Monday, December 5, 2016

[IG] Wyvern Tactics

Featuring: Jean, Luna

December 5, 2016
[4:59 PM] Abyssal John John: It was quite early in the morning as Jean made his way back to the camp they made in Fort Ikkigane with a sack full of teabags in hand. "Who would've thought it'd be so hard to find tea around here? I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm just happy I found it." As he said that to himself his black Wyvern Angard intensely nudged his cheek. "Sigh. You're always so childish when it comes to this Angard. Don't worry you'll get what yours soon enough." The Wyvern just made an annoyed Snort as she and Jean finally went back into Fort Ikkigane.
[6:58 PM] Amasuro: Lazily leaning along the sides of one of the forts walls, on the path into the fort, Luna spins a dagger idly in her hands while she idly stares at a set of soldiers training their daily drills in a line nearby. Mmm, perhaps I could get some practice in today. It never hurts. Well, then again, watching those guys already makes me... Yawn. Pretty tired.(edited)
[8:00 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean quickly noticed Queen Luna as she leaned on the fort walls. What is she doing out here? She looks like any common thug just standing around like that. Thinking to himself for a while, Jean walked towards Luna as Angard followed him. "Good morning to you Queen Lunarea! I'm surprised to see someone of your standing has time to lazily lounge about like this."
[8:08 PM] Amasuro: Hmph. Who dares address me as such? Luna gives a side eye towards Jean, before turning her head slightly over towards his direction. "Lounging? I'm observing the battle tactics of our troops, if you didn't notice," Luna speaks, pointing over to the training soldiers in the distance, "but good morning to you too."
[8:14 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean gave an intrigued look. "Is that true Queen Lunarea? If you have time to observe them, you should certainly have time to teach your soldiers. I think they would love to get some advice and pointers from you. According to Sula you're a force to be reckoned with." Jean took his gaze off her and turned it to the training soldiers. "I wonder....what do you truly think of the people who fight under you Queen Lunarea?"(edited)
[8:20 PM] Amasuro: Is he getting philosophical on me? Guh, wish I could've just gone and taken a nap somewhere instead, or something. Luna crosses her arms, uprighting herself slightly against the wall, "I'm not entirely sure. I'm positive that they are very dedicated to my country, but I haven't been back long enough to judge their raw skill." "Hmph, but I suppose anyone that fights under my banner is alright in my books. Isn't that right, Wyvern Rider?" Luna turned her eyes directly towards Jean.
[8:26 PM] Abyssal John John: "Is that so? Well I guess that's a good way to think." Jean nodded. So if you serve her, you're okay. Wonder if that means she'll grant immunity to murderers and rapist as long as they serve her. "But I am sorry if I offended you Queen Lunarea. I've just been having some thoughts after a Conversation I've had about you with Sula. So it's nice to finally be able to speak to you face to face."
[8:28 PM] Amasuro: Sula, huh? ...Who was Sula aga- oh yeah, that Dwabi. ...Wait, what the hell is he saying about me? Luna raises an eyebrow slightly, "thoughts? What kind of thoughts."
[8:36 PM] Abyssal John John: "Well....originally I didn't have the best opinion of you exactly. In all honesty I wondered why so many people were willing to throw down their lives for you. From all outward appearances you seemed to brash and out-spoken, constantly putting others in danger for absolutely no reason. In short I didn't think you were a good leader." Jean yawned as he combed through his blonde hair with his hand. Well that's about how Nicely I can say it? Now let's see if she starts tearing me up faster then a Geneolgia scorned.
[8:41 PM] Amasuro: You have a lot of guts, Wyvern Rider. Luna turns her full attention towards Jean. Her body lifting off the wall as she moved her hands down to her hips. "...But...?" She asks expectantly, hoping for his current opinion. Her eyes narrowed, as she pushed her mouth to one side of her face.
[8:51 PM] Abyssal John John: "Now I think that I actually respect you a bit more then I did originally. When I really thought on what Sula said, I noticed that he was right on some things. And that you have your own weight that you have to carry. So in short, at the moment you seem like a good enough leader. Better then some 15 year old kid trying to rebel with only 20 people at his stead at least." Jean sighed. "And I must admit, despite your quirks....I really respect with how you're able to always speak your mind and opinion no matter what. I really respect the fact that you're able to do that without a second thought. I wonder how a person can easily do something like that, especially a noble who's taught to have different personalities for different situations."
