Tuesday, September 27, 2016

81: Puzzled at "De Dwabi"

Featuring: Sula, Auriel

September 27, 2016
[12:03 PM] Kwakado: Sula and Shimi glide aside the treehouses. He can tell from her half-hearted kicks that she needs some time to rest, and lets go of the reins. She begins descending on her own past a particularly large hut, keeping her wings tight and letting her legs hang loose.(edited)
[12:11 PM] Kwakado: Sula holds a hand to his side, feeling the aches of invisible wounds. Had he been healed? Why did he fail to remember so much of that battle?
[12:29 PM] Z: After her little... friendly experience with Luna, Auriel stood half asleep outside of the treehouses, when a sound got her attention. A flap of wings, from a decently large creature, possibly a pegasus. Her thoughts flocked to "Via" and her "Boyfriend", the dwabi with the pegasus. She followed the pegasus in its descent, waiting for it to land.
[12:35 PM] Kwakado: Shimi's hooves set down gently on the grass, and she begins walking through the abandoned village. Sula didn't notice anyone was following him, instead looking ahead for any signs of activity as he stretched his arms out like wings.(edited)
[12:40 PM] Z: Auriel, still stalking the man, approached him once the pegasus landed. He didn't seem to notice her presence, so she crept up to his back, testing how long it would take him to notice her.
[12:44 PM] Kwakado: The ride continues for a surprising amount of time. Passing by the convoy wagons, and reaching the area where the army's horses were kept, Sula begins to dismount-still completely unaware of his stalker.(edited)
[12:52 PM] Z: Aww..... He isnt gonna notice me... Is he? Auriel, tired of waiting for the dwabi to notice her, tapped him on the shoulder "Umm..... Aren't youuuuu Viaas boyfrieeeeend?"
[12:56 PM] Kwakado: "Nnna!" Sula practically jumps with surprise, whirling around on his heels...only to find the strange fox girl from before. "Uu...you speak of, Vivi-e?" He places his palms together, giving her a narrow-eyed smile. "Yes, I am. Kwemo again."(edited)
[1:06 PM] Z: "Kweee-moo?" Auriel tilted her head, giving "de dwabi" a puzzling gaze. Although she was accustomed to much of the army, she wasnt accustomed to his language.
[1:09 PM] Kwakado: Sula remembered their last meeting. He hadn't actually spoken any blessing then; what he did say to her was mostly angry requests to leave the hospital room. With a heavy blink, he elaborates. "Many blessings and good food..so you grow up big and strong, ha ha ha!" He gives a llittle clap of the hands. "Now...what is it you want?"
[1:39 PM] Z: "Goood foood? I haven't grooown on eating foood......." Auriel looked up at him, not self conscious on how small she was, but rather a little puzzled at "de dwabi". His gestures and acts were strange, unknown to the nohrian kitsune. "I juuuust wanted to knooow about youuuu..... and Viiaaaaa..."
[2:05 PM] Kwakado: "Truly." Sula's grin dropped, and he took a step back. "Could you not ask her yourself? I thought I heard that you two knew each other..." He unclasps his hands, ready to chastise her, but pauses when he recalls Auriel's parting gift to him - a stuffed bear that, whatever the reason, happened to resemble Vivianna. For some time, it had been his only companion apart from his mount. "...I must thank you, Auri-u. That bear was Kwemo to me."
[2:41 PM] Z: "Hmmmmm? Thaaaat one? Im glad...." Auriel smiled, with a genuine appreciation for being commended on her work. Or her hobby work, but whatever worked. "Wheeere is it nooow?"
[2:51 PM] Kwakado: "Uuu..." Sula scratched his dark-haired head, looking a bit thicker than last she saw him. He had gone back to his resting place in the woods, after the city had been retaken, but the bear was gone - probably picked up by an evacuating child, or a desperate looter hoping to sell it. But the thought of telling Auriel he had been so negligent with her creation brought tension to his toes. "..It is being stored, with the rest of my things, of course, ha ha!"
[2:56 PM] Z: "Oh.... Okaay then... It wasnt all thaat good anyway...." Her thoughts moved on to the ragdoll she had made while absent-mindedly sewing and thinking about her new allies. Or not allies, but temporary friends. They were all temporary, with how she lived. Something permanent would be nicer.
[3:20 PM] Kwakado: "No, no, it was beautiful! I just..do not bring it into battle, you see." Sula was walking a fine line - he didn't want to downplay the importance of her gift. Nor did he want to keep the conversation here for too long. "Vivi-e and Sula-e...are going to be married."
