[12:19 AM] Kwak: The smell of smoldering palm leaves lingers on Sula's mind as he departs from an old dream. It's just before dawn, and the streets of Yuki Jyorou are quiet, but the Dwabi can't seem to get back to sleep. He departs from the tavern, finding Shimi at the stables, and takes her for an early-morning ride around town before it gets too hot.
Passing by a clock tower, several market streets, and countless thatch-roofed houses, Sula gives a slight nod. It was foreign - but not nearly as foreign as Amaterasu had been. And the wide layout of this plains city made it easy for him to see where everything was - and for the crowds below to see the strange beast flying overhead. Sula can't help but recall the start of the election festival, where he'd greeted the people with flower petals from above...but he has none right now, and instead just waves at the random citizens.
Perhaps the strange sight of these dark creatures overhead could, somehow, make their day brighter?
[12:37 AM] Kwak: [Come one come all}(edited)
[12:38 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "Well I didn't expect to see you out so early Sula!"
Flying towards the Dwabi was a Black Wyvern and riding atop of her was a stunning young man. The man looked towards Sula with a confident smile on his face.
"Isn't this how we meet back in Amaterasu. Soaring in the skies just like this?" Jean let out a tired yawn as he stretched
"But still I wouldn't have thought of you as an early riser Sula. Thought you would've been resting off after your um.....amazing performance during the triathlon." Jean let a grin remembering Sula's crazed performance during the triathlon.(edited)
[12:47 AM] Kwak: "Oh, I have been getting much rest, Jean-ni. And healing, too! A wonderful little lady saved me...Mana-i, the healer..."
Sula stops, realizing it might not be best to talk about young women to somebody like Jean.
"Ha, but I am nearly Kwemo."
[1:06 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean let out a chuckle when he heard the name Mana.
"Oh are you talking about that quiet purple-haired girl? She's one of Luna's retainers right? She's a bit of a cutie I must admit. I wouldn't mind a lovely evening stroll under the pale moonlight with her..." Jean let out a wishful sigh.
"But still it's good that you're somehow not dead after your mad dash. Less surprised then how in hell you completed the triathlon in Second afterwards but hey I'm happy for you and your returning health!" Jean scratched the back of his head.
"For me I'm just glad that whole damned triathlon is over. Seriously what is wrong with that woman? First asking all of us who we would fight with if we could only choose 3 people and then setting up a dumb triathlon. What is that woman thinking?" Jean just shook his head still legitimately confused about why some many people looked up to the crazed Barbarian that was named Luna.(edited)
[1:07 AM] Kwak: "It is, interesting, ha ha. But, think of how it was, that she became Queen. A gift? A birthright? Or...?"
[1:13 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "It had to be through birthright. Didn't she also just recently come back to the country before the election as well? I feel as if all her popularity is just from people missing her and they pity her. Nobody actually respects Luna for being Luna. If they did they wouldn't blindly follow her."
[1:20 AM] Kwak: "Hhha. Ha ha!"
Sula gives a big, fake smile along with his big fake laugh, to the nobleman complaining about unfair birthrights.
"But then, there were three others to choose from, uu? If the people's eyes are too cloudy to choose the course of their country...would it not be better for Gallaran to lead them?"
Shimi circles around to the other side of the Wyvern Knight.
"They have shown us to have, strong tactics."
[1:33 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean shrugged.
"Who knows Sula? Perhaps it would be better for Gallaran to lead the people. Aren't the people of Gallaran happy and content with their lives? Perhaps they even have a reason as to why they attacked now. I'm just a simple Noble from Gennuir I have no clue what these kingdoms do behind closed doors. Perhaps Freyzenwald wronged Gallaran in someway and now they're taking revenge. War isn't just something you declare overnight Sula. It's something that's thought over for a long time, many people need to decide if it's worth or not before they draw first blood." Jean let out a heavy sigh.
"Of course that doesn't mean I support this war in anyway and I especially don't support Gallaran in it. The people of Freyzenwald were happy and jovial before all of this happened. They didn't deserve to suffer and even if Luna is pretty much the worse possible choice, she at least seems like she wants to protect her people from harm. Gallaran is definitely in the wrong here, even if they have some kind of justified reason for doing this."(edited)
[1:37 AM] Kwak: "...."
Sula blinked. He remembered when he could speak so freely of war, of innocence and guilt. When the world made some sort of sense.
"What do you say, makes one a king? What truth does Genni-ur hold?"(edited)
[1:47 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean made an annoyed grunt.
"You wouldn't find a leader in Genniur that's for one or in all of Valenheim for that matter. All the people there, all the nobles they wear mask afraid to show their true selves to people. They can't lead anyone if they're unwilling to show themselves to them and not make any true connections." Jean sighed as he scrunched his forehead.
"In Luna's defense that's one thing I can respect her for. She always speaks her mind without a care for whatever people will think of her. Considering how many two-faced people I've seen throughout my life it's something I can respect...."
[1:52 AM] Kwak: "Yes, ha ha ha. Her heart is like, a bowl full of boiling stew. Not like the mask-men in Khlin."
