[3:50 PM] Kwakasuro: Sula wakes up in another unfamiliar bed, feeling pale as a pile of bones. The day before, he had used ancient magic to secure second place in a triathlon, but collapsed in a puddle of arcane vomit before he could even accept the prize money. All he could remember, was the two little retainers arguing over something while he tried to stay standing.
Sula tries to leave the bed, but his body responds only with searing shivers of pain. He settles for starting to turn his head.
[3:54 PM] Amasuro: Sitting upright on the opposite bed, Luna massages her bandaged left foot. Hearing the slight ruffling of sheets from the side, she immediately tucks her foot back into the covers before glancing over.
"Finally awake, huh? I thought you were dead," Luna speaks over to the Dwabi, "relax. Its just us in here."
[4:30 PM] Kwakasuro: "Hhha!" Sula's groggy mind searches for the voice, still slowly turning aside. "L-Lunare-a..." He lets out a few coughs to clear his throat. "Forgive me."
[4:32 PM] Amasuro: "Heh, for what, nearly killing yourself to win a triathalon? Or scaring the hell out of my ret- friends?"
Her eyes narrowed, leaning over towards his bed.
"The hell did you even do anyway?"
[4:39 PM] Kwakasuro: Even in this haze, he'd never seen her gaze this clearly...or this intense?
"I only, let myself be mounted, by the Kola Loa. The gods of the earth..." Coughing once more, Sula maintains a focused stare of his own, and his voice lightens with whimsy. "There is a great power beneath our feet...you know."(edited)
[4:42 PM] Amasuro: Yeah, still seems to be spouting that magical bullshit. Hmph, well if he was capable of that there might be some truth. Maybe. I can never tell.
"Gods of the earth, huh? Well, don't channel your gods so often if you're going to puke molten lava again."
[4:46 PM] Kwakasuro: Sula blinks for a moment at the Queen's flippant response. Was she just being humble, or...? "No, no, that does not normally happen. I wonder, if they were angry, and demanded a greater cost."(edited)
[4:54 PM] Amasuro: "So you're saying, that if they're really pissed, they could just decide to outright kill you?"
Luna leans back into her bed.
"Huh, remind me not to anger them, then."
[7:41 PM] Kwakasuro: "Ahhh..kch!" A deep breath. "Death comes to each of us, some day. Only by accepting that...risk...Your Majesty... Can we borrow a power like the, Dragon's Vein."
[8:41 PM] Amasuro: Don't gotta force yourself to speak if you can't handle it. Seriously. You have your uses.
"Hmph, then do you have something you wish to die for? That is the only way I would accept something like death."
Wonder how much that Dragon Vein business back at the castle worked in the minds of these guys. Heh, I bet I look like one hell of a self-sacrificing Queen, or something.
[10:28 PM] Kwakasuro: "Ha hha, whatever future the wind takes me to."
Tilting back towards the ceiling, Sula's voice finally clears out.
"But a future you die for, is one that will never be yours, uu? ...Then, I wonder....Your sons, what were their names?"(edited)
[10:33 PM] Amasuro: "Eh? Solrin and Pasach. Why, was I that obvious about it?"
[10:42 PM] Kwakasuro: "No, no! Kingdom power is in the blood...it is the duty, of all royal-ti, to keep it alive, yes?"
She might have spotted a shaky smile.
"But truly, I have-" The Dwabi stopped himself. "A holy man of the Dwabi, does not have children of his own. We look over all Dwabi, all humani-ti, like they were our children. And so much more at this age, ha ha ha!"
[12:58 AM] Amasuro: Man, I still have no idea what this guy is saying half the time. Seriously.
"Oh, so you just care for all children, huh? I see."
"...Typically our Kingdoms power, the Dragon Vein, isn't supposed to look that lethal. Its just, I am not very magically enclined, nor am I trained in the use of its power. You could say, it was almost the first time I used it."
[1:04 AM] Kwakasuro: "Some would call it, reckless. Even the eldest of our Aishatu, our, Diviners, could never hope to hold such power and still live on. But then, there was no other path left for you to win, uu?"(edited)
[1:26 AM] Amasuro: "Yea, I guess I kind of saw it that way. Mmgh, why, do you think I could have done it differently?"
She frowned slightly, looking at him expectantly.
[1:52 AM] Kwakasuro: "That was the question in Amaterasu, that I came to answer. To stop any, spiritual attacks, as you said."
Sula abruptly wrenched himself up towards the head of the bed, stifling a pained gasp. Still far from sitting up, he looked sternly to her.