[8:59 PM] Amasuro: ...You may live another day. "Mmm, I suppose. That's how he sees me, huh?" Luna speaks to herself curiously, idly looking at the dagger in her hand again. "Its been such a long time since I got to be a noble, I guess I forgot," her tone was solemn for a moment, but perked up quickly, "buuuuuut, who wants to be that stuffy anyway? 'Least this way, I don't have to do so much acting for peoples opinions. That gets tiring after a point, y'know?" Luna grinned.
[9:12 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded. "I would assume it gets tiring after a while. I wouldn't know too much considering I was such a shut-in during my youth but I did see how it affected my parents and the others in Gennuir. It's not pretty I can tell you that. Causes more strife then harmony if you ask me." Jean sighed. "Makes me wish I left home a long time ago. Other then my flowery language as Vivianna puts it, I can't really call myself a noble. Angard here is more noble then I'll ever be." Jean pointed to his Wyvern who let an annoyed shriek in Response.
[9:17 PM] Amasuro: Luna jumps slightly at the shriek, but eventually just laughs at the pair. "Angard, huh? Suppose thats its name then." Luna ventures curiously closer towards the Wyvern, "how does she take towards strangers?"
[9:23 PM] Abyssal John John: Angard looked towards Luna as she came towards her. "She's basically fine with them. She makes it pretty obvious if she can't stand being around someone and there's only per-I mean Wyvern Angard can't stand. She won't fly without me though so don't think you can just take her for a ride." Angard nodded in agreement to Jean's statement. "Do you have an interest in Wyverns Queen Lunarea?"
[9:27 PM] Amasuro: I wanna ride a Wyvern again. "Oh, nah, I wasn't looking to ride her. Just wanted to...touch her without getting my hand bitten off," she smiled at Jean, taking another slow step towards Angard. Sheathing her dagger, Luna extends a slow hand towards the Wyvern's head. Right between its eyes.
[9:37 PM] Abyssal John John: "Huh? A Strange request but she shouldn't have a problem with it. Though if she seems like she's trying to get it over with quickly don't take it personally, she just really wants her tea." Seeing Luna slowly inch towards her, Angard just went right towards her hand placing her face into it.
[9:47 PM] Amasuro: "Heh...hehe..." Luna giggles slightly, rubbing the Wyvern along its head. How interesting. This one feels just a bit smoother than Cross. Is this due to the genders, or just a bit of Wyvern genetics? "I do have a bit of interest in them. Rode one a long while ago. They're such fascinating and powerful creatures."
[9:54 PM] Abyssal John John: "I see. It's hard for me I say I care about Wyverns as a whole. I do respect the creatures of course and I was always intrigued by them, especially on theories how Wyverns were once Manaketes but I can't say I drool at the mouth when I see one. But I care for Angard much more then anything else and she is the most beautiful thing on this earth if I do say so myself." While being rubbed Angard let out a flattered shriek clearly happy with the compliment. Jean smiled back at her before continuing the conversation with Luna. "But if you like Wyverns you would like my family. All of the Asmodeus Children of this Generation ride Wyverns, all of them different from the rest."
[10:09 PM] Amasuro: "Is that right?" Luna asks, pulling her hand away from Angard while smiling at the Wyvern. "She is quite a beautiful creature, yes. Does your family ride Wyvern's in combat, like you?" Luna still looked at Angard while she spoke, "combat I am not too keen on it. I prefer to have full control of my own movements when I'm on the battlefield." Her head glances slightly at Jean, with a twinkle in her eye, "but for fun? Ah, flying is such a joy. There's that strength and speed in a Wyvern that no Pegasus can match."
[10:23 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shook his head. "Well.....not exactly. More like it happened by chance. My family is one full of lovers not fighters. Only four people in my family can actually fight. My Uncle Nikolanikov is a famed Sorcerer and it just so happened that the three children got Wyverns eventually. I got Angard as a present from my Mother when I was five, My Cousin got his own Wyvern Geneolgia when he was 4, and Praline got Ziusudra as a reward from some Gallaran Wyvern Breeders she helped out. In terms of combat all of us fight in radically different styles because of our own personal experiences, prior training, and our Wyvern's temperament but I doubt you would care about that." Jean nodded in agreement to Luna's statement. "I agree Wyverns are much better to fly with then any Pegasi. Much more reliable and intelligent as well, at least the ones I've seen. And I think Angard would agree with us considering how she feels about Horses and Pegasi." Angard made a confident and proud snort.
