brought his fingers to his lips forming a whistle. A Pegasus clattered into the scene in response to his whistle. He mounted the horse and rode off.
[3:37 PM] IYamAHobo: Francine wondered if there was some kind of rule or regulation against this. Moreover, she wondered just how good of a Sky Knight that one was.
Not that good, if he was sitting back that far.
[3:40 PM] Psychic Loser: ===End RP===
[10:04 PM] Psychic Loser: Now that Akira had joined Luna's army, he decided it was time to move on. He wanted to leave Khlin behind him. It was time for a change of pace. Being out of Khlin meant he could stop hiding from Kotori and the nobles. He looked down at his feet.
"I can finally forget all this." He sighed and pulled out a travel sack from Kaguya's saddle. "It's a shame really. If only Miki could see me now..." Akira pulled out a set of white clothes from the travel bag. They were vaguely Nohrian in style. A sleeveless, collared tunic and rather simple pants. The clothes were accompanied by riding boots that came up to about his knees. "I'm sick of hiding."
Kaguya neighed agreement. Akira patted his animal companion on the head. "I'll get you some armor soon too....or at least what I can afford." Despite the fact that neither of the pair could communicate with each other, they seemed to be in agreement. "You know me. Always on a budget." Akira paused. "That's going to be a problem if I want to find out the truth behind this curse of mine. I hope you're alright with magic, girl." The curse. That's right. He'd only told a few of the queen's army about it. "Well, it'll be in plain sight now. I'll tell them about these tattoos eventually."
Hopefully nobody will try to kill him because of the curse. He trusted these men and women. It'd be a shame if he had to retract that trust. "I guess we'll have to wait and see. Now, where's a place I could learn about magic?"
Kaguya snorted. "I wasn't asking you. It was a rhetorical question."
[10:04 PM] Psychic Loser: ===End Short Little Self-RP===
[1:27 PM] mika:
January 29
Kian yawned as he stretched. He was getting tired of being cooped up with that old man and had deiced to wander around. Damn was this place nice and full of food. He spits out a few fish bones. Mmmm he really would not want to leave this place. Kian pulls out another fish and nibbles on it, well a little nap wouldn't hurt, and it's not like anyone came to this weirdly big room. He curls up in the middle of the ballroom and starts to snooze.
[1:31 PM] Psychic Loser: Almost as if on cue, Akira walks into the ballroom holding a impossibly large stack of books and scrolls and slams them on the floor. The sound echoed throughout the room.
[1:33 PM] mika: Kian jumps up hissing. "What the hell!?" He rubs his ears and looks at the man. "Why the fuck did you do that? I mean do you even really need all those books?"
[1:40 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira looked up to the man. "Sure I do." He scratches the back of his head. "What are you even doing in here?"
[1:42 PM] mika: He gives him a frown "Trying to sleep. What are you doing here? This isn't..a um..a place to read!"
[2:02 PM] Psychic Loser: "I don't think the library I got these from would be a good place to learn an instrument." Akira said grabbing one of books.
[2:06 PM] mika: "An instrument? Why would you need to learn that? Aren't you a solider? Instruments won't save you from an axe."
[2:13 PM] Psychic Loser: "I won't lie there are some books on tomes and magic in that stack. As for instruments, it's something I've always wanted to do."
[2:17 PM] mika: He looks at him. "What instrument then?"
[2:24 PM] Psychic Loser: He grabbed a small instrument case that sat on the top of the books. "It's a type of flute called a danso."
[2:27 PM] mika: "A flute..is it kinda like my Panpipes?"
[2:32 PM] Psychic Loser: "It's more like a Recorder. If you're familiar with that instrument."
[2:37 PM] mika: He shakes his head. "Nope never heard of it." He sniffs the scrolls before laying ontop the pile.
[2:44 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira glared slightly and let out a sigh. "If let me read those and get some practice, maybe I could play you a sample."
[2:45 PM] mika: He thinks before rolling off them. "Ok but better be at least somewhat good. My ears can't handle shit music." He grins.
[2:53 PM] Psychic Loser: "I can't guarantee it'll be good so, you'll just have to bear with me." He said putting the scroll he grabbed to the side. Putting the instrument to his lips, he played a few quick notes.
[2:56 PM] mika: His ears twitch. "Not bad, a little flat but not bad."
[3:01 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira payed Kian's comment no mind. "Sounded better than I expected."