Sula's eyes twinkle mischievously, fading after a blink.
"Do you know, how the Dwabi do the... election?"
[1:53 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean shook his head.
"No I don't Sula. How do the Dwabi do the election?"
[1:57 AM] Kwak: "Ha, it is simple...We only have one vote."
[1:57 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "So you only have one vote huh? How does that work exactly?"
[2:02 AM] Kwak: "Our power does not come from people, or castles. Only the earth....and so only the earth can vote. Whoever wants to be Shatu, must climb to the very top of Kolo-ho, the tallest ground in our land....and throw themselves into the mountain."
[2:04 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean gave an intrigued look.
"Really now? And I guess if they live they become the Shatu?" The Blond man shrugged.
"Sounds simple enough. Suicidal but simple. And I guess that means that not only Dwabi have the possibility to become the Shatu right? An outsider could also become one if they passed right?
[2:12 AM] Kwak: "Yes, yes..." Sula gives an honest chuckle at the suggestion. "...But they would not pass."
He coughs a bit, letting out some kernels of truth in between bluffs.
"No man is Shatu until he receives the taste of death. The heart of the mountain, meets the heart of the man. He must, love his Dwabi so strong, that his heart finds peace in the fire. Only someone like that, will Kolo give back, you see, ha."(edited)
[2:15 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "Is that so Sula?" Jean showed interest in the story but knew that the man was probably just weaving a tall tale yet again.
"Well for one I must say you must have some pretty scared Shatu, and secondly I guess what you're saying is that a good leader is one who will give up his life for others with no regrets?"
[2:16 AM] Kwak: Sula nods. "Shatu hide nothing from their people. Because they have already given everything. Now, what great point holds the power, in Freyzenwald?"(edited)
[2:23 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean gave a sly smirk.
"I could say something but I would probably be entirely wrong. So tell me Sula what holds the power in Freyzenwald?"
[2:25 AM] Kwak: "Somewhere tall, somewhere you have been. A mountain, not from the earth, but from the will of the people."
[2:27 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean shrugged.
"Amaterasu I guess? If you want to get more specific you could say Tesamaaru Castle. It would make sense. The Royal Family is housed there after all."
[2:34 AM] Kwak: Sula looks directly at Jean over their wingspans.
"And do you know, that Lunare-o was at the heart of this mountain, during the..attack?"
[2:43 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "Was she now? How very interesting." Jean stroked his chin.
"And she did put up the barrier so I guess she does deserve her leadership role so to speak. I believe anyone could've taken the woman's place if they had the powers she did and could be a better leader at it but I must admit it could be worse."
[3:03 AM] Kwak: "Jean-ni." Sula's voice sharpens with a tinge of anger.
"I...I watched her do it. With arrows in her legs, bleeding all around, so empty from the pain of the Ayida-Bwai that she could not even stand, boy!"
Shimi jerked to the side, cutting off Sula's outburst.
"...and yet, she led us. Lunare-a rallied our defenses, when no one else would. Until she had nothing....that castle took her life, for so many days, Jean-ni."
He takes a hand from the reins, and to his forehead. Then back down.
"I know it must be madness, to kingdom men. And I do not pretend that Freyzenwald is wise, or good. But Sula-o does not follow this Queen, with blind eyes. Only eyes, that have seen."(edited)
[3:19 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: "Hmmm is that so.... Unfortunately I haven't seen such actions from her yet. Perhaps one day I shall but I feel as if I won't." Jean furrowed his brow.
"And just because Luna rallies others but does that really mean she's fit to lead the kingdom? If anything just because someone loves their country with all their heart doesn't mean they're also fit to lead their country." Jean shrugged.
"But I don't know maybe one day I'll view Luna the same way you do and then you can laugh at me about how stupid I am."
[3:31 AM] Kwak: "No, no....Kwemo, to have such wise, reasonable voices like yours, to keep us rooted in truth. Lunare-a's battle, her election, is not done...she must rally the whole world, to truly win. Eyes like yours, keep her strong, I wonder."
Sula smiled lightly. He, of course, had doubts of his own, knowing just what sort of horrors could result from the young woman's regal zeal. If nothing else, the Genniur boy had no problems questioning someone while still serving them...was this just privileged pride, or the perspective that only experience can bring?
[3:46 AM] Abyssal John, Tank Engine Expert: Jean nodded.
"Perhaps. Hopefully you're right on that Sula." Jean knew his opinion of Luna wasn't the most common but he truly did worry, well more for those under her command. But for now it was a bit too early for Jean to think about things like that. For now perhaps he shall find a cute maiden to spend some time with in these wee hours of the morning.
"It's been a wonderful talk Sula but I fear I must be going for now? Already I hear the strings of a woman's heart yearning for my attention. Until we meet again Sula." Jean gave a courteous bow before flying past the Dwabi and his Dark Pegasus.
[3:47 AM] Kwak: And they flew on, into dawn.
[3:47 AM] Kwak: ===END RP====
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