"And I could not find the truth. Whatever Nanyo poisons your land, must have been put in place long before any stones...before any statues." He drew the last word out, recalling the centerpiece of the disastrous festival.
"I have learned to see the future...for longer than you have learned to breathe, Queen of Freyzenwald. And yet the gods were silent that day. Whether it is by fate, or failure, that it happened..."
The Dwabi's pale eyes looked to the ground.
"Sula-u has no right, to call you unwise."(edited)
[2:05 AM] Amasuro: Luna scratched the top of her head.
...Riiiiiiiiiiight, yeah, don't ask this guy open ended questions. I forgot.
"Yeah, so, uh, guess the gods don't really have an answer for that whole statue stuff either then, huh? Like, whatever that disaster was silenced even the gods. If thats, uh, even possible."
Oh, gods please don't accidentally offend him. Who knows what kind of tirade he's capable of.
"But, no no no, its fine. If calling me unwise is your opinion then you are entitled to it."
[2:15 AM] Kwakasuro: "...or, the disaster could have come from them. Amaterasu was built over the blood of the Ayida - the holy ones, who once watched over mankind. It claims the power of the dragons, taken from the dragons, from a war before the kingdoms were built. I can not say for sure, but..."
The Dwabi's gaze remained distant, and he silently prayed that she would not be insulted.
"..Is it truly a surprise, Freyzen-o, that your city would - puke - such monsters?"(edited)
[2:22 AM] Amasuro: "Well, yes, slightly. I don't really know much about the blood of the holy ones and stuff, but I didn't expect that they'd be so vengeful as to spawn those monsters in my city."
She peered over to him, curiously, "you don't...actually think thats why we were attacked. An act from vengeful gods?"
[2:29 AM] Kwakasuro: "...Do they not teach you, of the, Owonanyo? The war that tore the earth apart?"
[2:31 AM] Amasuro: "...Owo...Owonayano...? No, I am not familiar with that term."(edited)
[2:33 AM] Kwakasuro: "A great war between the dragons, and the humans who turned against them. The war that created the kingdoms..."(edited)
[2:36 AM] Amasuro: "Eh? Oh, oh you are referring to that war. Ah, yes, exactly," Luna grinned, gesturing towards Sula.
...I completely forgot what that war entails. Or the name.
"What about it?"
[10:48 AM] Kwakasuro: A few blinks. Then a droning hum, filling Sula with renewed vigor and a dash of condescension.
"When your fathers' fathers took this land from the dragons, it came at a great cost. Knowledge, safety, peace, living as one people....all this was thrown away, so that you could have, freedom."
[10:53 AM] Amasuro: "...Okay, so what you're saying, is that these old gods are totally pissed off at our decisions now, and have returned from the grave to reap their revenge."
Luna nodded to herself, as if reaffirming that it sounded logical in her head.
[11:01 AM] Kwakasuro: Sula joined in with a nod of his own.
"Your path is blocked at every turn. An army of demons, comes to your coronation. And just as it fell, Galla-ran takes its place. Mysterious men drive you away from Concordi-a, into a country split in half...."
"Does that sound like...chance, to you?"(edited)
[11:10 AM] Amasuro: "Well, no, of course it doesn't. It sounds like somebody is responsible, but I just don't know who. Hmph, well if your guess is these 'old gods', then its a lot better than my guess of...I don't know yet."
"...These gods known for these sorts of acts? In, like, past history, or something."
[11:16 AM] Kwakasuro: "Forgive me, but that is..not something the Dwabi speak much of. Our story is one of harmony, with not much trouble...unless it travels from across the ocean."
Sula's eyes narrow, and he lets out a conveniently-timed cough, loosening up.
"Consider, asking a Freyzen-i master...or a manakete."
[11:24 AM] Amasuro: "Manakete, huh? Mmm, I can think of one. Or two. Actually the second one isn't really that approachable. ...Oh wait, I think there are three."
She just seems to be droning off to no particular person.
"They'd totally tell me that, stuff, right? Like, its not some kind of super secret Manakete story passed down throughout the generations! Or something like that."
[11:25 AM] Kwakasuro: "Perhaps, ha ha! I am surprised, at how loyal they have been, to a human. But that may be a secret too."
[11:31 AM] Amasuro: "Eh? You mean they aren't known for their loyalty towards humans?"
[11:35 AM] Kwakasuro: "Not where I grew up. To us, the dragon stands among the gods."
