Thursday, September 1, 2016

62.1.2: You Were Once a Person

Featuring: Yavae, Kaija

[2:29 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Let's wait."
[2:33 PM] crab slambopoulis: and then, some time later..
[2:33 PM] crab slambopoulis: "He.. hehe"
[2:33 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Kai, I presume?" Yavae says calmly
[2:33 PM] crab slambopoulis: "How'd you know"
[2:34 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Kaija has been too upset to be laughing, as much as I hate to say that. Let's talk, Kai."
[2:35 PM] crab slambopoulis: "About how I'm going to kill everyone?"
[2:35 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Talk about you."
[2:36 PM] crab slambopoulis: "What about me?"
[2:36 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "You wish to kill everyone. Why."
[2:37 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I can"
[2:38 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I really doubt that is the only reason. I can understand you hate of Kaija, but what about others?"
[2:38 PM] crab slambopoulis: She shrugs
[2:39 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "What else do you like to do then?"
[2:39 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Nothing"
[2:39 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I don't believe it."
[2:41 PM] crab slambopoulis: "That's your problem"
[2:41 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "What did you do before losing this body?"
[2:41 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Killed my parents"
[2:42 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Then I tried to forget. So i did. But I didn't forget about myself"
[2:42 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I mean your life. All of what you did."
[2:44 PM] crab slambopoulis: "What's it matter?
[2:45 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Because you were once a person."
[2:52 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I was a kid for a while"
[3:53 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "And what did you like to do as a kid?"
[3:54 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I don't remember"
[3:55 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Let's find out."
[4:00 PM] crab slambopoulis: "How?
[4:01 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Let's try things, normal things."
[4:01 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I don't want to do normal things. The other one does normal things"
[4:02 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Which other ones?"
[4:04 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Kaija. That one does normal things."
[4:05 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "No, trust me, she's not very normal either. Just strange in different ways."
[4:06 PM] crab slambopoulis: "To me she's normal"
[4:06 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Nope. Now, let's get you a meal."
[4:08 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Fine"
[4:08 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Come on." She stands up and offers her hand to Kai
[4:09 PM] crab slambopoulis: She stands without taking her hand
[4:10 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "So, what can you tell me about yourself and your life, Kai?"
[4:13 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I can tell you a lot"
[4:13 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "You can start walking while we walk then." She begins to lead her away from the room, keeping an eye on her
[4:14 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I said can"
[4:15 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Why won't you?"
[4:16 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Don't want to"
[4:16 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Why not?"
[4:16 PM] crab slambopoulis: "It's funny to me"
[4:18 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Me not knowing?"
[4:19 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You trying to get me to tell"
[4:20 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "How about a deal then- if I can do something else you find funny, you tell me about your life. Deal?"
[4:21 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Fine"
[4:22 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: She grins "Good. Attempt number one." She suddenly springs out at a random passersby "OOGA BOOGA!" The large powerful grown man falls back and screams like a little girl
[4:25 PM] crab slambopoulis: Kaija watches, deadpan
[4:26 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Huh, figured that would be your kind of comedy."
[4:28 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I must not have been clear enough saying i was a kid"
[4:29 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Alright, a second idea." She suddenly picks her up and tries tickling her
[4:32 PM] crab slambopoulis: Her eye twitches, but it doesn't seem like it's because she's holding in laughter(edited)
[4:32 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Oh come on, everyone is ticklish somewhere!"
[4:34 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Let go of me. Now. "
[4:35 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "What a downer you are." You doesn't put her down, but stops trying to tickle her, holding her from under her armpits
[4:41 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Put. Me. Down."
[4:41 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: She gently puts her on the ground. "There. Now, what kind of things make you laugh?"
[4:42 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Why would I tell you that? The entire point of this is you trying to figure that out."
[4:43 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Let me think... Idea three." Yavae suddenly punches herself in the face
[4:43 PM] crab slambopoulis: "What are you doing?"
[4:43 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Well, you thought it was funny when I failed at something, so me suffering more I figured would work."
[4:44 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yes, but I don't want to tell you, so I'm trying not to find anything funny."
[4:44 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "So, then it was funny?"
[4:44 PM] crab slambopoulis: "No"
[4:45 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I don't know about that, sounds like that was a confession to me."
[4:45 PM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm not telling you."
[4:46 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Well, how about this- You tell me, and I let you kill our enemies in the next battle instead of drugging you again. I really don't want to drug you again so soon, I want to know you."
[4:50 PM] crab slambopoulis: "You can't force me to do anything."
[4:51 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "No, I can't. But I am willing to do a fair bit to convince you."