[3:25 PM] Z: "Aaaaare theeeyyy? That's good!" Auriel had an apparent excitement in her voice and demeneaur, clapping her hands lightly, wagging her tail slightly faster. Childish, but could you blame her? "Wheeeeeeen?"
[3:26 PM] Kwakado: Sula averts his gaze bashfully, not having expected to find himself admitting such things to a stranger. "..In the future. We do not know when, yet, ha ha, but...yes, it is good."
[3:33 PM] Z: "Heheh.... Is Via-a and Lala-a excited?" Auriel had a childish grin, mimicing "de dwabi" way of speech. She had no idea what it meant, but she didn't really care enough to think about it.
[3:47 PM] Kwakado: Sula's head tilts back, bringing his pale eyes directly down towards her. He raised a palm, to give some kind of proper response to her strangely forceful address. Did she know the language of his people after all? Yet she hardly seemed capable of common speech. "Haaa, ah, ............yes." And now, neither did he.(edited)
[4:11 PM] Z: What did i just say...... Did I honor him or something? "Ummmm.... Did ii saay anything wrooooong?"
[4:17 PM] Kwakado: "Of course not!" Sula held his palms up defensively. "It just, sounded almost as if you were...speaking like the Dwabi, ha ha ha. Forgive me."
[4:28 PM] Z: "Ummmm..... How did I do that? Do you become dwaaaa-biii by talking like thaat?"
[10:45 PM] Kwakado: "Ah, no, it...gods, what?" The insanity of that suggestion nearly paralyzed him. "It is a gift, to Dwabi, when you call them, Dwabi-a. Or if they are, bigger, Dwabi-o. Like a treat."(edited)
[10:51 PM] Z: "Oh.... So hooow do you become dwaaaaa-bii then?" Auriel showed an apparent passing interest in the language of Sula-O, although she had no idea what she would use it for except annoying him
[10:56 PM] Kwakado: Sula's fingers stroked his brow, continually amazed at this girl. "Well...how do you become kitsu-ne?"
[11:12 PM] Z: "Ummm.... Youuu have a tail.. and these ears..." Auriel's ears moved slightly to show her point. She grinned, revealing the two "fangs" that she had in addition to her regular teeth, sharpened into two "daggers" at the edge of her smile(edited)
[11:25 PM] Kwakado: "But, these are not things that you can take..." Sula waved a palm to the side, pulling up a golden sleeve, in an effort to keep from dwelling on her daggers.. "Dwabi, have skin like this, and...uu, a strong stomach...We come from a land to the west of here."(edited)
[11:29 PM] Z: "Umm.... So if I have brooown skin.... I become dwaaaaa-bii?" Auriel tilted her head, giving "de dwabi" a puzzling gaze
[11:31 PM] Kwakado: "No, no, of course not, hha ha ha!" His mouth twitches. "You have to be born Dwabi...or you cannot become Dwabi."
[11:32 PM] Z: "But i wannaaaa be dwaaaaa-bii....."
[11:35 PM] Kwakado: "Good! Good! Dwabi live blessed lives, with long days and many friends." He gave her an encouraging look, and straightened up with pride.
September 28, 2016
[12:10 AM] Z: "You souuuund funny....... I already live long enough..." She responded with a dull grin
[12:12 AM] Kwakado: "Well!" He leaned in close, looking the creature over. Though she seemed young...she was clearly not human. "There are many resorts in our land. I think you would have a lot of fun."
[12:24 AM] Z: "Maaaybe? I dont knooow..." She didn't seem to care much about the man leaning over her, simply gazing back at him silently.
[12:25 AM] Kwakado: "Warm beaches, wild music, and the best food in all the lands?" He leaned back, finally. "It is worth at least one visit."
[12:36 AM] Z: "Maaaybee....... Wheeere do youu live?"
[12:39 AM] Kwakado: "Today? I live here, with all of you."
[12:41 AM] Z: "Buuut where do you live iiin Dwaaabiland?" Auriel was not proficent with the countries outside of Amaterasu, whom should be quite obvious. She simply scratched herself behind her ear, puzzled as to "de dwabi"'s vague answer
[12:43 AM] Kwakado: "Ah..but Sula-o does not live there anymore. I moved to the kingdoms." He rested his chin in his hand, flexing his toes idly. "And where did Aurie-u live?"
[12:49 AM] Z: "Ummm.... In a houuuuse."