[11:39 AM] Amasuro: Heh, Dwabi reveres the dragons? ...Actually I think I read about that before. Have I? Eh, I wasn't paying attention. ...I really should finish my schooling sometime.
"Ah, you mean in Dwabi. Yes, I suppose with your beliefs that is a logical conclusion to make."
[11:44 AM] Kwakasuro: "And a belief, that both our people once held as truth." Surprised at her relative comfort, Sula lets himself sink back a bit.
"But, the only kingdom Sula-o has spent much time in, is Khlin. And its path is the only one my magic has seen."(edited)
[11:49 AM] Amasuro: "Khlin? I thought you were a Dwabi?" Luna asks curiously, before quickly remembering her past conversations with the man.
"...Oh yeah, I think you hung out with some Khlinese guys a ton. Well, I don't think you ever actually mentioned what you were doing there."
[12:54 PM] Kwakasuro: The exiled Dwabi looks surprised, having expected Leodin to have revealed much more than he had.
"Mm? Just another Mage Flier, and a magic teacher for a little girl. My duty is to the people of Khlin. To their future."(edited)
[1:28 PM] Amasuro: A surprisingly straightforward answer.
"Oh? Interesting. Then where do you side in this...civil war I've heard Khlin is undergoing?"
[1:40 PM] Kwakasuro: "Have you not noticed, all this time?" Sula smiles slyly, preferring not to show his hand yet. "My Shimi-e can fly across Khlin in only days - we can be wherever we are needed. So the side I choose, of course..."
He points across to her bed, giving an expectant look.
"...is the one I have been fighting for."(edited)
[8:04 PM] Amasuro: "...E-eh? O-oh, umm, yes, thank you!" She almost seemed to recoil from the Dwabi's words.
Ngh, I wasn't expecting that. Keep it together, Luna. Come on.
Luna coughed into her fist, slowing her pulse once again before speaking, "I mean, I am thankful for your support, Sula. Though, I was more talking about...before you joined me."
[11:33 PM] Kwakasuro: A look that strongly resembles genuine confusion crawls across Sula's face.
"Why would you wonder such a thing? I am honored that you would seek my advice but....Surely Your Majesty has already chosen who to support by now, yes?"
He trails off slowly, as if completely misunderstanding her.(edited)
[11:45 PM] Amasuro: I think I said something wrong, oh goodness he seems confused. Am I supposed to know this already? Unnnnnngh...the last meeting...
Ah, the dinner, the dinner! Wait, this guy was with that Stormblade kid, they totally asked me for my aid a long time ago! And that was for the...uhh...
Oh come on, think! ...Think faster! We're going to the east, that belonged to the rebels I think. Wait, was Khlin's capital in the east or the west. Wait, wait, wait, which city were we going to again?!
...Stormblade sounds like a noble name, but if they needed my countries help, they have to be the underdogs. Or...maybe they wanted to crush the opposition harder?
Luna he's staring at you. He's. Staring. At. You!
"I was merely curious, but of course my support leans towards the rebels of Khlin," Luna states, snapping her fingers, "of course, because you helped me, I must help you in turn."
[11:59 PM] Kwakasuro: She knew I was with the rebels?! Again I'm being toyed with by a fool! She must have been testing to see if I could trust her-"
"Kwemo, Lunare-a. I am..."
But then she would know that you serve the Stormblades, and the nobility with them!
"Grateful, that you trust me with such a truth, ha ha."
Is it a truth? Must be, she's even offered to help, noooooo..
"And for your help, in serving the people of Khlin. Sula-o..."
No! Keep going! She's treating you like a rebel, play along!
"of course, must lend support...."
...but you have to stop her. If she really is the Demon Queen you saw, little Sula,
It's coming! You've doomed them, Sula, you and Leo convinced her and now she's going to kill--
"Nadia." Sula looks as confused by his conclusion as Luna must be. "My support...goes to my greatest student, Nadi-a, hha ha ha."
...And now she thinks you a liar, or a madman. Either way, she's right.(edited)
[12:06 AM] Amasuro: Cool, he seems to be alright with that answer. I think. Eugh, quick, hop on this line of conversation before I say something wrong again.
"Nadia, huh? You seem to like her quite a lot. Whats she like?"
[12:11 AM] Kwakasuro: Sula gives a smiling sigh, masking his regret. "Very young, not even six years old. But she learns so fast, and she comes to every lesson with a smile, no matter what!"(edited)
[12:17 AM] Amasuro: "Sounds like a nice and well brought up kid," Luna smiles, her voice trailing off slighty, "one can hope my own can have a similarly successful upbringing."