[10:28 PM] Amasuro: "Hey now, there's a girl that knows who's superior!" Luna laughs at Angard's proud reaction. "But I can't say I would completely dismiss a conversation about Wyvern tactics. I mean, its not like I'm doing an- something incredibly important right now," Luna shrugs, "but what do I know, I just rode one for fun a few times." "Do normal Wyvern Riders usually recieve their Wyvern's at such a young age? Or are you special in that regard." Luna clapped her hands together suddenly, "ooh-! Did you recieve Angard as a cute little te-...did you recieve her as a child?"
[10:50 PM] Abyssal John John: "Hmmm. Then maybe one day we can talk about that. It's an interesting topic to be sure." "I don't believe Wyvern Riders get their Wyverns that young usually. In all honesty it was only when I became a Mercenary that I had the idea of fighting alongside Angard since she was given to me as pet. My mother bought her during a trip she and father took to Nohr. According to her Angard was born from a group of Wyverns breed specifically with highly desirable traits to be sold as Pets for High-End Nobility so it's no surprise that she caught my Mother's eye. She was only about a Week Old when my mother gave her to me. She was a tiny and energetic little thing then, always running around, shrieking to her hearts content, raiding the kitchen. In all honesty you were a lot like Ziusudra back then." Angard made an annoyed huff at the statement which Jean only laughed at. "It didn't take too long for her to mellow out though. It took about 2 months before she got the excitement of living in a new home out of her system and became how she is today."
December 6, 2016
[12:00 AM] Amasuro: Luna laughed slightly as his story ended, listening intently all the while. "Just like a human child then, hey? Haha, almost sounds like raising my own children." Luna blissfully looks off to the side before turning back towards Jean, "well, except without the whole 'bringing them to the new house' thing."
[12:20 AM] Abyssal John John: "Heh. I can only imagine how it is then. It must be worse for Praline then considering Ziusudra. That Blue Ball of Energy is about 7 year Now and she still acts like how Angard did as a babe maybe a bit worse. She's pretty playful if I can put it nicely. She's constantly looking for attention and getting into all kinds of trouble and then she tries to pin it on someone else. Though she becomes scarily focused during a fight, probably because of how Praline trained her." Jean paused for a bit to catch his breath before continuing. "It took a while for Angard to get used to fighting after we left the Mansion. Praline trained Ziusudra in combat as soon as she was able to fly and Geneolgia was always.....extremely and overly violent if I can put it lightly. Angard used to get really frightened and freeze up when people would suddenly start waving swords or shooting Arrows at us. That along with me still being new to combat in general, that first year after we became Mercenaries was filled with a lot of Close-Calls and Near Death Experiences. Though eventually Angard was able to overcome her fear of fighting and we eventually we're able to fight in a style that fit us." Jean started to pet Angard on the back.
[11:32 AM] Amasuro: Constantly looking for attention...getting into all kinds of trouble...then pin it on someone else? Hey, that sounds like my childhood! Man I gotta hook up with this Wyvern sometime. "Yeah, I can imagine that wouldn't be good for combat. Ah, being frightened in battle, I mean. What would have happened if she never got used to combat?" Luna looks curiously over towards Angard, "I mean, would you have still been a mercenary if she never got used to it?"
[11:44 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean shrugged. "Yeah. I know how to fight on my two feet so if she never got over it I would've just fought without her. Either with the Axe or maybe I would've tried to dabble in the Magic Arts like Uncle Nikolanikov. " Jean smiled. "But I definitely would be a lot weaker without her I know that. So I'm happy she was able to get over it for both our sakes." Angard nodded in agreement. "Maybe that's why I developed such a defensive style to how we fight. We both try to have the other ones back. That's why our form is nearly unbreakable!" Angard gave a proud snort. "It's not as offense Oriented as one would think of how a Wyvern Rider fights but I can go into a group of enemy and we can defend each other while clearing out the enemy numbers! Pretty impressive for a Noble from Gennuir I must say."