[12:56 AM] Kwakado: Sula just....stops, dumbfounded, and his mouth hangs idly open in something like a dying smile. His eyes blink with flickering patience. Was she actually this out of touch with the world around her? Was this a sick joke? Who even was this girl? More time passes, and the Dwabi finds himself somehow with even less to say. He simply shuts his eyes, humming dully, and attempts to quell his screaming heart.
[1:10 AM] Z: "Whaaaat?" Auriel had no idea what she had done wrong
[1:12 AM] Kwakado: *mmmm...." Fading out of his trance, Sula slipped into a serene expression. This was nothing. "You and Vi--a, you are...friends?"(edited)
[1:14 AM] Z: "Ummm.... I thiiiiink? I liike Via and Via likes me..."
[1:14 AM] Kwakado: "Did you meet her before?"
[1:21 AM] Z: "Ummmm.... She was in the castle, and she was siiick.... So i visited her....." Auriel reminisced about the day, where the "mean giant" and "via" had met her in the gardens in the castle. She should probably chat more with them both, but she hadn't found the time since then.
[1:27 AM] Kwakado: "....Thank you, Auri-u. You are a good girl!" His tone grew vapid and steady.
[1:35 AM] Z: "Umm... Did iii do something wrooong?"
[1:36 AM] Kwakado: "No, no! Visiting people is, not wrong!" As much as he wanted to tell her never to visit him and Vivianna again...she would probably enjoy this girl's company. What was she doing in this army? "Are your...parents, here?"(edited)
[1:42 AM] Z: "Paaarents? I leeeft them at hoome.. I thiiink they may be dead." Auriel shrugged, apparently not caring much about her possibly deceased parents
[1:44 AM] Kwakado: Sula's eyes widened a little. "And...now you work here."
[1:45 AM] Z: "Yes... I neeeeded something to dooo...."
[1:46 AM] Kwakado: "Do you, fight people?"
[1:47 AM] Z: "Ummmm..... Nooooo?" Auriel lacked much of a response, since well... She did kill people, but technically she didnt fight. Just kinda snapped some necks in the dark.
[1:53 AM] Kwakado: "Hmm. But you were there, at the river, when we fought the bandits?" It had, in fact, been her that healed Sula's mortal wounds. But he had no memory of being anywhere near her. Yet he still felt a bit of an itch on his old wound, and began unconsciously rubbing it.(edited)
[1:57 AM] Z: "Diiiid I? I just kinda heaaal people.... I dont fiight..."
[1:59 AM] Kwakado: "Ha! A healer, good, good." He held a palm out to the girl as if to offer a high five.
[2:05 AM] Z: And she responded with high fiving him, then giggling. "I keep you aaall aliive."
[2:07 AM] Kwakado: Sula gave a triumphant nod, having achieved some semblance of communication with her. "What a blessing! Having a healer like Auri-u."
[2:14 AM] Z: "Heheheh...... Thaaanks.."
[9:12 AM] Kwakado: Sula gave her a pat on the head that would have seemed a little condescending if it were anyone else. "Have fun today! If anything makes you afraid, come find...Lala, or Via."
September 29, 2016
[12:08 PM] Z: "Okay...... But im neeeeeveeeer afraiid..." Auriel's ears parted when Sula's hand came in between them, and she purred lightly. She stretched herself up, trying to do the same gesture. She wasnt tall enough, so her attempts just looked stupid.
[12:12 PM] Kwakado: The Dwabi, well beyond confusion at this point, squats down for her, and fishes through his robe. "Then...take this, fearless Auri-u." He reveals a wrapped-up piece of candy, balanced between two fingers.
[12:27 PM] Z: "Ummm........ Thaaanks Lalaaa-a" Auriel, with "de dwabi" now squatting could finish her earlier gesture, patting him on the head.
[12:36 PM] Kwakado: "Uu..." He waits idly for her to finish patting him. Up ahead, Shimi turns back, giving a suspicious snort at her master's dawdling. Sula turns back to his falcon, and stands. "Ah, Shimi-e...I'm here, Shimi-e."
[12:42 PM] Z: "Shiiiiimie?"
[12:46 PM] Kwakado: "This one." Sula gives her a proud pat, as she turns to face the kitsune. "She...does not like strangers, so don't get too close..." But Sula sounds somehow unsure.
[12:56 PM] Z: Auriel excitedly approached the creature, disregarding Sula's warning. "Its liiiiiike Kuuuro..... Just with wiiings!"
[12:58 PM] Kwakado: "Auri-a! No!" But Shimi just looked bored, remaining motionless.