[12:22 AM] Kwakasuro: "With parents like you and King Salve-on watching over them..." Sula smiles earnestly. "They will always be in good hands."(edited)
[12:27 AM] Amasuro: "...Y-yeah..."
...He's fine.
Luna becomes quiet, her stare distant as she looked down at her twiddling thumbs.
[12:32 AM] Kwakasuro: "......Forgive me." The silence cuts his enthusiasm short. "These times are not certain, for any of you. I..."
He trails off.(edited)
[12:35 AM] Amasuro: "Ahaha..." Luna forces a laugh, waving both her hands, "oh, no, no, no, I didn't intend to bring things down like that! Relax, Salv is probably fine. If there's anyone that can survive any kind of threat, he's the guy."
A smug smile washed across her face, "after all, he was chosen by me. It is only natural."
[12:41 AM] Kwakasuro: "Of course! I have heard much of the man who slayed the King of Demons, by his own hand!" Sula gives a frantic nod. "And no Kwemo father would be so cruel, that he would leave his own sons alone like that."(edited)
[12:49 AM] Amasuro: "Ehehe, hey-! I was there too, I'll have you know," a genuine giggle as she leaned closer towards Sula, "and yes, he would never leave my children, and neither will I. They are the children birthed from the genes of such a brilliant person such as myself and my husband. Their upbringing must be perfect, and thus will cause them to rise higher than even me."
Luna kicked her legs underneath the blanket, "ooooh, I can only imagine how they'll grow up to be like. The thought is just so exciting!"
[12:55 AM] Kwakasuro: "Hahahaha, such pride! How royal of you! But truly..."
A foolish grin of his own forms.
"I know how you--yes, yes, I think I can understand, how you might feel. Ha ha."(edited)
[1:00 AM] Amasuro: "Heh, do you now? How interesting."
Luna continued to grin in return, before swinging her legs over to the side of the bed.
"Ah, well, I have quite enjoyed this discussion, Sula, but I feel the need to get some fresh air."
Her bandaged foot now revealed, Luna moves to put her shoes on.
[1:04 AM] Kwakasuro: "...It is the same law, for their mother, you know." A surprisingly sober tone came from behind her.(edited)
[1:08 AM] Amasuro: "Eh? Did you say something, Sula?" Luna asks the Dwabi.
[1:09 AM] Kwakasuro: "You can't die, Lunare-a." The glib smile on his face was just as surprising. "Not if you want that dream to be truth. Do not walk into a fight, that you cannot win."
[11:02 AM] Amasuro: "Hah, you think I would do something like that?" Luna spoke pridefully, crossing her arms, "I'd never be so stupid as to walk into my own death. But, then again, I can win every battle, so I doubt I'll ever be in that situation."
[11:29 AM] Kwakasuro: "Kla--" Sula's voice shifted in a snap, raising in tone and lowering in pitch. So too did his body rise from the bed, before the sheer pain cut his outburst short.
He panted furiously, then continued on with a weary growl in his voice.
"...Perhaps that is true. Let us consider, if you are invincible, Luna-a. But some battles, can never be won."(edited)
[11:38 AM] Amasuro: Egh-, oops. Got carried away. Mmm, I might have spoke too much.
"Oh, no, no, don't worry about it, sorry. I am aware that not every battle can be won. I just...like to psyche myself up sometimes?"
Her smile turns to a guilty one, as she simply shrugs.
[11:48 AM] Kwakasuro: "Of course. It is a strength you need, when your path could set you against the entire world."
The Dwabi sat up once more, wincing, but kept still.
"But you Freyzen-i would not hesitate. Always thoughts on how you can win...never on if it is even worth the cost."
[11:59 AM] Amasuro: "Heh, course I will. Thank you for the advice, Sula."
Luna resumes putting on her shoes, wincing as she slips her bandaged foot in. She rotates her feet around in the air a little, stretching, before hopping off the bed.
[12:02 PM] Kwakasuro: "Kwemo-Kwemi, Lunare-a. I pray that we reach Concordi-a, with clear weather."
[12:03 PM] Amasuro: "And I will pray for that as well. Now, get some damn rest, Sula. Gods aside, don't die from a little exercise, alright?"
Luna grinned at him, before walking slowly out of the area.
[12:05 PM] Kwakasuro: "Ha."
And his back collided with the bed.
"...at least one of our prayers is answered."
[12:10 PM] Amasuro: ==End RP==
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