[3:07 PM] mika: "What..do you usually play that bad."
[3:11 PM] Psychic Loser: "I'm sorry I'm still a beginner." Akira responded in a sarcastic tone. He began looking through the scroll again.
[3:12 PM] mika: He snickers and watches him. "You know how to read music then?"
[3:14 PM] Psychic Loser: "Somewhat." He said looking back up at Kian.
[3:17 PM] mika: He moves closer. "I know how to. It's the only thing I know how to read."
[3:22 PM] Psychic Loser: "I'd say that's sad, but it's a wonder I'm literate at all."
[3:24 PM] mika: "It's not sad, reading isn't needed when you live in the wild." He takes the scroll. "Ohhh this is different. You sure you can play this..you seem like a beginner."
[3:27 PM] Psychic Loser: "Different. How so?"
[3:29 PM] mika: "Well if I played in on my panpipes...there would be places I'd stop cause I couldn't play that note. Like in the first line..those connected notes..my pipe can not do that."
[3:35 PM] Psychic Loser: "Your pipes can't slur notes?"
[3:37 PM] mika: "Do what now?" He looks confused. "Not..really..I could try but it sounds strange for me."
[3:44 PM] Psychic Loser: "As you'd play the you'd have to change the note while still playing. Either in pitch or the fingering."
[3:49 PM] mika: "But..that doesn't work with my pan flute.."
[3:52 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira raised an eyebrow. "What kind of flute are playing?"
[3:55 PM] mika: "Panpipes! I've been saying that!" He growls. "Listen!"
[4:10 PM] Psychic Loser: "I see. Pipes..." He looks through the music some more.
[4:11 PM] mika: "Do you know what those are?"
[4:12 PM] Psychic Loser: "No. Would you mind showing me?"
[4:15 PM] mika: He points to his flute. "Um imagine that smaller and tied to other small flutes."
[4:28 PM] Psychic Loser: "So, how do you play it then?"
[4:30 PM] mika: "You blow on each other the flutes, each one had a different note. If I tried to slur..it wouldn't blend well."
[7:12 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira nodded. "Interesting. Tell you what, I played for you," He looked up from the scroll, "you play something for me and I'll leave you alone. Deal?"
[7:13 PM] mika: "Sure, something to do."
[7:20 PM] Psychic Loser: "It's a deal then. So," Akira gestured to Kian, "how about it?"
[7:22 PM] mika: "Me first? Damn, I gotta get my pipes now."
[7:33 PM] Psychic Loser: "Great. I'd like to hear them."
[7:35 PM] mika: He sighs and nods, darting off.
[7:38 PM] Psychic Loser: While Kian walked off to grab his pipes, Akira looked through the various scrolls and books for a snippet of music to play.(edited)
[7:43 PM] mika: Kian comes back with a panpipe in his mouth. "Back!" He drops the pipe. "You ready?"
[7:51 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira nodded. "Sure."
[7:56 PM] mika: He coughs and starts.
[8:05 PM] Psychic Loser: When Kian finished his song, Akira nodded in approval. "Nice. Nice. I suppose it's my turn now?"
[8:14 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira brought the flute to his lips and played.
[8:22 PM] mika: "Oh...I didn't like that at all." He laughs. "But I'm sure it was just you playing. How long have you been playing it?"
[8:38 PM] Psychic Loser: "Admittedly, not that long." Akira said slightly irritated by Kian's remark.
[8:43 PM] mika: "Ah..I see, and you don't have much time to practice,why'd you pick it up?"
[8:48 PM] Psychic Loser: "I can't have a hobby?" Akira sighed. "In all honesty, I picked it up to take my mind off things. It's better than what I used to do to forget."
[8:52 PM] mika: "Oh...well I hope you get better at it, music is the best thing to take your mind off things, like hunger. I'd like to play with you one day."
[8:57 PM] Psychic Loser: He smirked. "I'm probably more likely to die than get good at this music thing but, I try. He picked up the stack of books and scrolls. "Well, that's that. I'll get going then."
[9:01 PM] mika: "Have fun rebel." He grins and lets his tail hit the man's chest. "If you don't die I expect you to make that flute sound good." He lays back down and finishes his fish. "And if you see a wolfkin asking for me..don't answer."
[9:04 PM] Psychic Loser: Akira raised an eyebrow but didn't question any further. "Fine by me."
[9:07 PM] mika: ==End RP==
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