[12:02 PM] Amasuro: "I've noticed, I've noticed! Well, you haven't died yet after charging into hoards of enemies, so I'll say that your style works quite well!" Luna smiled, putting her hands on her hips, "though, I'm not familiar with Wyvern tactics very much, so I'll admit I didn't really notice the differences with your defensive style compared to a normal Wyvern Rider." Genniur was in Valenheim, right? I think it was. ...Mmm, I forgot all the city names around here.
[12:12 PM] Abyssal John John: "I guess it depends on both how the Rider fights and what the Wyvern is like. Praline with Ziusudra is pretty scary combination. With how small and agile Ziusudra and how precise Praline is with her Powerful Strikes it takes almost no time before they completely overwhelm you while dodging everything you throw at them." Jean Paused for a bit before continuing. " Meanwhile's hard to call his a battle style it's more like Geneolgia goes wild. The Crazed Beast rushes into his opponents tearing them apart with his claws and teeth. Anyone who crosses that Demonic Wyvern in battle either end up splattered across the battlefield or in his stomach. All Nikolai really does is just use Magic to protect himself from any coming danger to him or to protect Geneolgia from a back assault if the Wyvern gets too into killing something." Feeling longwinded Jean let out a heavy sigh. "I've never really paid attention to any of the enemy Wyvern Riders we fought but just from those examples alone you can see how different any Wyvern Rider fights."
[12:54 PM] Amasuro: "Oh, geez. Nikolai, was it? Doesn't seem like a guy I ever want to go against in combat. You don't, uh, have some sort of deep seated 'issues' with the guy that'll ever cause him to go against us, right?" "Y'know, just asking. Not that I'm afraid of such an opponent or anything, its just nice to ask." "...But ah, yes, thank you for the examples. I feel quite a bit more knowledgeable about the topic already." Not like I could ever apply that in a practical sense or remember it long enough to do so. But good to know.
[3:05 PM] Abyssal John John: "Hmmmm. I mean we do have a grudge against each other more on his end then mine, just because of how our family splits the wealth between the Children. Since I was born before him, after our fathers die I'll inhert the family Mansion Adalet and I'll get 80% of the Asmodeus's Wealth. Nikolai being the second born son of the Generation will only get 20% of that wealth. It's a problem that's caused strained relationships in our family in the past and Nikolai is no different for despising me because of that." Jean combed through his hair while patting Angard. "But he wouldn't fight me over it, our fathers are on relatively good terms and me and Praline are good friends so he knows he would get hell if he tried anything. Knowing him he would join our Army just for the chance to prove how much better he is then me. He always loves to take any chance to one-up me and showing his superiority in battle would be no different."
[10:48 PM] Amasuro: A guy that feels the need to prove his superiority? Hmph, if you're already superior, there's no need to prove it. ...Don't smile so much. "That's a rather...precise way of dividing up your weath. That a common practice among nobles in Valenheim?" What a needless way to start sibling rivalry. I'm glad Ellis and I don't have to deal with that.
[11:09 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shook his head. "Nope. That's just something with our family. Apparently it started because one of our Ancestors hated his son and wanted to get back at him. And since then it just kind of stuck." Jean let out a long sigh. "If anything I wish I could just let him have it all so we could end this little rivalry of ours. But I know my father would give me hell for that and knowing Nikolai he'd probably get peeved at me and view it as me looking down on him. But all he has to do is have a kid before me and then all that wealth goes back to him." "At times I wish we could have a relationship more similar to you and Princess Ellis. I feel like without our familial problems me and him could've actually become acquaintances and maybe even friends...."
[11:39 PM] Amasuro: "Mmgh, sucks to be left in the wake of a couple of bad traditions. You think you'd keep that stuff up when it gets to your turn?" Luna stretches, resting her hands behind her head as she returns to leaning alongside the wall. But then again, not everyone can be like sis and I. Heh, how nice it is even in the royal family that we can still be friends.