[4:56 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Why do you care so much?"
[4:58 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Many reasons. You share a body with my most important friend, are an interesting individual, and you have been robbed of much."
[5:01 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Hmf. Not good enough"
[5:02 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Why not? I care for all members of the Fire Tribe."
[5:03 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Because I don't care enough to tell you based on those reasons"
[5:05 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Do you not want to fix any of your problems?"
[5:08 PM] crab slambopoulis: "No"
[5:08 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Why not?"
[5:14 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Because I have none"
[5:14 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I disagree. You don't even know what you enjoy"
[5:19 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yes I do"
[5:19 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I mean other than killing."
[5:23 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Why do I need something other than that?"
[5:24 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I don't believe it's the only thing you'll like. Do you want to live on just one thing?"
[5:24 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: They soon reach the mess hall
[5:27 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yes."
[5:28 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I think you might change your mind. Here, let's get you some food." She begins getting her a massive plate of different foods, including appetizers, main courses, and deserts
[5:35 PM] crab slambopoulis: She watches suspiciously
[5:35 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Alright try things. I suggest the sweets."
[5:38 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Fine."
[5:38 PM] crab slambopoulis: She starts to eat
[5:40 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: Yavae watches, occasionally picking at the meal
[5:49 PM] crab slambopoulis: She keeps on eating, eventually somehow finishing everything(edited)
[5:49 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Nice. You like it?"
[5:58 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Food's good."
[5:58 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "There, we've already found a second thing you like."
[6:03 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Are we done then?"
[6:04 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Don't you see the significance of this?"
[6:11 PM] crab slambopoulis: "Yes. We found another thing."
[6:12 PM] crab slambopoulis: "So we can leave?"
[6:12 PM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "This means there may be many other things you like. Now, how about this- I'll give you brownies if you tell me about your past."
September 5, 2016
[9:21 AM] crab slambopoulis: "I'm not some kind of kid who can get bribed with food."
[9:22 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "You seem really adamant on the 'I'm not a kid' thing, but haven't really done something not childish yet."
[9:22 AM] crab slambopoulis: "You're one to talk."
[9:23 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "You're one to talk" She says in a mocking tone
[9:23 AM] crab slambopoulis: "That is my point exactly."
[9:24 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Can I go back to that room yet?"
[9:24 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Alright, but we will have more talks. I care about you, whether you accept that as true or not."
[9:24 AM] crab slambopoulis: "You care about the other one."
[9:24 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "And you."
[9:25 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "A princess does not lie."
[9:26 AM] crab slambopoulis: "But they can be wrong."
[9:26 AM] crab slambopoulis: Kai turns to leave
[9:27 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: Yavae follows to escort her "I am fairly sure I am not wrong about what I feel."
[9:28 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Fine."
[9:30 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "...Why is it so hard for you to believe I care?"
[9:31 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Because I don't"
[9:31 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "As in you don't believe or don't care..? Be more specific please."
[9:35 AM] crab slambopoulis: "I don't care."
[9:35 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Or believe"
[9:35 AM] crab slambopoulis: "So it's both I guess"
[9:36 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Well, I'll see if I can fix that eventually." She says with a smile, ruffling Kai's hair
[9:39 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Don't do that."
[9:41 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Alright, I won't."
[9:42 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "You sure you want to go back to that room? I don't think it has a bed."
[9:43 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Yes. I want to go to that room."
[9:43 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Why? Why not one with a bed to sleep on?"
[9:46 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Because this one has a lock."
[9:47 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Pretty sure mine does to, as does Kaija's."
[9:52 AM] crab slambopoulis: "And nobody else is here"
[9:54 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Nobody else would be in either of those rooms."
[9:56 AM] crab slambopoulis: "...Fine. I'll go to one."
[10:02 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Alright, mine or Kaija's?"
[11:20 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Kaija's"
[11:22 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "This way." She leads her there. "You understand I won't leave you alone in here, right?"
[11:36 AM] crab slambopoulis: "yes you will"
[11:37 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I can't risk you harming yourself."
[11:39 AM] crab slambopoulis: "At least let me forget you're here"
[11:40 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "I won't say a word."
[11:43 AM] crab slambopoulis: 'good'
[11:44 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: "Oh and don't mind the smell. I am sure you know Kaija's habits." She says as she opens the door
[11:45 AM] crab slambopoulis: "Shut up."
[11:45 AM] crab slambopoulis: She walks inside
[11:46 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: She shrugs and follows
[11:48 AM] crab slambopoulis: She sits on the bed
[11:49 AM] Spooky DiurnalKnight!: Yavae silently sits on a chair, seemingly just watching
[11:51 AM] crab slambopoulis: ===============end?=======================

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