[1:12 PM] Z: "Heheh..... Whaaat is youuuuur naaame?" Auriel patted Shimi on the nuzzle, similar to how she'd do with Kuro... or was it Shiro? She didnt remember.
[1:14 PM] Kwakado: Shimi stood there for a few seconds, but eventually took a few steps backwards. The mount's rider, on the other hand, ran up behind her and pulled her back quickly. "You can't do that! She will...u, she will bite you."
[1:25 PM] Z: "Biiite meee? Thaaat all?" Auriel approached it again, slower this time
[1:25 PM] Kwakado: "Auri-u...She could step on you. It will hurt, a lot."
[1:26 PM] Z: "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....."
[1:27 PM] Kwakado: Sula dives around in front of her, acting as a wall between the two. Shimi's tail swishes for a moment, but hangs loose.
[1:28 PM] Z: "Aaaawww...... Whyyyy?"
[1:29 PM] Kwakado: "Shimi gets, very mad! And when she gets mad, she gets...mean."
[1:30 PM] Z: Auriel pouted angrily back at Sula. "Horses cant be meeeeaaan... Stop lyyyiiing..."
[1:34 PM] Kwakado: Sula's face grew stern. "The pegasus are, very picky about who they let close. Please."
[2:15 PM] Z: "Im gooood with aaanimals... I can doo it.."
[2:16 PM] Kwakado: "..alright, but I will--" Sula looks back to find Shimi already quite a few paces ahead, grazing on a fern. "Shimi-e..!"
[3:21 PM] Z: Auriel raised her hand towards the "wing horse", once again trying to pat it on the nuzzle
[3:25 PM] Kwakado: Once again, Shimi allowed a few more pats before losing interest and walking off. "...It looks like she, does not mind you..."
[4:59 PM] Z: "Yayyyy.... We are beeeest friiiieeeends..." Auriel grinned, giggling at "de dwabi"
[5:01 PM] Kwakado: "Y-yes! I'm glad! Shimi-e only likes people who...." Sula's eyes narrowed. "...have Kwemo in their heart!"
[5:16 PM] Z: "Huh.... So i have kweeeeemo in my heart?"
[5:18 PM] Kwakado: "Of course..." Sula hurried to Shimi's side, grabbing at her reins.
[5:33 PM] Z: "Is thaat gooood?"
October 6, 2016
[9:26 AM] Kwakado: "Yes, yes! So good, very good!" Sula's tone, and pace, had shifted into something noticeably more intense. He adjusted his mount's saddle with a similar urgency...but his gaze remained bound by curiosity, fixed on the fox-child. "..Why did you come with our group?"
[9:42 AM] Z: "Umm..... Luuuma went so i folllooowed?"
[9:45 AM] Kwakado: "Ah.." Sula laid a hand on Shimi's saddle as if to mount her, but did not move further. The rest of his body turned out to face her. "You are a, follower of the Queen?"(edited)
[9:52 AM] Z: "Yeeeaah! I wooork for her!"
[9:54 AM] Kwakado: "Uu?!" The Dwabi's facade dropped once more, and his half-hearted attempt to keep up appearances left only a stupid, twisted expression. "You do not mean...retainer, uu?"
[10:15 AM] Z: "Ummm.... Yes i doooo.." Auriel tilts her head, giving "de dwabi" a curious gaze
[10:21 AM] Kwakado: "Of course, of course, ha ha ha....How old are you?"
[10:23 AM] Z: "Uhhh........ I thiiink.... About.... Uhhh..."
[10:24 AM] Kwakado: Sula masked his incredulity as best he could. At this point, it meant actually covering up his face with a palm.
[10:27 AM] Z: "I think.... I don't remember...."
[10:29 AM] Kwakado: ".........Well!" Sula abruptly hopped up onto his falcon. "This was, uuu......"
[10:38 AM] Z: "Awww...... It was fuuun wasnt iiiit?"
[10:39 AM] Kwakado: "Of course, Auri-u. Be good, now!" Sula prepares to take off once more...away from the makeshift stables.
[10:42 AM] Z: "Yeeeaaah!" Auriel smiled at Sula, moving away from Shimi. Interacting with him had been pretty fun after all.
[10:44 AM] Kwakado: "Kwemo! Ba!" And the pair took to the skies, flying randomly over the jungle for several minutes to wait for her to leave before they returned.(edited)
[10:52 AM] Z: Auriel watched him fly off, giggling before returning towards the huts. Maybe she should follow this Sula person more closely
[10:53 AM] Kwakado: ====END RP====

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