[11:56 PM] Abyssal John John: "Like I said that depends on who has a male child first, me or him or if both our fathers die before then, which I highly doubt. And Nikolai would most certainly keep the tradition going if he's the first one to gain a Male Child. In all honesty, our tradition is even worse on the female children since they don't count when you're splitting up the wealth, so they're really only viewed as ways to marry other rich families and increase our own gold pot. If Praline didn't have her Ervisician Heritage, I doubt she would have much of anything going for her."(edited)
December 7, 2016
[12:19 AM] Amasuro: "...Well hey, that ain't fair! We have more uses than just breeding children! Hmph. Clearly, your family has never had someone like me, because I would be fighting for my damn share of the money if I was born into that." "...Ah, no offense. Of course." Although doing nothing but marrying off to some rich family does sound pretty neat. Tons of money without doing anything, and maybe I can even call the shots too. Huh, I suppose it could be worse.
[12:26 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean nodded. "Yeah but Praline is alright with it. That woman is too busy trying to become the strongest fighter in order to win back her mother's honor as a member of the Shesha Family. So she barely bats an eye to what's going on in the Asmodeus Family."
[11:01 AM] Amasuro: Luna shrugged. "To each their own, I suppose. Honor is a good thing to strive for. Sounds like a real mess, though. Hope you can get through it all." A much better reason to have grown strong than me. Then again, I'm totally justified too.
[11:25 AM] Abyssal John John: Jean shrugged in response. "None of it really matters that much to me anymore. In a way I've abandoned my family. I haven't seen my parents let alone stepped into Valenheim for 3 years now. And if I can help it I'd rather not ever go there again." Jean thought back on his own childhood for a brief moment before smiling. "And plus I've had a lot more fun just traveling around. This may be a bit sappy but meeting new people and experience different cultures and ways of living in different countries has truly been an eye opener to me. I know for a time you were away from Freyzenwald. While I know you would probably not want to go into details, did you have any good memories while you were away?"
[11:57 AM] Amasuro: Another, more secretive smile crept onto Luna's face as her eyes seemed to flicker elsewhere at his words. Yeah, memories... "...Oh! Umm, yes, many memories. Many, many good memories. Haha, perhaps next time we have a talk like this, I could tell you a few." "Never wanted to travel abroad like that ever in my life. But...yeah, I don't regret it now that its over. ...Well, not like I had a choice anyway."(edited)
[1:41 PM] Abyssal John John: "Huh. Perhaps that will be an interesting talk between us. Maybe next time I'll even let you ride Angard! I'd think she'd be fine with that." Angard shrieked in agreement with her Master's statement.
[1:51 PM] Amasuro: "Oh, would you really?! ...I mean, uh, you can do whatever you want. I don't really care either way." Luna shrugged, "but I don't mean to keep you here for much longer if you were headed somewhere. ...I assume you were based on that sack you're holding there. What's inside, Wyvern food?"
[2:34 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean shook is head. "No Teabags."
[7:10 PM] Amasuro: "Off to enjoy a nice midday drink, then? Quaint. Why don't you do me a favour and throw me one?" Luna speaks, reaching her hand out with an open palm and gesturing towards the bag.
[9:26 PM] Abyssal John John: "Oh I despise tea Queen Lunaera, can't stand it one bit. If you're enjoying the tea with anyone it's Angard." Jean pointed to his Wyvern.(edited)
[10:44 PM] Amasuro: "Hah, seems like ol' Angard here has some good taste! Hey, nothing wrong with a nice hot drink, y'know," Luna winked, making another gesture towards the bag. "Well I'll leave you to your tea time with Angard, but I'd like my own cup. Come on, hand a tea bag over."
[10:49 PM] Abyssal John John: "Sure."Jean went through the sack before throwing a tea bag over to Luna. "Hope you enjoy your tea then Queen Lunaera and hopefully we can have a nice little chat like this in the near future."
[10:59 PM] Amasuro: Luna spun around, facing her back towards the tea bag, before trying to catch it in a fancy manner. However, she misses slightly and fumbles awkwardly with the tea bag in the air, before finally catching it. "...Ahem, yes, of course," she speaks quickly, before giving Jean a thumbs up, "then I will see you later." Luna then shuffles away from the spot quickly.
[11:05 PM] Abyssal John John: Jean laughed at the woman's failure as she shuffled away. "Hmm perhaps Luna isn't as bad as I thought. She's interesting at the very least." Jean began to scratch under Angard's neck. "But enough of that, are you ready for your tea my favorite lady?" Angard nodded while making a happy and soft shriek as the two went off.
[11:06 PM] Abyssal John John: ====END RP===

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